20 mins read

Very Unusual Seismic Activity On West Coast Has Experts Extremely Concerned

We are given a warning: we are not to be deceived, because these events are only the beginning of birth pains… After a bit less than 6 months and more than 100,000 aftershocks after the Ridgecrest event… Southern California geologists are waiting in fear for the next Big One… The west coast never stops shaking, but lately, the shaking has gone to an entirely new level, and this has many people deeply concerned about what may become. Last summer, a series of alarming foreshocks immediately preceded the two historic quakes that shook the Ridgecrest area in southern California. But those quakes were nothing compared to “the Big One” that scientists assure us is way overdue. Someday an earthquake that is hundreds of times stronger will absolutely devastate the California coastline, and it may be arriving a lot sooner than many people think. Farther north, […]


31 mins read

The Elitist Want a Place at the New World Order Table, You’re Watching the Beginning of the End, Gun Grab is Coming

Gun Grab Pre-Tribulation’s… Virginia AG Says 2A Sanctuaries “Have No Legal Force.” But Is That Actually True? The Attorney General of Virginia stepped into the fray yesterday with an opinion on the validity of Second Amendment Sanctuaries that have sprung up across the state in response to draconian gun control legislation. He said that the Second Amendment Sanctuary resolutions have no legal force and that municipalities will have no choice but to enforce the unconstitutional laws, should the bill be turned into law in January. But is this actually true? Or is it just a statement meant to discourage dissent? Digging into this, it seems that it’s certainly not as cut and dried as the AG would have us all believe. Sturgeon Vows Legal Independence Referendum for Scotland This article will be filled with lots of quotes from pertinent legal documents. I’m not an […]


15 mins read

Hallmark Reverses Decision to Pull Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ Ads After LGBTQE-E For Evil Celebrity Backlash

It’s up to the Viewers Now Turn off Hallmark… Hallmark reverses decision to pull same-sex ‘wedding’ ads after LGBT celebrity backlash   Advertising, Corporate Pressure, Ellen Degeneres, Hallmark Channel, Homosexuality, Lgbt Tyranny, Propaganda, Television, William Shatner PETITION: Tell Hallmark No LGBT Christmas movies! Sign the petition here. December 16, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — The Hallmark Channel has reversed its decision to stop airing four commercials featuring same-sex “weddings” and will now allow the controversial adverts to be aired. Hallmark initially decided to stop airing four commercials for the wedding planning website Zola.com after a backlash from viewers. The ad that sparked the backlash ended with two women, one in a white suit and the other in a white dress, kissing. The other ads that were pulled also featured same-sex kisses. But on Sunday, Hallmark announced that pulling the ads was the “wrong decision” after the channel came in for criticism from several celebrities. Celebrities William […]


23 mins read

Child Abuse in the Name of LGBTQE Tolerance, Parents Have Become a Child’s Worst Enemy

The Sin Virus Has Mutated out of Control… Society has become so delusional that it stands idly by and watches parents abuse children in the name of transgender ideology. When societies’ moral compass has broken, the spiral downward happens very rapidly. Birth pains are becoming intense. AUSTIN, Texas, October 25, 2019, In a letter to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, the state’s Attorney General Ken Paxton stated the children in the case of a mother who wants her seven-year-old son to undergo a gender “transition” are in “immediate and irrevocable danger.” Mr. Paxton called on the Department to open an immediate investigation, noting the agency has been aware of the matter since last year. Mr. Jeffrey Younger and Dr. Anne Georgulas, the parents of James Younger, were in a complicated custody dispute over James and his twin, Jude. Georgulas, […]


17 mins read

Google Faces Another EU Probe Months After $1.7 Billion Fine

One would have to ask, who could pay $1.7 billion in fines? The EU will leverage these fines into Google’s full cooperation with yoking the people into the New World order submission. Lawlessness abounds, and the antichrist will appear… Tech giant Google is facing yet another E.U. antitrust investigation just months after being fined $1.7 billion for violations. This investigation focuses on the company’s “collection and use of data” from users. Business Insider reports that tech giant Google is facing yet another antitrust investigation from European Union officials, just months after being fined $1.7 billion for antitrust violations. On Saturday, the E.U. confirmed that it had begun another investigation into the Silicon Valley Masters of the Universe. An E.U. spokesperson told Business Insider: “The Commission has sent out questionnaires as part of a preliminary investigation into Google’s practices relating to Google’s collection and use of […]


