Capitol Police Demand Arrests of GOP Members


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of Congress (House and Senate) Who Aided Insurrection…

Raw Story: Capitol Police officers issue a letter on their official letterhead saying that they have a “profound disappointment” with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for opposing the Jan. 6 Commission.

Citing the “physical trauma” and “mental anguish,” the letter also acted as if the Republicans were using their opposition to the Commission to cover for GOP members.

“On Jan. 6 where some officers served their last day in the US Capitol Police uniform, and not by choice, we would hope that the Members whom we took an oath to protect, would at the very minimum, support an investigation to get to the bottom of EVERYONE responsible and hold then 100 percent accountable no matter the title or position they hold or held.”On the Raw Story Podcast: Marcus Flowers
Marjorie Taylor Green’s worst nightmare

Many Republicans have announced that the attack on the Capitol wasn’t that bad on Jan. 6, even going so far as to call the insurrectionists “patriots” or “tourists.” It’s a sentiment that has infuriated many DC Metro Police officers and Capitol Police, as they said in the letter.

“It is inconceivable that some of the Members we protect would downplay the events of Jan. 6. Members’ safety was dependent upon the heroic actions of USCP. It is a privileged assumption for Members to have the point of view that ‘It wasn’t that bad.’ That privilege exists because the brave men and women of the USCP protected you, the Members.”

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Capitol Police push back rioters

Sen. Mitch McConnell and Rep. Kevin McCarthy have both said they oppose a bipartisan commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of Donald Trump.

On Wednesday, anonymous members of the United States Capitol Police, in a letter addressed to members of Congress, said they felt “profound disappointment” in the decisions by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to oppose an investigation into the Jan. 6 attack.

The U.S. Capitol Police said on its Twitter account that the letter was not an official statement from the organization.

CNN reported that it had confirmed with the Capitol Police officer who wrote the letter that it represents the views of 40-50 officers.

“The brave men and women of the USCP were subjected to hours and hours of physical trauma which has led to months of mental anguish,” the members wrote.

Addressing McCarthy and McConnell, the Capitol Police write that it is “inconceivable” that “some of the Members we protected” would “downplay the events of January 6th.”

Noting that each indictment connected to the insurrection is a constant reminder of the trauma of the day of the attack, the letter says it “is unconscionable to even think anyone could suggest we need to move forward and get over it.”

The signees of the letter, which is on official Capitol Police letterhead, note that they are anonymous “because as U.S. Capitol Police Officers we are expected to remain neutral and do our jobs with honor and integrity.”

“It’s unfortunate that our ‘bosses’ (Congress) are not held to the same standard.”

The letter was sent to the media and to chiefs of staff of House members of both parties.

To: Members of Congress
From: Members of the United States Capitol Police
Subject: January 6th Commission

We members of the United States Capitol Police write this letter to express our profound disappointment with the recent comments from both chambers’ minority leaders expressing no need for a January 6th commission. The brave men and women of the USCP were subjected to hours and hours of physical trauma which has led to months of mental anguish. If you look around the Capitol building, you still have doors that are broken, windows still smashed and in some cases missing. Officers are forced to go to work with the daily reminder of what happened that dreadful day.

On Jan 6th where some officers served their last day in a US Capitol Police uniform, and not by choice, we would hope that the Members whom we took an oath to protect, would at the very minimum, support an investigation to get to the bottom of EVERYONE responsible and hold them 100 percent accountable no matter the title or position they hold or held.

It is inconceivable that some of the Members we protect, would downplay the events of January 6th. Member safety was dependent upon the heroic actions of USCP. It is a privileged assumption for Members to have the point of view that “It wasn’t that bad”. That privilege exists because the brave men and women of the USCP protected you, the Members.

Lastly, with each passing week, a new revelation about Jan 6th reveals itself. A new indictment comes to light, another newsreel of USCP officers being assaulted is released, or some breaking news regarding “somebody’s” involvement. With these constant reminders, it is unconscionable to even think anyone could suggest, we need to move forward and get over it.

Unfortunately this letter comes to you anonymously because as US Capitol Police Officers, we are expected to remain neutral and do our jobs with honor and integrity. It’s unfortunate that our “bosses” (Congress) are not held to the same standard that we, the USCP are.

Proud Members of the United States Capitol Police

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StevieRay Hansen
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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

One thought on “Capitol Police Demand Arrests of GOP Members

  1. Our first freedom, religious liberty, is foremost a moral
    requirement of the natural freedom of the human mind.
    As discussed in Appendix II, it is also the indispensable
    solution to the political-religious problem that emerged
    in the modern world. Faith is both a matter of private
    conscience and public import, which is why the
    founders encouraged religious free exercise but barred
    the government from establishing any one national religion. The point is not merely to protect the state
    from religion but also to protect religion from the state
    so that religious institutions would flourish and pursue
    their divine mission among men.
    Like religious liberty, freedom of speech and of the
    press is required by the freedom of the human mind.
    More plainly, it is a requirement for any government in
    which the people choose the direction of government
    policy. To choose requires public deliberation and
    debate. A people that cannot publicly express its
    opinions, exchange ideas, or openly argue about the
    course of its government is not free.

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