26 mins read

Artificial Intelligence to Pave Way for Antichrist

…My Mission s Not to Convince You Only to Inform, the Light Went out in the Church, and That’s the Reason the World Got Dark. Dark Times Were Perpetrated by the “Last One Out, Turn out the Lights” “the Church Lights Have Gone out”….. Robot Uses Face Scanning AI To Ask People To Wear A Mask By Paul Joseph Watson of SummitNews With masks now becoming mandatory in many countries inside supermarkets, public buildings and transport systems, SoftBank Robotics Europe has reprogrammed its “cutesy” Pepper android to help enforce the new rules. A video demonstration shows the robot scanning people’s faces and then telling individuals not wearing a mask to put one on, while thanking those who are already wearing them. “Using an image recognition AI and Single Shot Detector, Pepper can scan the faces of up to five people at […]


9 mins read

The UN Is Normalizing Pedophilia: The Deep State Is Free to Prey Upon Your

Children… The Bible explains the reason for the trouble. Humanity is sinful, not just in theory or in practice but by nature. Sin is part of the very fiber of our being. The Bible speaks of “sinful flesh” in Romans 8:3. It’s our “earthly nature” that produces the list of sins in Colossians 3:5. And Romans 6:6 speaks of “the body ruled by sin.” The flesh-and-blood existence we lead on this earth is shaped by our sinful, corrupt nature. The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is sanctioning a sexual revolution that will culminate in the legalization and whole-hearted support of transgenderism but will also support the legalization of pedophilia. As the Deep State is further exposed for their role in PedoGate, we can expect more counterattacks such as the legalization of pedophilia. “The United Nations “Human Rights Council,” which counts some of the […]


12 mins read


A simple definition of truth is to define it as something that corresponds to its object. In other words, it is “truth” to say water is a substance that consists of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen and is found in oceans, rivers, and other locations. In fact, to deny this is true is to make a competing truth claim. To say, “That is not true,” is to claim the one making the statement knows it is not true because of another truth. Therefore, truth does exist. The next question is, “Can truth be known?” As limited human beings, we cannot claim to know all truth, but we can claim there are true things we can discover. This is true both of the physical world (such as identifying rocks or trees) and of the abstract world (numbers or ideas). […]


28 mins read

These Men Say The Boy Scouts’ Sex Abuse Problem Is Worse Than Anyone Knew

Second Peter 3:7 says that the ungodly will face judgment. Revelation 20:14–15 says, “Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.” Ultimately, those who reject God—the ungodly—will be separated from Him forever. So we have got to the point where truth and logic has given way to madness and an entire generation are being taught ridiculous concepts such as ‘sexual orientation’ and that ‘sexual orientation’ is fixed, yet your gender is fluid. In fact, they’re teaching young people that their gender is on a spectrum that can fluctuate from day to day. Yes, this is what they’re teaching your kids in  the Boy Scouts , so the perverts “pride” the door open to […]


18 mins read

Demands Of The Radical Homosexuals Militants are Completely Divorced From

Reality… A boundary is a “dividing line.” In geography, a boundary is that which marks the end of one property or jurisdiction and the beginning of another. In interpersonal relationships, a boundary is what divides one person from another, so that each can have separate identities, responsibilities, and privileges. A boundary creates the necessary “space” between individuals. Healthy boundaries define expectations and show respect for others. Biblically speaking, boundaries are related to self-control. The Bible commands us to control ourselves, whereas our human nature desires to control others (Titus 2:12). If left unchecked, our natural desires run roughshod over others. Personal boundaries help to limit our selfish inclination to control or manipulate others. Likewise, boundaries protect us from those who have no self-control and who wish to control us. A person with clear, healthy boundaries communicates to others what is and is not […]


7 mins read

Legalizing Sexual Child Abuse: Pedophilia Now Classified As A Sexual Orientation

Moral evil is wrong done to others, and it can exist even when unaccompanied by external action. Murder is an evil action, but it has its start with the moral evil of hatred in the heart (Matthew 5:21–22). Committing adultery is evil, but so is the moral evil of lust in the heart (Matthew 5:27–28). Jesus said, “What comes out of a person is what defiles them. For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, those evil thoughts come—sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and defile a person” (Mark 7:20–23). Those who fall into evil behavior usually start slowly. Paul shows the tragic progression into more and more evil in Romans 1. It starts with refusing to glorify God or give thanks to Him (Romans […]


15 mins read

“Equality Act” Is the First Stage In Their Attempts To Criminalize Christianity

“I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.” This first horseman likely refers to the Antichrist, who will be given authority and will conquer all who oppose him. The antichrist is the false imitator of the true Christ, who will also return on a white horse (Revelation 19:11-16). One of the first things Americans need to understand about Democrats is that virtually every piece of legislation they propose is misnamed. For instance, Obamacare — officially called “The Affordable Care Act” — made healthcare unaffordable for millions of Americans and far more expensive than it previously was for tens of millions more. And the recently-passed “Equality Act” is not about ‘equal rights.’ It is actually about creating inequality among Americans by conveying extra rights […]


5 mins read

The World Accept Sin, True Christians, Biblically Informed Christian Will NOT!

Many in society today want to view themselves as “tolerant.” By that, they usually mean “I accept people for who they are without passing judgment on any action or lifestyle choice.” But the biblically informed Christian cannot, in good conscience, approve of all actions or lifestyle choices; the Bible clearly delineates some lifestyles as sinful and displeasing to God. When a Christian’s convictions clash with the standard of tolerance set by society, the Christian is often labeled as “intolerant,” “bigoted,” or worse. Ironically, those who claim to be the most tolerant are the least tolerant of the Christian worldview. Sometimes the conflict between Christian convictions and secular standards of tolerance involves a Christian business being forced to photograph gay engagements, bake cakes or provide flowers for gay weddings, or rent rooms to gay couples. Other times, the conflict is not as […]


11 mins read


ON CONDOMS ENGAGE IN SODOMY, AND USE SEX TOYSENGAGE IN SODOMY, AND USE SEX TOYS… CULT OF LGBTEQP SAYS CALIFORNIA PARENTS CAN’T OPT THEIR CHILDREN OUT OF SEX INDOCTRINATION BECAUSE DOING SO WOULD BE “BULLYING” -The Hypocrisy The term “indoctrination” also implies acceptance without questioning or critical thinking. The Bible, however, strongly advises against this notion. First Thessalonians 5:21 tells us to “test everything; hold fast what is good.” First John 4:1 says, “do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits …” Second Peter 3:17–18 includes the warning to “… take care that you are not carried away with the error of lawless people …” Not even the apostle Paul (who wrote much of the New Testament) was to be believed blindly because the Bereans are praised in Acts 17:11 for having “examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” The Bible […]


9 mins read

Alan Dershowitz Defends Op-Ed Suggesting That Age of Consent for Sex Should Be

Lowered This Guy Is a “Pharisee”… Birds of a Feather Flock Together, People Who Have Similar Evil Characters or Interests, Especially Ones of Which Society Disapprove, and Who Often Spend Time with Each Other on Private Jets to Exotic Islands….. Hypocrisy is the contrivance of a false appearance of virtue or goodness while concealing real character or inclinations, especially with respect to religious and moral beliefs; hence in a general sense, hypocrisy may involve dissimulation, pretense, or a sham. Romans 1:18–28, “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness since what may be known about God is plain to them because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly […]


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