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Gospel/Social Justice but Recognizes the Signs of the Times and the Urgency of the Hour, Which Requires Spiritual Warfare to Get Christians Battle-Hardened and Prepared for Persecution Under the Coming Technocratic Global Governance…

So turn off the “news” and tune into the real dynamic that is playing out right in front of our faces, the slide into totalitarianism under the guise of the global Great Reset.

Be prepared to be called names. You will be deemed dangerous to these ruling elites because they know that you know what they’re all about. They will call you a “conspiracy theorist” and a spreader of “misinformation.” But that’s a small price to pay for saving our country. And the only way to save it is to speak out more boldly than ever with the light of truth.

Instead of letting the fake-news media distract us and lead us to their distracting sideshows, let’s focus our minds and creative energies elsewhere.

The focus, in my opinion, should be on educating our families and friends about what’s coming and getting our children out of the clutches of the state-sponsored indoctrinators who are raping their young minds and filling them with harmful lies.

Here are my priorities for 2021:

  • Spreading the truth about the experimental non-vaccine being pushed by the establishment.
  • Preparing for the coming economic onslaught of debt and hyper-inflation, which will create so much misery as to make people beg for something new. The globalists will be ready with their Great Reset, which will require the replacement of global currencies with a new digital non-currency.
  • Preparing for food shortages and possibly water challenges. Bill Gates isn’t buying up farmland for nothing. He hopes to influence the food and water supplies. Most of the farm acreage he is buying is along waterways. There must be a reason.
  • Finding a church that doesn’t focus on social gospel/social justice but recognizes the signs of the times and the urgency of the hour, which requires spiritual warfare to get Christians battle-hardened and prepared for persecution under the coming technocratic global governance.
  • Rejecting and defying government restrictions based on falsified data about the Wuhan virus. Every minute spent defying these unconstitutional edicts and convincing others to do the same will pay dividends in freedoms preserved for your children and grandchildren. It starts with the mask. Take it off whenever possible. That means every store. Push the limits with your doctors as well. I have heard countless cases in which a doctor’s office tried to tell a patient to come masked and the patient refused, only to see the doctor back down.
  • Find an alternative schooling option for your children that doesn’t involve brainwashing and training “global citizens.” We want our youth to be American citizens.
  • Take stock of all your business relationships – where you bank, where you buy goods and services, where you find sources of entertainment – and cut off all that are actively supporting through money or policies the globalist agenda to destroy America by destroying its middle class and its Judeo-Christian values.
  • Figure out a plan for how you will live in an increasingly hostile, totalitarian society. This involves things we never had to think about before. The most important one right now is the experimental non-vaccine that is being pushed by the government, media, many corporate employers, airlines, etc. If you ever had a dream of starting a small business, maybe this is the time to quit your corporate job and take the leap.

Even conservative media have been disappointing in their coverage of the experimental non-vaccines that our government has allowed to be put to market before they could even be tested for the long-term effects on human health.

There are a few independent sources of health news that I trust: Dr. Joseph Mercola’s website, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s website and Technocracy News. But I don’t see Fox, Newsmax, or even One American News Network [OANN] doing any in-depth reporting on the safety, both short and long term, of these experimental non-vaccines.

Now that Joe Biden has been installed into the office of the president, he promises to increase the virus-based restrictions and use them to further impede your ability to travel.

This is dangerous. One of the things that made America great was its strong, independent middle class where people could afford to own property and move about freely in automobiles. But the car and home ownership are both under attack by the Great Reset and the Paris Climate Accords, from which John Kerry and the rest of Biden’s elitist advisers take their cues.

The truth is that the Wuhan virus was never as scary and deadly as the media made it out to be when the previous president was in office.

A new peer-reviewed study released by a group of 10 science scholars confirms what reported in October 2020, that the PCR test is horribly unreliable as a diagnostic tool. Even the WHO admits the PCR test generates way too many false-positives.

