Christian persecution expected to increase in 2019


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Rural conservatives feel that their world is under siege, and that Democrats are an enemy to be feared and loathed.

By StevieRay Hansen | January 5, 2017

Knoxville, Iowa — One recent morning, I sat near two young men at a coffee shop here whom I’ve known since they were little boys. Now about 18, they pushed away from the table, and one said: “Let’s… Source: Rural conservatives feel that their world is under siege, and that Democrats are an enemy to be feared and loathed.


POLITICS-GOVT U.N. labeled ‘anti-Christian’ in U.S. push to exit

By StevieRay Hansen | January 5, 2017

Religious leaders and politicians alike are calling for the United States government to leave the United Nations (U.N.), with some insisting that the international agency merely exists to breed “globalist and radical Islamic agendas.” As more and more American sentiment continues to build up against the U.N. in the wake of its latest anti-Israel resolution, former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-Alaska) included herself in the opposition to the global organization by joining the #USexit movement that insists it is predisposed to work against American interests. “[The U.S. should] get the heck out of the U.N. and get the U.N. out of the U.S,” Palin exclaimed, according to WND. Joining the political backlash against the U.N., more and more prominent members of the conservative media are joining in the chorus to dismantle the beleaguered agency after it passed the resolution telling Israel […]


I’m a Lifelong Democrat. Here Are 3 Reasons I Pulled the Lever for Trump.

By StevieRay Hansen | January 5, 2017

  Asking with a terseness normally associated with changing religions or declaring a new nationality, many people that know me have politely cornered me and demanded: “How could you—a lifelong, left-leaning, Obama-believing, Indy-Dem voter—vote for Donald Trump?” My answer to them is simple: Our nation is in the middle of a crisis. We are stuck at the crossroad of hometown humiliation, job fabrication, and cultural mutation. Here’s what I mean by that. Hometown Humiliation My reasons for going Trump this election cycle weren’t a surprise to my hometown friends in Rust Belt Butler, Pennsylvania, home of the world’s first Jeep. In Butler, we’ve seen the destruction of our middle class, the loss of our factories, and the pollution of our clean water (Butler is now also home to the nation’s second most polluted waterway, [the Connoquenessing]( At the same time, we’ve […]


Obama is no friend of Jews or Christians

By StevieRay Hansen | January 4, 2017

Judaism and Christianity declare that God’s will and incontrovertible law is the source of men’s rights. Socialists like President Obama, however, view the two faiths as primary obstacles to the collective objectives of the state. Last year, Judson Phillips wrote in The Washington Times something apparent to anyone politically astute. He said: “It is beyond debate that America has a president who is cheering for and working for our enemies. We have a president who wants to see nations that hate America and an ideology of evil triumph over America as well as the Western values of freedom and liberty.” Now the president has instructed his U.N. ambassador not to veto a resolution condemning our best friend of democracy in the Middle East for building “settlements” on disputed lands. Yet the compromises Israel has made in the past over such […]


CNN is the least trusted cable news network…

By StevieRay Hansen | January 4, 2017

CNN is the least trusted cable news network, according to a new poll published Wednesday. The survey, conducted by Rasmussen Reports, found that 75 percent of likely voters watch at least some cable news each week. Of those, 42 percent watch Fox News, 35 percent CNN and 19 percent MSNBC. regarding political news coverage, respondents seem to view all the cable news networks with some skepticism. “Fair and balanced” Fox News scored the best with 50 percent reporting they trust the political news they are getting from the network. Meanwhile, 43 percent of MSNBC viewers said they trust the political news offered there. CNN came in last among the big three, with just 33 percent indicating they really believe “the most trusted name in news.” All Original Content Copyright ©2017 All Rights Reserved. “All Original Content Copyright ©2017 All Rights […]


NBC Is Building A Trump Normalization Machine Joe Scarborough, Megyn Kelly, Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice Connection, And Maybe Greta Van Susteren.

By StevieRay Hansen | January 4, 2017

NBC will have a machine ready to normalize him. Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough is cozying up to Trump, the network is literally paying Trump through Celebrity Apprentice, and MSNBC is reportedlyin talks to hire Greta Van Susteren, normalization effort at NBC begins at the top. MSNBC’s prime-time voices like Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow, and Lawrence O’Donnell are resisting efforts to normalize Trump. But it’s unclear whether they can win that fight with the leading voices at MSNBC and NBC News pushing the other way. All Original Content Copyright ©2017 All Rights Reserved. “All Original Content Copyright ©2017 All Rights Reserved. “”, “”, and the “” logo, are Trademarks of the – All Rights Reserved.”, “”, and the “” logo, are Trademarks of the – All Rights Reserved.


