UP-Date 10/02/2020 At 10:15 AM–If GOD’s Not Willing, Trump Won’t Be Successful In


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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The Battle Against Pestilence…

There’s a Big Difference Between COVID-19 (Flu) and a Pestilent, If It Kills It’s a Pestilent, the COVID 19 Flu Is a Common Occurrence in Society, Time Will Tell What the Death Angel Has Prescribed

Trump Exhibiting “Mild” COVID-19 Symptoms

Trump will begin a quarantine process that will see him and the First Lady remaining in the White House, where President Trump will continue to handle his presidential duties, much in the same way that Canada’s Justin Trudeau did after he and his wife tested positive. A note from Trump’s personal physician, Dr. Sean Conley, was also released.

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Trump Begins Quarantine Process After Adviser Hope Hicks Tests Positive For COVID-19

Former White House Communications chief-turned-senior adviser Hope Hicks has tested positive for the coronavirus, reviving fears about President Trump, VP Mike Pence and other senior staffers being exposed, Bloomberg reports.

Though the anonymous sources who spilled the beans to Bloomberg insisted there was no evidence that Trump was exposed, Hicks did ride with Trump aboard Air Force One to the debate in Cleveland on Tuesday. She also traveled with Trump to his rally in Minnesota on Wednesday.

Other senior staff have contracted the virus and recovered, including National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, though few spend as much time with the president as Hicks, who – according to BBG’s sources – is already experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, though they offered no insight into the nature of the symptoms.

During the time she spent away from the White House, Hicks served as the head of comms at Fox News, a frequent venue for Trump’s interviews and scoops. She initially left the White House in March 2018, after testifying that she sometimes told ‘white lies’ on Trump’s behalf, before returning last year.

Hicks was reportedly seen on Tuesday riding maskless in a staff van with White House senior adviser Stephen Miller, campaign adviser Jason Miller and others, which means that they were likely exposed to the virus, though it’s no guarantee. The staffers will likely be tested, as all of the senior aides to Trump reportedly are regularly screened for COVID-19.

Does this mean Trump will need to quarantine for 14 days? That, of course, would require him to miss the next debate. Source: ZeroHedge

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We Are About to Enter the Worst Days of This Pestilence. Our Public Officials Are Brain-Dead, America, and The World Is About to Experience the Worst Death Rate in Modern History. Take Cover…

Recently a voting member of the Federal Reserve, Neel Kashkari, argued that the US needs renewed hard lockdowns, meaning most Americans stay stuck at home for at least 6 weeks with little access to the economy. His rationale? The US savings rate has spiked, therefore more Americans are saving, therefore they can financially handle another lockdown.

Now, either Kashkari is very stupid or very EVIL. I’m going to go with EVIL. This is just more proof that supports my position that the Fed is a suicide bomber seeking the deliberate destruction of the US in the name of an ideological cult (globalism).

  • First, the savings rate does not necessarily represent the majority of Americans. The savings rate can increase dramatically due to a small subsection of the population, such as the upper middle class or the 1%, setting large amounts of money aside, yet the statistics treat this as if it represents the whole population. The Personal Savings Rate also includes stocks and bonds as “savings”, which helps to skew the numbers as well.
  • Secondly, with 30 million more Americans added to the unemployment rolls after the last lockdown, how can we take the recent increase in the savings rate seriously? How many average middle class or poverty stricken Americans are included in that stat?
  • Thirdly, even if the Fed stat was accurate and most Americans were saving more, how is this an excuse to enforce even harsher lockdowns? People generally save in order to prepare for the worst case scenario. So, because they are saving for the worst case scenario, Kashkari wants to punish them with the worst case scenario, thereby wiping out their savings? Again, he’s either stupid or evil; take your pick.

All no-win scenarios are constructed on lies and false narratives. They require you to believe certain fallacies before you can feel trapped by the decision that is imposed on you.

Kashkari will claim that his strategy will be better for the country in the long run, but he knows full well that the economy was crashing well before the coronavirus arrived on the scene. In fact, the Federal Reserve built the framework for the crash by addicting the system to easy debt through stimulus measures and low interest rates, then they took away the punch bowl triggering a bubble implosion, and now they are the world with punch until everyone drowns in the inflation.

The US economy was broken even without the pandemic lockdowns so there is no point in giving up your freedom or economic access to save the system.

Global Coronavirus Death Toll Tops 150k: Live Updates, The Worst Is Yet To Come… GOD Didn’t Do That, Because I Done It, Per Gov Cuomo…


  • Wuhan revises citywide coronavirus death toll 50% higher
  • Beijing blames ‘overwhelmed’ health care system for the error
  • Foreign Ministry says new numbers “can stand the test of history”
  • US sees huge spike in deaths on Thursday
  • NYC cancels all ‘nonessential’ events for the month of May
  • Global death toll passes 150k
  • Report on Chicago remdesivir trial stokes hopes for new “miracle drug” to fight the virus
  • Illinois closes schools for rest of year
  • NY total cases: 229,642
  • NY reports slight drop in hospitalizations, ICU admissions, but deaths ‘ basically flat’ at 630
  • NJ reports 300+ deaths
  • WHO says China’s ‘revision’ to Wuhan numbers was latest ‘attempt to ensure no case goes uncounted’
  • Italy reports slowdown in new cases but slight uptick in deaths
  • Texas cancels school until end of year
  • France reports 761 new deaths
  • Michigan Gov says she hopes to begin reopening May 1
  • Iran holds ‘military parade’ with equipment used to fight the virus
  • South African lions seen lounging in middle of road as lockdown continues
  • FT trend analysis shows deaths in Italy, Spain have slowed, while US and UK see continued acceleration
  • Switzerland’s small-business loan program sees resounding success

*      *      *

Update (1545ET): Johns Hopkins just confirmed that the global death toll from the coronavirus outbreak has surpassed 150,000.

The Reason Trump Wants To Stop WHO Funding

For those who haven’t been keeping close track, that’s a 50% increase (up from 100k) in a week.

Update (1430ET): As the media continues its campaign against the western states trying to reopen their economies – while incidentally raising some good points about the hazards of rushing to reopen – a report highlighted the sharp (in terms of percentage points) increases in cases in states like South Dakota.

Jesse McKinley@jessemckinley

.@cnn reporting sharp increase CV cases in states w/o stay-at-home orders, citing @JohnsHopkins:

“Oklahoma saw a 53% increase in cases over the past week…Over same time, cases jumped 60% in Arkansas, 74% in Nebraska, and 82% in Iowa. South Dakota saw a whopping 205% spike.”6391:24 PM – Apr 17, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy487 people are talking about this

To be clear, numbers generally remain low, with these states still reporting at most a few hundred cases, with a few notable exceptions (South Dakota, for example). Deaths have been notably low, and the people are increasingly pushing legislators and representatives to start the process of reopening their economies.

*      *      *

Update (1420ET): The market’s Friday rally is bruised but not by a long shot broken. However, its near-term survival could depend on the numbers reported by NJ, Michigan and a handful of other states.

And New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy just shared the state’s latest update, with 323 deaths, another disturbingly high reading, but a drop from yesterday’s number and solidly below a record in the high 300s set earlier in the week. Deaths, particularly in nursing homes, have been accelerating across the tristate area, and NJ is no exception.

Governor Phil Murphy@GovMurphy

We now have 78,467 confirmed #COVID19 cases.
• Atlantic: 370
• Bergen: 11,863
• Burlington: 1,366
• Camden: 1,807
• Cape May: 189
• Cumberland: 263
• Essex: 9,672
• Gloucester: 664
• Hudson: 9,636
• Hunterdon: 385

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17912:44 PM – Apr 17, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy210 people are talking about this

During his press conference, the governor raised the possibility of students wearing mask when they return to school.