The 25-page peer-reviewed study concluded that testing inaccuracies combined with unscientific procedures and methods resulted in massive false-positive spikes in “cases,” which the media then reported as fact in the months leading up to the 2020 election:

“The CDC is now legally requiring red-blooded Americans to wear face masks on all public transportation as globalists try to push the concept of ‘double-masking’ on the populace. Since the election, the World Health Organization admits that PCR tests are not totally reliable on the first try and a second test might be needed. This corresponds with CDC’s quiet admission that it blended viral and antibody test results for its case numbers and that people can test positive on an antibody test if they have antibodies from a family of viruses that cause the common cold.”

Not only are the number of cases overblown, so are the number of deaths.

The CDC admitted months ago that only 6 percent of the people counted as having been killed by COVID died from COVID alone. The other 94 percent had at least one other co-morbidity.

My concerns about the experimental vaccines being delivered by Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson are not relegated to the fact that they used cell lines from aborted babies to either test or develop their treatments – this is reason enough for any Christian to reject them – but it’s also based on the fact that they are not really vaccines at all. The government and media are once again lying to us by promoting these experimental bio-chemical agents as “vaccines.”

A vaccine is a one-time treatment that offers a lifetime of immunity to an extremely deadly or debilitating disease like smallpox or polio. A vaccine requires growing the pathogen and injecting a small portion of it into a person’s body, just enough so they are able to fight it off and their immune system then recognizes and attacks the same pathogen should it ever be encountered again in the natural world.

The treatment they are pushing for COVID, which they are calling a vaccine, does not meet any of the above criteria.

Two doses are not guaranteed to protect you against COVID and even if the double-dose does protect you it’s only for a few months, possibly up to a year, not for life. You will need a new shot every year, just like the flu shot. That’s not a vaccine!

Those pushing the vaccine have lied about what it will take to achieve herd immunity. At first, Dr. Anthony Fauci, perhaps the most dishonest man I have ever seen hold a government position [and that’s saying a lot], said it would take 60 percent of the population being vaccinated to achieve herd immunity. Now he’s upped that to 80 percent, He’s also now campaigning for parents to have their young children vaccinated.

The same folks who lied about the effectiveness of mask wearing are now lying about the vaccine. Go figure. Source: technocracy

As a reminder, please do not post HNewsWire articles on Christian News Network, Now the End Begins, Shoebat, Parler, FakeBook, Reddit or Twatter social media platforms, We are not comfortable with their anti-Christian, anti-American, Nazi philosophy. ~Stevieray Hansen

StevieRay Hansen

[email protected]

Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus. The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

In police-state fashion, Big Tech took the list of accused (including this site), declared all those named guilty and promptly shadow-banned, de-platformed or de-monetized us all without coming clean about how they engineered the crushing of dissent. Now more than ever, Big Tech has exposed their hand. They engage in devious underhanded tactics to make the sinister look saintly. One of Satan’s greatest weapons happens to be deceit.

The accumulating death toll from Covid-19 can be seen minute-by-minute on cable news channels. But there’s another death toll few seem to care much about: the number of poverty-related deaths being set in motion by deliberately plunging millions of Americans into poverty and despair.

American health care, as we call it today, for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly.

All the official reassurances won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. The Globalists are behind the Corona-virus. It Is a Man-Made Bio-weapon.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

1 Comment

  1. Daniel on February 15, 2021 at 1:19 pm

    Gods Church does not depend on mans churches/denominations/traditions.
    If anyone cannot find a truly God centered church remember scriptures make
    it clear “Believers” are the Church.

    Jesus Christ is our Hope and specifically provided us with His Holy Spirit
    our true Guide, our true Teacher, our True Comforter
    along with His Written Word. Now imperiously think about that.

    Consider visiting the site proved in this post.
    Money has no value there and the only one to follow is Jesus Christ.

    If nothing else at the top of the home page click on:
    Gods Family – Gods Church – Rebuild/Restore/Rebuild

    It’s not about mans churches/denominations, It’s about Gods church = Born Again Believers.
    Not mans churches, denominations, spiritual organizations, philosophies. NO, none of that.

    Best to all and your loved ones in Christ, Daniel
    There is a language translator available at the top right hand corner.
    Note: Some browsers may not accommodate translators.

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