During Tribulation There Will Be Unspeakable Acts of Violence, You Are Basically


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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on Your Own, Bomb Attack on Michigan Trump Supporter’s House…

A Michigan homeowner says he was targeted in a middle of the night bomb attack which left a hole in his living room likely because he is a well-known Trump supporter. He also has multiple pro-Trump signs and banners on his front yard.

Police and media have interviewed the St. Clair Shores resident, just outside of Detroit, after the bombing was caught on tape. He wishes to remain anonymous for fear of further reprisal as police investigate.

Stillframe of neighbor’s surveillance footage aired by WDIV Detroit Channel 4 news.

It happened just after midnight early Saturday morning and shook the house in what was initially thought to be a massive transformer explosion. 

After hearing two loud booms his neighbors also “thought a bomb went off” according to a local FOX affiliate:

Surveillance video of the incident showed a man running up to his house and throwing an explosive through a front window, according to the station. Another recording captured a man running out of a pick-up truck and throwing a second explosive

“We came out and there was a big mess here,” the homeowner told reporters. “Everything was smoking and I got on the phone and called 911 and they showed up pretty quick.” 

Watch: surveillance footage & local news coverage showing the two explosions:

Leftists protesters stomp on a Trump supporter's head. (Twitter Screenshot @venturareport)

A group of leftist protesters attacked numerous Trump supporters who had finished taking part in a rally on the streets of Washington, DC, on Saturday. In one of the most graphic attacks, a man who tried to fight off an attack is hit from behind while at least two women kick and stomp his head.

Several videos captured numerous attacks by protesters that were chasing Trump supporters out of the rally area as the group made their way to their vehicles. Earlier in the day, thousands of Trump supporters had gathered in D.C. for a rally supporting U.S. President Donald J. Trump. Violence broke out as the rally ended and people attempted to leave.

The most dramatic moment takes place in the 1:25 second marker when a man holding a “Trump-Pence Out“ sneaks up from behind and sucker punches a Trump supporter knocking him out. Almost instantly two females kick and stomp on the man’s head before others rushed to his aid. Other videos also captured the intense harassment and threats that other Trump supporters even those with children, endured despite police presence in the area.

A group of Antifa militants have assaulted a number Trump supporters in Washington, DC, on Saturday. These incidents occurred just as thousands of Trump supporters flocked to the nation’s capital, in protest of the election.

The “Million Maga March” was overwhelming peaceful as thousands gathered in the capital, and even had a visitation by the President himself. As the day continued, activists began appearing and agitating attendees.

This dreary picture is echoed in the New Testament. Jesus said it will be a time of tribulation “such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall” (Matthew 24:21). In fact, Jesus said it will be so terrible that if it were not stopped at the end of seven years, it would result in the destruction of all life (Matthew 24:22). The Apostle John states that the chaos will be so great that the leaders of the world will crawl into caves and cry out for the rocks of the mountains to fall upon them (Revelation 6:15-16).

For those of you who care, Google and your favorite social media platforms have misled you, and now we all pay a heavy price for trusting the ungodly, Google and company, They knew exactly what they were doing, removing our history while preparing you to accept the New World Order playbook, Enjoy.

I Samuel 17. When you find yourself in situations for the cause of Christ and fear hits you, how do you react? This message explains why Saul and the army lacked courage while David had courage. Courage in the Christian life is not self-generated. Don’t let Goliath loom larger in your sight than God

Complete list of attacks on supporters of President Trump

Complete List Of Incidents of Hate Against Trump Supporters

LATEST: ‘Security Guard’ Arrested For Shooting Trump Supporter Identified As Matthew Dolloff

Man Arrested After Shooting At Crowd Of Trump Supporters

VIDEO: Biden Supporters Attack 7-Year-Old Boy For Wearing MAGA Hat

Black Trump Supporter Shot And Killed In Broad Daylight

Couple Arrested After Running Teens With Trump Flags on Their Bikes Off The Road

Leftists Attack and Call For Extreme Violence on Conservative Reporter

34-Year-Old Man Arrested For Attacking 15-Year-Old Trump Supporter

49-Year-Old Florida Man Threatened Trump Supporters With a Cane Sword

Man Celebrating Birthday Wearing “Make Fifty Great Again” Hat Attacked by Woman

Man Deliberately Drives Van Through Tent Belonging To GOP volunteers Registering Voters