Health Care Commentary Don’t Let the Media Confuse You: Obamacare Is a Policy Failure

By StevieRay Hansen | January 4, 2017

Leave it to the media, which spent the latter half of 2016 highlighting how outrageously expensive Obamacare premiums were becoming, to suddenly shift gears in 2017 and stress the health law’s many “pluses.” Such was the case in a recent interview with Heritage President Jim DeMint, in which CNN anchor Carol Costello suggested that lawmakers would need to preserve the so-called benefits of Obamacare if they repealed it. In Costello’s words: For example, this is according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office and the Federal Reserve in Dallas. Preventative care provided by Obamacare … saves money and health care costs overall. In 2015, the cost of health care services increased 0.5 percent. The typical price increase before Obamacare, it was around 3 to 4 percent. Obamacare will lower the deficit by $143 billion over the next 10 years. So, there are pluses […]


Pro-Israel activist can’t wait for Obama’s, Kerry’s exit Wednesday, January 4, 2017

By StevieRay Hansen | January 4, 2017

An expert on Islamic terrorism is blasting the Obama administration for its recent mistreatment of Israel at the United Nations. In one of its first acts of the new session, the GOP-controlled Congress is expected to vote on a resolution opposing Security Council Resolution 2334. That measure passed the Council just before Christmas when the United States chose to abstain from voting rather than veto the anti-Israel measure which calls for a cessation of Israeli settlements within Judea and Samaria as well as East Jerusalem. The Senate is also expected to vote on a resolution reiterating America’s support for Israel. Brigitte Gabriel, founder and president of ACT for America, called John Kerry America’s “most embarrassing and dangerously foolish” secretary of state following what she describes as his “remarkably disgraceful” news conference defending the administration’s decision to abstain in the U.N. […]


Obama Going Out in a Blaze of Self-interest

By StevieRay Hansen | January 4, 2017

Town [Jonah Goldberg]( []( Posted: Jan 04, 2017 12:01 AM Of all Barack Obama’s costumes, the most ill-fitting is that of the hawk. The guise doesn’t work for all sorts of ideological and historical reasons. Plus there’s the fact that he’s rushing to put on the outfit as he’s heading out the door. The new sanctions against Russia are fine with me on the merits, even if they are remarkably tardy and being sold in no small part for domestic, political reasons. Russian President Vladimir Putin has been undermining American interests for a long time now. From the annexation of Crimea and a shadow war in Ukraine to his unabashed support for the butcher Bashar Assad in Syria, Putin has given the Obama administration every excuse to punch back. But until last week, Obama’s response had been to offer various […]


Dems can’t figure out what went wrong

By StevieRay Hansen | January 4, 2017

Billy Davis, Steve Jordahl [(]( Democratic leaders still reeling from Election Day should reconsider their party’s disdain for people of faith, says a Christian apologist. “There has been a rejection of God,” observes Alex McFarland, “and therefore a lack of outreach to potential voters that have morality, religion and the Christian faith as their basis.” He recalls the recent Democratic Party platform, released last summer before the convention, that took sides against Israel, against biblical sexuality, and worst of all, against life itself, a reference to its pro-abortion stance. Just how radical were the party’s principles? “The most progressive Democratic platform ever,” The Washington Postdeclared. “Democrats advance most progressive platform in party history,” NBC News similarly proclaimed. It was at the 2012 convention, after the platform was approved, that hundreds of delegates loudly voted to keep a reference to faith […]


No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me," Says the Lord.

Vice President Mike Pence told a crowd of graduates from the Christian-based Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, that they ought to be ready for ridicule because this secular world is about as intolerant of those of the faith as can be.

There is no doubt that persecution is a stark reality of living the Christian life. Christian persecution is to be expected: the apostle Paul warned that “everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Timothy 3:12). Jesus said that, if they persecuted Him, they will also persecute His followers (John 15:20). Jesus made it clear that those of the world will hate Christians because the world hates Christ. If Christians were like the world—vain, earthly, sensual, and given to pleasure, wealth, and ambition—the world would not oppose us. But Christians do not belong to the world, which is why the world engages in Christian persecution (see John 15:18–19). Christians are influenced by different principles from those of the world. We are motivated by the love of God and holiness, while the world is driven by the love of sin. It is our very separation from the world that arouses the world’s animosity (1 Peter 4:3–4).

Christians must learn to recognize the value of persecution and even to rejoice in it, not in an ostentatious way but quietly and humbly because persecution has great spiritual value. First, the persecution of Christians allows them to share in a unique fellowship with the Lord. Paul outlined a number of things he had surrendered for the cause of Christ. Such losses, however, he viewed as “rubbish” (Philippians 3:8) or “dung” (KJV) that he might share in the “fellowship of [Christ’s] sufferings” (Philippians 3:10). The noble apostle even counted his chains as a grace (favor) that God had bestowed upon him (Philippians 1:7).

