9 mins read

Voter ID laws are “unnecessary.” According to AG Merrick Garland, While Watchman Labels This Guy is a Brain-Dead Moron, TX Will Do What TX Does: Arrest the Invaders, With or Without the UN,WEF,Obama,Soros,Biden and Garland Permission.Civil War’s Coming

By SRH, Watchman Marks With or without approval from the UN, WEF, Obama, Soros, Biden, and Garland, Texas will do what Texas does—arrest the invaders. Republicans took offense when Attorney General Merrick Garland said on March 3 that state efforts to enact voter ID laws are “burdensome” and “unnecessary.” “Burdensome?” How absurd. When all people who use banks, computers, cellphones, travelers, shoppers, store clerks, drivers, teachers and their aides, janitors, club members, policemen, students, prisoners, even migrants are issued ID’s. That tells you all you need to know about Merrick Garland’s intentions to rig and cheat in the elections.He wants to mail in all the illegal votes and sneak illegal aliens into the polling places.He is a snake. The attorney general was remembering the 59th anniversary of the targeting of protestors by Selma police during an early civil rights demonstration […]


16 mins read

Russia Accuses Google of Terrorist” Activity: The Online News CIA/DHS/FBI Google Operative Allowed Access to Countless Articles and Materials Containing Incorrect Information — SideBar, Google Bullies and Terrorizes Americans With Impunity Daily

HNewsWire-On the eve of the emergency NATO summit in Brussels, for which Joe Biden has traveled to Europe, Russia’s ex-president and close Putin ally Dmitry Medvedev has warned of a coming ‘nuclear dystopia,’ according to The Hill, based on NATO pushing Moscow into a corner with crippling sanctions and attempts at total global isolation. In his Wednesday remarks, he accused the West of pursuing “the end of our nation,” warning that the end-game might be nuclear devastation if ties continue to deteriorate at this pace. According to The Hill: Dmitry Medvedev, deputy head of Russia’s Security Council and former president and prime minister, stated on Russian social networking site VK.com that Russia has been “the target of the same lousy and basic game” since the Soviet Union’s demise. “Russia must be humiliated, confined, rocked, split, and destroyed,” Medvedev wrote. Crucially, […]


10 mins read

Update: Watchman Ask Who’s Going to Jail? The CDC Repeatedly Advised People With Post–Kill Shots AKA Vaccination Conditions to Get More Doses, Someone Going Pay The Price For Murder Because When GOD Get Involved Stuff Starts Happening

Renowned American attorney Tom Renz has testified before the Ohio Senate, making explosive allegations that hospitals and doctors were incentivized to “murder” patients in order to exaggerate the threat of COVID-19. Renz’s testimony has ignited a firestorm of controversy, drawing both sharp criticism and fervent support from different quarters. During his testimony, Renz argued that financial incentives provided by the federal government led healthcare providers to falsely attribute deaths to COVID-19. He claimed that these incentives created a perverse motivation for hospitals and doctors to intentionally mismanage patient care, resulting in unnecessary deaths. According to Renz, this was done to inflate COVID-19 death statistics and create a false narrative about the severity of the pandemic. Renz presented various pieces of evidence to support his claims, including documentation of federal funding allocations and testimonies from healthcare workers who alleged that they […]


21 mins read

Watchman: Globalists Like Schwab and His Closest Aides Are “Legitimate Military Targets” Because They Have Been Trying to Take Power Illegally Through a Globalist Coup D’Etat

HNewsWire: Putin is right! And Klaus Schwab, The SOB ‘Days Are Numbered’… God’ Is In Control, Take Cover, Mr.Klaus HNewsWire says that Putin is right. And Klaus Schwab is a jerk whose “days are numbered.” God is in charge, so Klaus, hide! Klaus Schwab, who started the World Economic Forum (WEF), is a “globalist terrorist” who is “holding humanity to ransom,” according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who told the elite that their New World Order had failed and that their “days are numbered.” On October 5, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a speech at the 20th meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi. In his speech, he talked about the tectonic and permanent changes that are happening in the global order. Putin says that globalists like Schwab and his closest advisers are “legitimate military targets” because they […]


5 mins read

Watchman Says the Enemies Are: CNN, FOX, MSLSD,ABC,NBC, CBS. Ever Talking Head of Fox News, and Other Prominent Figures in the Mainstream Corporate Media Are Dangerous

HNewsWire: Watchman,Anderson Cooper, a Proud Sodomite, is the typical elitist propaganda pusher masquerading as a journalist, which is why he had nothing to say when presented with the facts about a long-running CIA program lately. The video clip below contains all of the information you need to know about Cooper and his colleagues in mainstream corporate media. While they may or may not support various politicians, they can always be counted on to serve as “partners” with the administrative state’s unelected powers. So, yeah, Operation Mockingbird exists. It was discovered at hearings given by U.S. Senator Frank Church almost 45 years ago.In 1975, the Church Committee was a United States Senate select committee that investigated abuses by the three-letter agencies, the CIA, NSA, FBI, and IRS. These agencies, along with many more that did not exist in 1975, have only […]


