Everything Done in Dark Will Be Brought to Light, Being Biblically Bankrupt Will Not Exclude the Elites


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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ABC’s refusal to run a report that linked Bill Clinton and others to Jeffrey Epstein three years ago can be explained by understanding the role of veteran ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos, according to a new report.

For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light. For nothing is hidden except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret except to come to light. For everything is hidden is meant to be revealed, and everything concealed is meant to be brought to light…..

Following the revelation earlier this week that ABC buried a report linking Bill Clinton and other powerful elites to Jeffrey Epstein, further links have emerged between the “cover-up” and the Clintons.

On Tuesday, Project Veritas released a video they say was leaked by an anonymous ABC insider. The footage shows ABC anchor Amy Robach discussing bombshell evidence she had on convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein three years ago.

According to Robach, who was caught on a “hot mic”, ABC spiked her report following objections from Buckingham Palace, who “threatened” the network “in a million ways.” 

Robach explained she had gathered interviews with victims and witnesses that exposed Britain’s Prince Andrew and former President Bill Clinton. “We had Clinton – we had everything,” Robach said.

Now, conservative reporter Katie Pavlich has uncovered a direct link between ABC’s alleged Epstein cover-up and the Clintons via ABC’s star news anchor.

Pavlich, who appeared on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Wednesday, says ABC’s refusal to run a report that linked Bill Clinton and others to Jeffrey Epstein can be explained by understanding the role of veteran ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos.

There’s no question, executives at ABC protected Jeffrey Epstein,” host Tucker Carlson said. “Why do you think they did that?

Because their star anchor’s name is George Stephanopoulos and of course George Stephanopoulos worked as Bill Clinton’s communications director at the White House,” Pavlich explained.

And when was this information given to Robach at ABC? When did she bring all this to her executives to say we should put this to air? – Right before the 2016 election when Hillary Clinton was running on the Democratic ticket,” Pavlich continued.

Pavlich added that Stephanopoulos has his own direct connection to Epstein as well.

She notes that the star ABC anchor attended a dinner party at Epstein’s home after he served 13 months for soliciting underage girls.

You’re saying at the time Amy Robach took this story to her superiors and they said, ‘I don’t know who Jeffrey Epstein is,’ his name was already all over the news as a convicted sex offender,” Carlson clarified.

This all comes down to the Clintons, George Stephanopoulos working at ABC and the circle of connections they have there, and protecting not just the Clintons, of course, because that is something they are willing to do for political purposes,” Pavlich continued.

According to ABC’s editorial standards, which we keep hearing about, the standards are necessarily about accusers bringing forward evidence on someone who had already been convicted of similar crimes, but instead to protect political people and friends who are beneficial to them and who have very, very close connections to people in their network who claim to be leading journalists, like George Stephanopoulos.”

But it’s not just ABC,” Carlson added. “The reaction has been fascinating in that MSNBC and CNN, both of which have media reporters, have essentially ignored the story.”

Yeah, they are still not touching it,” Pavlich agreed.

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The MSM liars resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith” (2 Timothy 3:8). Here the reprobation is regarding the resistance to the truth because of corrupt minds. In Titus, Paul also refers to those whose works are reprobate: “They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate” (Titus 1:16). Therefore, the reprobate mind is one that is corrupt and worthless. The phrase “reprobate mind” is found in Romans 1:28 in reference to those whom God has rejected as godless and wicked. They “suppress the truth by their wickedness,” and it is upon these people that the wrath of God rests (Romans 1:18). The Greek word translated “reprobate” in the New Testament is adokimos, which means literally “unapproved, that is, rejected; by implication, worthless (literally or morally).”

ABC News Reopens Bureau in Beirut - ABC News
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A new undercover video from Project Veritas reveals that ABC News knew of Jeffrey Epstein’s sex crimes, yet decided to ignore it according to undercover footage from Project Veritas.

Suggests he has received threats from “very powerful people.”

Rob Dew@DewsNewz

I clipped the exclusive @JamesOKeefeIII call about the Epstein murder bombshell hidden video to be released tomorrow. Tune into http://banned.video  for all breaking news reports.

