Most Pharmaceuticals Are Made in China, Get in Bed With the Devil and


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There are 180 drug makers that have been working with FDA officials since January 24, when it became clear the virus had spread beyond Chinese containment methods, to inform them of their legal obligation to tell the federal government when possible supply disruptions are about to occur…

In addition, the companies have also been requested by the FDA to analyze their entire supply chain, to include pharmaceutical ingredients that are made in China.

“The FDA has identified about 20 other drugs, which solely source their active pharmaceutical ingredients or finished drug products from China,” the FDA said in a statement. “We have been in contact with those firms to assess whether they face any drug shortage risks due to the outbreak.”

The firms, the statement said, have yet to report any shortages by publication time.

In addition, FDA officials have said they are aware of 63 plants representing 72 facilities in mainland China that make “essential medical devices” which are also likely to be more prone to shortages thanks to supplying chain disruptions.

Some of those facilities, the agency says, have been affected by mass lockdowns, factory closures, and quarantines in China, all related to the outbreak and all of which have caused “workforce challenges” — government-speak for ‘not enough workers to maintain necessary production levels.’

“Regarding personal protective equipment—surgical gowns, gloves, masks, respirator protective devices, or other medical equipment designed to protect the wearer from injury or the spread of infection or illness—the FDA has heard reports of increased market demand and supply challenges for some of these products,” the agency said in a statement.

Bottom line, say experts: This supply chain issue with drugs and medical devices will probably get much worse before it improves.

“One of the ugly secrets of the pharmaceutical industry is that the vast majority of raw materials that go into a prescription drug are produced overseas, mostly in China and India,” said Geoffrey Joyce, chairman of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Economics at the USC School of Pharmacy.

“The coronavirus shutting down China or India for an extended period of time is likely to have a substantial impact on the supply of many drugs,” he warned.

William Comanor, a professor of health policy and management at UCLA, was even more emphatic.

“Tell your readers to stock up on generics!” he said. “You’re going to see shortages.”

That may be just a tad alarmist. But I’ll admit I’ve ordered additional supplies of my own meds.

BJ’s is an East Coast big-box discounter that competes with Costco. Like many retailers, the company has its own in-house brands that serve as cheaper alternatives to the big national brands.

It’s Berkley Jensen acetaminophen is a generic rival to Tylenol.

Nowhere does it say on the BJ’s website where the product comes from. A BJ’s service rep told me it’s manufactured in the United States.

What about the ingredients?

“I don’t know,” the rep answered after tapping away at her computer keys. “It doesn’t say.”

She said BJ’s acetaminophen, like many of the company’s over-the-counter drugs, is produced by a company called Perrigo, which is based in Michigan but, for tax purposes, claims Dublin, Ireland, as its official headquarters.

Perrigo says its products “are available at retailers, pharmacies and e-commerce outlets in the United States, across Europe and in other major markets.”

Before we go any further, it’s important to note that U.S. Customs law has a big loophole when it comes to country-of-origin labeling.

It doesn’t require that the sources of a drug’s ingredients be disclosed. Rather, the law says a drugmaker can claim as the country of origin wherever the drug’s various components were “substantially transformed” into the final product.

That means a drug manufacturer can gather ingredients from around the world. But if it pulls them all together into pill form in the United States, the country of origin can be claimed as the U.S.

This, of course, does consumers no favors.

UCLA’s Comanor observed that the vast majority of U.S. drug sales involve generics, so coronavirus-related disruptions may have a lesser impact on name-brand pharmaceutical companies, which favor domestic production of ingredients.

But for everything from generic over-the-counter drugs to generic prescription meds, he said, consumers are at the mercy of global supply chains.

“I want to be able to buy generics made from active ingredients produced in the U.S.,” Comanor said. “I cannot do that.”

The generic acetaminophen that Timek purchased is a good case in point.

The country of origin — that is, where the final tinkering was performed — maybe the United States, but the ingredients are more like an episode of “Dora the Explorer.”

Acetaminophen, also known as paracetamol, is America’s most widely used drug ingredient, found not just in namesake pills but also as a component of hundreds of cold, flu and allergy remedies.

recent study determined that 84% of the world’s supply of acetaminophen comes from China and India, with China accounting for nearly two-thirds of the total.

The United States is the world’s single largest market for generic acetaminophen, the study found.