Florida man charged with killing his pro-Trump boss over politics

Man arrested for hitting and choking retired Navy Seal Trump supporter

Michigan high school student attacked by teacher for wearing ‘Women for Trump’ badge

14-year-old kid violently attacked on school bus for supporting Trump

Vero Beach man charged with battery for spitting on Trump supporter and hitting his MAGA hat

Woman punched in side of head outside President Trump’s rally in Minnesota

Man Assaulted by Angry, Drunk Mob For Wearing MAGA Hat into Portland Bar

New York man viciously beaten for wearing ‘MAGA’ hat, says teens shouted ‘F— Trump!’ 

The complete list (updated as of October 2020):

  • 2019.06.04 – UK: Protestors chanting ‘Nazi scum’ throw milkshake on Trump fan moments after Corbyn’s anti-hate speech
  • 2019.06.04 – UK: An elderly supporter of the US president is pushed to the ground during anti-Trump protests in London.
  • 2019.05.03 – AZ: Conservative Jewish Student ‘Forced to Go Into Hiding’ After Admitting She Voted for Trump
  • 2019.06.02 – Daily Beast Doxx Trump Supporter Behind Viral Video of Nancy Pelosi
  • 2019.06.02 – CA: Assault at L.A Trump Supporter Street Rally
  • 2019.05.30 – D.C.: Theater cancels Kristy Swanson and Dean Cain’s pro-Trump performance over ‘threats of violence’
  • 2019.05.16 – CA: For sixth time, Republican HQ hit by ‘random’ vandalism in Humboldt County, California
  • 2019.05.01 – TX: Four Texas State University students were arrested Wednesday after a conservative student says one of them grabbed a “Make America Great Again” hat off his head and later kicked it as it lay on the ground.
  • 2019.04.30 – D.C.: Two men grab MAGA from the head of a man and harass a group of Trump supporters.
  • 2019.04.15 – WA: Surveillance video shows a conservative student trying to escape a fellow student she said is trying to run her down with his car. The woman said the two got into a heated discussion about her politically conservative views.
  • 2019.04.15 – MD: Immigrant from Togo pummeled by 2 men for wearing ‘MAGA’ hat
  • 2019.04.14 – PA: Antifa, others threaten Candace Owens event at U. Pennsylvania
  • 2019.04.11 MO: – Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles is attacked by student protestors while giving a speech at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Protestors rushed the stage and squirted a bleach-like substance at him and his crew.
  • 2019.04.11 – NY: ‘Model’ Assaults #WalkAway Founder Brandon Straka at the Airport for Wearing a MAGA Hat
  • 2019.04.08 – UT: High School Student Hospitalized After Vandal Pepper Sprays Venue for Conservative Group TPUSA Event
  • 2019.04.06 – CA: A Hispanic Trump supporter was attacked and called a racist at a post office by a customer who was triggered by her “Make America Great Again” hat
  • 2019.04.01 – CA: California Woman Spazzes Out, Tries to ‘Shame’ Elderly Man in MAGA Hat at Starbucks
  • 2019.03.28 – CA: Shattered Window at Humboldt’s Republican Headquarters Again!
  • 2019.03.25 – PA: Arsonist Torched Woman’s Car Because Cardboard Cutout of Trump Was Inside
  • 2019.03.23 – LA: Tulane University Student, Who Was Doxed For Being A Young Americans For Liberty member, Had His Dorm Room Door Set On Fire
  • 2019.03.17 – ID: Man assaulted for wearing a MAGA hat at a St. Patrick’s celebration
  • 2019.03.16 – CA: During Trump Flag waving rally man was hit in the head with a soda can filled with Bongwater
  • 2019.03.15 – NM: Vandals spray-paint the word ‘traitors’ on the Republican headquarters building
  • 2019.03.12 – AZ: Woman admitted to slashing tire over MAGA hat seen inside SUV
  • 2019.03.07 – VA: Virginia Teacher Wraps Trump Flag Around Student’s Neck
  • 2019.03.07 – FL: Video shows bus aide pulling ‘Make America Great Again’ hat off teen’s head
  • 2019.03.02 – TX: Woman assaulted at a bar for wearing a MAGA hat
  • 2019.02.26 – OK: Trump Supporting High School Student Cornered, Harassed, had Hat Knocked Off and Flag Stolen
  • 2019.02.25 – NJ: 81-year-old Trump supporter assaulted over his MAGA hat at a supermarket
