Members Of Canadian Government & Liberal Media Lied About Finding Firearms Amid The Dispersal Of Freedom Convoy Protests In Ottawa.


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When police dispersed the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa in February, a Conservative MP accused a media outlet and a Liberal cabinet minister of disseminating “misinformation” about loaded firearms found among protestors.

At a meeting of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Safety on March 24, Conservative MP Dane Lloyd made the assertion while questioning interim Ottawa Police Service (OPS) head Steve Bell. Lloyd made his remarks in response to a story that appeared in the Toronto Star on March 19.

“Fears that there were weapons inside some of the trucks proved prescient,” according to the newspaper, “a police source stated loaded shotguns were found.”

Lloyd urged Bell to clarify whether the claims were accurate on several occasions.

“Did you find any loaded firearms, yes or no?” Lloyd remarked.

“In connection to—no, not relating to any charges at this point,” Bell responded, referring to an earlier comment he made about ongoing investigations into weapons possession during the rally.

Following the exchange, Lloyd mentioned that police had discovered weapons on-site and that Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations Marc Miller had retweeted the Toronto Star article.

“This is false information, chief, and I suggest to the committee that it is false information being shared by a journalist and a member of this government.”

Following the committee’s recommendation, the Toronto Star updated the piece with an editor’s note and a new paragraph below the original assertion.

“On March 24, Bell said that police had received ‘information and intelligence’ about firearms in the occupation, but would not confirm whether firearms had been confiscated and claimed that investigations were still ongoing.”

This change appears to be based on one of Bell’s committee hearing comments to Lloyd. However, Bell’s remark was about “weapons,” not “firearms,” as the report said.

“What I can say is that we did receive information and intelligence about firearms and the possession of weapons by people who had attended or planned to attend the occupy during the protest,” Bell said.

“We never laid any firearms-related charges as a result of the clearing.” Nonetheless, there are ongoing investigations of weapons possessions at the occupation.”

“Ottawa interim chief Bell says before #SECU that no guns were found during the clearing of the Convoy protesters,” Lloyd tweeted before the committee adjourned. Despite the Toronto Star’s and Liberal Ministers’ statements.”

At the end of the meeting, Liberal MP Ron McKinnon took notice of the tweet and requested a point of order from committee chair Jim Carr.

“I didn’t hear that testimony. That, in my opinion, misrepresents Chief Bell’s testimony. Regarding Lloyd’s tweet, MacKinnon stated, “I would urge folks to look at the real testimony.”

“We’re not going to debate tweets in front of the committee,” Carr responded, “but I will ask the witnesses to feel free to offer us further information if they didn’t have enough time to completely answer these issues.”

While the committee did not continue to debate the issue, it was taken to Twitter, where Liberal MP and committee member Taleeb Noormohamed responded to Lloyd.

“In fact, [Bell] said ‘to date,’ and that he couldn’t comment on ongoing investigations.” “Facts are important,” Noormohamed wrote.

Ya’ara Saks, a Liberal MP who claimed in the House of Commons that Freedom Convoy supporters’ usage of “Honk honk!” was code for “Hail Hitler,” reposted Noormohamed’s post with the hashtag “FactsMatter.”

Lloyd’s message was also retweeted by Keith Wilson, a lawyer who was on the ground in Ottawa during the demonstration and represented some of the participants.

“We’re compiling a list of the’so-called media”s fraudulent allegations against the freedom truckers that have now been proven incorrect.” On March 24, he tweeted, “It’s a growing and long list.”

House committees have been receiving witness testimony about the Freedom Convoy and the use of the Emergencies Act to remove the protest in recent weeks.

After Canada and the United States put a vaccine mandate on cross-border truckers, a trucker-led movement requesting the repeal of COVID-19 mandates and limitations began in January.

The protest grew to include border blockades across the country and a three-week-long demonstration in downtown Ottawa by hundreds of vehicles. On February 18 and 19, the demonstration was forcibly dispersed, and the emergency order was revoked on February 23.