But how will they ask questions with their mouths cov…ohhhh.

*      *      *

Update (1410ET): China’s Hu Xijin could resist the opportunity to troll the president after his flurry of frustrated tweets earlier, where he took a few moments to bash Beijing over the Wuhan revisions, the CPC’s latest insult to the west’s collective intelligence (and, sadly, the intelligence of the Chinese people).

Trump sent out a flurry of tweets earlier bashing Gov Andrew Cuomo and the Chinese while cheering for states to reopen. Now, Hu, the editor of the Global Times, Beijing’s favorite English-language mouthpiece, is striking back, insulting the president’s eye sight and – critically – math skills.

Hu Xijin 胡锡进@HuXijin_GT

You have poor eyesight or are poor at math? China revised COVID-19 death toll up by 1290, from 3342. It’s not doubling. Aren’t you embarrassed comparing US’ death toll with China’s? Under your leadership, daily death toll in the US is close to China’s total number. Poor America. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1251186179548033025 …Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrumpChina has just announced a doubling in the number of their deaths from the Invisible Enemy. It is far higher than that and far higher than the U.S., not even close!7921:07 PM – Apr 17, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy561 people are talking about this

Damn, got ’em

*      *      *

Update (1405ET): With Cuomo and Trump now embroiled in a full-blown war of words sideshow, New York State has released its latest update on total cases, showing it still has roughly one-third of the total cases in the US.


*      *      *

Update (1357ET):  Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has just declared that schools in Texas will close until the end of the academic year as part of a plan to reopen the state released during Friday’s press briefing. If Illinois, which we reported earlier, was No. 27, then Texas will be the 28th state to cancel school for the rest of the year.

Abbott issued two executive orders on Friday regarding his reopening strategy, as one local TV station reported.

*      *      *

Update (1350ET): For anybody who still doubts President Trump’s claims about the WHO having been co-opted by Beijing, check out these comments from the organization’s press briefing on Friday. Commenting on the latest revision to Wuhan’s coronavirus figures (including thousands of newly disclosed deaths) the WHO said that the revision was made “in an attempt to leave no case undocumented.”

First Squawk@FirstSquawk

China revised #COVID19 death toll was “done in an attempt to leave no case undocumented,” says WHO5012:48 PM – Apr 17, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy45 people are talking about this

Critics and even some impartial observers have suggested that it seems more probable the revision was just the latest in a series of smokescreens, half-truths and outright lies perpetuated by Beijing.

But not the WHO: Once again, China’s lies aren’t simply taken as truths, they’re spun as noble acts.

Taking a more somber turn, WHO Dr. Mike Ryan said the org has evidence suggesting herd immunity hasn’t yet been achieved anywhere and that only a low proportion of people have antibodies to the virus, echoing findings that we’ve noted a handful of times including here.

We shouldn’t assume that just because somebody has had the virus, that they will be forever immune.

*      *      *

Update (1340ET): France reports 761 more coronavirus deaths, bringing its countrywide total to 18,681, roughly equivalent with yesterday’s jump, just a few days after France reported a massive jump in newly confirmed cases to account for a rash of nursing-home outbreaks – figures that have been excluded from some official tallies of France’s total caseload. 

All told, France had roughly 147,000 total cases as of yesterday, and the new figures will likely be released shortly. In recent days, officials have reported a drop in hospitalized patients and patients in the ICU. And officials in Paris, the worst-hit region, have said there’s cause for optimism.

*      *      *

Update (1320ET): ABC7 Chicago reports that Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker is expected to announce schools across the state will close for the rest of the academic year during Friday’s press briefing.

The announcement comes one day after Illinois reported its deadliest single-day count since the outbreak started. Officials reported 1,140 new cases of COVID-19 and 125 additional deaths statewide Thursday. At least 1,072 Illinois residents have died and a total of 25,733 have been infected.

Wisconsin, Indiana, Mississippi, Louisiana and many other states (27 now in total with Illinois), as well as several major urban systems, have closed school for the rest of the year, while NY & NJ have said schools will remain closed until at least May 15. It’s unclear if NYC schools will remain closed until year end or if they might reopen.

*      *      *

Update (1220ET): Italy reported some good news on Friday as the number of new positive cases continued to decline even as the number of tests conducted climbed, suggesting that the rate of infection truly is slow.

However, Italy’s Civil Protection Service also reported a slight uptick in the rate of deaths yesterday, with 575 deaths reported, up from 525 the day before).

Italy reported 3,493 new cases overnight (up 2.1% from the prior day) to 172,434, compared with a 3,786 jump the day before. In terms of deaths, Italy has reported a total of 22,745. The number of patients who recovered yesterday 2,563, bringing the total recovered to 42,727.

By comparison: US deaths so far: 33,325.

And a more detailed breakdown courtesy of Corriere Della Sera:

Everything considered, it’s good news.

*      *      *

Update (1200ET): As Cuomo’s press conference draws toward its end, the governor told reporters that he plans to use the National Guard deployed in the state to start arbitrarily testing citizens as part of the reopening process. He also signed an executive order demanding labs to ‘cooperate’ with state officials in prioritizing diagnostic testing, meaning all private (and public) lab capacity in the state must prioritize testing for COVID-19. At this point, Cuomo is throwing out these ‘executive orders’ we think just to pad the state’s efforts.

Andrew Cuomo@NYGovCuomo

NEW: I’m issuing an Executive Order directing all public and private labs in NY to coordinate with the State Department of Health to ensure prioritizing diagnostic testing for public health and restarting the economy.19.5K10:53 AM – Apr 17, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy4,394 people are talking about this

Cuomo added that the number of New Yorkers being hospitalized is still humming at a rate of 2,000 a day, which he acknowledged is still “very high.”

State-wide testing is a massive undertaking, Cuomo said, and it will require more federal assistance, as he reiterated his pleas for more money from the federal government, now that the state is effectively “broke” due to its efforts fighting the coronavirus.

Asking the states to handle the process of reopening without additional funding is “passing the buck without passing the bucks,” Cuomo said.

Justin Hendrix | wash your hands & stay at home@justinhendrix

.@NYGovCuomo on the testing crisis: “I can do what I can do on the state side… but, the federal government cannot wipe their hands of this and so, oh the states are responsible for testing. We cannot do it. We cannot do it without federal help.”

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5411:03 AM – Apr 17, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy31 people are talking about this

The allocation to NYC should be “proportionate to the need” Cuomo said, given the number of cases in the state, that translates to virtual blank check.

Also, Cuomo’s now-seemingly-daily comments about his relationship with his family and children under quarantine is really resonating with the blue checks.

Aisha C. Mills@AishaMoodMills

Really appreciate the way @NYGovCuomo shares his personal growth and overdue bonding with family he’s doing through the covid crisis. “We may be more physically distant but the key is to be more connected.” Everything has taken on new meaning for me too especially relationships.4011:03 AM – Apr 17, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacySee Aisha C. Mills’s other Tweets

It’s basically free therapy.

*      *      *

Update (1140ET): Here’s our updated chart showing the new statewide numbers for cases and deaths.

Meanwhile, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio just cancelled all ‘non-essential’ events in the city for the month of May.

De Blasio, who is holding his own briefing at the same time as Cuomo’s because he’s a petty little bitch, added that hospitalizations in the city have eased somewhat in the last 24 hours according to “his numbers” echoing the numbers used by Cuomo (though many hospitals remain overwhelmed).

Here’s more on that from ABC News.

