Israeli Study Finds That 2nd Booster Efficacy Wanes As Fast As 10 Weeks.


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According to a new study, the increased protection from a second booster shot of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine against viral infection swiftly faded.

Following the introduction of the Omicron version of SARS-CoV-2, also known as the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, people receiving three doses have seen their protection against infection decline significantly.

In January, Israeli regulators approved a fourth dose, or second booster, of Pfizer’s vaccine.

While protection against infection increased after the fourth dose, peaking at 64 percent in the third week, it quickly fell after that, falling to 29 percent by the tenth week, according to Israeli researchers.

“It indicates that the fourth dose’s potency wanes sooner, corresponding to the fact that the third dose wants sooner than the second dose,” they said in the preprint report.

On March 15, Pfizer and BioNTech petitioned US authorities to approve second boosts for all elderly adults. The proposal was based on Israeli statistics, according to which the second shot reduces infection rates.

Researchers from Maccabi Healthcare Services and Yale School of Public Health analyzed data from the services’ database, which includes data on around 2.5 million people, or nearly a fifth of Israel’s population.

Individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 before the start of the study period, or Jan. 10, and those who joined the database after March 2020 were excluded from the analysis.

Researchers counted how many people tested positive for COVID-19 seven days or more after receiving the vaccination, as well as how many people were hospitalized or died as a result of their infections despite being vaccinated.

Researchers discovered that there was little protection against infection. They also discovered that while the protection against severe sickness did not decline significantly, the protection against hospitalization from the third dose was already high.

The study’s limitations include researchers just looked at 10 weeks of data, which was funded by Maccabi.

In a separate Israeli study published in March, even worse findings were seen among young healthcare workers.

A total of 274 workers were given a fourth dose. Vaccine protection against infection was 30 percent among individuals who had Pfizer’s injection, but only 11 percent among those who received an extra Moderna dose.

Both groups were predicted to have a higher level of protection against symptomatic disease, although it was still less than 50%.

The researchers were unable to calculate the level of protection against serious illness.

In April, US officials will engage with an advisory council to determine whether extra boosters are required.

Just like the rest of these experimental “vaccines”, they don’t offer permanent immunity. Which is the only requirement of such a product. What this sounds like is a bottomless pit that citizens are pouring their taxpayer dollars into with hopes that the pharmaceutical industry will suddenly have a change of heart, and provide a product that actually works. As long as these satan soldiers are in the upper echelons of government, we most certainly will not see the truth come to light. Despite the worrisome data, governments across the world will continue to coerce citizens by fear-mongering in hopes of profit.

The internet has proved to be a place in which you can tune into various frequencies in search of a perspective that best fits your narrative. I could make up an argument on the fly and back it up with facts pertaining to my argument. With that being said, the news about COVID-19 is terrifyingly polarizing. There is a spectrum, by which all narratives of the COVID-19 agenda are carefully presented to anyone conducting research. The opposing sides of the spectrum are those who are sold on the COVID-19 pandemic, and those who aren’t sold at all.

But it becomes extremely important that we listen to our gut, when we notice that someone is eyeballing something that rightfully belongs to you. Our civil liberties are merely gods gift to man interpreted by men of power. No man, woman, government, organization, forum, or anything will prosper as a weapon against God. With that being said, when our God given rights are at stake, it is probably best to question the integrity of those who propose the removal of such rights. In summary, if you’re not a “conspiracy theorist” you probably aren’t asking very many questions about the world around you.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

Hosea 4:6

A leaked video of a purported talk with Harvard researcher Huang Wansheng at a private event in China in January has recently gone viral on the internet. Surprisingly, Huang disclosed that Beijing’s true motivation for enacting the zero-COVID policy is to enrich the regime’s elite interest groups. China, he added, is far behind the United States in 5G, quantum computing, and gene technology.

