Watchman: Lawlessness Will Abound in the Days Ahead, It’s Fair to Say That This Country’s People Are on Their Own, All Hell Is About to Break Loose …


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Stay Home': Feds Tell San Francisco Workers To Telecommute Due To Crime Wave

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden
Tuesday, Aug 15, 2023 - 07:05 PM

Crime is so bad near San Francisco's US Department of Health and Human Services federal building that officials have advised hundreds of employees to work remotely for the foreseeable future.

Pelosi federal building in San Francisco

Citing public safety concerns outside the Nancy Pelosi Federal Building on Seventh Street - which houses several federal agencies including the HHS, the Department of Labor, the Department of Transportation and Nancy Pelosi's office - officials issued the stay-home recommendation in an Aug. 4 memo to regional leaders.

"In light of the conditions at the (Federal Building) we recommend employees … maximize the use of telework for the foreseeable future," according to a copy of the memo by HHS Assistant Secretary for Administration Cheryl R. Campbell, and obtained by the San Francisco Chronicle, which notes that the area surrounding the building is home to 'one of the city's most brazen open-air drug markets.'

"This recommendation should be extended to all Region IX employees, including those not currently utilizing telework flexibilities," the memo continues, referring to the federal government's zone governing California and other Western states.

The memo came on the same day that, according to Axios, President Biden’s White House chief of staff called for more federal employees to return to their offices after years of remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

It was not immediately clear whether other tenants in the building had issued similar directives. Officials with Pelosi’s office and the Department of Labor said they have been working closely with local and federal law enforcement to ensure safety for their staffers, but they have not advised employees to work from home. 

The building has long been a locus of some of the city’s most intractable problems. -SF Chronicle

According to the report, dozens of drug dealers routinely post up on, next to, or across the street from the building, where they operate in shifts as users smoke, snort or shoot up drugs - particularly on the property's concrete benches, where drug users regularly pass out.

"The safety of workers in our federal buildings has always been a priority for Speaker Emerita Pelosi, whether in the building or on their commutes," said a Pelosi spokesperson in a statement. "Federal, state and local law enforcement — in coordination with public health officials and stakeholders — are working hard to address the acute crises of fentanyl trafficking and related violence in certain areas of the city."

Meanwhile, the owners of one of San Francisco's most famous department stores, Gumps, have written a scathing letter to city leaders and California Governor Gavin Newsom.

"Gump's has been a San Francisco icon for more than 165 years," reads the letter from Chairman John Chachas, who acquired Gump's in 2018 out of Chapter 11 bankruptcy. "Today, as we prepare for our 166th holiday season at 250 Post Street, we fear this may be our last because of the profound erosion of this city's conditions."



'Raped And Pillaged': Maui Fire Survivors Describe Nighttime Looting, Botched Supply Drops

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden
Tuesday, Aug 15, 2023 - 10:45 PM

The tragic disaster that we just witnessed in Hawaii should break all of our hearts. 

The death count just keeps going up, and it is being reported that these were the deadliest fires in the United States in more than 100 years.

In addition, Hawaii Governor Josh Green is telling us that this was actually “the largest natural disaster” that his state has ever experienced.  More than 2,700 structures have been burned down in Lahaina alone, and it is being estimated that the value of the property that has been destroyed is over 5 billion dollars.

But, there are some stories that are not making the evening news.

As reports, Maui residents are becoming increasingly desperate for local leadership to take control of the emergency response to the catastrophic fires that leveled parts of the Hawaiian island and left at least 93 dead.

While rescue crews made their way across the island with water, food, and first aid, locals told Insider supply drops were being rerouted and anguished residents were taking matters into their own hands.

"There's some police presence. There's some small military presence, but at night, people are being robbed at gunpoint," Matt Robb, a co-owner of a Lāhainā bar called The Dirty Monkey, told Insider.

"People are raped and pillaged. I mean, they're going through houses - and then by day, it's hunky-dory. So where is the support? I don't think our government and our leaders, at this point, know how to handle this or what to do."

The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reported a riot nearly broke out between police and about 100 residents after officers closed off access to a highway leading to Lāhainā, one of the hardest-hit areas on the island, preventing people from returning home to gather items that could be salvaged.