The number of hospital admissions and ICU admissions are showing improvement, according to new numbers provided by the mayor.
De Blasio said there is “no way to get back to normal without a huge amount of testing” and he again asked the federal government for funding.

The federal government has been the elephant in the room in this entire crisis,” he said. “The federal government has a chance to get it right … I’m appealing directly to President Trump and Senate [Majority] Leader [Mitch] McConnell.”

“I’ve asked and I’ve asked nicely. Mr. President, your hometown needs you. Leader McConnell, your nation needs you,” he said.

Additionally, we noted earlier that Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmers became the first governor to say on Friday that she would begin the process of reopening her state’s economy on May 1 after Trump released federal guidelines last night. President Trump apparently couldn’t help himself from celebrating at the news.

*      *      *

Update (1135ET): New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is holding his daily press briefing.

Andrew Cuomo@NYGovCuomo

Holding a briefing with updates on #Coronavirus.

Watch Live: https://www.pscp.tv/w/cWhx3jIyNjcxMDN8MVprSnpMTkxkZXlLdl–1qOU6DRe9gW3v5dBBK_SAmC4U8DkF1zDBrApF0av …Andrew Cuomo @NYGovCuomoHolding a briefing with updates on #Coronavirus. Watch Live:pscp.tv3,08510:31 AM – Apr 17, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy1,497 people are talking about this

While he heralded a slight drop in the number of people hospitalized, he lamented the refusal of deaths to come down dramatically. He reported 630 for the last 24 hours, “basically flat again, like the other numbers,” Cuomo said. The number of deaths for the prior day was 606. The governor added that the numbers are still “breathtakingly painful.”

Update (1050ET): The US just confirmed a surprising spike in deaths yesterday, its latest new single-day record as the deaths in the UK and US continue to accelerate in defiance of the ‘official narrative’ that the ‘flattening’ curve is a sign that everything is on the mend.

According to a WSJ analysis of JHU data updated at 8pmET last night, 4,591 people were reported to have died from COVID-19. The prior record was 2,569 on Wednesday, the day prior (remember data is reported with a 24 hour delay).

One reason deaths have spiked this week is NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio’s decision to revise the city death toll higher by nearly 4,000 cases to factor in deaths that occurred outside a hospital setting (like home in an apartment) or in a medical setting, but without a positive test for COVID-19.

However, those cases weren’t included in this data.

Instead, the deaths were mostly reported in NY, NJ and Michigan, three of the hardest hit states. Deaths reported in an NJ nursing home did contribute to the figures.

This means that after appearing to stabilize, the pace of COVID-19-linked deaths in the US have been climbing for three straight days.

*      *      *

Update (1025ET): One of the few silver linings of the global coronavirus outbreak has been the memes. We suspect that almost nobody would debate this.

And one of the best memes of this early virus period (as we suspect it will come to be known) has been what we’re calling the “humans are the virus” meme. Here’s an example:

US Sees Massive Spike In Deaths Across The Country


  • Wuhan revises citywide coronavirus death toll 50% higher
  • Beijing blames ‘overwhelmed’ health care system for the error
  • Foreign Ministry says new numbers “can stand the test of history”
  • US sees huge spike in deaths on Thursday
  • NYC cancels all ‘nonessential’ events for the month of May
  • Report on Chicago remdesivir trial stokes hopes for new “miracle drug” to fight the virus
  • NY reports slight drop in hospitalizations, ICU admissions, but deaths ‘ basically flat’ at 630
  • Michigan Gov says she hopes to begin reopening May 1
  • Iran holds ‘military parade’ with equipment used to fight the virus
  • South African lions seen lounging in middle of road as lockdown continues
  • FT trend analysis shows deaths in Italy, Spain have slowed, while US and UK see continued acceleration
  • Switzerland’s small-business loan program sees resounding success

*      *      *

Politician are EVIL

Russia: New cases cross 3,000 mark in record one-day increase in infections

Russia has confirmed 3,388 new COVID-19 cases on Wednesday, bringing the country’s total caseload to 24,490. In a report, Rospotrebnadzor – the country’s lead agency for coronavirus testing – said this is the first time that new cases exceeded 3,000 and have tripled from last week. The agency also reported 28 deaths, which brought the country’s death toll to 198.

Health authorities reported that the majority of the cases in the country are in Moscow and the surrounding Moscow Oblast region, which have a combined caseload of 17,063. On Friday, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin warned that the virus “is gaining momentum” and that “the situation is becoming increasingly problematic.”

Deputy Mayor Anastasia Rakova issued a similar statement, saying that the number of COVID-19 patients requiring hospitalization in the city has more than doubled the past week to 6,500. She also warned that the outbreak in the Russian capital was far from reaching its peak and that it will push the city’s healthcare system to the limit. Nearly half of those infected with coronavirus are under the age of 45.

Muscovites have taken to social media to describe the situation. In a post on Saturday, Georgiy Federov, a COVID-19 patient, gave an account of his “close to catastrophic” ordeal in the hospital where he was taken.

“The admissions room was packed with sick people, and most had identical symptoms… Ambulances were arriving every five to seven minutes,” he wrote on social media, while also saying that he refused to be held in the hospital. Source:

Sources include: TheMoscowTimes.com NewsTarget


Kim Jong-un Has Not Been Seen in Public in a Month , That’s Because The Man Is Sick

North Korean citizens usually celebrate the “Day of the Sun” with a massive parade and huge displays of synchronized movements. It recognizes the founder of North Korea, Kim Il-sung.

But the celebration was muted and brief and attended only by “senior officials” of the North Korean government. It did not include the country’s current Dear Leader, Kim Jong-un.

Kim was nowhere to be seen, but a floral wreath with his name on it was left at the mausoleum where the ashes of his father and grandfather are resting.

In late March, the Japanese daily Yomiuri Shimbun reported that more than 100 North Korean soldiers who were stationed at the border with China died from the virus. The South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo also claimed that Kim was spending “considerable time” away from the capital of Pyongyang due to the virus.

Update (1200ET): As Cuomo’s press conference draws toward its end, the governor told reporters that he plans to use the National Guard deployed in the state to start arbitrarily testing citizens as part of the reopening process. He also signed an executive order demanding labs to ‘cooperate’ with state officials in prioritizing diagnostic testing, meaning all private (and public) lab capacity in the state must prioritize testing for COVID-19. At this point, Cuomo is throwing out these ‘executive orders’ we think just to pad the state’s efforts.

Andrew Cuomo@NYGovCuomo

More Cuomo Bull Crap! This Guy Is a menace to society

NEW: I’m issuing an Executive Order directing all public and private labs in NY to coordinate with the State Department of Health to ensure prioritizing diagnostic testing for public health and restarting the economy.

3,17710:53 AM – Apr 17, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy813 people are talking about this


Cuomo added that the number of New Yorkers being hospitalized is still humming at a rate of 2,000 a day, which he acknowledged is still “very high.”

State-wide testing is a massive undertaking, Cuomo said, and it will require more federal assistance, as he reiterated his pleas for more money from the federal government, now that the state is effectively “broke” due to its efforts fighting the coronavirus.

Asking the states to handle the process of reopening without additional funding is “passing the buck without passing the bucks,” Cuomo said.

$10 off Contact Lens orders of $99+ with code: CLEAR10

Justin Hendrix | wash your hands & stay at home@justinhendrix

.@NYGovCuomo on the testing crisis: “I can do what I can do on the state side… but, the federal government cannot wipe their hands of this and so, oh the states are responsible for testing. We cannot do it. We cannot do it without federal help.”

