Court Recognizes Service Member’s Right to Refuse EUA Vaccine Mandates.


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The court recognizes the statutory right for military members to refuse a vaccine with only an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization).  The military cannot mandate vaccines that have not been FDA approved.

On November 12, the court in the Northern District of Florida considered the requests for emergency relief to pause the Department of Defense COVID-19 vaccine mandate. While the court declined to grant the emergency relief, it did observe that the Department of Defense cannot mandate a vaccine that only has an emergency use authorization (EUA). According to the court:

“And under 10 U.S.C. § 1107a, ‘[i]n the case of the administration of [an EUA] product … to members of the armed forces,’ that statutory right to refuse ‘may be waived only by the President only if the President determines, in writing, that complying with such requirement is not in the interests of national security.’ 10 U.S.C. § 1107a(a)(1). The DOD acknowledges that the President has not executed a wavier under this section, ECF No. 45 at 52:8-9, so as things now stand, the DOD cannot mandate vaccines that only have an EUA. 10 U.S.C. § 1107a(a)(1).”

This is significant, in that the court recognizes the statutory right for military members to refuse a vaccine with only an EUA.

Moreover, it illustrates the reason why the Department of Defense has used a “bait and switch” to substitute EUA COVID-19 vaccines (those without FDA approval) for Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine, which has been granted FDA approval. According to the court, “the plaintiffs have shown that the DOD is requiring injections from vials not labeled ‘Comirnaty.’” The attorneys for the government “could not even say whether vaccines labeled ‘Comirnaty’ exist at all.”

The DOD maintains that this does not matter – that the ingredients in the EUA Pfizer vaccine are “chemically identical” to the contents of Pfizer’s FDA approved Comirnaty vaccine. The court observed, however, that “there is no policy to ensure” that service members get the correct approved vaccines.

Source: USSANews

This entire operation has been chaotic and redundant in the eyes of United States service members. We’re talking about the very people who protect our individual rights. And our government is actually in debate of wether or not these service members have freedom of medical choice. Granted, anyone prior service knows that we’ve received countless shots in the past. But none of them had such political tension associated with them. When an entire side of the isle is sounding the alarm for the infringement of individual rights, it may be in your best interest to pay attention to what is going on.

Countless service members have been discharged from military service due to their awareness and ability to ask questions regarding their personal freedom. To those who have strong opposing opinions on vaccine efficacy and vaccine mandates, i would urge you to pay attention to the integrity of these elected officials. Pay attention to global politics so you can have a good idea of how America is being affected by other nations. As these COVID-19 policies are being shifted around, service members are dropping off like flies. Many whom don’t have a back up plan. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects people from discrimination who belong to traditional, organized religions, such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. But not only them. It also protects people who have sincerely held religious, ethical or moral beliefs but do not belong to a traditional, organized religion. Religion is broadly defined under Title VII. A religious belief does not require a belief in God or any deity. A sincerely held religious belief can be one held by only a single person. It also requires an employer to accommodate an employee’s sincerely held religious beliefs, practices and observances unless an accommodation would cause undue hardship.

The question of whether an individual’s belief is acceptable and sincerely held is an issue of an individual’s credibility. If the employee requesting exemption isn’t credible they’ll be subject to provide additional information pertaining to their religious beliefs. Such as a statement discussing the nature and tenets of his or her asserted beliefs and information about when, where, and how they follow the practice or belief. In some instances, you may need to site evidence in religious text that validates your claim to religious exemption. As terrible as this is, you’re going to have to fight for your rights in this situation.

“My explanation was that ‘Human life is sacred. The Bible tells you that your body is a temple. The vaccine is made from aborted fetuses. The mandate is directly affecting my religious beliefs.’ And that’s it,” said Brittany Watson, a nurse who received a religious exemption from the health system she works for in Virginia.

Company leaders can turn down requests that would pose an “undue hardship” on the business or other staff members, wrote legal scholar Doug Laycock for The Conversation last month. Undue hardship includes anything more than a minimal expense to accommodate for the individual requesting religious exemption.

4 Responses to the Controversial Indiana Religious Freedom ...

Military service members are having a much tougher time attaining approvals to their religious exemptions. Some have left their homes at eighteen as Christians, but felt uncomfortable putting it on their paperwork upon enlistment. So according to paperwork, their religious beliefs aren’t on file. This would require additional details to basically prove to uncle sam that you worship anything other than him.

The University of Pennsylvania religious exemption form is as invasive as it gets however. It begins by asking the employee to describe the sincerely held religious belief their receipt of COVID-19 vaccination. It then goes on to ask whether this religious belief has changed over time and, if so, to explain how it changed, when it changed and why it changed. The third question asks whether this religious belief prevents the employee from receiving all vaccines or only some vaccines. If the answer is that it prevents the employee from receiving only some vaccines, the form asks the employee to specify which vaccines they cannot receive and what is different about them.

Upon approval of religious exemption, i’d like to say congratulations on behalf of everyone who sees the tyranny for what it is. Also if you’re denied religious exemption, you may be subject to future compensation. It would be of great benefit to consider reaching out to an employment lawyer. Make sure to document as much as you can pertaining to the request/denial of religious exemption in the workplace.

I’d like to add that America became completely unrecognizable in the blink of an eye after Biden got hold of it. 71% of the population agree that we’re not headed on the right path right now. So go through the proper channels, and get fired the correct way. Don’t just quit your job, that would be like shooting yourself in the foot considering you didn’t give them the chance to approve or deny your request for religious exemption.

The action taken by Biden is a clear attack on conservative America. It simply won’t be ignored, the government will most likely be forking over copious amounts of compensation to the public alongside his trillion dollar infrastructure bill. We’re supposed to be persecuted as Christians, this should thicken our skin a bit and prepare us for what is to come in the future. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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