Members of the staff of The Dirty Monkey said they had been coordinating with local authorities and community members, organizing and trying to direct supply drops and shipments of essential medications such as insulin to families in need.

Kami Irwin, a Maui resident helping to coordinate relief efforts at the Maui Brewing Co. location in Kihei, told Insider that locals were working around the clock, forgoing sleep and creating neighborhood patrols to help keep each other safe and find essentials such as clean drinking water and medications.

Residents told Insider they believed the mayor, who has offered limited public comments regarding the tragedy, had floundered in response to the emergency.

"I think it's the mayor's fault," Aivazian said.

"If he would've asked, they had Marines, Coast Guards sitting there waiting, ready to go, and he didn't send them over. Why wouldn't the feds send them over? The mayor didn't ask and the governor didn't push. I mean, what the hell are they doing over there? They're just hanging out at the beach."

How/why is this happening?!

We have never seen anything quite like this before, and, as Michael Snyder remarks, the following are 8 questions that we should all be asking about the fires in Hawaii right now…

#1 How did the fires start?  Governor Green is convinced that they were caused by a confluence of factors.  Do you buy his explanation?

Echoing wildfire experts, Gov. Green said Friday that he believes a confluence of weather conditions contributed to the ignition and spread of the blazes.

“It is a product, in my estimation, of certainly global warming combined with drought, combined with a super storm, where we had a hurricane offshore several hundred miles, still generating large winds,” Green told CNN.

#2 How did the fires spread so rapidly?  According to multiple news reports, people were literally jumping into the ocean to escape because the fires were moving so rapidly…

With fires raging on Maui, two men felt there was nowhere to escape the flames – except for the ocean.

The two men live in Lahaina, a historic part of Maui loved by tourists, which appears to be heavily damaged by this week’s raging fire. They described a terrifying scene as they evacuated from Prison Street, right in the heart of Lahaina.

“I saw a couple people just running, I heard screams out of hell … explosions. It felt like we were in hell, it really was. It was just indescribable,” one of the men told Nexstar’s KHON.

#3 How did a fire that was supposedly “out” end up causing the most damage of all?  According to  Governor Green, the Lahaina fire was supposedly given new energy “by far-off Hurricane Dora”

After first erupting early Tuesday, the fire was initially deemed to be out, but winds whipped up by far-off Hurricane Dora that reached up to 81 mph fanned the flames and spurred the blaze to travel about 1 mile every minute, Green said.

#4 According to U.S. Representative Jill Tokuda, the alarm system that is supposed to warn residents that a disaster is happening appears to have failed.  How is that possible?…

We know everybody who’s ever lived in Hawaii knows the warning sirens. It goes off once a month at the beginning of the month at 12 noon, and it blares and if it doesn’t, it gets fixed, because that is our first line of defense. Unfortunately, in this situation, sadly, tragically in this situation, those sirens likely did not go off. The warning signals that were on cell phones, we had no cell coverage or electricity in some of these areas. And the reality is with those warning signs, it tells all of us to turn on the television or look at our phones or turn on the radio. The reality is was how fast this burn was. And you could see it in the videos that survivors were showing me. You could see it in the wreckage. If you turned on your phone, you turned on a radio, if you even could. Remember things were out at that particular point, you would not know what the crisis was.

#5 Why are emergency supplies not getting to the people that desperately need them?  It is being reported that a “telecommunications blackout” has been one of the factors that has been hampering relief efforts…

But an enduring telecommunications blackout hampered government and grassroots efforts to distribute those supplies in the worst-affected neighborhoods, especially for an unknown number of survivors waiting out the aftermath in the few buildings still standing in the historic town of Lahaina and neighborhoods on the outskirts.

With their vehicles burned to a crisp, some sheltering at home have no way to drive to distribution centers miles away, or their cars have run out of gas. Others simply don’t know where to go for help. Toxic fumes and downed power lines with live wires make venturing outdoors dangerous.

#6 Why are people that have just had their homes burned down in the fires already being bombarded with calls with offers to purchase their properties?