  • 2019.02.21 – MA: Woman Attacked Trump Supporter for wearing a MAGA Hat at a Restaurant
  • 2019.02.21 – CA: While recruiting for a conservative group at UC Berkeley a leftist thug comes & assaults activist, punching him in the face & hitting him repeatedly
  • 2019.02.17 – KS: Vans Store Employee Fired After Telling 14-year-old ‘f*ck You’ for Wearing MAGA Hat
  • 2019.02.17 – KY: A Tennessee Man Was Arrested And Charged After He Pulled A Gun On A Man Who Was Wearing A Make America Great Again Hat Inside Sam’s Club
  • 2019.02.12 – NY: Conservative students at SUNY-Oswego receive death threats for set up a table with signs promoting President Donald Trump’s southern border wall
  • 2019.02.08 – MD: White House counselor Kellyanne Conway revealed that a woman has been charged for grabbing and shaking her while Conway was eating out with her teenage daughter in Bethesda, Maryland.
  • 2019.01.19 – D.C.: Pro-Trump Journalist Owen Shroyer presses charges against a woman who grabbed his genitals on camera during the 2019 Woman’s March in Washington D.C.
  • 2019.01.18 – D.C.: Tens of Thousands of Threats Including Death Threats Were Made Against The Covington Catholic School Students
  • 2018.11.13 – AZ: Man wearing MAGA hat assaulted while walking downtown Tucson
  • 2018.11.05 – OH: Building targeted in bomb threat cleared ahead of visit from President Trump
  • 2018.11.03 – FL: Gillum (D-FL) intern arrested in Florida for throwing chocolate milk at College Republicans
  • 2018.10.31 – MI: Traverse City GOP office evacuated for bomb threat
  • 2018.10.31 – MI: Grown Woman Threatens Violence Against 11-Year-Old over Trump Halloween Costume
  • 2018.10.29 – FL: Shots Fired into South Daytona Republican Party Office
  • 2018.10.25 – IA: Johnson County Iowa Republicans Headquarters vandalized
  • 2018.10.24 – N.J. GOP Congressional Candidate Receives Letter Threatening His Children
  • 2018.01.23 – CA: Boulder thrown through Republican Kevin McCarthy’s office window
  • 2018.10.19 – NY: New York Man Charged With Threatening Two Republican Senators Over Kavanaugh Support
  • 2018.10.17 – NV: Dem operative for Soros-funded group arrested for ‘battery’ against Nevada GOP candidate’s campaign manager
  • 2018.10.17 – TN: Restaurant owner’s life threatened for renting space to GOP’s Marsha Blackburn
  • 2018.10.16 – NM: Comedian George Lopez Charged With Battery … After Trump Joke Triggers Fight
  • 2018.10.15 – MN: Republican State Representative Sarah Anderson confronted a man for kicking her campaign sign when he charged at her
  • 2018.10.15 – MN: Republican candidate for Minnesota House seat suffered a concussion after a man punched him in the face at a Benton County restaurant
  • 2018.10.12 – NY: Vandals Smash Windows, Deface Doors of Metropolitan Republican Club in Manhattan
2016.11.04 – CO: Trump’s Denver Campaign Office Vandalized with Painted Anti-Trump Message
  • 2018.10.12 – AZ: A Republican campaign office was reportedly vandalized in Mesa, Arizona
  • 2018.10.10 – CT: Stanford College Republicans President John David Rice-Cameron Assaulted at Pro-Kavanaugh Event
  • 2018.10.10 – WA: A truck with ‘Trump 2020’ bumper stickers was set on fire
  • 2018.10.07 – CO: Republican Sen. Gardner claims wife received a beheading video through text message
  • 2018.10.06 – IL: Republican headquarters in Rockford vandalized with word ‘rape’ because of Kavanaugh hearings
  • 2018.10.02 – D.C.: GOP Congressman Andy Harris (R-MD) assaulted by protesters
  • 2018.09.11 – CA: Man Tries To Stab California GOP Candidate For Supporting Trump
  • 2018.09.06 – WY: Wyoming GOP office set on fire in an apparent arson
  • 2018.08.29 – NC: Gay #BlackForTrump Supporter, wearing a #TeamTrump shirt & a MAGA hat, was sucker punched at the local club
  • 2018.08.28 – CA: Student Arrested and Charged for Stealing Another Students MAGA Hat and Smacking Teacher
  • 2018.08.19 – Dad Dares Daughter To Knock Off Dude’s MAGA Hat For 100 Bucks. And She Does It!