Always remember Epstein did not kill himself.8297:28 PM – Nov 4, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy486 people are talking about this

“Before his tragic suicide sometime tomorrow morning, I knew @JamesOKeefeIII and admired his work,” tweeted Jeremy Boering, to which O’Keefe responded, “Deadman switch activated.”

James O’Keefe@JamesOKeefeIII

Deadman switch activated.#EpsteinCoverup https://twitter.com/jeremydboreing/status/1191468349932199936 …Jeremy Boreing@JeremyDBoreingBefore his tragic suicide sometime tomorrow morning, I knew @JamesOKeefeIII and admired his work. https://twitter.com/JamesOKeefeIII/status/1191399930126049280 …23.3K3:38 PM – Nov 4, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy12K people are talking about this

O’Keefe confirmed the legitimacy of this tweet when he told Jones, “Yes we do in fact tomorrow morning have a new video of Epstein cover-up, people in very high levels involved in this, we have the videotape.”

“They don’t know that they’re being recorded, we’re publishing it tomorrow – people have asked ‘what about that deadman switch tweet?’”

“I take our security very very seriously, we have a lot of people in Project Veritas involved in this story and I just meant that whatever happens we’re gonna publish the story tomorrow morning…and we’ve gotten the attention of some very powerful people,” said O’Keefe.

The Epstein bombshell drops at 9 am EST.


James O’Keefe Activates Dead Mans Switch Over Release Secret Epstein Recordings https://www.pscp.tv/w/cJC-FjFyYVFaUnBZdmdSUXp8MUJSSmpxRWRCYW9HdyJ8aQTQhQx4eH__Zzy3jVwCwI9OgDKa-Y6Xu7KN37XL …DerpState @DerpState3James O’Keefe Activates Dead Mans Switch Over Release Secret Epstein Recordingspscp.tv3126:47 PM – Nov 4, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy196 people are talking about this

Source: Paul Joseph Watson

Amy Robach, ‘Good Morning America’ Co-Host and Breaking News Anchor at ABC, explains how a witness came forward years ago with information pertaining to Epstein, but Disney-owned ABC News refused to air the material for years. Robach vents her anger in a “hot mic” moment with an off-camera producer, explaining that ABC quashed the story in it’s early stages.  “I’ve had this interview with Virginia Roberts (Now Virginia Guiffre) [alleged Epstein victim]. We would not put it on the air. Um, first of all, I was told “Who’s Jeffrey Epstein.  No one knows who that is.  This is a stupid story.”

She continues, “The Palace found out that we had her whole allegations about Prince Andrew and threatened us a million different ways.” -Project Veritas

“…[T]here will come a day when we will realize Jeffrey Epstein was the most prolific pedophile this country has ever known,” said Attorney Brad Edwards.

According to Robach, “I had it all three years ago.” This is far from the first time Epstein’s crimes have been covered up, minimized, or ignored.

Perhaps most famously, former US Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta negotiated a ‘sweetheart deal’ for Epstein in 2008 after he pleaded guilty to soliciting prostitution from a minor. The pedophile financier was able to ‘work’ outside of prison most days, during which time he reportedly continued to abuse girls.

Additionally, the Manhattan DA’s office headed by Cyrus Vance Jr. had ‘graphic and detailed evidence’ of Epstein’s crimes when a prosecutor argued for leniency during his 2011 sex offender registry hearing, according to an April report in the New York Post.

In advance of the hearing, then-deputy chief of Sex Crimes, Jennifer Gaffney, had been given a confidential state assessment that deemed Epstein to be highly dangerous and likely to keep preying on young girls, the DA’s office admitted in its own appellate brief eight months after the hearing.

Manhattan prosecutors were aware the state board had assigned Epstein a risk assessment of 130, a number that is “solidly above the 110 qualifying number for level three,” with “absolutely no basis for downward departure,” the brief notes.

Nevertheless, Gaffney argued that he should be labeled a level one offender, the least restrictive, which would keep him off the online database. –New York Post

While Acosta lost his job in the Trump administration over his actions in 2008, will anyone be held truly accountable for enabling Epstein’s decades-long pattern of abuse?