The vultures are circling, and it appears that there are some people out there that are extremely interested in scooping up land inexpensively.

#7 Why has the FBI moved a “mobile refrigerated morgue” into Lahaina?…

A mobile refrigerated morgue has been brought to the devastated town of Lahaina as Maui officials continue their search for victims of the worst U.S. wildfire in 100 years.

The death toll on Sunday rose to 96, but Hawaii officials said it was likely to rise significantly.

John Pelletier, the Maui police chief, said only three percent of Lahaina – home to more than 9,000 people – had been searched so far.

#8 Why is Joe Biden lounging on the beach while all of this is happening?…

Outraged Americans blasting President @JoeBiden after he said ‘no comment’ when asked about the catastrophic Maui wildfire, now the deadliest US blaze in over a century. Despite the death toll climbing to about 100, Americans were outraged that Biden remained sunbathing on a beach near his Delaware home.

How can Biden be sunbathing on a beach while such tragedy is unfolding in Hawaii?

I don’t understand it.

This country has experienced so many great tragedies over the past few years, and it is inevitable that there will be many more in the years ahead.

When disaster strikes, we need a leader in the White House that knows how to act appropriately.

Those that have lost so much in these fires need our support and our prayers.

Hawaii will never be quite the same after this, and the people of the state deserve to get some answers to the very pressing questions that they are asking right now.

*  *  *

Michael’s new book entitled “End Times” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.


A second daytime “flash-mob” burglary in Los Angeles County over the weekend that cost a luxury department $300,000 may be related to a similar burglary four days earlier in Glendale, according to the Los Angeles Police Department.

At about 4 p.m. Aug. 12, more than 30 suspects wearing hoodies and ski masks, some carrying knives, swarmed the Nordstrom department store located in the Westfield Topanga Mall in Canoga Park, and stole about $300,000 worth of merchandise before running out of the store and entering several vehicles, according to police.

The incident is similar to another flash-mob theft that occurred Aug. 8 at a Glendale shopping center about 45 minutes away.

“We’re working with law enforcement partners throughout the county, to assist each other,” Los Angeles Police Department spokesman Sgt. Bruce Borihanh told The Epoch Times. “Maybe they’re the same [suspects] or maybe they’re not.”

A viral video of the Nordstrom burglary shows members of the group running around the store grabbing clothing, handbags, and other items. Investigators are looking at surveillance video to see if they can identify license plates on the cars, Borihanh said.

The incident lasted about two minutes, according to Mr. Borihanh.

They targeted handbags and high-end stuff they know they can sell,” he said.

Los Angeles Police Department spokesman Sgt. Bruce Borihanh speaks to news reporters outside the Nordstrom store at the Westfield Topanga Mall in Los Angeles on Aug. 14, 2023. On Saturday, the store was ransacked by more than 30 suspects who stole about $300,000 in handbags and other merchandise. (Jill McLaughlin/The Epoch Times)

One of the store’s security guards was sprayed with bear spray—which is similar to pepper spray—during the burglary. He was treated at the scene and recovered, according to police.

An LAPD officer was deployed at the mall Monday, but an increased presence is not planned.

Instead, LAPD is collaborating with retailers, security, and other law enforcement to prevent future incidents, according to Mr. Borihanh.

“The LAPD doesn’t have the manpower to patrol the mall,” he said.

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass called the incident “unacceptable,” in a statement released Saturday.

“Those who committed these acts and acts like it in the neighboring areas must be held accountable. The Los Angeles Police Department will continue to work to not only find those responsible for this incident but to prevent these attacks on retailers from happening in the future,” she said.

‘I’m Helpless’: Mall Security Guard

Mall security guard Kevin Johnson was working at the time of the burglary and saw the aftermath of what happened, he said.

“They’re hooligans,” Mr. Johnson told The Epoch Times.

Theft regularly occurs at the mall, and he said he expects it to happen again.

Mr. Johnson does not carry a firearm and said he is not allowed to confront suspected thieves.

If I see you stealing. I can’t even do anything. I can’t touch you. I can’t try to stop you. I’m helpless,” he said.