  • 2018.08.14 – CA: Punk Rock Frontman Jumps Off Stage, Attacks Trump Supporter In Middle Of Concert…
  • 2018.08.06 – FL: Vandals throw dead fish on Lee Co. Republican headquarters
  • 2018.08.07 – CA: Humboldt Republicans headquarters vandalized
  • 2018.08.06 – PA: Antifa Protesters Attack Charlie Kirk & Candace Owens in Philadelphia Restaurant
  • 2018.08.04 – PA: Man parks his car with Trump sticks in Philadelphia. When he returns he finds all 4 tires slashed and serious dents all over.
  • 2018.08.01 – MA: Woman enraged by Trump bumper sticker intentionally rammed into car, police say
  • 2018.07.26 – KY: Fayette County GOP headquarters vandalized
  • 2018.07.26 – CA: Trump Supporters Attacked At Donald Trump’s Walk Of Fame Star
  • 2018.07.22 – MA: Republican opponent of Elizabeth Warren, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, was Attacked by Elizabeth Warren supporter
  • 2018.07.18 – CA: Leftist Mob Hurls Feces At Pro-Trump Kosher Coffee Shop
  • 2018.07.18 – WA: Leftist Assaults Teen Trump Supporter For Wearing MAGA Hat
  • 2018.07.13 – UK: In London, pro-Trump counter-protesters hit with abuse, some violence
  • 2018.07.13 – CA: 76-year-old Man Assaulted by Anti-Trump Thug, 36-year-old Attorney Benjamin Siminou, in San Diego
  • 2018.07.09 – VA: Longtime Hillary Clinton aide publishes contact information about bookstore owner who stopped the harassment of Steve Bannon in order to harass the bookstore owner
  • 2018.07.06 – IL: Brick Thrown Through Front Door Of Wheeling Township Republican Headquarters
  • 2018.07.06 – NY: Man threatened to kill supporters of Trump, GOP congressman outside campaign office, police say
  • 2018.07.04 – FL: Homeowner says he was attacked over President Trump flag in yard
  • 2018.07.04 – TX: 16-Year-Old Teen Attacked for Wearing ‘Make American Great Again’ Hat
  • 2018.07.03 – NE: GOP office windows smashed, ‘ABOLISH ICE’ spray-painted on the sidewalk
  • 2018.06.25 – D.C.: Burned animal carcass left on Trump staffer’s porch
  • 2018.06.16 – CA: Jewish Trump Supporter Attacked Outside Kathy Griffin Show In San Francisco
  • 2018.06.16 – CA: Jewish Trump Supporter Attacked Outside Kathy Griffin Show In San Francisco
  • 2018.05.23 – MN: Water & Profanities Thrown At Fox News Contributor Tomi Lahren In Minneapolis
  • 2018.05.13 – FL: Cheesecake Factory Employees Attack Black Man For Wearing MAGA Hat
  • 2018.04.14 – NY: Danish tourist mugged at knifepoint over MAGA hat
  • 2018.04.05 – FL: Trump Supporter Punched While Waving Trump Signs in Public
  • 2018.04.04 – Texas: Councilwoman accused of yelling obscenities over teen wearing Trump shirt
  • 2018.04.04 – TX: Law enforcement filed a disorderly conduct charge against Councilwoman for yelling obscenities at teen wearing Trump shirt
  • 2018.04.03 – D.C.: Trump supporter ‘brutally attacked’ in D.C. restaurant
  • 2018.04.02 – D.C.: Woman says she was attacked by 2 women after telling them she was Trump supporter
  • 2018.03.18 – CA: Trump Supporters Peacefully Protest Anti-Police Coffee Shop and Get Attacked
  • 2018.03.16 – D.C.: Capitol Police Arrested Male Dem Operative For Assaulting Female Trump Admin Official
  • 2018.03.15 – MN: Student with ‘Trump’ flag assaulted by mob during National School Walkout
  • 2018.02.27 – NY: Trump Supporter Threatened With Knife For Not Opposing Trump
  • 2018.02.07 – NY: Suspect in ‘white powder’ letter to Trump Jr. donated to Dems, posted anti-Trump rants on Facebook
  • 2018.02.06 – NY: Anti-Trumper Pulls Knife on Man Who Doesn’t Hate Trump [Media tries to claim it was a Trump supporter]
  • 2018.01.20 – NY: Protester Charged in Serious Attack on Trump Supporter at a NYC Mike Cernovich Event, Also Tried to Put Cop in Headlock
  • 2017.12.14 – NY: Woman accused of supporting Trump gets robbed, groceries are thrown at her in Bronx deli
  • 2017.12.07 – NY: Students wearing MAGA hats booted from ‘safe space’ coffee shop
  • 2017.12.02 – MA: Antifa attacks Trump supporter outside of a Harvard Book Store