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

There has never been a time in the history of our Country that the Media was so Fraudulent, Fake, or Corrupt! When the “Age of Trump” is looked back on many years from now, I only hope that a big part of my legacy will be the exposing of massive dishonesty in the Fake News! Source

To continue to love the world the way unbelievers do will cripple our spiritual growth and render us fruitless for God’s kingdom (Matthew 3:8Luke 6:43-45John 15:1-8). In John 12:25, Jesus took this thought a step further when He said, “Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” Not loving the world extends to our own lives as well. Jesus said if we love anything more than Him, we are not worthy of Him (Matthew 10:37-38).

In general, the term world in the Bible refers to the evil system controlled by Satan that leads us away from the worship of God. John Calvin said, “The human heart is an idol factory.” We can make idols out of anything. Any passionate desire of our hearts that is not put there by God for His glory can become an idol (1 Corinthians 10:31). Loving the world is idolatry (1 Corinthians 10:714). So, while we are commanded to love the people of the world, we are to be wary of anything that competes with God for our highest affections.

We’ve been working for more than two years to expose the deep state, media-driven fake narrative of “Russian collusion” regarding President Donald Trump for the fake story that it is.

There’s never been any evidence that Trump and Vladimir Putin ‘conspired’ to “steal” the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton because there was never a plot between them to do so. It was all a lie.

We’ve also maintained that the pathetically politically compromised Washington legacy media also knew that the story was garbage but that they pushed it anyway because they, long ago, threw in with Democrats to become that party’s propaganda wing — and any lie they could push to help Democrats and the Obama-aligned deep state depose Trump, they’d do it.

Well, come to find out, at least one of these fake news factories — CNN — had another motive for keeping our country divided and on the brink of self-destruction over a lie: Money.

That’s according to one of the network’s own executives, who was recently exposed by undercover journalism organization Project Veritas. And he’s not really happy about that. 

Caught on undercover video, Field Ops manager Patrick Davis admits that his network pretty much publishes fake news and garbage in a never-ending campaign to get rid of Trump. And, he says, much of that is to drive up revenue with clickbait-type ‘bombshells’ that seldom turn out to be remotely accurate.

“…I hate seeing what we were and what we could be and what we’ve become. It’s just awful…I mean, we could be so much better than we are… And the buck stops with him,” Davis said, castigating network chief Jeff Zucker. 

“I haven’t listened to a 9 AM call in about 15 years. I just stopped,” he noted further. “Just, I can’t listen to it. It’s all bulls**t. It’s all just a bunch of bulls**t. And I wish that wasn’t the case.”

“You learn it in journalism school, we’re supposed to be middle of the road,” Davis continues. “Now it’s just infotainment is all it’s become. There is no true media outlet.

“Even though we’re totally Left-leaning…we don’t wanna admit it.”

ABC Issues ‘Cover Your A**, Lawyer-Speak’ Response To Bombshell Epstein Coverup Claims

ABC News has responded to the Veritas video, saying “at the time, not all of our reporting met our standards to air, but we have never stopped investigating the story. Ever since we’ve had a team on this investigation and substantial resources dedicated to it. That work has led to a two-hour documentary and a 6-part podcast that will air in the new year.”

Robach added in a statement “I was caught in a private moment of frustration,” and was “upset that an important interview I had conducted with Virginia Roberts didn’t air because we could not obtain sufficient corroborating evidence.” (Somehow the Miami Herald got the job done, however.)

O’Keefe suggests this is a ‘cover your a**, lawyer-speak response.’

James O’Keefe@JamesOKeefeIII

BREAKING: “Do I think he(Epstein) was killed? 100% I do…He made his whole living blackmailing people. There were a lot of men on those planes. A lot of men who visited that island. A lot of powerful men who came into that apartment.” – @abcnews anchor @arobach #EpsteinCoverup22.4K9:20 AM – Nov 5, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy14.7K people are talking about this

Stephen Miller@redsteeze

It’s a good thing the news director for ABC wasn’t a friend or former employee of the Clintons or this statement would look like total horse shit. https://twitter.com/jeremymbarr/status/1191732705559531523 …Jeremy Barr@jeremymbarrHere’s ABC’s response to a Project Veritas video of Amy Robach expressing frustration that her Jeffrey Epstein piece didn’t run.