We Are About to Enter the Worst Days of This Pestilence. Our Public Officials Are Brain-Dead

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3911:03 AM – Apr 17, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy25 people are talking about this

The allocation to NYC should be “proportionate to the need” Cuomo said, given the number of cases in the state, that translates to virtual blank check.

Also, Cuomo’s now-seemingly-daily comments about his relationship with his family and children under quarantine is really resonating with the blue checks.

Aisha C. Mills@AishaMoodMills

Really appreciate the way @NYGovCuomo shares his personal growth and overdue bonding with family he’s doing through the covid crisis. “We may be more physically distant but the key is to be more connected.” Everything has taken on new meaning for me too especially relationships.2111:03 AM – Apr 17, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacySee Aisha C. Mills’s other Tweets

It’s basically free therapy.


Update (1140ET): Here’s our updated chart showing the new statewide numbers for cases and deaths.

Meanwhile, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio just cancelled all ‘non-essential’ events in the city for the month of May.

De Blasio, who is holding his own briefing at the same time as Cuomo’s because he’s a petty little bitch, added that hospitalizations in the city have eased somewhat in the last 24 hours according to “his numbers” echoing the numbers used by Cuomo (though many hospitals remain overwhelmed).

Here’s more on that from ABC News.

The number of hospital admissions and ICU admissions are showing improvement, according to new numbers provided by the mayor.
De Blasio said there is “no way to get back to normal without a huge amount of testing” and he again asked the federal government for funding.

The federal government has been the elephant in the room in this entire crisis,” he said. “The federal government has a chance to get it right … I’m appealing directly to President Trump and Senate [Majority] Leader [Mitch] McConnell.”

“I’ve asked and I’ve asked nicely. Mr. President, your hometown needs you. Leader McConnell, your nation needs you,” he said.

Additionally, we noted earlier that Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmers became the first governor to say on Friday that she would begin the process of reopening her state’s economy on May 1 after Trump released federal guidelines last night. President Trump apparently couldn’t help himself from celebrating at the news.

Update (1135ET): New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is holding his daily press briefing.

Andrew Cuomo@NYGovCuomo

Holding a briefing with updates on #Coronavirus. Watch Live: https://www.pscp.tv/w/cWhx3jIyNjcxMDN8MVprSnpMTkxkZXlLdl–1qOU6DRe9gW3v5dBBK_SAmC4U8DkF1zDBrApF0av …Andrew Cuomo @NYGovCuomoHolding a briefing with updates on #Coronavirus. Watch Live:pscp.tv79810:31 AM – Apr 17, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy526 people are talking about this

While he heralded a slight drop in the number of people hospitalized, he lamented the refusal of deaths to come down dramatically. He reported 630 for the last 24 hours, “basically flat again, like the other numbers,” Cuomo said. The number of deaths for the prior day was 606. The governor added that the numbers are still “breathtakingly painful.”

*      *      *

Update (1050ET): The US just confirmed a surprising spike in deaths yesterday, its latest new single-day record as the deaths in the UK and US continue to accelerate in defiance of the ‘official narrative’ that the ‘flattening’ curve is a sign that everything is on the mend.

According to a WSJ analysis of JHU data updated at 8pmET last night, 4,591 people were reported to have died from COVID-19. The prior record was 2,569 on Wednesday, the day prior (remember data is reported with a 24 hour delay).

One reason deaths have spiked this week is NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio’s decision to revise the city death toll higher by nearly 4,000 cases to factor in deaths that occurred outside a hospital setting (like home in an apartment) or in a medical setting, but without a positive test for COVID-19.

However, those cases weren’t included in this data.

Instead, the deaths were mostly reported in NY, NJ and Michigan, three of the hardest hit states. Deaths reported in an NJ nursing home did contribute to the figures.

This means that after appearing to stabilize, the pace of COVID-19-linked deaths in the US have been climbing for three straight days.

*      *      *

Update (1025ET): One of the few silver linings of the global coronavirus outbreak has been the memes. We suspect that almost nobody would debate this.

And one of the best memes of this early virus period (as we suspect it will come to be known) has been what we’re calling the “humans are the virus” meme. Here’s an example:

Shortly after 11pmET Thursday night, a headline came trundling across the wire that caught our eye: Health authorities in Wuhan raised the official death toll from the city’s coronavirus outbreak by 50%, equivalent to 1,290 patients, to a still-too-low-to-be-believed 3,869.

An anonymous city official told China’s Xinhua that the new deaths and newly announced cases (officials confirmed another 325 non-fatal cases, raising the total number of “confirmed” cases to 50,333) were under-counted during the “early stages” of the outbreak, according to the Associated Press.

Echoing NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio’s reasoning for adding thousands of new deaths to the city death toll earlier this week, Chinese officials said the new cases include people who died at home, as well as those who died in a hospital without their deaths being officially added to the toll (during the first weeks after the Wuhan shutdown, Chinese officials refused to include patients who hadn’t officially tested positive in their case numbers, an issue that was supposed to have been fixed by one of the early revisions announced by the Chinese back in February).

The new figures were reportedly discovered after Chinese officials tried to reconcile numbers from their hospital database, with numbers from the city funeral service and its nucleic acid-testing.

The official Xinhua News Agency quoted an unidentified official with Wuhan’s epidemic and prevention and control headquarters as saying that during the early stages of the outbreak, “due to the insufficiency in admission and treatment capability, a few medical institutions failed to connect with the disease prevention and control system in time, while hospitals were overloaded and medics were overwhelmed with patients.

“As a result, belated, missed and mistaken reporting occurred,” the official was quoted as saying.

The new figures were compiled by comparing data from Wuhan’s epidemic prevention and control system, the city funeral service, the municipal hospital authority, and nucleic acid testing to “remove double-counted cases and fill in missed cases,” the official was quoted as saying.

Deaths occurring outside hospitals had not been registered previously and some medical institutions had confirmed cases but reported them late or not at all, the official said.

By adding these 1,290 patients to the rolls, China raised its national death toll to 4,632, from the 3,342 announced by the NHC earlier. After their release, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian insisted that these new numbers “can stand the test of history.”

Why would China even bother with this latest ‘revision’ – it’s at least the 4th time they’ve tweaked the numbers, and the first time in roughly 2 months – of the Wuhan numbers? Well, it just so happens that the official statistics agency also published the first reading of China’s Q1 GDP, which confirmed a massive contraction, as was expected.

Twitter’s Melissa Chen jokingly compared China’s ‘50%’ revision to when a student purposefully marks wrong answers on their homework to cover up the fact that they’ve been cheating.

Melissa Chen@MsMelChen

When you realize that the teacher would be suspicious because you did too good of a job cheating on your homework, so you threw in some errors:https://qz.com/1839925/wuhan-revised-its-coronavirus-death-toll-up-by-50-percent/ …Wuhan just revised its Covid-19 death toll up by 50%Amid growing skepticism of China’s coronavirus figures, authorities added 1,290 deaths from confirmed cases to the official tally.qz.com1,9822:00 AM – Apr 17, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy507 people are talking about this

But Wuhan is slightly larger than NYC population-wise, and the outbreak in Wuhan was even more vicious than the outbreak in NYC, which has reported more than 10k deaths. So imagine what that must mean for Wuhan, where the hospital system was completely overwhelmed during the early weeks of the outbreak, leaving some elderly patients to drop dead on the street (something that, as far as we know, hasn’t happened in the US).

The other big news overnight – and the reason why Dow futs are up nearly 800 points in the green Friday morning – has actually been percolating in investors’ minds since shortly after yesterday’s close of cash trading. In the early evening on Thursday, a report claiming ‘miraculous’ efficacy for Gilead’s remdesivir during a University of Chicago study, helped revive hopes that a “miracle drug” might be around the corner. The results were first reported last night by Statnews.