  • 2017.12.02 – MA: Trump Supporters truck and home vandalized for the second time
  • 2017.11.27 – TX: Man Who is Not a Trump Supporter Attacked For Being a Trump Supporter
  • 2017.11.20 – IL: University of Illinois Ph.D. student/instructor assaults conservative students at Anti-Trump rally
  • 2017.11.12 – Blaire White assaulted in Hollywood for wearing a Trump hat
  • 2017.11.03 – KY: Anti-Trump Democrat Charged with Assaulting Senator Rand Paul at His Home
  • 2017.10.09 – CA: Trans Pro-Trump Student Assaulted By Anti-Trump Activists at Travel Ban Protest
  • 2017.09.28 – CA: Angry Student Steals MAGA Hat, Demands Victim Be Punished
  • 2017.09.17 – An American woman decided to throw a glass at another American in a Danish Bar in the city of Aarhus. She didn’t like that he was wearing a MAGA cap.
  • 2017.09.07 – NY: Hunter College professor wishes death upon Trump supporters in Florida
  • 2017.09.07 – WA: Roosevelt High School Republican Club Co-President was Physically Assaulted in the Gym Because of His Support for Trump
  • 2017.08.28 – CA: Vandals In SF Place Trump “MAGA” Bumper Sticker on Car and then Spray Painted it “KKK” and Slash the Tires
  • 2017.08.27 – CA: Berkeley Antifa Terrorism
  • 2017.08.26 – KY: Republican headquarters in Fayette County, Kentucky were vandalized with “Die Nazi” and “Nazi Scum” sprayed onto their windows
  • 2017.08.24 – Black Trump Supporter Spit On For Being a Black Man Wearing ‘MAGA’ Hat
  • 2017.08.23 – CA: Antifa Richard Losey Arrested for Sucker Punching Trump supporter after Laguna Beach Rally
  • 2017.08.22 – AZ: Trump Supporter Punched By Protesters While Fleeing Arizona Rally
  • 2017.08.17 – NH: ‘Nazis’ spray painted on New Hampshire GOP headquarters
  • 2017.08.14 – VA: Conservative Student Attacked For Wearing YAF Hat At Vigil For Charlottesville
  • 2017.07.07 – Student Brutally Threatened by Left-Wing Teammates for Being Republican and Supporting Trump
  • 2017.07.06 – NY: Conservative activist Jovi Val attacked by liberal @ NYC bar after Milo’s party. A beer bottle was smashed on his face for wearing a MAGA hat
  • 2017.07.02 – PA: Philadelphia Antifa Attack Trump Supporter Carrying “Trump 2020” Sign with a Bottle
  • 2017.06.15 – VA: Republican Congressional Baseball Shooter was Big Bernie Supporter and even Volunteered for the Campaign
  • 2017.06.15 – IN: Several shots fired at truck flying ‘Make America Great Again’ flag on I-465
  • 2017.06.10 – WA: Trump supporter was beaten with ‘Queers for Muslims’ sign
  • 2017.06.07 – WA: Woman Brutally Beaten for Simply Admitting to Being Trump Supporter
  • 2017.06.04 – OR: Mayor Demands Police Chief Explain Use of Crowd Control When Anti-Trump Thugs Threw Urine and Feces Filled Balloons, Balloons with Unknown Chemicals, Marbles, Bricks, and Rocks at Trump Supporters. Mayor Preferred Police Use No Crowd Control Devices At All.
  • 2017.05.19 – CT: Man arrested on 103 counts of vandalism at UConn, many anti-Trump
  • 2017.04.23 – DC: Antifa Gets arrested in 15 Seconds after Assaulting Trump Supporter
  • 2017.04.15 – CA: Berkeley Free Speech Rally Attacked By Antifa (Anti-First Amendment) Comrades with Rocks, M-80’s, and Bike Locks
  • 2017.04.14 – MD: 2 Arrested For Burning Trump Sign. Police: “Trump sign burned for ‘race and religious’ beliefs”
  • 2017.04.14 – D.C.: Jackie Evancho Opens Up About Being Bullied For Singing At Trump’s Inauguration
  • 2017.04.09 -2017.04.07 – CA: Cal State Professor: ‘Trump Must Hang,’ Republicans Should Be Executed For Each Immigrant Deported
  • 2017.04.02 – WA: Antifa Clash with Trump Supporters at Pro-Rally
  • 2017.03.25 – CA: Pro-Trump March Pepper-Sprayed & Attacked By Protester
  • 2017.03.19 – CA: Violent Kids Hit Trump Supporter in the Face with a Skateboard. Says “I Can Do What I Want”.
  • 2017.03.16 – CA: ‘M_rder Trump ASAP’ Graffiti Found on Freeway Wall
  • 2017.03.15 – MI: U of M Student Detained After Pulling Trump Supporters’ Flag Off His Trailer
  • 2017.03.15 – CA: Pro-Trump Radio Host Michael Savage Attacked. ‘It Is Clearly Open Season on Prominent Trump Supporters’