Robach: “I was caught in a private moment of frustration. … In the years since no one ever told me or the team to stop reporting on Jeffrey Epstein”
2,3089:49 AM – Nov 5, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy819 people are talking about this

Others have noted that this seems to be a pattern for the MSM:

Sean Davis@seanmdav

NBC also deliberately suppressed evidence that Michael Avenatti lied about Brett Kavanaugh and fabricated a false accusation against him. https://twitter.com/TomBevanRCP/status/1191766086330568705 …Tom Bevan@TomBevanRCPRecap:

NBC killed story on Harvey Weinstein, saying it didn’t meet their editorial standards.

ABC spiked story on Jeffrey Epstein, saying same.

Both orgs (& rest of media) went wild running uncorroborated stories about Brett Kavanaugh being a gang rapist.
4,75211:35 AM – Nov 5, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy2,503 people are talking about this


A new undercover video from Project Veritas reveals that ABC News knew of Jeffrey Epstein’s sex crimes, yet decided to ignore it according to undercover footage from Project Veritas.

Amy Robach, ‘Good Morning America’ Co-Host and Breaking News Anchor at ABC, explains how a witness came forward years ago with information pertaining to Epstein, but Disney-owned ABC News refused to air the material for years. Robach vents her anger in a “hot mic” moment with an off-camera producer, explaining that ABC quashed the story in it’s early stages.  “I’ve had this interview with Virginia Roberts (Now Virginia Guiffre) [alleged Epstein victim]. We would not put it on the air. Um, first of all, I was told “Who’s Jeffrey Epstein.  No one knows who that is.  This is a stupid story.”

She continues, “The Palace found out that we had her whole allegations about Prince Andrew and threatened us a million different ways.” -Project Veritas

“…[T]here will come a day when we will realize Jeffrey Epstein was the most prolific pedophile this country has ever known,” said Attorney Brad Edwards.

James O’Keefe@JamesOKeefeIII

BREAKING: “Do I think he(Epstein) was killed? 100% I do…He made his whole living blackmailing people. There were a lot of men on those planes. A lot of men who visited that island. A lot of powerful men who came into that apartment.” – @abcnews anchor @arobach #EpsteinCoverup22.4K9:20 AM – Nov 5, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy14.7K people are talking about this

This is far from the first time Epstein’s crimes have been covered up, minimized, or ignored.

Perhaps most famously, former US Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta negotiated a ‘sweetheart deal’ for Epstein in 2008 after he pleaded guilty to soliciting prostitution from a minor. The pedophile financier was able to ‘work’ outside of prison most days, during which time he reportedly continued to abuse girls.

Additionally, the Manhattan DA’s office headed by Cyrus Vance Jr. had ‘graphic and detailed evidence’ of Epstein’s crimes when a prosecutor argued for leniency during his 2011 sex offender registry hearing, according to an April report in the New York Post.

In advance of the hearing, then-deputy chief of Sex Crimes, Jennifer Gaffney, had been given a confidential state assessment that deemed Epstein to be highly dangerous and likely to keep preying on young girls, the DA’s office admitted in its own appellate brief eight months after the hearing.

Manhattan prosecutors were aware the state board had assigned Epstein a risk assessment of 130, a number that is “solidly above the 110 qualifying number for level three,” with “absolutely no basis for downward departure,” the brief notes.

Nevertheless, Gaffney argued that he should be labeled a level one offender, the least restrictive, which would keep him off the online database. –New York Post

While Acosta lost his job in the Trump administration over his actions in 2008, will anyone be held truly accountable for enabling Epstein’s decades-long pattern of abuse? Source: Zero Hedge

James O’Keefe@JamesOKeefeIII


FULL VIDEO: https://youtu.be/qbQwAQ0tDTQ 14.8K8:00 AM – Oct 17, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy10.1K people are talking about this

There isn’t even a pretense of objectivity left at CNN

CNN stands atop the heap of Left-wing Washington establishment media, warping viewpoints and slanting nearly every story that has anything at all to do with politics in favor of the Democrats and to the detriment of Republicans.