Here’s more from that Statnews report, which we also cited last night.

Remdesivir was one of the first medicines identified as having the potential to impact SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes Covid-19, in lab tests. The entire world has been waiting for results from Gilead’s clinical trials, and positive results would likely lead to fast approvals by the Food and Drug Administration and other regulatory agencies. If safe and effective, it could become the first approved treatment against the disease.

The University of Chicago Medicine recruited 125 people with Covid-19 into Gilead’s two Phase 3 clinical trials. Of those people, 113 had severe disease. All the patients have been treated with daily infusions of remdesivir.

“The best news is that most of our patients have already been discharged, which is great. We’ve only had two patients perish,” said Kathleen Mullane, the University of Chicago infectious disease specialist overseeing the remdesivir studies for the hospital.

However, a statement from Gilead warned that the drug is still in the trial phase, and these results still need to be confirmed. And as we noted earlier this week, officials in China suspiciously shuttered 2 separate trials – one in Wuhan and one in Beijing – of the global remdesivir study, claiming there weren’t enough severely ill patients to run the trials, which sounds like a not-very-believable ruse to us.

Even Gilead, whose shares are up nearly 20% in premarket trade, warned that the U.Chicago trial is just one of many, and these numbers are simply “anecdotal”.

Finally, the number of confirmed cases surpassed 2.1 million during the early hours of Friday in the US, while the number of confirmed deaths neared 150k.

The Coronavirus, Pestilence, the hospital will fail–there’s no other word for it. Docs and nurses won’t show up. It’s not their friends or family or kid’s teacher or pastor at risk. While we wouldn’t have liked it, we would’ve risked our health for our community. These professionals are not going to risk their life for a job. The senior management will try to keep it together for the sake of their careers, but the next tier will quickly bag it. Again, it’s just a job. The corporate supply chain is so fragile, and there are now so few community resources that the hospital as a care system will quickly break down. Critical ingredients of medicines and drugs, upon which many American lives depend, are made in Chinese factories now being shut down.


Chinese factories that produce essential parts for factories and finished products in the U.S., Europe, and Asia are shutting down. Supply chains are being severed. Shortages are cropping up.

Drug factories are potentially the next “collateral damage” of the COVID-19 outbreak.

This is after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on Thursday that a manufacturer alerted the agency about a disruption in its supply of a certain human drug.

FDA commissioner Stephen Hahn said the shortage is due to an issue with the production of an “active pharmaceutical ingredient” (API) used in the drug. According to Hahn, the still-unnamed manufacturer has confirmed that the shortage was traced to a site hit by the coronavirus.

Hahn, in a statement published on the FDA website, said the agency is now working with the manufacturer – as well as several others – in a bid to mitigate the shortage.

The FDA previously announced that it has kept in touch with over 180 manufacturers of pharmaceutical products, reminding the companies to evaluate their entire supply chain, with particular emphasis on the supply of their products’ APIs.

In addition, the agency said this week that it has identified about 20 drugs that either source all of their main ingredients from, or are finished in China and that it has contacted their manufacturers to gauge if they would face shortages in light of the COVID-19 outbreak.

As noted by a CBS report, antibiotics such as amoxicillin, doxycycline, penicillin and other key drugs are at risk of running low since 90 percent of their core components are sourced from China. (Related: Desperate scientists inject monkeys with coronavirus to create vaccine.)

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MULTIPLE community outbreaks tracking in California as coronavirus set to explode across the USA beginning next week

Public health officials are now tracking two separate coronavirus outbreaks in California, with the latest victim a 65-year-old woman in Santa Clara County who was confirmed earlier today.

The Washington Post is reporting that Jennifer Nuzzo from the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security is now warning about the multiple outbreaks: “I think there’s a strong possibility that there’s local transmission going in California. In other words, the virus is spreading within California, and I think there’s a possibility other states are in the same boat. They just haven’t recognized that yet.”

Just last night, another person was confirmed with the coronavirus in Solano County after having exposed dozens of hospital workers to the virus before falling critically ill. The UC Davis Health hospital issued a press release explaining that CDC testing guidelines prohibited this woman from being tested for coronavirus in a timely manner, causing an 11-day delay during which she no doubts spread the virus to countless others who have yet to be diagnosed.

Yesterday, UC Davis Health stated:

Upon admission, our team asked public health officials if this case could be COVID-19. We requested COVID-19 testing by the CDC since neither Sacramento County nor CDPH is doing testing for coronavirus at this time. Since the patient did not fit the existing CDC criteria for COVID-19, a test was not immediately administered. UC Davis Health does not control the testing process.

The patient was not put into “airborne precaution” status until after that test was conducted, meaning dozens of hospital staffers could have been exposed.

UC Davis Health further stated, “As we regularly handle patients with infectious diseases, we have robust infection control protocols in place to handle this patient and others with more frequently seen infectious diseases,” but the statement seems irrelevant if they had not identified the coronavirus status of this patient for many days, meaning they weren’t aware she had the airborne disease.

The Washington Post now reports that Sara Cody, the health officer of Santa Clara County, says there’s no connection between this new patient confirmed today and the Solano County patient confirmed yesterday: “There is no apparent connection between the new patient and anyone else with the disease, known as covid-19, including the Solano County case and two other cases in Santa Clara county.”

That same WashPost story also explains that two students in Palo Alto may have been exposed to the virus, via the Solano County patient.

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Santa Clara County warns now is the time to prepare for the possibility of widespread community transmission

In a press release issued by county officials, Santa Clara County’s Office of Public Health Communications issued the following press release: (bolding emphasis added)

County of Santa Clara Public Health Department Reports Third Case of COVID-19
For immediate release
February? 28,?2020

For more information contact:
County of Santa Clara Public Health Communications
Media Line: (408) 794-0707

News highlights:
– The third case of COVID-19 in Santa Clara County and is not related to other cases.
– The third case had no known exposure to the virus through travel or close contact with a known infected individual.
– Now is the time to prepare for the possibility of widespread community transmission.

Santa Clara County – The County of Santa Clara Public Health Department confirms the third case of COVID-19.  This is the third case to be identified in our County but is different from the other two cases since this person does not have a travel history nor any known contact with a traveler or infected person.

The individual is an older adult woman with chronic health conditions who was hospitalized for a respiratory illness. Her infectious disease physician contacted the Public Health Department to discuss the case and request testing for the novel coronavirus. The County of Santa Clara Public Health Laboratory received the specimens yesterday and performed the testing. Since receiving the results last night, the department has been working to identify contacts and understand the extent of exposures.

Due to medical privacy requirements and to protect her identity, further information about this case will not be released.

“This new case indicates that there is evidence of community transmission but the extent is still not clear,” said Dr. Sara Cody, Health Officer for Santa Clara County and Director of the County of Santa Clara Public Health Department. “I understand this may be concerning to hear, but this is what we have been preparing for. Now we need to start taking additional actions to slow down the spread of the disease.”

This case is important because it signals that now is the time to change course. The public health measures are taken so far – isolation, quarantine, contract tracing, and travel restrictions – have helped to slow the spread of the disease. The department will continue to implement these measures and continue to trace close contacts of our cases to protect the health of individuals and our community.

Since the disease is here, an important priority for the department will be to conduct community surveillance to determine the extent of local transmission. Since the County Public Health Laboratory has the ability to run the test, the department can quickly evaluate what is happening in our community.

For individuals, the recommendations are very simple but very important:

– Keep your hands clean. It is one of the most important steps you can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. And always need to cover your cough and stay home when you are sick.

– Today, start working on not touching your face because one-way viruses spread is when you touch your own mouth, nose or eyes.