  • 2017.03.14 – MA: In Newton, Young Trump Supporters Are Online Targets
  • 2017.03.12 – MN: Conservative Students Say They Have Been ‘Violently Threatened’ at St. Olaf College
  • 2016.05.24 – NM: Trump Rally Protesters Attack Trump Supporters, Burst Through Police Barricades, Throw Rocks, and Set Fires in the Streets.
  • 2016.5.24 – IL: Milo Yiannopoulos Assaulted by BLM ‘Protesters’ at Chicago’s DePaul University
  • 2016.05.24 – NM: Disabled Trump Supporter Gets Water & Water Bottles Thrown At Him By Protesters
  • 2016.05.20 – FL: Trump Supporters’ Home Vandalized, Lawn Burned
  • 2016.05.16 – CA: Vandals Egg Home of Trump Supporter, Destroy Trump Flag, & Throw Paint on his Truck
  • 2016.05.08 – WA: Man Says He Was Called a ‘Trump Supporter’ before Bellingham Beating
  • 2016.04.29 – CA: ‘Complete Chaos’ as Trump Protesters Beat Up Trump Supporter & Threw His Phone
  • 2016.04.28 – CA: Trump Supporter Gets Beaten Up. Rocks are Thrown at Trump Supporters, Police, and Police Horse at Costa Mesa Rally.
  • 2016.04.27 – CA: Pair of Girls, Ages 8 and 11, Were Among the Bystanders Struck by an Anti-Trump Counter-Protester’s Stream of Pepper Spray
  • 2016.04.24 – Man Arrested, Charged With Threatening To Bomb Trump Rally
  • 2016.04.16 – OR: Masked Anti-Trump Protester Spits In Trump Supporters’ Face
  • 2016.04.16 – NY: Trump Supporter with 2nd Amendment Banner is Grabbed and Pushed By Anti-Trump Protesters
  • 2016.04.13 – OR: Portland Man Says His Car Windows Were Smashed Twice Because He Supports Donald Trump. Won’t Back Down And Remove His Trump Bumper Stickers.
  • 2016.04.13 – PA: Trump Supporter Attacked Outside Pittsburgh Rally
  • 2016.04.10 – WA: Trump Supporter’s Tire Slashed; Vandal Claims “It Was An Act Of Community Service”
  • 2016.04.08 – OR: Protesters Crash Pro-Trump Student Event. “Every single Trump supporter has a full legal name attached to a social security number with a place of residence, [and] an employer…that information is easy to find online,”
  • 2016.04.06 – NC: Trump Supporter Shocked After Vehicle Vandalized Because of His Trump Supporter
  • 2016.04.04 – WI: Teen Arrested After Throwing Egg at Donald and Melania Trump at Milwaukee Rally
  • 2016.03.29 – WI: After an Anti-Trump Protester Punched a Trump Supporter, and She Gets Pepper Sprayed In Return. “I Deserved That”
  • 2016.03.19 – Protesters Block Road Near Trump’s Fountain Hills Rally in Arizona
  • 2016.03.19 – FL: Man shatters door & throws taco at Donald Trump Jacksonville headquarters
  • 2016.03.18 – RI: Vandals Key Coventry Man’s Car Bearing Trump Bumper Sticker
  • 2016.03.18 – CA: Republican Students Pro-Trump Bumper Stickers’ Vandalized at Saint Mary’s College of California
  • 2016.03.17 – NC: Idiot Records Herself Running Over A Trump Sign With Her Car
  • 2016.03.16 – FL: Trump campaign signs stolen from a Naples home, home vandalized
  • 2016.03.14 – 70-Year-Old Virginia Trump Supporter Faces Threats, Harassment, and has Home Vandalized
  • 2016.03.14 – FL: Vandals target neighboring Trump supporters by spray-painting ‘Nazi scum’, ‘KKK’, and ‘f*** Trump’ on street in front of homes
  • 2016.03.12 – NJ: Donald Trump supporter’s billboard burned in Egg Harbor Township
  • 2016.03.12 – Psycho Tries To Attack Donald Trump
  • 2016.03.11 – Riots After Trump Chicago Rally Cancelled. Police Officer Attacked by Anti-Trump Protesters. Blocking Ambulance.
  • 2016.03.09 – GA: Trump Supporter has Trump Sign Taken & Gun Pulled on him by Trump Haters
  • 2016.02.29 – FL: Trump Volunteers Brutally Assaulted & Body Slammed While Campaigning
  • 2016.01.26 – IA: Protesters Threw Two Tomatoes at Donald Trump at a Rally in Iowa City
  • 2016.01.25 – NH: Trump Supporter’s Large Sign Vandalized with Graffiti Islamic Symbol
  • 2016.01.09 – MA: Donald Trump’s campaign headquarters in Mass. vandalized
  • 2015.12.12 – CO: ACLU Leader Resigns After Saying He Would Shoot Trump Voters
  • 2015.09.04 – TX: Attackers Beat Texas Teen Because He Seemed Like a Donald Trump Supporter