6 mins read

Watchman: The Federal Government Is “Broke.” It Means That the Government Has Abandoned Its Biblical Role to “Punish Evildoers and Praise Them That Do Well” (1 Peter 2:14)

They’ll Never Take Jesus Out Of My Heart HNewsWire: Government Has Been Weaponized Against the People Discovery documents from a lawsuit against the White House13 filed by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana (Eric Schmitt and Jeff Landry) show at least 671415 federal employees across more than a dozen agencies are engaged in these kinds of illegal censorship activities. This includes officials from: The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) Election Security and Resilience team Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Office of Intelligence and Analysis The FBI’s foreign influence taskforce The Justice Department’s (DOJ) national security division The Office of the Director of National Intelligence White House staff (including White House lawyer Dana Remus, deputy assistant to the president Rob Flaherty and former White House senior COVID-19 adviser Andy Slavitt) Health and Human Services (HHS) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National […]


8 mins read

Watchman Say This People Are Evil: Apostate “Minister” Claims God Is Gay, Lesbian, or Transgender. “God Is Non-binary in Gender.”

HNewsWire Live Stream 24/7 News Updates and World Events Go Live HNewsWire: Apostate “Minister” claims God is gay, God is a lesbian, God is trans. God is gender non-binary” Feb 24, 2023      (OPINION) An ordained minister within the Disciples of Christ, claiming to hold advanced degrees from schools of divinity at Duke and Yale, continues spreading opinions wrapped in the Word of God on social media. According to a report from Charisma News, Rev. Caleb Hines posted a sermon on social media making claims about the divinity of God that are clearly contradictory to the Word of God. “God is gay. God is a lesbian. God is trans. God is gender non-binary. God is straight. God is cis-gender. God is Black. God is white. God is Middle Eastern. God is Asian. God is differently abled, mentally and physically. God […]


9 mins read

Watchman: Of Course the Church Has an Outreach Ministry That Promotes the LGTBQIA+E for Evil Lifestyle. More Godless Churches Are Beginning to Use Artificial Intelligence to Help Prepare and Write Sermons Because Their Weekly Messages Are Biblically Bankrupt, With the Most Recent Example Coming From an Austin, Texas Fake Dark Worldly Satan Driven Violet Crown City Church

HNewsWire: What is a fake Christian.? I Think the Answer Depends Upon How You Define “Christian,” the Bible says that a Christian is one who has faith in the person and work of Christ as his/her only means of salvation; that is that they’ve been put to death and raised into new life with Christ. A Christian is one (like Abraham) who trusts Christ alone as their only means of righteousness. This Ungodly Pastor: “We find that dogma and doctrine don’t inspire people, and no one is like, ‘man, I get so fired up about that Christian dogma, I want to follow Jesus,’ said no one, ever,” the pastor said. More churches are beginning to utilize artificial intelligence to help produce and write their weekly messages, the latest coming from a church in Austin, Texas. Violet Crown City Church last […]


26 mins read

Watchman: “On His Heads Were Blasphemous Names.” This Points Out the Blasphemous Character of These Gentile Powers and Is One of the Key Characteristics of This System of the Future, Especially of Its Leader Musk, Larry Page, Zuckerberg, Sundar Pichai, the Anti-Christ Gang

Google Founder And Silicon Valley Artificial Intelligence Engineers Admit ‘We’re Creating God’… HNewsWire: “On his heads were blasphemous names.” This points out the blasphemous character of these Gentile powers and is one of the key characteristics of this system of the future, especially of its leader. This will be done in three primary ways: (a) by claiming that he is God; (b) by trying to usurp the place of God (2 Thess. 2:4; Dan. 7:8); and (c) by slandering the true God (Rev. 13:6; Dan. 11:36–37; 7:25). Google Founder And Silicon Valley Artificial Intelligence Engineers Admit ‘We’re Creating God’… HNewsWire: “It’s just the next step in evolution. I’m serious,” Larry Page, the Google  evil co-founder, said. An engineer from Silicon Valley, California, the home to some of the latest and cutting edge technologies in the world, has said that they […]


12 mins read

Watchman: Depopulation Of The World From COVID-19 Crisis–Deagel, a Highly Confidential Intelligence Agency in the United States, Has Recently Released a Report Predicting a Global Depopulation as a Result of the COVID-19 Crisis and the Great Reset

& Great Reset… One of America’s most secret intelligence agency Deagel forecasts in its latest report, the depopulation of the world because of the COVID-19 crisis and the Great Reset. It states that the formerly known as second and third world nations are an unknown at this point. Their fate will depend upon the decisions they take in the future. If they remain tied to the former World Order they will go down along Western powers. Deagel – America’s Most Secret Intelligence Agency Deagel is America’s most secret intelligence agency – so secretive that few people know of its existence and others claim the organization doesn’t legitimately exist at all. Despite the overwhelming suppression of its significance, Deagel is routinely used by the CIA and other security outfits. WikiLeaks documents have revealed Deagel was legitimately used as reference material in a Stratfor report […]


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