Then there are all the inactive ingredients in the BJ’s acetaminophen. These include various components that go into making a pill a pill, such as croscarmellose sodium, crospovidone, and assorted colorings, all of which almost certainly come from overseas factories, primarily in China.

I reached out to both Perrigo and BJ’s for comment. Neither company responded.

Pharmaceutical experts emphasized that most drug factories worldwide operate under strict safety standards.

Just because an ingredient comes from China or India doesn’t mean it’s unsafe. But it does mean that if factories in those countries face production difficulties, shortages of finished drugs can be felt around the planet.

At this point, it’s unclear how widespread the disruptions are. Chinese authorities have released no information on drug factory closures. Large U.S. drug companies say they have sufficient inventory to handle demand, at least in the near term.

The Food and Drug Administration says no coronavirus-related drug shortages have yet been reported to the agency. But it has contacted dozens of Chinese manufacturers with a reminder that they have to report any disruptions.

The FDA calls the situation “evolving and very dynamic.”

Experts say it would be unlikely for overseas companies to stockpile most raw ingredients solely for domestic use. But some fear China could curtail exports of materials used in the production of antibiotics if demand for such drugs surges at Chinese hospitals.

About 90% of the core components of leading antibiotics such as amoxicillin and penicillin come from China.

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“You could say that when China sneezes, the average American consumer feels it, and this is because of the nature of the global supply chain,” said Adegoke Oke, an assistant professor of global management at Arizona State University.

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“Consumers must get used to the fact that their meds, and in fact many other products, come from all over or depend on ingredients from all over,” he said.

Rachna Shah, an associate professor of supply chain and operations at the University of Minnesota, said the FDA does a reasonably good job of monitoring the safety of drug ingredients produced worldwide.

“However, there is no central mechanism to ensure drug availability,” she said. “Disruptions such as the coronavirus expose this dependence on foreign sources and heighten the fears associated with drug shortages.”

She and others said the drug industry is scrambling to keep shelves stocked.

“Companies have business continuity plans and I am sure are working hard to respond,” said Ravi Anupindi, a professor of operations research and management at the University of Michigan.

He added, however: “They need to reduce their dependence on China.”

I agree. I’d also say it’s time that the FDA cast more sunlight on its drug disclosure regulations.

This seems like a perfect opportunity for Democrats and Republicans to find common ground and pass legislation requiring country-of-origin labeling for medicines to include global sourcing of active ingredients.

The production of acetaminophen and other generics may be finalized in this country, but if the components all come from China or India, that’s a data point consumers are entitled to know.

And if it’s too much hassle to put that on the label, at the very least such transparency should be introduced online for anyone interested in knowing more about what they’re putting in their mouth.

As it stands, our disclosure rules appear designed more to hide countries of origin rather than reveal them.

At times like these, that’s not very helpful.

MSM, High-Tech & Reddit Engaged in Heavy Censorship of Truthful News Sources

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Everything is right on schedule and, now, the time is come to remove one of the final obstacles standing in the way of a New World Order: The United States Constitution – even if, over the course of many decades, it has already been greatly diminished by the B.E.A.S.T. system; or, more specifically, Bullshit Emerging As Strategic Totalitarianism (B.E.A.S.T.).

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Source: HNewsWire CensoredNews

StevieRay Hansen

Google, No More Electronic Prison: You will see many changes on HNewsWire, one of those changes will be to eliminate Google Ads, the other difference, HNewsWire will NOT post videos on YouTube, it is no longer a question about overreach by the un-godly big tech tyrants. There is no question Big Tech can and will persecute any opposing opinion, they will demoralize, sideline truth seekers and those that speak the truth. The People’s Blood is on big tech and mainstream media’s hands. Censorship has NOT worked for thousands of years, their evil tactics will not work now, history proves me right, so we watch the drama play out between good (GOD) and evil ( Big Tech MSM ), God has never failed his people, and God will not fail this time…
StevieRay Hansen

The truth is that all of the warnings of alleged ‘conspiracy theorists’ have turned out to be correct The word translated “pestilence” is often translated as “plague” or “disaster” …

The Bible predicts the rise of this type of societal control within the frightening prophecies about the Antichrist, the final world empire called the Beast, and the final economic system using the Mark of the Beast. The electronic tyranny of technocracy that is now being developed and implemented throughout the world is in preparation for the Antichrist’s rise to power. As we see this final empire taking shape in our day, we can know for certain that the End Times is upon us and the Coming of Christ is drawing near. Now is the time to turn away from sin and evil and believe in Jesus before it is too late!