Nordstrom store at the Westfield Topanga Mall in the Canoga Park neighborhood in Los Angeles on Aug. 14, 2023. (Jill McLaughlin/The Epoch Times)

This was the second time the Nordstrom location was targeted by organized crime in the past two years. In 2021, the store was burglarized the day before Thanksgiving by five people. The thieves stole several expensive handbags before fleeing in a car. Similar to last week’s event, the security guard was also sprayed with a chemical by the suspects, according to news reports.

The LAPD is working with the Glendale Police Department to see if the same suspects were involved in the burglary in that city four days earlier.

The Glendale theft also occurred during daylight hours—just before 5 p.m.—when at least 30 suspects entered a Yves Saint Laurent store at The Americana at Brand shopping center.

The suspects stole clothing and other merchandise before fleeing on foot and in numerous cars. The estimated loss was also about $300,000, according to the Glendale Police Department.

The owner of the shopping center, Rick Caruso—who ran for Los Angeles mayor in 2022 and lost—has offered a reward of $50,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspects, according to a Glendale Police Department press release.

“This type of criminal activity will not be tolerated in Glendale,” Glendale Police Chief Manny Cid said in the release. “Expect an elevated police presence in and around the downtown Glendale corridor.”

Further south in Irvine, California, police are looking for three suspects who were seen on store video walking into the Jewels by Alan store near Jamboree Road and Michelson Drive at 12:20 p.m. July 31. The thieves smashed several display cases before walking out with about $900,000 worth of jewelry.

No suspects have been arrested in that incident, Irvine Police Department spokeswoman Karie Davies told The Epoch Times.

California Crime Policy in Spotlight

The recent incidents were caught on video and have been widely circulated on social media, attracting nationwide attention.

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody blamed California’s crime policies for the thefts.

A mob of thieves brazenly stole up to $100K from a California Nordstrom in a smash-and-grab rampage. These criminals are emboldened by the state’s lax criminal justice policies,” Moody posted on X, formerly Twitter. “In Florida, organized retail theft is NOT tolerated – we’re fighting back with FORCE, … combating organized retail theft rings.”

The increase in flash mob-style retail crime comes on the heels of Los Angeles County’s reinstatement of a zero-cash bail system. In May, as a result of a lawsuit, a judge ordered the county to return to its policy of requiring no bail for suspects charged with most non-violent felonies or misdemeanors.

Although the county and city are awaiting a final ruling in the case, the judge’s temporary halt of the cash-bail system has already caused property crime to increase, according to local law enforcement.

LAPD Chief Michel Moore and Los Angeles County Sheriff Robert Luna testified in the lawsuit Aug. 7 about how the zero-cash bail was affecting their departments.

"I do believe that bail acts as a general deterrence," Chief Moore testified. "It creates consequences. You face a risk of being incarcerated as a punishment."

Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore speaks during a vigil with members of professional associations and the interfaith community at Los Angeles Police Department headquarters in Los Angeles, on June 5, 2020. (Mark J. Terrill/File/AP Photo)

He said he did not agree, as the plaintiffs in the case have argued, that cash bail creates a "two-tier system."

Chief Moore told reporters after the court hearing that 76 people released on the zero-bail system since May have been arrested again for another crime, and the city had since seen a 4-percent rise in car theft.

Criminals who offend again and again need to be held accountable, the sheriff also told the judge.

We’re not saying that zero bail is completely out,” Sheriff Luna said. “We’re saying if you have a repeat offender, someone who is a habitual criminal, they have to be held accountable—even for a stack of lower-level crimes.”

According to the sheriff, in the past 10 weeks since the county’s zero-cash bail was reinstated by the court, his department had arrested 1,573 people, 226 of whom were released and then arrested again for a different crime—a 14.3-percent recidivism rate.

In other action statewide, California lawmakers are close to prohibiting businesses from asking employees to confront shoplifters or active shooters. Senate Bill 553 has already passed the state Senate and has sailed through two committees in the Assembly on its way to a final vote.


The White House was evacuated and shut down Sunday night by the U.S. Secret Service due to a hazmat situation.

“Precautionary closures were implemented around the White House complex this evening after an unknown item was discovered by Uniformed Division Officers,” spokesman Anthony Guglielmi wrote on Twitter.