Second, in all truth, Christian persecution is good for believers. James argues that trials test the Christian’s faith, develop endurance in his life, and help develop maturity (James 1:2–4). As steel is tempered in the forge, trials and persecution serve to strengthen the character of believers. A Christian yielding graciously to persecution demonstrates that he is of superior quality as compared to his adversaries (see Hebrews 11:38). It’s easy to be hateful, but Christlikeness produces kindness and blessing in the face of evil opposition. Peter says of Jesus, “When they hurled their insults at Him, He did not retaliate; when He suffered, He made no threats. Instead, He entrusted Himself to Him who judges justly” (1 Peter 2:23).

Third, Christian persecution enables believers to better value the support of true friends. Conflict can bring faithful children of God together in an encouraging and supportive way they might not have known otherwise. Hardship can stimulate the Lord’s people toward a greater resolve to love and comfort one another and lift one another to the throne of grace in prayer. There’s nothing like an unpleasant incident to help us reach a greater level of brotherly love.

Even in the face of Christian persecution, we can press on. We can thank God for His grace and patience with us. We can express gratitude for those whom we love in the Lord and who stand with us in times of distress. And we can pray for those who would accuse, misuse, or abuse us (2 Corinthians 11:24Romans 10:1).

A working definition of hate speech is "speech that is intended to insult, intimidate, or cause prejudice against a person or people based on their race, gender, age, sexual orientation, political affiliation, occupation, disability, or physical appearance." If that is the accepted definition, a Christian should never participate in hate speech. However, the problem is that the definition of hate speech is broadening over time. Proclaiming that a certain belief is wrong or that a certain activity is sinful, based on biblical principles, is increasingly being included in the definition of hate speech.

Ephesians 4:15 refers to "speaking the truth in love." First Peter 3:15 instructs Christians to defend their faith, but to do so "with gentleness and respect." Colossians 4:6 proclaims, "Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt." Sadly, some Christians fail to follow these biblical instructions. Some Christians (or at least people who claim to be Christians) speak the truth but speak it in such a way that it is very hateful. One prominent example would be Westboro Baptist Church and its "God hates fags" slogan. Westboro Baptist Church is correct in declaring the Bible's teaching that homosexuality is sinful, but they are declaring this truth in such a way that it is intended to be incendiary, offensive, and hurtful. Needless to say, the Bible does not support such methods.

It is likely that in the near future, governments will begin declaring more speech as hate speech, thereby making it illegal. In some parts of the world, it is illegal to say that homosexuality is a sin. In some countries, it is illegal to declare one religion right and other religions wrong. This steady broadening of what qualifies as hate speech could eventually lead to any effort to evangelize being declared hate speech since it would be "hateful" to tell a person that what he/she currently believes is incorrect.

What the perpetrators of this expanded hate speech definition fail to realize (or admit) is that to tell someone the truth is an act of love, not hate. Is it hateful for a teacher to tell a student that his/her answer is wrong? Is it hateful for a building inspector to tell a construction company that they are building on a faulty foundation? Of course, the answer to these questions is no. However, that is precisely the illogic that is being applied to current hate speech legislation. Telling someone that his/her religious views are wrong is somehow hateful. Telling someone that his/her lifestyle is immoral is somehow hateful. The logic is not, in any sense, consistent with how truth is determined in other areas of society.

Our goal is to speak the truth in love. We do not hate Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Catholics, Mormons, or Jehovah's Witnesses. Rather, we simply believe that these groups are making some serious theological and biblical errors. We do not hate homosexuals, adulterers, pornographers, transsexuals, or fornicators. Rather, we simply believe that those who commit such acts are making immoral and ungodly decisions. Telling someone that he/she is in the wrong is not hateful. In reality, refusing to tell someone the truth is what is truly hateful. Declaring the speaking of truth, presented respectfully, to be hate speech, is, in fact, the ultimate demonstration of hate.Source

StevieRay Hansen


It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated.

Like Joseph and Daniel of the Old Testament who served secular kings, we are called to serve everyone and help them fulfill their divine destiny. Jesus made it clear that people who want to lead or be great must be the servants of all. Serving is the way of leadership in the kingdom.

Forcing our way onto the world is not great leadership. Some accuse us of doing this very thing because we speak up on moral issues. It is important that we speak up on issues, but it's also equally important that we love everyone no matter their persuasions.

Someday Jesus will rule the world; in the meantime, we should just serve well and let our good works speak of our Father who loves everyone.

Evil Exists So Spiritual Warfare Becomes Necessary!


Evil men don’t understand the importance of justice, but those who follow the Lord are much concerned about it. ~ Proverbs 28:5

Jesus come quick, there is nothing left in society that’s sacred….



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

2 thoughts on “Christian persecution expected to increase in 2019

  1. God’s Love does not persecute, discriminate , hate, abolish, torture, kill, arm, buy guns, judge to determine intention for persecution, go blind, block HOLY Spirit, so help stop religious hate and persecution through dismanteling wicked assemblys of misinformed folks

  2. Romans 8:34, “Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.”

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