PM Of Australia Chastised For Supporting Abortion Policy That Enables Late Term Abortions.


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Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been chastised for claiming that Australia is “globally recognized” for its present sexual and reproductive health laws, which allow late-term abortions with no safeguards for babies delivered alive as a result of the operation.

Former Australian House of Representatives member George Christensen disclosed a letter from Morrison to him in March 2021 on Christensen’s proposal for a Human Rights (Children Born Alive Protection) Bill on Saturday.

South Australia has recently become the country’s final state to partially decriminalise abortion, making it lawful in late-term pregnancies if physicians think certain circumstances are satisfied, such as inability to support further children or domestic abuse.

The Children Delivered Alive Protection Bill seeks to oblige medical practitioners to take steps to preserve such newborns or face large financial penalties and even deregistration, citing 237 occurrences of babies being born alive following late-term abortions in Queensland and Victoria.

In response to Christensen’s bill, Morrison replied that he understood the seriousness of the issue, but that abortion access “is the responsibility of states and territories and subject to their own legislation.”

“This access is a vital part of the reproductive and sexual health services that the Commonwealth Government supports for Australian women, and we continue to work with states and territories to ensure that safe and legal abortion is available throughout Australia,” the letter stated.

Morrison went on to say that his administration is “dedicated to preserving and promoting the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls,” but he didn’t mention that dying newborns have the right to life-saving medical treatment.

“It is a vital aspect of our foreign policy and aid program, and we advocate on these problems at international fora,” she says.

Morrison, who identifies as a Pentecostal Christian, has already distanced himself from the contentious topic. Morrison proclaimed his conservative views on abortion during the 2019 election, however he declined to participate in the discussion in New South Wales regarding decriminalizing abortions.

Morrison’s support for “the murdering of unborn kids,” according to political activist and former managing director of the Australian Christian Lobby Lyle Shelton, is “incompatible with the Christian belief that persons are made in the image and likeness of God.”

On Sunday, he remarked on Twitter, “This is why Christians have struggled for the voiceless and the right to life from conception to natural death.”

It comes after a pro-life demonstration in Brisbane on Saturday that drew approximately 2,000 people, including Senators Amanda Stoker and Matt Canavan of the Liberal National Party, One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts, and Christensen.

According to Stoker, many women are coerced into having abortions due to frightening messaging and a lack of alternative readily available choices for assistance.

“We should provide care and support for those ladies so that they understand that terminating their pregnancy is not their only option,” she added.

“It’s simply wrong that our culture is more willing to condemn cruelty to a dog or a cat than it is to a human kid, even one who is old enough to live outside the womb.”

In terms of safeguards to protect the rights of the unborn, the opposition Australian Labor Party (ALP) did not offer much of a point of difference on its abortion policies, revealing in early April that its health policies “will not be the same as those taken to the election in 2019,” when it backed a plan to make taxpayer-funded abortion services available across the country.

Labor, on the other hand, stated at its Special Platform meeting in 2021 that it is “committed to extending access” to contraception and abortion, and that it “recognizes that there are particular hurdles” to these services.

“Labor will seek to enhance sexual and reproductive health for all Australians and supports people’ rights to make reproductive health decisions, including the freedom to select suitable contraception and whether or not to terminate or prolong a pregnancy.”

Albanese’s office was approached for comment by the Epoch Times, but no answer was received in time for publishing.

The One Nation Party, led by Pauline Hanson, advocates for pro-life policies such as limiting abortions to a certain gestational age, prohibiting sex-selective abortion, providing counseling and other safeguards to women considering abortion, prohibiting the use of aborted baby organs, and requiring medical care for babies born alive during an abortion.

The conservative party declared on its website that it “acknowledges the scientific truth that a human being’s existence begins in the womb” and that it was “horrified” when state governments introduced legislation allowing abortion up until birth for any reason.

“This is one of the most draconian laws in the Western world,” it continued.

All jurisdictions in Australia have decriminalized abortion, with NSW and South Australia legalizing the procedure in 2019 and 2021, respectively.

Abortion is legal in NSW and SA up to 22 weeks, and after 22 weeks if a qualified medical practitioner is consulted in specific circumstances. Tasmania restricts on-demand abortions to women who are 16 weeks pregnant.

In Victoria, a woman can get an abortion on demand up to the 24-week gestational limit. After the first 24 weeks, two medical professionals must agree that the surgery is suitable under the circumstances.

The safeguarding and praise that these abortion clinics receive from the radical left is inarguably evil, and without regard for human life. These are historic times in our society in which we have to fight on the behalf of those who haven’t even been born yet. Psalm 139:13-16 says: “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

According to published emails, the nephew of Boston criminal lord James “Whitey” Bulger was a business associate of Hunter Biden and actively participated in advancing his commercial operations in China.