You’re not going to see a list like this in the mainstream media anytime soon.

We’re at the Point in This Country Where Our Government Puts Out the Memo to Inform Those That Go Against the State Narrative — They Will Be Shut Down, Welcome to Hell on Earth, a.k.a. the Great Tribulations, Brought to You by Satan Soldiers…

StevieRay Hansen WatchMan

Now, it seems more and more apparent that the dominoes are falling on cue.

We’ve entered the “everything’s bad” phase of this no-good, terrible year. It appears that the great theft of the presidency is upon us as Pennsylvania and Georgia are in the process of declaring Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 election. And while that seems bad enough, my worst fears are poised to come true. It’s playing out just as I hoped it wouldn’t.

In the end, President Trump is going to win this election. And that’s part of “the plan.” No, I’m not talking about some QAnon “trust the plan” theory in which the President is playing 4-D chess by putting watermarks on ballots to expose the Democrats. I’m talking about the plans of powers and principalities. I’m talking about real end times stuff. And it’s all playing out. It’s all coming to pass.

Here’s the scenario, as it has been laid out by many people on social media. Joe Biden is declared the winner. President Trump’s team fights it all the way to the Supreme Court. All the while, mainstream media, Big Tech, every Democrat, a good chunk of Republicans, foreign leaders, and especially the Deep State are calling on President Trump to accept the results. They’ll claim there’s no evidence of voter fraud, or at least not enough to have swayed the election. But in what will be painted as a questionable decision, the Supreme Court sides with the campaign and throws out just enough ballots to declared President Trump the winner.