The Un-Godly — Those That Suppress the Truth, the social media giants built multi-billion dollar empires by giving everyone a voice, but now that they have such a dominant position on the Internet they have decided that many prominent conservative voices should be completely silenced.

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In order for sin to work, there has to be a “suppression of the truth.”

The World leaders Are Having Trouble With The Truth, and The World Has been “Quarantined” Tribulation Is Here…

Thousands of People Are Basically Trapped in a Petri Dish of Disease

Demon Virus
Asked about the virus while traveling abroad last week, Trump said: “We have it totally under control”. In a separate Twitter posting, he offered reassurance but scant detail for his confidence. By Associated Press Updated On: 05:53 PST, Jan 31, 2020

Yes, are we seeing a slowdown in new virus cases reported this morning. We now have 31,481, which does show a day-to-day decline away from an exponential rate of growth if accurate. Yet for those market participants merrily saying this is “just the flu” (there are some) we also have 4,824, 15% of the total, in critical condition and 638 deaths. Further, one arguably cannot measure the death-rate of any virus against the number of currently sick people: you surely measure it against those who eventually recover vs. those who don’t. Given we have 1,563 who have recovered vs. 638 dead (and 4,824 critical) that is a worrying ratio of 29% dead as an end-outcome, which is right up there with the MERS virus from a few years ago – although, yes, there is real reason for us all to hope that number will decline sharply as milder cases will be fully curable. But the simple flu this is not.

WASHINGTON: Wuhan coronavirus: Donald Trump says deadly outbreak ‘very well under control’ as WHO declares a global emergency. President Donald Trump regaled a friendly New Jersey campaign crowd with his thoughts about impeachment, the economy, the border wall, local politics and much more.

But he was conspicuously quiet on January 28 about one big issue keeping much of the globe on pins and needles: the spread of a deadly new type of coronavirus. It has killed more than 170 people in China, sickened thousands more there and led to a handful of confirmed cases in the US, including the first US case of person-to-person transmission reported on by health officials. The State Department on January 30 advised all US citizens against traveling to China.

Trump, a self-described germaphobe, generally has discussed the virus in broad terms, but he offered some of his most extensive comments on the issue to date during an appearance on January 30 at a Michigan manufacturing plant. “Hopefully, it won’t be as bad as some people think it could be, but we’re working very closely with them (Chinese) and with a lot of other people and a lot of other countries, he said. “We think we have it very well under control.”

The Birth Pains Are Growing Stronger….

One of the signs of ruling class collapse is when they can no longer enforce the rules that maintain them as a ruling class. When the Romans started making exceptions to republican governance, it was a matter of time before someone simply decided the rules no longer applied to them. Perhaps the robot historians will consider Obama our Marius or Sulla. Maybe that person is in the near future. Either way, the rule of law is over and what comes next is the rule of men.

“Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.” as in Nancy Pelosi (D-San Fran-feces)

Our government has been overthrown. As evidenced by Trump’s capitulation on the border, his recent servitude to the GMO industry and his acquiescence to the warmongers, our President has been compromised. Our liberties are being eliminated one by one. Gun confiscation is next. The Constitution is gasping its last breaths. Our borders are destroyed and our culture has been turned upside down by every perversion known to man.

The watchman does not confuse truth with consensus. The Watchman does not confuse God’s word with the word of those who happen to hold power at present, or with the opinion of the majority. This is because powerholders and the majority can fall victim to a lying spirit-and this means a power that actually seizes the majority of experts, the political leadership, and the public.

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Everything is right on schedule and, now, the time is come to remove one of the final obstacles standing in the way of a New World Order: The United States Constitution – even if, over the course of many decades, it has already been greatly diminished by the B.E.A.S.T. system; or, more specifically, Bullshit Emerging As Strategic Totalitarianism (B.E.A.S.T.).

They are tolerant of everything except dissenting values and opinions — meaning, of course, they are tolerant of nothing that matters, only themselves.”

The Watchman does not confuse truth with consensus. The watchman does not confuse God’s word with the word of those who happen to hold power at present, or with the opinion of the majority. This is because powerholders and the majority can fall victim to a lying spirit-and; this means a power that seizes the majority of experts, the political leadership, and the public.StevieRay Hansen



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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