The word misinformation has been tossed around regularly in the media. Which is a sugarcoated synonym of the word lies. There are members of the Canadian government who are outright lying about the well intended freedom convoy protestors who demonstrated peacefully in Ottawa for three weeks. Claiming that firearms were found during the dispersal of peaceful protest. Does that not sound like pure ignorance to them as the words pour from their mouths? All the while, liberal journalists are eating it up and spreading these lies to feed into their narrative that their political adversaries are psychotic gun toting animals who only seek to destroy.

No one man can make sense of this elaborate illusion cast over the common man of society, but collectively we can point out each limitation forced upon us and bring it forward as an injustice to the public. In Matthew 10:34 Jesus says: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” We’re meant to go down preaching the gospel and guiding others to salvation. This could be considered the bravest task a man or woman of faith could undertake, but make no mistake it will bear fruit in the kingdom of heaven. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

Starting today, Ontarians will no longer be required to wear masks in schools, retail establishments, or most other public locations.

In a tweet on March 21, Premier Doug Ford praised residents for their assistance in getting Ontario to this next stage of the COVID-19 pandemic’s end.

“Today is a watershed moment in our struggle against COVID. “Ontario is now at a point where we can safely remove the mask mandate in most circumstances thanks to your hard work, sacrifice, and determination to rise to the occasion,” he wrote.

Dr. Kieran Moore, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, said on March 9 that required masking restrictions would be repealed in most public venues, with the exception of some crowded indoor locations such as public transportation, health care settings, long-term care facilities, and shelters. By the end of April, the province wants to eliminate all mask restrictions and remaining public health regulations.

Following Moore’s declaration, some Ontario district school boards have requested that the mask requirement be extended in classrooms when kids return after March break.

On March 11, Alexander Brown, the chair of the Toronto District School Board, wrote to Moore, requesting extra time for schools to adjust to the new public health measures. The Limestone District School Board also asked for a two-week extension of the mask mandate in schools on March 17.

Moore stated in his answer letters that now that the Omicron variant’s peak has passed, the ministry is prepared to “take a more balanced and longer-term approach to the province’s pandemic response,” including in Ontario’s schools.

Many other jurisdictions in Canada, including Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, have made masks optional.

On March 1, the masking mandate, along with most COVID-19 measures, was repealed in most contexts in Alberta. Some places still require masks, such as municipal and intra-provincial public transportation for Albertans aged 13 and up, Alberta Health Services contracted facilities, and all continuing care settings.

On March 10, B.C. marked a turning point in its return to pre-pandemic normalcy by lifting mask restrictions in most settings. However, the government notes that individual businesses and event organizers can continue to require masks on their premises. K to 12 students will also return to mask-free classrooms when they return from spring break, according to a news release from the B.C. government.

Except in health-care establishments, Manitoba’s masking rule was repealed on March 15.

Indoor masking has become optional in Saskatchewan since February 28, while businesses, workplaces, and event organizers may still urge consumers, visitors, or employees to wear masks.

Nova Scotia, like Ontario, will lift its mask mandates in most public indoor settings on March 21, however the regulation will stay in place for a few more weeks in public schools for staff, students, and visitors.

In a news release, Premier Tim Houston remarked, “I realize there will be mixed sentiments among children and parents over the decision to keep masks on for a little longer.” “However, when new information becomes available, we reevaluate.”

The masking directive will be lifted in the remaining provinces next month.

Mask mandates were removed from elementary and secondary school classrooms in Quebec on March 7, and the province plans to remove the measure from additional settings by mid-April.

As part of its three-step strategy to reduce COVID-19 measures, Prince Edward Island plans to lift the limitation on April 7.

The data has never indicated that children are at risk of infection or severe illness from COVID-19 throughout this entire plandemic. What we’re witnessing is the brainwashed left putting their loyalty to a tyrannical globalist agenda on display despite their lack of understanding of the implications. The data has shown however, that masking these children is extremely harmful psychologically. It’s very hard to watch these parents believe that they’re doing the right thing by sending their kids to school masked and incapable of learning social cues. To vaccinate these children is a whole other level of deranged, as the data has never suggested that these children require such inoculations. Yet as we already know, these parent are paying their dues to the tyrants in hope for protection and dependence. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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