And if Trump’s the focus of the story, CNN has gone out of its way to put him in a negative light — even at the cost of accuracy

Other CNN executives and editors were caught on video admitting the network’s political bias and anti-Trump slant. 

“We used to cover the news. We used to go out and do stories…But Trump is more important,” said Scott Garber, a senior field engineer.

“When Zucker took over it wasn’t until Trump that we ended up being all Trump all the time,” added Adia Jacobs, a technical operations supervisor. (Related: POTUS trolls CNN: If Facebook uses a ‘fake news filter, will CNN go out of business?’)

Noted Nick Neville, CNN media coordinator: “He (Zucker) basically said f**k all the other stories” and focus only on hurting the president.

“It’s the Trump Network, dog. It’s like everything is all Trump…they not even thinking about anybody else. They sold themselves to the devil,” said Mike Breva, a CNN floor manager. 

Gerald Sisnette, a CNN field production supervisor, concurred but added his own disgustingly morbid take: “This is a story that’s not gonna go away. The only way this will go away is when he (Trump) dies. Hopefully soon.”

Right. The man who has turned out to be George Washington reincarnated is so widely reviled news media types are wishing for his quick demise. 

In any event, the veneer of legitimacy has been permanently ripped away from CNN. It’s a garbage network pushing crap as ‘news.’

Read more news about fake news at NewsFakes.com.

Sources include: ZeroHedge.com NewsTarget.comFacebookTwitterShare NewsTarget.com

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MSNBC Weasel O’Donnell admits Russia loan backing story was Bull S***

President Trump is cracking down on fake news put out by MSNBC, with his attorneys demanding a retraction regarding a story claiming that Trump had “Russian oligarchs” as co-signers on loans.

The claims were broadcast by MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell on Tuesday evening.

Lawrence O’Donnell@Lawrence

A source close to Deutsche Bank says Trump’s tax returns show he pays very little income tax and, more importantly, that his loans have Russian co-signers.

If true, that explains every kind word Trump has ever said about Russia and Putin. @TheLastWord 10pm90K8:52 PM – Aug 27, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy51.6K people are talking about this

O’Donnell said that he had “a single source close to Deutsche Bank” to back up the claims that Trump was in bed with “Russian billionaires close to Vladimir Putin.”

Michael Del Moro@MikeDelMoro

Deutsche Bank is declining to comment on Lawrence O’Donnell’s reporting that Russian oligarch’s co-signed Trump’s loans. The information came from a single source that has not seen the bank records. NBC has not seen those records and has not yet been able to verify the reporting.7,6006:53 AM – Aug 28, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy5,209 people are talking about this

Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham said that “Instead of applying ethics and standards to their reporting, journalists and left-wing outlets have weaponized the media, using it to attack and harass people with little to no regard for the truth.”

“This law firm is litigation counsel for President Donald J. Trump (‘Mr. Trump’) and The Trump Organization (‘Trump Org.’),” Charles Harder of Harder LLP law firm wrote to MSNBC executives.

“We write concerning the false and defamatory statements published by Lawrence O’Donnell and NBC Universal (‘NBCU’) (collectively, ‘you’ and ‘your’) about Mr. Trump and Trump Org. in an episode of the program, The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell, which was broadcasted on or about August 27, 2019 (the ‘Program’), and also published by Mr. O’Donnell and NBCU in a tweet posted on that same date (the ‘Tweet’). The Program and Tweet make the false and defamatory statements that ‘Russian oligarchs’ cosigned loans provided to Mr. Trump by Deutsche Bank, and described these ‘co-signers’ as ‘Russian billionaires close to Vladimir Putin.’” “These statements are false and defamatory, and extremely damaging,” the president’s lawyer added.

“The only borrowers under these loans are Trump entities, and Mr. Trump is the only guarantor. Numerous documents for each of these loans are also recorded, publicly available and searchable online. Thus, actual malice can easily be proven based on your reckless disregard of the truth and unreasonable reliance on an alleged ‘source’ who you will not even identify in your story and likely is seeking to mislead you and the public for political reasons or other ulterior motives.”