This sounds like a good thing, right? From many angles, it is. But it will also mark the beginning of the next part of the evil plan, which is to spark open revolution in the United States. It’s won’t be the type of civil war we read about from the 19th century. It will be neighbor against neighbor. It will be major cities and small towns overrun by masses of people driven by the spirit of antichrist. There will be rebellion in the halls of government. Even the military itself will be divided. The end of this nation may be upon us. At the very least, it will be a fracturing moment that will bring very disastrous times to the United States. People will die. If the nation survives, it will not be what it was before.

Some may wonder why I don’t just accept that Joe Biden’s going to win. That’s bad enough, right? Well, yes, but the clumsiness by which they’ve stolen this election tells us things didn’t go as they planned… or at least how they were told it was planned. They were expecting to take the Senate and expand in the House. They telegraphed their moves as if they were told the outcome was going to be unambiguous. That’s all from the Democrats. Then, we look at how mainstream media and Big Tech were conditioning us to not be able to question the results. For at least two months we’ve been told that the blue wave was coming and that we won’t be able to spread “lies” to the contrary.

If I had to put a number on whether I thought we’ll survive this as a nation and a people, I’d put it at 50/50. We do not know the depth of the forces at work against us and we do not know if the forces that protect us are going to let it happen. All we know is that things are going to get bumpy at the very least. Will the turbulence be enough to take down this whole thing? We’ll know soon enough.

First and foremost, now is the time for believers in the Bible to secure our faith, as it will be tested. Second, we must be prepared for very hard times from a worldly perspective. If that means “prepping” to some of you, so be it. Third, we need to keep a positive attitude even in the face of potential oblivion. Why? Because we know how the story ends. If it’s God’s will that we are to survive this, rejoice! If it’s God’s will that we are to crumble, then we know the end times are here and we can look forward to the King’s nearing return. Either way, the future is wonderful in this world or the next.

The end goal of the radical left was never to elect Joe Biden. It was to vilify President Trump and by doing so, justify the destruction of America. When he “steals” the election through the courts, their revolution will begin. Be prepared.

Events of the Tribulation

In the Great Tribulation 2 ½ million die every day for 42 months. In Auschwitz, less than a thousand died each day. That means 2500x as many people die every day. Or to put it in Auschwitz terms—the number of people that died every day at Auschwitz will die every 30 seconds in the Great Tribulation! Or in other terms living on earth will be like living in an Auschwitz death camp—and in death toll there will be the equivalent of an Auschwitz Holocaust twice a day for 42 months!

A brief look through the pages of Revelation chapters six, eight, nine, and sixteen–describe the living hell you can avoid if you are saved this morning. Here are only a few of the dreadful disasters that take place during the Tribulation:

  • One out of every two people will die during the Tribulation (see Rev. 6:8 and onward), some through the ravages of war, others by starvation, and amazingly many others by the ‘beasts of the earth’. So, whether by death that comes instantly and thus less dreaded or a slow and painful death that is lingering and agonizing-50 percent of all people will die. The world’s population was 6,415,574,176 yesterday, so that means at least 3,207,500,000 will die. Does that amount to just about eleven times the current population of the United States-can you imagine that? And remember that the population of the world is doubling every 39.5 years. So every day the number of people who will die becomes larger and larger.
  • One-third of all vegetation will be burned up. All grass, every tree, everything green will be destroyed (see Rev. 8:7).
  • The sun and the moon will be darkened as nature goes into revolt (see Rev. 8:12).
  • The gates of hell will open and hordes of locusts, the size of horses, will come upon the earth. Those locusts will be allowed to sting men like scorpions and the pain will last for five months. The Bible says men will beg God to let them die but they will not die (see Rev. 9:3-6).
  • There will be worldwide famine, unlike anything the world has ever seen (see Rev. 18:8).
  • There will be a world war so bloody that the blood of those killed in battle will flow for two hundred miles up to the bridle of a horse in the valley of Jezreel. This will be the Battle of Armageddon (see Rev. 14:20).
  • All told, during the Great Tribulation, as many as half of all the people on the earth will be killed.

Source: HNewsWire noqreport milnenews thepostmillennial breitbart HNewsWire ZeroHedge

StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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  1. Allen on December 8, 2020 at 3:39 am


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