“As a precaution, the White House grounds were evacuated, and the DC Fire Departments Hazmat team responded,” the spokesman said.

Twitter users reported that the Ellipse, Lafayette Park, 17th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue were all shut down.

The Gateway Pundit reports that the suspicious item tested positive for cocaine hydrochloride.

Earlier in the day someone exploded bombs and a molotov cocktail at a grocery store, bank and a Nike store. The suspect in those attacks is still on the loose.


Source: toddstarnes

Bankman Freed: "Broke" SBF Released On $250 Million Bond, Agrees To House Arrest In Parents' House

 After spending nine days in Bahamian jail, Sam Bankman-Fried arrived in a Manhattan federal courtroom to face fraud charges over the collapse of FTX. Handcuffed and dressed in a blue suit, he appeared at a bail hearing after entering a plea ahead of the hearing.

And then the shocker came: SBF - who is arguably the biggest flight risk in US criminal history - will be released on $250 million bond after consenting to a bail package that include a $250 Million bond, house arrest at his parent's house in Palo Alto, location-monitoring, and the surrender of his passport.

According to Assistant U.S. Attorney Nicolas Roos, Bankman-Fried was responsible for perpetrating a “fraud of epic proportions.” However, he chose to allow for bail given that Bankman-Fried opted to waive extradition; furthermore, according to prosecutors the $250MM is the "largest-ever pre-trial bond" although in SBF's case it is just more stolen client funds. That means it won't be a problem to procure it even though just two weeks ago Sam claimed he only has $100,000 left to his name.

When agreeing on the bail, US Magistrate Judge Gabriel Gorenstein said that "the risk that Bankman-Fried would flee was small" and said he presented no danger to the public in terms of future financial crimes.

As part of his bail agreement, besides his monetary penalty, Bankman-Fried will have to wear an electronic monitoring bracelet, and be disallowed from leaving the Northern District of California. Judge Gabriel Gorenstein added that Bankman-Fried would require “strict” supervision during his stay.

He will also have to submit to mental health counseling. The ex-CEO has previously claimed to be depressed and “sad” for an extended period of time and required medication to cope.

The former FTX boss will be prevented from taking out any new lines of credit while he awaits trial.

Bankman-Fried's "effective altruist" mother, who personally benefited from her son's crimes, was also at the court hearing.


Barbara Fried, a professor emerita at Stanford Law School, was seen laughing during Bankman-Fried's hearing earlier this month in the Bahamas when her son was called a "fugitive." At other times, during that hearing, she "clenched her jaw and chewed on the frames of her glasses," according to a report in the New York Times.

Well she isn't laughing any more as she is forced to cosign the bail agreement, placing her properties as collateral.

Bankman-Fried, who faces eight counts — including conspiracy to commit wire fraud on customers and lenders, money laundering and violations of campaign finance laws — could spend the rest of his life in prison if convicted.

As reported last night, Caroline Ellison, who ran FTX’s trading affiliate Alameda, and Gary Wang, a co-founder of FTX itself whom authorities accuse of writing the underlying code that disadvantaged the exchange’s regular customers, both agreed to co-operate with federal prosecutors, Damian Williams, the US attorney in Manhattan, said. The announcement of the guilty pleas came shortly after Bankman-Fried flew to New York from the Bahamas, where he was living and had been arrested, having earlier waived his right to challenge extradition.

Legal experts have said the money being transferred to Alameda is very hard to explain as mismanagement rather than fraud, and his former associates’ testimony would be devastating for Bankman-Fried. Confronted by such witnesses, defendants in other cases have tried to turn the tables and cast them as the true bad actors.

Bankman-Fried could try to make a deal himself, but he may not get much leniency since he’s likely at the top of the prosecution’s target list, so unless he dangles a much higher profile target, he will be out of luck (or be ignored, since any "target" SBF could rat on is most likely some powerful Democrat politician whose favor he tried to bribe). Meanwhile, more cooperators could emerge. Williams issued a warning to potential witnesses in a statement Wednesday night.

“If you participated in misconduct at FTX or Alameda, now is the time to get ahead of it,” Williams said. “We are moving quickly and our patience is not eternal.”