“Demand is hereby made that Mr. O’Donnell and NBCU immediately and prominently retract, correct and apologize for the aforementioned false and defamatory statements,” Harder’s letter continues.

“Failure to do so will leave my clients with no alternative but to consider their legal options which could include immediate legal proceedings against Mr. O’Donnell and NBCU,” Harder added. “Should that occur, my clients would pursue all available causes of action and seek all available damages and other legal remedies to the maximum extent permitted by law.”

And hey presto, just minutes later, O’Donnell admitted that the entire thing is total bullshit:

Lawrence O’Donnell@Lawrence

Last night I made an error in judgment by reporting an item about the president’s finances that didn’t go through our rigorous verification and standards process. I shouldn’t have reported it and I was wrong to discuss it on the air. I will address the issue on my show tonight.24.5K2:53 PM – Aug 28, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy34.3K people are talking about this

If every single fake story was shut down in this way, MSNBC wouldn’t have any content to broadcast.

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

There has never been a time in the history of our Country that the Media was so Fraudulent, Fake, or Corrupt! When the “Age of Trump” is looked back on many years from now, I only hope that a big part of my legacy will be the exposing of massive dishonesty in the Fake News! Source

To continue to love the world the way unbelievers do will cripple our spiritual growth and render us fruitless for God’s kingdom (Matthew 3:8Luke 6:43-45John 15:1-8). In John 12:25, Jesus took this thought a step further when He said, “Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” Not loving the world extends to our own lives as well. Jesus said if we love anything more than Him, we are not worthy of Him (Matthew 10:37-38).

In general, the term world in the Bible refers to the evil system controlled by Satan that leads us away from the worship of God. John Calvin said, “The human heart is an idol factory.” We can make idols out of anything. Any passionate desire of our hearts that is not put there by God for His glory can become an idol (1 Corinthians 10:31). Loving the world is idolatry (1 Corinthians 10:714). So, while we are commanded to love the people of the world, we are to be wary of anything that competes with God for our highest affections.

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StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com

The Birth Pains Are Growing Stronger….

“Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of man and devils”…
My name is Steve Meyers and I need to share a vision and warning that the Lord showed me back in April 2007….

Many of you will ask why I waited so long to share the warning. I didn’t. I shared the story with everyone that would listen from pastors to friends to family to colleagues. Immediately following the initial vision, I called a close friend. I told him to sit down that I had something to tell him. I needed it documented as I knew this was supernatural and from God. As I witness events unfolding today, I need to share the vision again.

The risk of loss in trading futures and options on futures can be substantial. The author does not guarantee the accuracy of the above information, although it is believed that the sources are reliable and the information accurate. The author assumes no liability or responsibility for direct or indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages or for any other damages relating or arising out of any action taken as a result of any information or advice contained in this commentary. The author disclaims any express or implied liability or responsibility for any action taken, which is solely at the liability and responsibility of the user. Steve Meyers

The silencing of the American people before 2020?

“The human heart is an idol factory.”

The Un-Godly — Those That Suppress the Truth, the social media giants built multi-billion dollar empires by giving everyone a voice, but now that they have such a dominant position on the Internet they have decided that many prominent conservative voices should be completely silenced.

The Left, a broad term for Liberal Socialist Democrats that can only be explained fully by using the Bible explanation of the human race is as follows. A servant of Satan, because you are either saved or lost. This election has brought out the true nature of who you serve. Simply put, it’s Donald Trump, Conservatives, and Christians against the rest of the world. The Left’s Love applies only to those who believe as they do. They Love evil and commit Anarchy against those who love good. They are governed by lies and never tell the truth. On this Friday, Inaugural Day for the swearing-in of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States the Left wants to commit widespread Anarchy to shut down the swearing-in ceremony. Their goal of transforming America, which was founded in Judea Christian values into a Pagan Nation is almost complete. Their goal has always been the total removal of God from American society and the downfall of America. Donald Trump says he is a Presbyterian, but he left off the USA, an apostate church.

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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