Global Planners Seizing The Opportunity That COVID-19 Has Created ‘Digital Currency ‘


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Everything is right on schedule and, now, the time is come to remove one of the final obstacles standing in the way of a New World Order: The United States Constitution – even if, over the course of many decades, it has already been greatly diminished by the B.E.A.S.T. system; or, more specifically, Bulls*** Emerging As Strategic Totalitarianism (B.E.A.S.T.).

As confirmed by several economic outlets, including Bloomberg, Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey took part in a VTALK with students this past Monday for Speakers for Schools. When the subject of digital currency came up, Bailey said:

We are looking at the question of, should we create a Bank of England digital currency. We’ll go on looking at it, as it does have huge implications on the nature of payments and society. I think in a few years, we will be heading toward some digital currency.

The digital currency issue will be a huge issue. I hope it is because that means Covid will be behind us.

While only a short quote, there are several strands to pick up on here.

Firstly, Bailey stating that the BOE is looking into creating a CBDC is not a new revelation. I posted a series of articles in May which looked extensively at a discussion paper published by the bank days before the Covid-19 lockdown was enforced. The paper, ‘Central Bank Digital Currency – Opportunities, challenges and design, ‘went as far as detailing the possible technological composition of a future CBDC. It was in 2014 when the BOE first began discussing digital currencies in their September quarterly bulletin. Six years on, those discussions have advanced notably.

Secondly, if Bailey’s assertion is correct that ‘in a few years time, we will be heading toward some sort of digital currency, ‘this would align with the BOE’s Real Time Gross Settlement renewal program. In August 2019, I posted an article that outlined what the renewal will consist of (Working in Tandem: The Reform of Payment Systems and the Advance of Digital Technology). From 2023 onwards, the bank wants renewed services of RTGS to begin coming online, and by 2025 for it to be fully rolled out and operational.

Consider that this is taking place amidst the Bank for International Settlements ‘Innovation BIS 2025‘ initiative, which I have regularly written about. This is the ‘hub‘ which brings all leading central banks together in the name of technological innovation.

The RTGS ‘renewal‘ will allow the bank’s payment system to ‘interface with new payment technologies,’ which given the information that the BOE has so far disseminated would likely include distributed ledger technology and blockchain.

For the bank to introduce a CBDC accessible to the public, they will require the reformation of their systems, which is precisely what is happening.

Thirdly, Bailey admits that introducing a CBDC would have ‘huge implications on the nature of payments and society. ‘ On the payments front, the BOE is pushing the narrative that any CBDC offering would be a ‘complement‘ to cash. It would not, according to them, mean that money would be withdrawn from circulation. But as I have noted previously, the General Manager of the BIS, Agustin Carstens, made clear in 2019 that in a CBDC world ‘he or she would no longer have the option of paying cash. All purchases would be electronic.

The trend of digital payments outstripping cash has been present for several years now. My position is that instead of merely outlawing cash, the state will allow the use of banknotes to fall to the point that the servicing costs of maintaining the cash infrastructure outweigh the amount of money still in circulation and being used for payment. They will take a gradual approach, as opposed to prising cash away from the public. In the end, it has the same effect but appears less premeditated. From the perspective of the state, it is much more desirable if people are seen to have decided to stop using cash, rather than the state imposing it upon the population.

The societal aspect is as severe because those who depend on using cash are finding that access to it is growing more restrictive. I have also posted this about (Access to Cash: The Connection between Bank Branch Closures and the Post Office). In particular, rural communities are being compromised, with some entirely dependent on their local post office to withdraw funds. Matters are made worse when the Post Office network itself is coming under increasing strain.

It was also revealed this week that during the Covid-19 lockdown, over 7,000 ATMs across the UK were closed due to social distancing measures. This represents over 10% of the UK’s ATM network. Some of these ATMs remain out of use, particularly at supermarkets and outside individual bank branches. Equally, some of these branches remain closed four months after the lockdown was introduced, and those that are open are only allowing in a couple of people at a time.

You will recall the hysteria around the supposed dangers of using cash as Covid-19 was labeled a pandemic. On no scientific basis whatsoever, people have been led to believe that handling money can transmit the virus. This is primarily why cash withdrawals at ATM’s crashed leading into the lockdown by around 50%. This time last year, transaction volume was at 50.9 million. Today it is 30.8 million, a 40% drop. From personal experience as a cash office clerk, cash use is now beginning to pick up but remains well below pre-lockdown levels.

Finally, Bailey commented that he hoped ‘the digital currency issue will be a very big issue‘because if it were, it would mean that ‘Covid will be behind us.‘ A valid question to ask is why, when Covid-19 is ‘behind us, ‘should that make a CBDC stronger? The answer lies partly in the growing narrative of life after the pandemic, which plays directly into the World Economic Forum devised ‘Great Reset‘ agenda. Part of the ‘Great Reset‘ includes Blockchain, Financial and Monetary Systems, and Digital Economy and New Value Creation.

At first glance, you can see how Covid-19 benefits the drive towards central bank digital currencies.

We are told at every turn that life cannot possibly go back to how it was pre coronavirus, including our relationship with money. Predictably, it did not take global institutions like the BIS long to begin reaffirming the cashless agenda. In April they published a bulletin called, ‘Covid-19, cash, and the future of payments‘ where they stated:

In the context of the current crisis, CBDC would, in particular, have to be designed, allowing for access options for the unbanked and (contact-free) technical interfaces suitable for the whole population. The pandemic may hence put calls for CBDCs into sharper focus, highlighting the value of having access to various means of payments, and the need for any means of cash to be resilient against a broad range of threats.