– Since we know the disease is here, we all need to stay away from people who are sick.

– Start thinking about family preparedness, how to take care of a sick family while not getting infected. Think about a room to isolate a sick person.

There are practical measures that can help limit spread by reducing exposure in community settings:

– Schools: should plan for absenteeism and explore options for tele-learning and enhance surface cleaning.

– Businesses: whenever possible, can replace in-person meetings with video or telephone conferences and increase teleworking options and modify absenteeism policies and also enhance surface cleaning.

The County of Santa Clara Public Health Department is working closely with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the State of California Department of Public Health, and other partners as the new coronavirus situation continues to change. Information will be updated as soon as possible on our website:?//sccphd.org/coronavirus

### end press release

In summary, this announcement from Santa Clara County is about the best advice we’ve seen yet from any government entity. Too bad the WHO is run by scientifically illiterate bureaucrats who can’t issue a similarly intelligent press release to the world…

The only other thing we would add to this is that everybody needs to urgently start consuming anti-viral herbs, spices and superfoods so that the population at large has heightened viral resistance.

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Coronavirus cases to start exploding next week in America

Confirmed coronavirus cases in America are set to start exploding next week as U.S. labs have finally been given permission by the CDC to start testing for coronavirus, reports The Epoch Times. The CDC has delayed testing for over three weeks to set a “trap” for Trump, allowing the disease to rapidly spread while near-zero testing was taking place across the country.

Beginning next week, we will first see tens of cases confirmed in America, then dozens over the following few weeks, and then likely hundreds of cases that multiply into thousands over the next several months.

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In this InfoWars broadcast, I explain the trap set by the CDC to blame President Trump for the outbreaks: Not until well into the Democratic debate Tuesday night did the COVID-19 coronavirus come up, and it was Mike Bloomberg, not a CBS moderator, who raised it: “The president fired the pandemic specialist in this country two years ago,” the former New York mayor said. “There’s nobody here to figure out what the hell we should be doing. And he’s defunded the CDC.”

Not 24 hours later, President Donald Trump, home from India, was in the White House briefing room, flanked by the nation’s foremost health experts, deputizing Vice President Mike Pence to head the task force to lead America’s battle against the spreading disease.

Yet, by Thursday noon, the Dow Jones average was down 3,000 points on the week, a 10% plunge from its recent all-time high.

Trillions of dollars in equity value had been wiped out.

The great bull market of the Trump presidency may be history.

Though only 60 Americans are known to have been infected, and none has yet died, fear has begun to grip the nation as well as the world. Yet, as of now, the numbers don’t justify the emotion.

The death toll as of Thursday was 2,800, out of 82,000 cases of coronavirus worldwide. The great majority of these are in China, where the virus originated, though the disease has spread to every continent, with Italy and South Korea the hardest hit outside of China.

Whatever happens medically – the mortality rate of the virus is between 2 and 3% – it’s hard to see how the world averts a recession if COVID-19 is not soon contained and controlled.

Already, Democrats are piling on Trump for cutting funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and failing to reflect the seriousness of the threat. And the issue does present a challenge to Trump’s presidency. His handling of it may determine his stature as chief executive.

Yet the issue is also tailor-made for Trump.

First, the disease comes out of Xi Jinping’s China, not Trump’s USA.

Second, the president occupies what Theodore Roosevelt called the “bully pulpit,” the White House. He can use that pulpit daily to command the airwaves and inform, lead, unite and direct the nation during what could be a months-long crisis. And Trump alone has the power to declare a national emergency, should that be needed.

If Trump acts as a leader, urging unity in the struggle to contain the virus and discover a vaccine, the hectoring from the Democratic left, already begun, can come to be seen as unpatriotic.

Also, Trump’s probable opponent this fall, who would be in charge of preventing the coronavirus from spreading like the Spanish Flu of 1918-19, is Bernie Sanders. And what are Sanders’ credentials and plans?

Under “Medicare for All,” Sanders intends to nationalize the entire U.S. health care system and abolish the private health insurance plans of 140 million Americans who now depend on them.

As for the pharmaceutical industry, uniquely situated to assist in the crash effort to find a cure for the coronavirus, Sanders will confiscate its profits and put those profiteers out of business.

Still, given the alarming news coming from countries all over the globe, there is a risk that by November, the U.S. and the world may have tumbled into a recession. Airlines are already canceling flights to and from Asia. Cruise ships are pulling into ports and off-loading passengers. Travel and tourism are suffering terribly. Schools are closing.

Chinese factories that produce essential parts for factories and finished products in the U.S., Europe, and Asia are shutting down. Supply chains are being severed. Shortages are cropping up.

The Japanese are talking of canceling the Olympics. If the virus spreads here, the question arises: Will our two parties still hold their nominating conventions this summer in Milwaukee and Charlotte?

The chickens of globalization are coming home to roost.

In recent decades, America’s economic and political elites of both parties surrendered America’s economic independence for globalism, a new interdependence of nations, where we Americans no longer rely on ourselves alone for the vital necessities of our national life.

That decision is now being exposed as the folly against which Hamilton and economic nationalists always warned.

According to The Washington Post, critical ingredients of medicines and drugs, upon which many American lives depend, are made in Chinese factories now in danger of being shut down.

In the ongoing struggle between nationalism and globalism, the globalists are taking a beating. Like the Chinese and Japanese and Koreans, Americans are not going to be looking to the WHO or U.N. to ensure their health, but to their own nation-states. And if a pandemic threatens, transnationalism’s “open borders” ideology is not a policy that will bring universal acclamation.

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We have already seen it happen all over the globe.  In China it is becoming increasingly difficult for ordinary citizens to get essential supplies, there have been very long lines to buy face masks in Hong Kong and elsewhere, and in Italy, crazed residents have stripped store shelves empty of pasta and other staples in recent days.  As the number of confirmed cases continues to rise at a very frightening pace, the “panic buying” that we have been witnessing is going to get even worse.  Meanwhile, global supply chains are becoming increasingly strained due to this coronavirus outbreak, and it has already become quite difficult for many stores to get certain things for their customers.

Here in the United States, we have never experienced anything like this.  We are accustomed to stores that are absolutely teeming with products, and any “shortages” are usually very temporary.

But now we are being warned to expect empty store shelves in the months ahead if this outbreak becomes a worldwide pandemic…

Coronavirus has the potential to become a global pandemic, temporarily emptying retail store shelves in the coming months and depressing some consumer-facing businesses, experts say, with government officials advising families to take measured steps to stock up on certain essentials.

In fact, NBC News is reporting that we should anticipate seeing “bare shelves” in some stores “by mid-April”…

If production isn’t restarted soon, the bottlenecks could lead to some bare shelves at brick-and-mortar retailers by mid-April, with stores such as Target and Walmart at the greatest risk, Kelly wrote.

Supply chain disruptions and shortages have the potential to hit retailers such as Best Buy, Michaels and Wayfair in the near future, considering that 60 percent to 70 percent of their inventory comes from China.

That doesn’t sound good at all.

Protective face masks are one of the items that are most in-demand right now.  When my wife went to our local Home Depot the other day, there was barely any left at all.  Apparently “hoarding” of masks is taking place on a global scale, and manufacturers are warning that they won’t be able to keep up with demand.  The following comes from the Wall Street Journal

Hospitals and public-health officials in the U.S. and Europe are rationing medical masks and scrounging for more, as they prepare for a potential widening of the coronavirus epidemic.

Global hoarding has left European wholesalers with empty shelves. Manufacturers outside China say they won’t be able to fill an exploding stack of orders for months. U.S. hospitals and medical-supply companies have reported dwindling mask inventory and partial or delayed shipments as the surge in global demand for protective equipment enters a second month.