*  *  *

Update (1045ET): As part of the recently unsealed plea agreement with the US Attorney's Office of the Southern District of New York, CoinDesk reports that if Ellison fully cooperates with the SDNY's investigation (in throwing her boyfriend under the bus), as well as any other law enforcement agency designated by the office, she won't be further prosecuted criminally.

While the deal does not guarantee that other agencies will not pursue prosecution at a later date, it appears the former Alameda exec will be spared of all major charges, which could have seen her sentenced to up to 110 years in prison.

Ellison was accused of seven counts.

Two accused her of committing wire fraud on customers of FTX and engaging and conspiring to do so.

Another two alleged she committed wire fraud on the lenders of Alameda Research and conspired to do so.

Count five charged her with conspiracy to commit commodities fraud, and count six alleged conspiracy to commit securities fraud on FTX’s equity investors.

The seventh count accused her of conspiring to commit money laundering.

The Attorney’s Office agreed not to prosecute Ellison on any of those seven counts in exchange for her cooperation — the complete disclosure of all the information and documents demanded by prosecutors.

Ellison will be permitted bail, provided she can provide a $250,000 personal recognizance bond and restrict travel to the continental United States.

She will also need to surrender any travel documents she has.

Finally, CoinDesk points out one interesting side-note in that the plea deal also contains language that says if Ellison is not a US citizen, it is very likely that her removal from the US will be mandatory. While it's assumed that Ellison is a US national, it is possible she may have abandoned her nationality for a citizenship of convenience for tax reasons which is a popular trend among some crypto traders living abroad, as the US taxes non-residents.

It appears Bankman-Fried's girlfriend found a way to screw him one last time.

*  *  *

Two weeks ago, when amid reports that the former CEO of Alameda Capital (which as a reminder was ground zero of the FTX implosion after it blew up $8 billion in FTX client funds on trades gone horribly wrong), Caroline Ellison, was spotted in New York just after retaining Clinton superlawyer, Jamie Gorelick of Wilmer Hale, which as readers may recall was the former No. 2 ranking member in the Clinton Justice Department, and in a recent interview, she referred to current AG Merrick Garland as her "wingman", we asked if Caroline had rolled on Sam Bankman-Fried, who was also her former lover.


Fast forward to today when we just got confirmation that Caroline Ellison has fucked Bankman-Fried one final time by indeed rolling on him, and "turning states" in the criminal prosecution of the corpulent "Hairy Plotter", who commingled and stole the client money in his FTX exchange to fund a series of terrible crypto bets at his personal hedge fund Alameda, fund tens of millions in donations to democrats and buy up prestigious real estate for himself and his "altruistic" progressive lawyer parents.


According to a Manhattan Federal prosecutor, two of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried’s closest associates have pleaded guilty to fraud and agreed to co-operate with US authorities investigating the collapse of the bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange. In other words, they took a plea deal to avoid even more prison time in exchange for serving SBF on a silver platter to the Feds.

Damian Williams, the US attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced the guilty pleas and criminal charges against Caroline Ellison and Zixiao “Gary” Wang, the low profile co-founder of FTX, in a short video statement. His office had brought eight charges against Bankman-Fried last week.

Ellison pleaded guilty to seven counts, including wire and securities fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering, which carry a maximum sentence of 110 years in prison, while Wang pleaded guilty to four counts of fraud, with a maximum 50-year sentence.

The documents said prosecutors would not oppose bail requests from both defendants under certain conditions, including posting a bond and handing in their travel documents, as they awaited formal sentencing.

Concurrently, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission also filed civil lawsuits against the 28-year-old Ellison and 29-year-old Wang, accusing them of fraud.

“As part of their deception, we allege that Caroline Ellison and Sam Bankman-Fried schemed to manipulate the price of FTT, an exchange crypto security token that was integral to FTX, to prop up the value of their house of cards,” said SEC chair Gary Gensler. Furthermore, as CEO of the FTX trading affiliate, Ellison “used FTX’s customer assets to pay Alameda’s debts” and diverted billions of dollars of depositors’ money to the company to fill a hole caused by a crypto market crash in May, the SEC’s complaint alleges.

