DOD Employees File Class-Action Lawsuit Against Biden Admin In Light Of Vaccine mandates.


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Government contractors and members of the military reportedly filed a class-action lawsuit against President Joe Biden’s vaccination mandate for the United States Department of Defense.

CBN News said a class-action lawsuit coupled with a motion for a temporary restraining order and injunction was filed by Liberty Counsel in behalf of the Department of Defense contractors and United States service men. The lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court Middle District of Florida on Friday against Biden, the Department of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

The U.S. service men involve members of the Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marines, and Navy along with other government employees and civilian contractors who detest the unlawful mandate to be vaccinated against the threat of being terminated from employment or discharged from the military. All in all, there are a total of 14 U.S. military members represented in the lawsuit that include high ranking officials.NOQ Report explained that the lawsuit was filed out of the COVID-19 vaccination mandate’s contradiction of the plaintiff’s religious beliefs after being “refused any religious exemption or accommodation” from it.

“Plaintiffs have demonstrated their commitments to the United States Constitution and the Nation’s future comfort, security, and prosperity. This Court should demand that the Nation return the favor. Telling Plaintiffs they must accept or receive a shot they oppose according to their sincerely held religious beliefs, or face court martial, dishonorable discharge, and other life altering disciplinary measures, disgraces the sacrifices these heroes have made,” Liberty Counsel raised in the lawsuit.

Besides restrictions on religious exemptions, the lawsuit cited experiences of intimidation, coercion, censorship and bullying experienced by members of the military when orders to be vaccinated have been opposed. A Navy chaplain provided a sworn statement that is part of the lawsuit that speaks of such intimidation. The chaplain raised that suicide of personnel poses a bigger threat than COVID-19 yet military commanders are not doing anything about it.

“I personally observed (and the Sailors told me in the course of counseling about) tremendous amounts of coercion, bullying, censorship, and intimidation being brought forth by the command to bear against the personnel who expressed objections of any kind to the COVID shot mandates, including religious objections,” the chaplain said.

“And clearly, the military has lost more lives to the increase in suicide from 2020-2021 (at least 1,012) than to all of COVID in 2 years (52), but suicide has not been a focus,” he added.

The 405-page lawsuit said the vaccination mandates imposed on the military men involved “pressure and abuse” that “are intense” wherein “disciplinary actions have already commenced for some.”

“Relief is needed now to prevent these military heroes, federal employees, and federal contractors from facing punishments including dishonorable discharge, court martial, and other life-altering disciplinary procedures, and termination,” the lawsuit pointed out.

Freedom of Religion newspaper headline on a copy of the US Constitution with gavel

Liberty Counsel Chairman Mat Staver underscored in a statement that Biden had “no authority” to require the COVID-19 vaccination on the premise that religious freedom can not be used as an exemption for it.

“The Biden administration has no authority to require the COVID shots for the military or for federal employees or civilian contractors. Nor can the Biden administration pretend that the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the First Amendment do not apply to its unlawful mandates. The Commander-in-Chief must end this shameful treatment and abuse of our brave military heroes. Forcing the COVID shots without consent or consideration for their sincere religious beliefs is illegal,” Staver said.

The fact that this man is nullifying religious exemptions is wildly unconstitutional. Sure enough, Bidense won’t see a second of jail time. Why? You know why. Our governing forces are compromised. Many of my brothers and sisters I left behind in the service can’t bring themselves to speak up despite their religious beliefs. They cant afford to just quit their job while they have families to provide for. Especially the lower enlisted soldiers; Some of my dearest friends won’t even talk about it because that would mean acknowledging that they have no real control over their lives despite everything they’ve worked so hard to get.

Luckily i was honorably discharged right after Bidense was elected. It made everything very clear to me, my brothers and sisters in arms were all walking down the same path before i left. Now it feels like i had to make a U-turn just to orient myself under this tyrannical administration. The push for infrastructure by this administration is vague for a reason. Watch as this administration strips you of your rights and plants the seed for a surveillance state. Give your surroundings your undivided attention, and you’ll see the rat race for what it is. Personally i don’t see a way out. My generation has become paralyzed by complex social media algorithms, and illogical perspectives. They’ve already got the youth in their grip. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

Sources: CBN, IC, NOQReport, ChristianityDaily



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Bryce Abbott


  1. ragman57 on October 19, 2021 at 6:18 pm

    Young boys at higher risk of hospitalization from Pfizer vaccine than from COVID

    According to a new pre-print study, healthy boys between the ages of 12 and 15, with no underlying medical conditions, were four to six times more likely to be diagnosed with vaccine-related myocarditis than they were to be hospitalized with COVID.

    To identify children with evidence of cardiac injury, researchers reviewed reports submitted to VAERS of adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 who received an mRNA COVID vaccine.

    The researchers identified a total of 257 cardiac adverse events (CAE) using the CDC’s working case definition of myocarditis, and found the post-vaccination CAE rate was highest in 12- to 15-year-old boys following their second dose of Pfizer. About 86% of the boys affected required hospital care, the authors said.

    Dr. Tracy Høeg, physician, epidemiologist and associate researcher at UC Davis, found the rate of myocarditis after two doses of Pfizer’s vaccine to be 162.2 cases per million for healthy 12- to 15-year-old boys, and 94 cases per million for healthy 16- to 17-year-old boys. The equivalent rates for girls were 13.4 and 13 cases per million, respectively.

    At current U.S. infection rates, the risk of a healthy adolescent being taken to the hospital with COVID in the next 120 days is about 44 per million, they said.

    • Bryce Abbott on October 19, 2021 at 7:27 pm

      The statistics have always indicated as such, it’s easy to only show people what they want to see before it’s too late due to the advancements in social media algorithms. It has effectively created two different realities. Satans illusion.

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