More Lies From the Media- Fearmongering NBC Doctor Who ‘Battled COVID’ Admits


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Never Had The Virus “Reprobates”…

Please make no mistake about it: no matter what your take on the coronavirus pandemic, most people seem to understand that the media is likely making the situation out to be far drier than it is. And why wouldn’t they – most media outlets spend 24 hours a day, seven days a week of live coverage looking for anything possible to undermine the Trump administration.

The media rarely ever offers details when it relates to coronavirus when it touts awful sounding things like the “death count.” MSM outlets never take the time to detail the age group and underlying health conditions – and even the primary cause of death – behind all of the deaths included in the coronavirus death count. They report every time a celebrity tests positive for the virus but never cover when someone recovers from the infection. The reporting on the illness is selective. 

Mr. “Reprobate”

We weren’t the least bit surprised to read that NBC News spent weeks documenting the coronavirus “journey” of one of its contributors with Covid-19 – even though he never tested positive for the virus!

The contributor, Dr. Joseph Fair believed he had the virus, according to the Daily Wire, and subsequently appeared on the air on NBC several times to discuss his struggle with the illness in May and June.

“I had a mask on, and I had gloves on, I did my normal wipes routine … but obviously, you can still get it through your eyes. And, of course, I wasn’t wearing goggles on the flight,” Fair said in the appearance on the “TODAY” show from the hospital.

Host Hoda Kotb said during the segment about the tests:

“Every time it came back negative, but clearly, you have it.”

A negative test indicates the patient does not have the virus.

But last week, Fair admitted that he never tested positive for the virus and also tested negative when he was administered an antibody test. 

He Tweeted out last week: “My undiagnosed/suspected COVID illness from nearly two months ago remains an undiagnosed mystery as a recent antibody test was negative. I had myriad COVID symptoms, was hospitalized in a COVID ward & treated for COVID-related co-morbidities, despite testing negative by the nasal swab.”

Fair said he had a myriad of COVID-19 symptoms, was hospitalized in the award and other patients with the new disease, and treated for “COVID-related co-morbidities.”

I was severely ill for two weeks, four days of it in critical condition, resulting in pneumonia, diffuse lung injury & 18lbs of weight loss. My path forward is a 2nd AB test, & follow-up with a pulmonologist & tropical medicine specialist to diagnose what made me so ill,” he wrote.

He said he plans to take another antibody test.

Fair said he was humbled by what happened and hit back at his critics, writing in a message:

“I have absolutely nothing to hide. I got sick, brought up my test results upfront, and reported the follow-up. A somewhat funny irony is that no one would have ever known I had any negative tests had I not reported them.”

But back in May, Fair had suggested on the air on the “Today” show that he may have gotten the virus through his eye during a flight that he took. He gave the interview from a hospital bed in New Orleans.

Even better, NBC knew about the negative tests and failed to mention them, according to the Daily Wire. They wrote: “During a June 14 interview with Chuck Todd on ‘Meet the Press,’ no one noted that Fair had already tested negative at least five times.”

Steve Krakauer, the author of the “Fourth Watch” newsletter, wrote: “In the end, NBC’s viewers were left with two very alarming – and false – impressions. First, that an expert virologist can take every precaution but can still catch COVID-19 through his eyes. False. Second, tests can be so untrustworthy that you can have multiple negative tests and still have coronavirus.”

The World Is In Big Trouble, for Those That Believe We Will Go Back to Some Sense of Normal Life Here on Earth, You Will Be Sadly Disappointed, Seven and Half Years of Hell on Earth Which Began January 1, 2020

“Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed” (Isa. 59:14, NLT)…We Turned Our Backs On GOD, Now We Have Been Left To Our Own Devices, Enjoy…

While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Has Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil…

Source: HNewsWire ZeroHedge

StevieRay Hansen
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

In police-state fashion, Big Tech took the list of accused (including this site), declared all those named guilty and promptly shadow-banned, de-platformed or de-monetized us all without coming clean about how they engineered the crushing of dissent, Now more than ever big Tech has exposed there hand engaging in devious underhanded tactics to make the sinister look saintly, one of Satan’s greatest weapons happens to be deceit…

The accumulating death toll from Covid-19 can be seen minute-by-minute on cable news channels. But there’s another death toll few seem to care much about: the number of poverty-related deaths being set in motion by deliberately plunging millions of Americans into poverty and despair.

American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly.

All the official reassurances won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. The Globals are behind the CoronaVirus, It Is a Man-Made Bioweapon.

For those of you who care, Google and your favorite social media platforms have misled you, and now we all pay a heavy price for trusting the ungodly, Google and company, They knew exactly what they were doing, removing our history while preparing you to accept the New World Order playbook, Enjoy.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

One thought on “More Lies From the Media- Fearmongering NBC Doctor Who ‘Battled COVID’ Admits

  1. In his film, Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of Ameria, James Jaeger suggests three steps to combat the collectivist takeover of America and what we must do to protect our great nation:

    Disconnect from all sources of cultural Marxist propaganda, media and lifestyles.
    Don’t patronize the largest Fed-member banks and fascist multinational corporations.
    Connect up with the original intent of the Founders and get active applying the U.S. Constitution.

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