Merrick Garland’s Threat Against Parent’s 1st Amendment Rights Results In A $200M Lawsuit.


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We are in serious trouble in the United States of America. We have a mostly incoherent “president” that over half of America doesn’t believe was elected fairly. Joe Biden is likely taking orders from unelected people working behind the scenes with an agenda that is so evil that, if exposed by our dishonest media, would shock our nation to its core.

100 Percent Fed Up reports – On October 4, Barack Obama’s failed Supreme Court nominee turned Joe Biden’s Barack Obama’s Attorney General Merrick Garland sent a threatening note to warn parents of his plan to plant federal law enforcement agencies in communities around America. The letter was likely meant to chill dissent against school boards or school administrators over mask mandates and the teaching of CRT. The letter was prompted by the National School Board Association (NSBA), who called on the Biden administration to take action against unruly parents who keep showing up at school board meetings; the Department of Justice under Attorney General Merrick Garland has taken up the cause against parents. The NSBA encouraged the Biden administration to classify the actions of concerned parents as “the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”

A lot has happened since our US Attorney General Merrick Garland’s threat against the First Amendment Right of parents to speak freely against the racist Critical Race Theory (CRT) being pushed on students in grades K-12 or against forcing our children to wear masks to school?

Rebecca Garland’s husband, Xan Tanner, is the co-founder of Panorama Education, a distributor of CRT materials

On Monday, a father in Clark County, Nevada, showed up to a Clark County School Board meeting and stunned the board members when he served them with papers in the middle of his speech.

“This is segregation based off of your own fears and your own personal interests,” the unidentified father told the school board members. “The people in this country have had enough, and we are fighting back.”

“I have something to give you,” he said. He called security and asked them to do him a “favor,” asking “Would you please hand those forms to the board members?” As the security person was handing out the papers serving each member, the father announced, ” You’ve been officially served a $200 million lawsuit with six complaints and violations or multiple amendments.”

“Your job is not to be concerned with the children’s health,” he told them. “You’re not nurses. You’re not doctors. You are not responsible for their health organization. Your only focus is on our children’s education, and the education system here is 50th in the state, and you make almost more money than anybody else.”

“It is very clear that you have failed in doing that job,” he said. “This country is not alone. It’s time that we wake up. Now, we’re gonna do a lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit. We can throw it out as much as you want. We’re gonna keep this paperwork on your desk and keep the problem going until we get exactly what we want.”

“This is not a negotiation, we will have our freedom of choice, and we’re gonna see you in court,” he added.

As the members were being served, the parents sitting behind the brave dad, who are clearly undeterred by our United States Attorney General’s threats, erupted in cheers and applause.

We need parents to stand up and throw everything they’ve got at these tyrants. They want to instill politically charged ideologies in our children to give them a completely separate perception of reality. Promoting tearing down our freedom of religion, freedom of speech, etc. I know for a fact that I could educate my child to be better equipped for reality than this bureaucratic trashcan of an education system. I’ve been detesting the way the education system facilitates its curriculum since i was in middle school as a kid. I knew what my interests were and I knew I was wasting valuable time being force-fed false history. Always stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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