5 mins read

Judges 14:4 4 His father and mother did not know that it was from the LORD, for he was seeking an opportunity against the Philistines. At that time the Philistines ruled over Israel. Samson experienced a situation that is all too common today: “lust at first sight.” Even though God had given Samson a wonderful skill, he was unable to control his emotions. The story begins with him asking his father to arrange a marriage for a Philistine woman he spotted. The father begs him to pick a wife from his own people, but Samson insists on the Philistine woman since she is attractive in his eyes. I’d call this idolatry. He believed that a specific form would provide him satisfaction. Woman after woman, Samson never seemed to realize that true beauty is found within. However, as our text today […]


2 mins read

Watchman’s Daily Devotional: At Times, God Employs the Most Unlikely Individuals to Ensure That People Acknowledge His Divine Intervention.

By SRH, Judges 6:24 24 Then Gideon constructed an altar in that place dedicated to the LORD, naming it The LORD Is Peace. Even now, it remains in Ophrah, a place that is owned by the Abiezrites. A divine presence manifested itself to Gideon, entrusting him with the responsibility of guiding his people in a battle against the Midianites. Gideon wondered, “Why me?” He mentioned that his clan was considered the most vulnerable within the tribe, and he considered himself to be the least significant member of his family. Perhaps there was a mistake made by a higher power. He was assured of divine presence, as the LORD promised, “I will be by your side!” That truly changes everything. There is a prevailing belief that the presence of God and the support of even one person can greatly influence any […]


5 mins read

Watchman’s Daily Devotional: The Language Employed by God to Describe Their Unfaithfulness Is Powerful, Labeling It as “Whoredom.” They Had Vowed to Love God Wholeheartedly.

17 However, they disregarded the advice of their judges and  Whored themselves before other gods. They quickly strayed from the path taken by their fathers, who had walked in obedience to the LORD’s commands, but they chose not to do so. The following generation turned to idols after Joshua and the elders of his generation passed away because they were blind to everything that God had done for them. God appointed leaders to be judges. These men and women were well-respected for their wisdom and discernment. They arbitrated conflicts between individuals and led the troops into combat. God speaks of their transgressions as instructional, or as “whored.” They made a vow to love God above all else. The country looked up to him like a husband. If they followed His excellent laws, He would take care of them and protect […]


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