The United Nations’ Morally Bankrupt

Venezuela secured a seat on the Human Rights Council, which reveals the fraud. The recent addition of Venezuela to the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) is yet another reminder about how ineffective and morally bankrupt the world body has become. The leftist dictatorship has jailed thousands and persecuted thousands more for not blindly following the regime of President Nicolas Maduro, who has turned down economic aid from other nations, presumably to teach his upstart populace a lesson. Maduro’s government is no longer recognized as legitimate by the United States and close to 50 other countries. With this large and international group aligned against it, it seems hard to believe that Venezuela would win a seat on the HRC. But Libya and Sudan also received enough votes to join the Council this go-round, so it appears anything is possible —…

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THEN BANG THE UN RESPONDS WITH A THREAT…. By Lisa Haven Alert! The United Nations is running out of money….Oh, wait! Who gives a s***!  Excuse my french, but this globalist organization has been trying to take over our country. They forcefully claim we have to open our borders, change our laws, follow their Agenda 2030 dictates, distribute our wealth to other nations, and suck every American dry of their prosperity. They want a full-fledged communist takeover and enforcement of the New World Order in which there unelected rear-ends take control.  I’ve about had enough and it’s high time to get the US out of the UN.   In the video below I reveal how President Trump has taken a bold stand against the UN and how the UN responds with a threat….  “Unless God has raised you up for…

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America is at War with Itself, No End to This Political Civil War in the Us

The polarization in American politics has become so extreme there seems no longer to be any center ground. The political establishment is consequently imploding into an abyss of its own making. President Trump is being driven into an impeachment process by Democrats and their media supporters who accuse him of being “unpatriotic” and a danger to national security. Trump and Republicans hit back at Democrats and the “deep state” whom they condemn for conspiring to overthrow the presidency in a coup dressed up as “impeachment”. The White House is being subpoenaed, the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives wants to access transcripts to all of Trump’s phone calls to foreign leaders; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has blasted congressmen for “harassing the State Department” in their search of evidence to indict Trump. Trump calls the impeachment bid a “witch-hunt”. Republican Representatives protest that the US is facing a dark…

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God’s Been Talking, Now He Has Their Attention

Earthquake Swarms Strike Texas, Oklahoma, San Francisco, And The New Madrid Fault Zone…. We are given a warning: we are not to be deceived, because these events are only the beginning of birth pains There is a whole lotta shaking going on in America right now, and many people are concerned about what that could potentially mean.  Could it be possible that the U.S. is entering a more seismically active time?  This week alone, we have seen earthquake swarms in Texas, Oklahoma, San Francisco and the New Madrid fault zone.  Of course, earthquakes happen every day, but to see so many earthquake swarms happen in such diverse places within such a compressed period of time is definitely unusual.  And what makes this even more unusual is the fact that Rosh Hashanah just ended.  In fact, the earthquake swarm that we just…

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California Legislature Passes Resolution Blaming ‘Religious Groups’ for Homosexual, Trans Suicides

California morally bankrupt, state of decay, pollution, or incorrectness. In the Bible, corruption is one of the effects of sin that resulted from the fall of man. In the beginning, God created a perfect paradise, free of sickness, pain, and death. Thus, corruption in the Bible is the state of moral contamination and spiritual decay expressed through disobedience toward God. Corruption is closely related to spiritual death. God told Adam that, if he ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he would “surely die” (Genesis 2:17). Adam didn’t die a physical death that day but a spiritual one that involved separation from God (Ephesians 2:1–3). California Needs To Woke Since they seem perpetually unable to take personal responsibility for their own perverse delusions and the self-violence that often ensues, members of the Cult of LGBTQE are now actively…

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Artificial Hurricanes Manufactured by Deep State Enterprise

The Bible says that God is sovereign. This means that He is ultimately in control of everything, not just some things. He is in control of the weather (Psalm 148:8), life and death (Psalm 104:29-30), and even seemingly inconsequential happenings (Proverbs 16:33). God’s sovereignty extends to the rulers of nations. “Wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them” (Daniel 2:20-21). One hundred, fifty years before the birth of Cyrus the Great, God was already calling him by name and promising to set him on the throne of Persia: “I will raise up Cyrus in my righteousness” (Isaiah 45:13). God’s sovereign plan allows for the pagan Cyrus, the proud Nebuchadnezzar, and, yes, the Hitlers and Husseins of the world. Romans 13:1 tells us, “There is no authority except that which God has established.…

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Todd Bentley Sexual Misconduct Allegations Widen to Pakistan

The first thing you will need to do is to first determine if you think you really have demons attacking either you or someone else you know. We have another article on our site titled, “What are the Signs of Demonization.” This article will help give you the vital information you will need so you can determine whether or not it really is demons who are attacking someone you may be trying to help. Mr.TODD BENTLY SHOULD ASK THE LORD TO LEAD HIM TO THE RIGHT DELIVERANCE MINISTER, HE IS POSSESSED Sexual misconduct allegations against Fresh Fire USA leader Todd Bentley have now snowballed to include reports from victims overseas, according to Stephen Powell, the estranged protégé of the popular and controversial faith healer, whom he dismissed in a report last Thursday as “not fit for public ministry.” “I’ve just had a written statement…

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Half Of the College Students Believe “In God, We Trust” Should Be Removed From US Currency “Godless America”

The English word godless is used about a dozen times in the Old Testament in the modern versions. The word literally means “without god.” The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines godless as “not acknowledging a deity or divine law.” The godless have no respect for God; their thoughts and words are profane; they act in impious and wicked ways. The Old Testament gives several details about the godless person. We find that the godless shall not have an audience with God (Job 13:16). Isaiah speaks of judgment coming upon Israel, who had become godless (Isaiah 33:14), at the hands of a godless nation (Isaiah 10:6). In the New Testament, the word godless appears four times in the New International Version and the New American Standard Bible, whereas the English Standard Version translates the same Greek word three times as “irreverent” and once as “unholy.” The first three occurrences…

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Former MCC Inmate Says Epstein Suicide Was ‘Impossible’

Part of our condition in suppressing the truth about God is that we become darkened. You don’t just hold it down because you see and don’t like it, but because you don’t even see it anymore. This is why so many will say, “I don’t suppress the truth of God; I don’t think there is any truth of God to suppress.” Paul would say, “The only explanation for such a stance in this world that God has made is a darkened heart — blindness to divine reality.” A former inmate at lower Manhattan’s Metropolitan Correctional Center who spent several months in the prison’s notorious 9 South special housing unit for high-profile prisoners told the New York Post that it would have been ‘impossible’ for millionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein to have killed himself.  “There’s no way that man could have killed himself. I’ve…

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Liberty Twp. Pastor Charged with Sexual Misconduct After Allegedly Telling Teen He Would ‘Cleanse’ Her

“If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion.” Liberty Twp. Pastor, part of the false religion leading million astray… Those who fall into evil behavior usually start slowly. Paul shows the tragic progression into more and more evil in Romans 1. It starts with refusing to glorify God or give thanks to Him (Romans 1:21), and it ends with God giving them over to a “depraved mind” and allowing them to be “filled with every kind of wickedness” (verses 28–29). Those who practice evil are in Satan’s trap and are slaves to sin: “Opponents [of the Lord’s servant] must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape…

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