Professor Tu Weiming, a Professor Emeritus and Senior Fellow of Harvard University’s Asia Center, has had Huang as a senior assistant since 1997. According to Huang, Beijing’s top officials purchased a one-way ticket for him for 170,000 yuan (approximately $27,000) in July 2020, six months after the pandemic’s outbreak, and invited him back to China to lead a project called “Pandemic Control Using Science and Technology,” which is directly under Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Why has the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) policy of “zero COVID” resulted in the current disaster? Huang responds that the CCP’s elite interest groups have profited handsomely from the virus by using mass PCR testing, vaccine R&D, and mass vaccination.

To demonstrate his point, Huang used information he recently got. Nucleic acid testing for COVID-19 alone has brought in 670 billion yuan (about $105.8 billion) to a Chinese business. In December 2020, Li Ling, a Peking University professor, bragged that pandemic management brought in 67 trillion yuan (about $10.58 trillion) in revenue in 2020.

Huang stressed that no other country in the world is performing pandemic control as effectively as China, and that China’s pandemic preventive measures are purely profit-driven for the CCP’s interest groups. The PCR testing sector employs many of the CCP’s top officials and business leaders. Because the testing industry makes significant profits from such high volume sales of test kits, Chinese authorities frequently mandate bulk testing for an entire district when only one or two cases are detected.

“Even the third shots or the fourth shots are mandatory. All these mandates are related to the interest groups behind them,” Huang said. At this point, another person was heard saying, “Then, this has become a serious problem. A public health issue has been turned into a political issue.”

According to Huang, the US and European countries have learned that the omicron variant’s rapid dissemination can help them achieve herd immunity because of the variant’s moderate symptoms and the immunity it generates is effective against other variants. That’s why, according to Huang, many Western countries have opted to halt pandemic control measures in March and are looking forward to returning to normalcy once herd immunity kicks in.

Tens of millions of people in the United States were infected in a short period of time. Why didn’t there appear to be a public health emergency? Huang believes this is due to the superior medical system in the United States, which has a strong grassroots capacity, according to Huang. Huang lauded the American medical paradigm, describing it as “Point of Care.” According to him, a family doctor, for example, is capable of overseeing a patient’s complete rehabilitation.

He claimed that when power is concentrated, it leads to a concentration of interests. As a result, Huang claims, China’s medical resources are concentrated in huge hospitals, overburdening them. He believes this is one of the key reasons China is hesitant to loosen its restrictions, since its shaky health-care system is incapable of handling a significant number of patients.

Huang also discussed China’s information technology, particularly quantum computing, and gene technology.

He claims that humanity is still tens of thousands of miles away from having true quantum computers, as we are still far from the first step—having stable quantum bits, which is the initial requirement for quantum computing. Even the United States, let alone China, is still a long way from this point.

Furthermore, “all of the essential internet technology, from its origins to diverse applications, are in the hands of Americans.” “China is just a user,” Huang explained, “the world’s largest user.” “The saddest thing about China is that it has yet to contribute anything to the internet’s core algorithms.” 90% of all basic algorithms originate in the United States, with 10% each from the European Union and Japan. These algorithms are only used in China to develop programs.”

He also highlighted what he knows of gene technology’s frontier development in the United States, particularly disease-related studies.

“American medical specialists have figured out the mechanism of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disorders and diabetes by decoding 8,000 different proteins located inside the human cell.” As a result, Harvard Medical School declared to the world that treatments for these ailments will be available within the next five years,” he explained.

According to Huang, bioscience technologies are far more sophisticated than IT technologies, because IT is mostly based on applied mathematics, whereas biotechnology is founded on basic research. “In other words, there is no way China can catch up with the United States in biotechnology,” he stated.

Which is why Fauci and his constituents found themselves in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Because as we know, gain of function research was conducted at that location. It should come as no surprise to anyone that this “pandemic” is incomprehensibly profitable for those conducting research and providing vaccine doses despite peoples willingness to exercise their medical autonomy. People have forgotten the meaning of freedom, and they’ll no doubt pay for that. We’ve got a long road ahead of us, but through faith in God’s grace we can find peace in the eye of the storm. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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