All over the western world, supplies of face masks are rapidly dwindling.  When one reporter searched around London for a mask, she could only find one pharmacy that still had any for sale…

Meanwhile, pharmacies from Germany to Canada to Italy and the U.K. are all low on medical mask supplies, according to posts circulating on social media.

In a post on Twitter, a journalist for Agence France-Presse said that the only pharmacy in central London she could find stocking face masks was selling them for approximately $3.25 a piece.

Of course masks aren’t the only thing that people are “panic buying” right now.

In Hawaii, a wide range of essential supplies have been “flying off the shelves”

Supplies were flying off the shelves Wednesday, with some shoppers taking pictures of empty shelves at stores across Oahu. This comes after a message from the Health Department to stock up on necessities. There aren’t any coronavirus (COVID-19) cases here in Hawaii, but health officials want people to have food, supplies and medicine just in case.

And after a very long downturn, all of a sudden emergency food has become a very hot commodity again.

In fact, it appears that Costco is currently tapped out

Costco Wholesale, which is one of America’s biggest suppliers of long-term storable food, sold out of all their “emergency food kits” on their website after the CDC warned that Americans should be prepared in case the coronavirus becomes a pandemic.

Visitors to the “Emergency [Food] Kits & Supplies” section of their website are currently greeted with a message saying, “We’re sorry, no products were found.”

Keep in mind that all of this is happening even though we haven’t seen one single American die from this virus yet.

So if things are already this crazy, what is it going to be like if thousands of Americans start dropping dead during this outbreak?

On Amazon, one of the biggest issues has been price gouging.  In fact, “tens of thousands of offers” have been removed in recent days because of “unfair prices”…

Amazon told CNBC it has blocked or removed more than 1 million products that made suspect or misleading claims about the coronavirus. The company said it also suspended or took down tens of thousands of offers from third-party merchants it accused of charging customers unfair prices. Amazon didn’t give specific figures for how many listings it removed or suspended for price gouging.

“There is no place for price gouging on Amazon,” an Amazon spokesperson told CNBC in a statement. The spokesperson pointed to Amazon’s “long-standing” policy on fair pricing, which states that the company doesn’t allow pricing practices that harm consumer trust, such as setting a price on a product that is “significantly higher than recent prices on or off Amazon.”

But what is an “unfair price” in this environment?

A free enterprise system is supposed to dynamically respond to changes in supply and demand, and right now our economic environment is shifting very rapidly.

In the coming months, economic conditions will continue to evolve quickly, and that will especially be true if manufacturers in China cannot resume normal activity.

Many Americans don’t realize this, but we are extremely dependent on imports from China, and that is especially true when it comes to pharmaceutical drugs

The U.S. relies on China for electronics, clothes, toys and, increasingly, prescription drugs. About 90% of the active ingredients used by U.S. companies in drug manufacturing come from China, which has prompted politicians and public health experts to express concern over potential shortages of common generics.

We should have never allowed so much drug manufacturing to move over to China, and now we may end up paying a very great price for doing so.

Even though I hope that the Trump administration is 100 percent correct and that this outbreak will start to subside once warmer weather arrives, I am still encouraging everyone that I know to prepare for a long-term pandemic.

I have been listening very carefully to what medical experts all over the globe have been telling us, and I have found their arguments to be quite persuasive.

The CDC is “asking the American public to prepare for the expectation that this might be bad”, and I plan to heed that advice.

And if you do prepare and this outbreak is not as bad as initially feared, at least you will be prepared for the next great challenge that is ahead of us.

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Like Trump’s America, all nations, in this crisis, are going to put their own people first. As they should.

Costco runs out of “emergency food kits” following the coronavirus outbreak

People are scrambling to stock up on emergency supplies as COVID-19 continues to spread throughout the U.S. – and now, retail giant Costco has run out of “emergency food kits” amid the dreaded outbreak. (h/t to InfoWars.com)

Costco Wholesale, one of the biggest suppliers of long-term storable food in the U.S., has sold out of “emergency food kits” on its website after the CDC cautioned Americans to prepare before the coronavirus turned into a devastating pandemic.

Shoppers who click on the “Emergency [Food] Kits & Supplies” section of the Costco website were greeted with this note: “We’re sorry, no products were found.”

Those who browsed the online store on February 25 only saw two available products, which included a large bin of macaroni and cheese. Shoppers received an error if they tried to view the page, which said that the products were already out of stock. By Wednesday, the online store’s page was unavailable. (Related: Online retail giant Amazon removes any product mentioning “CORONAVIRUS” – including sanitizing products that actually kill coronavirus on surfaces.)

People even turned to social media to deliver the disappointing news.

Chris Menahan of InfoWars reported than when he visited a local Costco warehouse to purchase supplies, the only products available were 12- to 25-pound bags of rice. One rice variety was low on stock, but the rest of the shelves were mostly full.

The emergency food kits were also out of stock at the warehouse.

Harvard epidemiology professor Marc Lipsitch says that the coronavirus will not be containable and that 40-70 of people worldwide will be infected…

Is a widespread coronavirus outbreak inside the United States inevitable? After weeks of generally optimistic statements, officials are now warning us to prepare for the worst. Over the past several days we have seen the number of confirmed cases outside of China escalate dramatically, and this has really rattled global financial markets. After being down more than 1,000 points on Monday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell another 879 points on Tuesday. U.S. stocks have lost more than 1.7 trillion dollars in value in just two days. Much more importantly, a wave of tremendous panic is starting to sweep across America, and it looks like this crisis is just getting started.

Usually, officials at the CDC choose their words very carefully so that they do not needlessly alarm the public. With that in mind, I would like for you to consider three statements that the CDC’s Dr. Nancy Messonnier made about a potential outbreak inside the United States during a press conference on Tuesday…

#1 “It’s not so much of a question of if this will happen in this country anymore but a question of when this will happen.”

#2 “Disruption to everyday life may be severe.”

#3 “We are asking the American public to prepare for the expectation that this might be bad.”

Can you ever recall a top CDC official ever making statements this ominous? I certainly can’t.

In an article entitled You’re Likely to Get the Coronavirus, the Atlantic explains how the coronavirus is particularly dangerous because it may cause no symptoms at all in many carriers of the infection.

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  • US coronavirus case total hits 63, 2nd case ‘of unknown origin’ confirmed
  • US issues travel advisory for Italy
  • Italy says first case discovered in Lazio
  • Google says employee who visited Zurich office has coronavirus
  • France confirms 57 cases
  • Italy reports 3 deaths in Lombardy; nat’l toll now 21; total cases 821
  • Google employee tests positive for coronavirus after visiting Zurich office
  • British man becomes 6th ‘Diamond Princess’ passenger to die
  • Two Japanese dogs tested positive for coronavirus
  • Mulvaney says school closures, transit disruptions may happen in US
  • Dr. Tedros said Friday that there’s no evidence of ‘community outbreak’
  • Mexico confirms 1st virus case
  • Fauci warns virus could take ‘two years’ to develop
  • Kudlow says “no higher priority” than the “health of the American people
  • Toronto confirms another case
  • WHO says 20 vaccines in development
  • St. Louis Fed’s Bullard pours cold water on market hopes
  • The Netherlands confirms 2 more
  • United cuts flights to Japan
  • Advisor to CDC says the shortage of tests in US creating a “bottleneck”
  • Nigeria confirms the first case in sub-Saharan Africa
  • SK reports more than 1,000 new cases in under 48 hours
  • Italy cases surpass 700
  • WHO says virus will ‘soon be in all countries’


