Soros-Funded Southern Baptist Leaders Now Calling For Donald Trump’s Impeachment, Conviction

George Soros Is One of Satan’s Servants, the Soft Christian Denominations Have Submitted to the New World Order, One World Religion Death March–SRH… Soros-Funded Southern Baptist Leaders Now Calling For Donald Trump’s Impeachment, Conviction Posted by Jeff Maples Last week, the Evangelical blogosphere made waves after the far-left George Soros-funded Evangelical publication, Christianity Today ran a hit piece calling for President Donald Trump’s impeachment over moral issues. In the wake of this dumbfoundingly stupid piece by Mark Galli, the magazine’s chief editor, Evangelicals began jumping on the bandwagon of impeachment lining up behind Nancy Pelosi — arguably the most immoral politician in modern history — to impeach Trump for his “immorality.” Since then, even more, have jumped on the bandwagon and now, a leader of the most influential Southern Baptist organization in history is calling for Trump’s conviction. Paul D. Miller is…

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The Elitist Want a Place at the New World Order Table, You’re Watching the Beginning of the End, Gun Grab is Coming

Gun Grab Pre-Tribulation’s… Virginia AG Says 2A Sanctuaries “Have No Legal Force.” But Is That Actually True? The Attorney General of Virginia stepped into the fray yesterday with an opinion on the validity of Second Amendment Sanctuaries that have sprung up across the state in response to draconian gun control legislation. He said that the Second Amendment Sanctuary resolutions have no legal force and that municipalities will have no choice but to enforce the unconstitutional laws, should the bill be turned into law in January. But is this actually true? Or is it just a statement meant to discourage dissent? Digging into this, it seems that it’s certainly not as cut and dried as the AG would have us all believe. Sturgeon Vows Legal Independence Referendum for Scotland This article will be filled with lots of quotes from pertinent legal documents. I’m not an…

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A Globalist Anti-American Scheme

“Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of man and devils… The “traditionalist” Neocons are going to have to decide to fish or cut bait. I’ve been writing about the fracturing Deep State for the past five years If you read my blog it is no secret I am a huge President Trump supporter and regard the leadership of the Democratic Party to be witting and maybe in some cases (though can’t think of any) unwitting transform-America Marxists. BUT I am not a registered Republican. Why?After President Reagan, GOP Presidents and nominees for President have been largely a disappointment to the Originalism of America’s Founding principles (that Dems so often LIE to defend). After McCain and Romney in varying degrees proved to be Republicans in Name Only (aka not…

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Red Flag Laws, a State of Nature and the Right to Shoot Back

Mr. Trump last year made a statement to the effect that the police should take the guns first and then go to court and have a judge decide, here’s what I can tell you, we have elected REPROBATES and they are now our slave masters, and these corrupt elected officials are going to disarm the America people, it’s coming, and it will be sooner rather than later. SRH… “Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not” Thomas Jefferson In the Lord’s freedom a sheepdog standing.warrior on White-bread Americans are in for a rude awakening as they find themselves at the end of a barrel and being told to disarm under the guise of “Red Flag” gun confiscation laws. The enforcement of Red Flag gun confiscation laws that are currently in place in 14 states…

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Germany Angela Merkel Has Inherited Hitler’s Philosophy, You Will Submit

Or We Will Break You down and Destroy You, Get in the Box Car… German Chancellor Angela Merkel Is Evil, says that freedom of expression must be curtailed in order to keep society free. Yes, really. “For all those who claim that they can no longer express their opinion, I say this to them; If you express a pronounced opinion, you must live with the fact that you will be contradicted,” said Merkel during a speech to the German Parliament. “Expressing an opinion does not come at zero cost, but freedom of expression has limits,” she added, as some in the Bundestag could be heard voicing their disagreement. “Those limits begin where hatred is spread, they begin where the dignity of other people is violated. This house will and must oppose extreme speech otherwise our society will no longer be the free society…

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Trump Is Surrounded by the Worst of the Worst, A Strong Delusion in the End Times

It’s just a matter of time before they wear Pres. Trump down, the deep state will fill the void and tribulations will be a reality, America’s people are in deep trouble and Bill Barr Covers For Deep State, Epstein Died From “A Perfect Storm Of Screw. Ups”. In case you aren’t getting it, Attorney General Bill Barr is a coverup artist for the Deep State.  He is not interested in the Constitution or doing what is right and his loyalty in the past to getting FBI snipers who shot unarmed women with babies in their arms should have told you that, but you believed your President that he was a good guy,  didn’t you?  Now, he’s providing cover for either Jeffrey Epstein himself or those who killed him because not only did Barr say that it was a “perfect storm of screw-ups” that resulted in Epstein’s…

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