The CFTC said Wang had a hand in creating some of the algorithms that underpinned FTX, which allowed Alameda “to maintain an essentially unlimited line of credit” on the exchange, giving it an “unfair advantage” over regular depositors. “These critical code features and structural exceptions allowed Alameda to secretly and recklessly siphon FTX customer assets from the FTX platform."

Both defendants are co-operating with the SEC, the agency said. The CFTC said they were not contesting their liability. Which means that SBF is looking at a lot of prison time, unless he too can throw someone even more important and powerful under the bus...

... although if that is the case, he probably will be Epsteined within hours of arriving at MDC Brooklyn, singe MCC New York where Epstein "killed himself", has been closed since August 2021 due to deteriorating conditions.

While Ellison's superlawyers have yet to make a statement, a lawyer for Wang, Ilan Graff, said: “Gary has accepted responsibility for his actions and takes seriously his obligations as a co-operating witness.”

Last week, the DOJ filed charges against Bankman-Fried and accused him of orchestrating “one of the biggest financial frauds in American history” by misappropriating customer assets from FTX to Alameda Research. He was arrested in the Bahamas, where he lives. He is also facing parallel civil cases from the SEC and CFTC.

Williams reiterated his call for others who worked with Bankman-Fried to come forward. “If you participated in misconduct at FTX or Alameda, now is the time to get ahead of it,” he said. “We are moving quickly and our patience is not eternal.” One of them is former Alameda CEO Sam Trabucco, best known for quietly bailing on Sam just as everyone was about to blow up and fleeing on his multi-million dollar new yacht.

The announcement from Williams comes just after a plane carrying Bankman-Fried took off from the Bahamas, where he waived his right to challenge extradition to the US. He is due to appear in a Manhattan court as soon as Thursday, where his bail request will be considered, although in light of Caroline's plea, it is safe to say it won't be granted.

The details in the SEC's complaint have been laid out nicely by the following twitter account...

... and the full complaint can be found below (link here)

Source: ZeroHedge

A federal judge presiding over a major election lawsuit in Georgia on Sunday issued and then reversed an order directing the state to cease and desist wiping or resetting election machines.

“Defendants are ordered to maintain the status quo & are temporarily enjoined from wiping or resetting any voting machines in the State of Georgia until further order of the court,” Judge Timothy Batten wrote in an emergency order issued Nov. 29.


The judge has now reversed the order. PDF via @themarketswork :

The change of course by the judge drew a flabbergasted response from Lin Wood, an attorney associated with the Trump campaign.

“What??? Judge reversed order based on Defendants’ claim that GA Counties control voting machines,” Wood wrote on Twitter, adding that the machines are owned by the state and that the Georgia secretary of state administers elections.

“Why are GA officials determined to wipe these machines clean [by] resetting them?”

The plaintiffs in the lawsuit on Sunday filed an emergency motion which included an affidavit featuring a Nov. 25 message from an election official stating that the ballot-counting machines would be reset to zero on Monday, Nov. 30, before performing a recount.

“The process will begin with an L & A – resetting the machine to ‘zero’ to begin the recount,” the text of the message stated before describing the specifics of the recount process.

The affidavit was written by a GOP poll worker who says he or she addressed concerns about wiping the machines to the election manager.

“Because the plan on Monday is to wipe the voting machines clean, and start from 0 so that we can recount using those machines, I’m concerned by what I am reading online,” the poll worker wrote, according to the affidavit.

“I am seeing lots of notices from lawyers about possibly impounding the machines. Lawyers are now saying that the machines should be confiscated immediately before this happens to protect forensic data. They are saying those machines need to be impounded ASAP. Yikes. Maybe I’m being overly paranoid but let’s be sure this is what we’re supposed to be doing.”

The supervisor responded, “It’s what we are supposed to do. It will take a court order to stop this process—so I guess we need to keep watching the news. If we get a court order to stop, we will see it in our SOS information. The issue is, the Atlanta area has already started,” the elections manager wrote.

When the poll worker asked if the reset will wipe the forensic info from the machines, the manager said that “Atlanta already did it.”