  • WHO says outbreak in Iran likely worse than official numbers suggest; outbreak could go in “any direction”
  • Cali monitoring 8400, 28 cases in the state
  • Dozens of hospital staffers who treated US coronavirus patient with ‘unknown’ origin being ‘monitored’
  • Facebook cancels annual ‘F8′ developers’ conference
  • Iran confirms 26 deaths, vice president for women and family affairs infected
  • Northern Ireland confirms the first case
  • Norway confirms three new cases
  • Germany confirms 14 new cases
  • Lagarde: Not yet time for ECB to intervene to fight economic backlash of the outbreak
  • HHS says the risk to the public remains “low”
  • Italy reports 3 more deaths, bringing total to 17
  • Pence, Azar appoint Mnuchin, Kudlow & Surgeon General Adams to Coronavirus Task Force
  • Starbucks says it has reopened 85% of Chinese restaurants
  • Azar: Sonoma case might be ‘community transmission’
  • Salvini meets with Italian president amid national unity government speculation
  • South Korean new cases surpass China’s new cases as SK confirms 505 new cases
  • China, Japan close school nationwide
  • CDC fears ‘community outbreak’ in Sonoma County after discovering the first US case of “unknown origin”
  • CDC says patient from Solano county
  • Saudi Arabia suspends pilgrimages to Holy Sites
  • Hawaiian Airlines suspends service to South Korea
  • Brazil’s neighbors take steps to keep the virus out
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MSM, High-Tech & Reddit Engaged in Heavy Censorship of Truthful News Sources


Everything is right on schedule and, now, the time is come to remove one of the final obstacles standing in the way of a New World Order: The United States Constitution – even if, over the course of many decades, it has already been greatly diminished by the B.E.A.S.T. system; or, more specifically, Bullshit Emerging As Strategic Totalitarianism (B.E.A.S.T.).

Source: HNewsWire InfoWars.com Twitter.com RubbishEatRubbishGrow.com ZeroHedge themostimportantnews www.zerohedge.com

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StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com

Google, No More Electronic Prison: You will see many changes on HNewsWire, one of those changes will be to eliminate Google Ads, the other difference, HNewsWire will NOT post videos on YouTube, it is no longer a question about overreach by the un-godly big tech tyrants. There is no question Big Tech can and will persecute any opposing opinion, they will demoralize, sideline truth seekers and those that speak the truth. The People’s Blood is on big tech and mainstream media’s hands. Censorship has NOT worked for thousands of years, their evil tactics will not work now, history proves me right, so we watch the drama play out between good (GOD) and evil ( Big Tech MSM ), God has never failed his people, and God will not fail this time…
StevieRay Hansen

The truth is that all of the warnings of alleged ‘conspiracy theorists’ have turned out to be correct The word translated “pestilence” is often translated as “plague” or “disaster” …

The Bible predicts the rise of this type of societal control within the frightening prophecies about the Antichrist, the final world empire called the Beast, and the final economic system using the Mark of the Beast. The electronic tyranny of technocracy that is now being developed and implemented throughout the world is in preparation for the Antichrist’s rise to power. As we see this final empire taking shape in our day, we can know for certain that the End Times is upon us and the Coming of Christ is drawing near. Now is the time to turn away from sin and evil and believe in Jesus before it is too late!

The Un-Godly — Those That Suppress the Truth, the social media giants built multi-billion dollar empires by giving everyone a voice, but now that they have such a dominant position on the Internet they have decided that many prominent conservative voices should be completely silenced.

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In order for sin to work, there has to be a “suppression of the truth.”

The World leaders Are Having Trouble With The Truth, and The World Has been “Quarantined” Tribulation Is Here…

Thousands of People Are Basically Trapped in a Petri Dish of Disease

Demon Virus
Asked about the virus while traveling abroad last week, Trump said: “We have it totally under control”. In a separate Twitter posting, he offered reassurance but scant detail for his confidence. By Associated Press Updated On: 05:53 PST, Jan 31, 2020

Yes, are we seeing a slowdown in new virus cases reported this morning. We now have 31,481, which does show a day-to-day decline away from an exponential rate of growth if accurate. Yet for those market participants merrily saying this is “just the flu” (there are some) we also have 4,824, 15% of the total, in critical condition and 638 deaths. Further, one arguably cannot measure the death-rate of any virus against the number of currently sick people: you surely measure it against those who eventually recover vs. those who don’t. Given we have 1,563 who have recovered vs. 638 dead (and 4,824 critical) that is a worrying ratio of 29% dead as an end-outcome, which is right up there with the MERS virus from a few years ago – although, yes, there is real reason for us all to hope that number will decline sharply as milder cases will be fully curable. But the simple flu this is not.

WASHINGTON: Wuhan coronavirus: Donald Trump says deadly outbreak ‘very well under control’ as WHO declares global emergency. President Donald Trump regaled a friendly New Jersey campaign crowd with his thoughts about impeachment, the economy, the border wall, local politics and much more.

But he was conspicuously quiet on January 28 about one big issue keeping much of the globe on pins and needles: the spread of a deadly new type of coronavirus. It has killed more than 170 people in China, sickened thousands more there and led to a handful of confirmed cases in the US, including the first US case of person-to-person transmission reported on by health officials. The State Department on January 30 advised all US citizens against traveling to China.

Trump, a self-described germaphobe, generally has discussed the virus in broad terms, but he offered some of his most extensive comments on the issue to date during an appearance on January 30 at a Michigan manufacturing plant. “Hopefully, it won’t be as bad as some people think it could be, but we’re working very closely with them (Chinese) and with a lot of other people and a lot of other countries, he said. “We think we have it very well under control.”

The Birth Pains Are Growing Stronger….

One of the signs of ruling class collapse is when they can no longer enforce the rules that maintain them as a ruling class. When the Romans started making exceptions to republican governance, it was a matter of time before someone simply decided the rules no longer applied to them. Perhaps the robot historians will consider Obama our Marius or Sulla. Maybe that person is in the near future. Either way, the rule of law is over and what comes next is the rule of men.

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“Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.” as in Nancy Pelosi (D-San Fran-feces)

Our government has been overthrown. As evidenced by Trump’s capitulation on the border, his recent servitude to the GMO industry and his acquiescence to the warmongers, our President has been compromised. Our liberties are being eliminated one by one. Gun confiscation is next. The Constitution is gasping its last breaths. Our borders are destroyed and our culture has been turned upside down by every perversion known to man.

The watchman does not confuse truth with consensus. The Watchman does not confuse God’s word with the word of those who happen to hold power at present, or with the opinion of the majority. This is because powerholders and the majority can fall victim to a lying spirit-and this means a power that actually seizes the majority of experts, the political leadership, and the public.

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Everything is right on schedule and, now, the time is come to remove one of the final obstacles standing in the way of a New World Order: The United States Constitution – even if, over the course of many decades, it has already been greatly diminished by the B.E.A.S.T. system; or, more specifically, Bullshit Emerging As Strategic Totalitarianism (B.E.A.S.T.).

They are tolerant of everything except dissenting values and opinions — meaning, of course, they are tolerant of nothing that matters, only themselves.”

The Watchman does not confuse truth with consensus. The watchman does not confuse God’s word with the word of those who happen to hold power at present, or with the opinion of the majority. This is because powerholders and the majority can fall victim to a lying spirit-and; this means a power that seizes the majority of experts, the political leadership, and the public.StevieRay Hansen

 coronavirus, Costco, covid-19, emergency food, food supply, grocery, infections, off-grid, online market, outbreak, pandemic, panic, preparedness, prepping, products, Retail, SHTF, survival, survival food

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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