Global planners are seizing on the opportunity that Covid-19 has created. But no one should be deceived into thinking that their prescription for a digital monetary system, with CBDC’s at the center, is only coming to light because of the pandemic. This has been in the works for years.

The banking elites hope that once global payment systems have been reformed, CBDC’s will not be far behind. Judging by their timelines, by 2025, a worldwide network of CBDC’s is a real possibility. The more people that turn away from using cash today, the easier the transition away from tangible assets will prove for those who are angling for it to happen.

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and Digital Currency, the antichrist (Benjamin Netanyahu) Makes His Appearance Soon…

Understanding Rev10;6 ‘there will be delay no longer.’ Effectively Netanyahu has not formed a Govt in almost 18 months & now he will be in power 18 months before Ganz takes over. That will complete his 14 yrs of time, times, etc. the anti-Christ will NOT allow the building of a new Temple while he is in office. When it does, then the last two prophets will come So if the last week started with the renewed Covenant in January 2016 there would be a break of 18 months[delayed] in the last week, that means that we are still looking to the end of the ‘silence in Heaven’ in the latter part of 2021

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This is an ongoing living article about revelations, as God moves this article will take us to the final battle, true Christians know the end result and we welcome Christ return.

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu  (photo credit: REUTERS)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu(photo credit: REUTERS) Facts Sheet Read The Story

Events of the Tribulation

In the Great Tribulation 2 ½ million die every day for 42 months. In Auschwitz, less than a thousand died each day. That means 2500x as many people die every day. Or to put it in Auschwitz terms—the number of people that died every day at Auschwitz will die every 30 seconds in the Great Tribulation! Or in other terms living on earth will be like living in an Auschwitz death camp—and in death toll there will be the equivalent of an Auschwitz Holocaust twice a day for 42 months!

A brief look through the pages of Revelation chapters six, eight, nine, and sixteen–describe the living hell you can avoid if you are saved this morning. Here are only a few of the dreadful disasters that take place during the Tribulation:

  • One out of every two people will die during the Tribulation (see Rev. 6:8 and onward), some through the ravages of war, others by starvation, and amazingly many others by the ‘beasts of the earth’. So, whether by death that comes instantly and thus less dreaded or a slow and painful death that is lingering and agonizing-50 percent of all people will die. The world’s population was 6,415,574,176 yesterday, so that means at least 3,207,500,000 will die. Does that amount to just about eleven times the current population of the United States-can you imagine that? And remember that the population of the world is doubling every 39.5 years. So every day the number of people who will die becomes larger and larger.
  • One-third of all vegetation will be burned up. All grass, every tree, everything green will be destroyed (see Rev. 8:7).
  • The sun and the moon will be darkened as nature goes into revolt (see Rev. 8:12).
  • The gates of hell will open and hordes of locusts, the size of horses, will come upon the earth. Those locusts will be allowed to sting men like scorpions and the pain will last for five months. The Bible says men will beg God to let them die but they will not die (see Rev. 9:3-6).
  • There will be worldwide famine, unlike anything the world has ever seen (see Rev. 18:8).
  • There will be a world war so bloody that the blood of those killed in battle will flow for two hundred miles up to the bridle of a horse in the valley of Jezreel. This will be the Battle of Armageddon (see Rev. 14:20).
  • All told, during the Great Tribulation, as many as half of all the people on the earth will be killed.

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“Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed” (Isa. 59:14, NLT)…We Turned Our Backs On GOD, Now We Have Been Left To Our Own Devices, Enjoy…

While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Has Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil…

Source: HNewsWire ZeroHedge

StevieRay Hansen
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

In police-state fashion, Big Tech took the list of accused (including this site), declared all those named guilty and promptly shadow-banned, de-platformed or de-monetized us all without coming clean about how they engineered the crushing of dissent, Now more than ever big Tech has exposed there hand engaging in devious underhanded tactics to make the sinister look saintly, one of Satan’s greatest weapons happens to be deceit…

The accumulating death toll from Covid-19 can be seen minute-by-minute on cable news channels. But there’s another death toll few seem to care much about: the number of poverty-related deaths being set in motion by deliberately plunging millions of Americans into poverty and despair.

American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly.

All the official reassurances won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. The Globals are behind the CoronaVirus, It Is a Man-Made Bioweapon.

For those of you who care, Google and your favorite social media platforms have misled you, and now we all pay a heavy price for trusting the ungodly, Google and company, They knew exactly what they were doing, removing our history while preparing you to accept the New World Order playbook, Enjoy.

The more I learned about the plight of the kids leaving foster care, the more concerned I became. Most of them didn’t have a support system. One study found that within a year of leaving the foster care system, 66 percent of the kids were homeless, in jail or dead. A staggering 80 percent of the prison population had come out of foster care. Girls in foster care were 600 percent more likely than their peers to get pregnant before age 21.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

One thought on “Global Planners Seizing The Opportunity That COVID-19 Has Created ‘Digital Currency ‘

  1. Most Americans are oblivious to this serpentine monster looming over them, and few recognize it as Socialism. Some feel perfectly comfortable in their present condition and simply ignore what is going on. Some are simply apathetic toward anything that doesn’t directly and immediately impact their lives and therefore dismiss it.

    Others feel powerless to do anything about it so they sit on the sidelines wringing their hands in despair. Some just dismiss it all as some so-called “conspiracy theory” held by right-wing whackos. Others are sucked in by the immense propaganda machine and have come to believe it to be a positive step forward.

    Probably most Americans are simply lazy for some of the above mentioned reasons and take their freedom for granted and don’t have a clue there are those working to take it from them. There are even some who believe they will profit from it and therefore embrace it. Some others truly believe in the philosophies of Marx and promote it.

    Then there is a remnant who recognize it for what it is and are fighting to preserve this country from its influence.

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