The lawsuit in question is being litigated by Sidney Powell, an attorney who defended former national security adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. President Donald Trump pardoned Flynn earlier this week. The Trump campaign has said that Powell is not part of its legal team.


Georgia Republican Party Chairman David Shafer wrote on Twitter after the judge issued the order that election officials in Fulton County were updating the software on voting systems earlier the same day.

“Our Republican recount monitors at the World Congress Center waited today for four hours while Fulton County elections officials ‘updated the software.’ The explanation given to me—‘just the usual Fulton County incompetence’—is completely unacceptable,” Shafer wrote on Twitter.

“It is outrageous that we cannot rely on Fulton County elections officials to do their jobs without unexplained four hour delays, interventions by private attorneys and federal court orders.”

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The lawsuit makes a number of allegations regarding the voting machines and software supplied by Dominion Voting Systems, which is used in Georgia and many other states.

The lawsuit cites an affidavit written by a former electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence Battalion, who testified that the software used by the Dominion machines was accessed by agents of malicious actors, such as China and Iran, “in order to monitor and manipulate elections,” including the 2020 election.

The suit further alleges that the machines are connected to the internet, even though they aren’t supposed to be, and are easily hacked, based on multiple expert declarations. The machines have built-in functions that allow operators to manipulate the results, several experts cited in the lawsuit said.

Dominion has vehemently denied that its machines were used to manipulate vote counts.

“Servers that run Dominion software are located in local election offices, and data never leaves the control of local election officials,” the company’s website states.

“All U.S. voting systems must provide assurance that they work accurately and reliably as intended under federal U.S. EAC and state certifications and testing requirements. Dominion’s voting systems are certified for the 2020 elections.”

The truth is, capitalism and free enterprise have proven to be the key to prosperity and reducing Global poverty and inequality… not socialism and welfare.

We’ve got high courts defying the federal government and constitutionality of the president. This is lawlessness.

Standing up against the Constitution and saying, “no we will not comply”……… we’ve got state Governors saying, “no we will not comply… we will not obey your law or the constitutional laws.” This again is just plain lawlessness.

This supreme act of rebellion against everything that’s lawful and everything that’s constitutional according to America’s founders, shows you the level of lawlessness against a once law abiding people and country that rejected lawlessness and evil, for a higher society of respect and decency.

The facade of a democratic country founded on Democratic principles has now been “unveiled and exposed” for what it really is…. a country that was controlled by the globalists and the corporate elites. Their efforts to move it in that direction even more, was quickly and suddenly derailed when a man named Donald J. Trump was elected to do the will of the American people.

Mainstream media are some of the guiltiest parties, working endlessly in collusion with this new world order globalist mindset to stifle and conceal the evil behind the scenes of these “pedophiles, perverts and luciferian occult members.”

Their goal of regaining control they recently had is reaching a point where, even creating a war may be necessary. They have no problem with geoengineering to depopulate this earth and make it more manageable in their opinion. This is so far beyond most people’s comprehension.

What does the bible say about lawlessness in the last days? Jesus said, “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.” Matthew 24:12

As we look around us during the first half of 202, we are starting to see lawlessness “abound” How did this happen? A number of log term factors have contributed:

Taking God and His Word (the Bible) out of our schools, public meetings – over the last few decades, there has been a concerted effort to remove the name of God, and to prohibit the name of Jesus being spoken in classrooms across the land.

Educational institutions have been teaching a form of Godless human centered secularism, where law is defined as relative to the individual – “whats right for me, may not be right for you”; and “if it feels good, do it:, or “follow your heart”. As a result, people growing up have become self-centered, selfish, and “the love of many has grown cold”.
The society has transformed itself into a society of “materialism“, where value is determined by the things which one posses. The more one possesses, the more valuable they are – this is what kids are growing up with. And heir parents have become the role models of the religion of materialism The worship of things (idols), instead of the worship of the One True God.

It will end in much sorrow, many deaths and ultimately a planet nearly unlivable for most people with any conscience or heart. We are truly living in a time when lawlessness is increasing and Evil is abounding…..

Source: HNewsWire thinkaboutit HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…


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