29 mins read

Trump Is Surrounded by the Worst of the Worst, A Strong Delusion in the End Times

It’s just a matter of time before they wear Pres. Trump down, the deep state will fill the void and tribulations will be a reality, America’s people are in deep trouble and Bill Barr Covers For Deep State, Epstein Died From “A Perfect Storm Of Screw. Ups”. In case you aren’t getting it, Attorney General Bill Barr is a coverup artist for the Deep State.  He is not interested in the Constitution or doing what is right and his loyalty in the past to getting FBI snipers who shot unarmed women with babies in their arms should have told you that, but you believed your President that he was a good guy,  didn’t you?  Now, he’s providing cover for either Jeffrey Epstein himself or those who killed him because not only did Barr say that it was a “perfect storm of screw-ups” that resulted in Epstein’s […]


36 mins read

“We Don’t Need People Deciding for Us What to Think, See or Hear. That’s a Load of Totalitarian Crap.”

Actor Rob Schneider issued a fiery pro-free speech screed and slammed the ever-growing, social media-driven trend of what he called “totalitarian crap;” that being people’s need to have other “people deciding FOR us what to think, see or hear.” “Sorry to have to repeat this again: Free Speech is ALL speech. Even the speech that you find repugnant. You are either for ALL of it or… you are for none of it,” Rob Schneider said. “We don’t need people deciding FOR us what to think, see or hear. That’s a load of totalitarian crap.” Rob Schneider✔@RobSchneider Sorry to have to repeat this again:Free Speech is ALL speech.Even the speech that you find repugnant. You are either for ALL of it or…you are for none of it.We don’t need people deciding FOR us what to think, see or hear.That’s a load of totalitarian crap.28.8K1:24 PM […]


15 mins read

“We Are Going To War”: Has The Final Apocalyptic Conflict Between Israel And Her Enemies Now Begun?

“What is Israel’s role in the end times?”… Every time there is a conflict in or around Israel, many see it as a sign of the quickly approaching end times. The problem with this is that we may eventually tire of the conflict in Israel, so much so that we will not recognize when true, prophetically significant events occur. Conflict in Israel is not necessarily a sign of the end times. Conflict in Israel has been a reality whenever Israel has existed as a nation. Whether it was the Egyptians, Amalekites, Midianites, Moabites, Ammonites, Amorites, Philistines, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, or Romans, the nation of Israel has always been persecuted by its neighbors. Why is this? According to the Bible, it is because God has a special plan for the nation of Israel, and Satan wants to defeat that plan. Satanically […]


42 mins read

Unless Someone Calls off This Craziness, the Country Is in a Permanent Coup, Doorstep Tribulation

Americans might soon wish they just waited to vote their way out of the Trump era… Peace is something everyone wants, yet few seem to find. What is peace? It can be defined as “tranquility, harmony, or security.” Depending on the situation, it could mean “prosperity” or “well-being.” Various forms of the word peace are found 429 times in the King James Version of the Bible. There are different types of peace, including false peace, inner peace, peace with God and peace with man. I’ve lived through a few coups. They’re insane, random, and terrifying, like watching sports, except your political future depends on the score. The kickoff begins when a key official decides to buck the executive. From that moment, the government becomes a high-speed head-counting exercise. Who’s got the power plant, the airport, the police in the capital? How many […]


8 mins read

History’s First Secret Impeachment Proceedings Characterized by Anonymous Accusers

Who May Never Be Identified, Cross-Examined or Even Named, Compliments of Big Tech’s Electronic Prison…. THOUGHT POLICE: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter all ban any mention of “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella as the Overton Window of allowable speech collapses, Birth Pains… Anyone publishing the name of the so-called deep state CIA “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella is being systematically de-platformed by Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. This is happening because lawless Leftists fully understand that the more people learn about Eric Ciaramella, the more rapidly the “Ukrainegate” impeachment hoax collapses. An insane effort has been undertaken by the entire CIA-run fake news media and CIA-puppeted tech giants to memory hole the name “Eric Ciaramella” and erases it from reality. What they are really trying to pull off is history’s first secret impeachment proceedings characterized by anonymous accusers who may never be identified, cross-examined or even named. This smacks of the […]


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