From the 1970s until the 1990s, the Boston gangster was a high-profile figure in the city’s organized crime scene, and he had been America’s most sought fugitive for years. In 2018, he was murdered by fellow inmates while serving two life sentences for 11 murders.

James J. Bulger, the son of a former Massachusetts state senator, is the chairman of Thornton Group, a Boston-based financial consultancy firm he co-founded with Taiwanese American billionaire Michael Lin Chun-Liang. The firm was a shareholder in Bohai Harvest RST Shanghai Equity Investment Fund Management (BHR Partners), which was supported by significant Chinese state financial institutions such as the Bank of China and the China Development Bank Capital.

According to his lawyer, Hunter Biden was an unpaid board member of BHR until April 2020. According to business filings, he owned a 10% share in the company as of last May.

Email threads acquired by Fox News and the New York Post in 2014 reveal the two Thornton Group executives discussing problems such as obtaining a Chinese company license and meeting with a senior Beijing official for unspecified monies with Hunter Biden and his allies.

On Jan. 27, 2014, Bulger forwarded to Biden and his close business partner Devon Archer an email from his colleague Mike Leonard, vice president of operations at Thornton, with the subject line “Meeting with Chinese Ambassador.”

He added, “In 2008, a US Embassy official met with the former CEO of the Bahai [sic] Fund and prepared a report on the encounter.” “It’s interesting that someone from the Chinese Embassy would be interested in the domestic Bohai PE Fund’s activities. “Thought you guys might be interested in seeing this.”

He proposed the group meet in Washington and said Leonard had “reached out to someone over in Beijing to verify Jonathan’s itinerary,” presumably referring to BHR CEO Jonathan Li.

“I still think a meeting with the Ambassador early next week, if possible, would be preferable; I hope this hasn’t caused too much trouble.”

BHR Partners had been established months before by Thornton Group, Biden, and Archer. President Joe Biden, Hunter’s father, was the vice president at the time. Archer was sentenced to a year and a day in prison in February for scamming a Native American tribe.

Bulger replied to Hunter Biden four months later, emphasizing “the need for a contracted Chinese anchor investor.” Lindsay, a woman he identified, had been on their “monthly BHR call” the day before. He stated, “She made quite clear to everyone on the phone that he [sic] completing an investment deal with Gouxin or BOC or PICC is task number one.” BOC and PICC are most likely abbreviations for the Bank of China and the People’s Insurance Company of China, respectively.

He then revealed Gouxin’s investment interests in the amount of 10 billion yuan (approximately $1.6 billion at the time). He stated that Leonard would soon provide his “high level study” into the “KAZ/Sino energy industry,” saying, “We need to keep this thing extremely simple in the beginning so we can have a deal completed ASAP.”

Hunter traveled to Beijing between 2014 and 2015, according to emails recovered from his abandoned laptop, to try to broker a $120 million oil deal between a Chinese state-owned oil business and Kazakhstan’s prime minister.

In the same month, Joe Biden’s brother-in-law Jack Owens contacted Hunter, requesting assistance with obtaining a Chinese business license for his two companies, MediGuide America and MediGuide Insurance Services International.

The two companies were in “serious talks” with a Chinese insurance company, but the Chinese company needed a license to close the deal, he wrote to Hunter.

“Time constraints are quite tight, and the fact that we don’t yet have one has given the company a tiny credibility jolt.” “All of this translates into the necessity for a Business License, which must be obtained swiftly,” Owens stated. “While this may appear to be a simple operation, I’ve learned that obtaining a Business License can take an abnormal amount of time….time that we simply do not have.”

Hunter instantly emailed Bulger and Lin, requesting their assistance in expediting the license. Bulger said that he would confer with Lin to devise a strategy.

“Me and Michael had a chat with Jack this morning I think we have a solution for his China problem,” Bulger wrote three days later to Hunter, adding that the two were researching Chinese laws and regulations but that “our Thornton WOFE will likely be ok for Jacks company to employ.”

Wholly foreign-owned enterprises is abbreviated as WOFE.

According to Fox News, in 2011, a business associate of Hunter shared news of Whitey Bulger’s capture to Hunter and Archer with the subject line “Jim’s uncle.”

Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) published bank records late last month that show repeated transfers from China to Hunter in 2017 and 2018, each worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Between Joe Biden systematically dismantling our country, and Hunter Biden with his drug addicted China/Ukraine ties, this country SHOULD be outright condemning this family. But we’re too confused, the eruption of the Ukrainian invasion and COVID-19 tyranny have seemingly left us completely in the dark. All the while Joe has halted the Department of Defenses China Initiative, claiming “it’s racist”. Your average citizens do NOT care about politics, particularly the “woke” people who only care about their immediate surroundings. Once the social norms of the woke left are implemented, there is no return to life as you knew it. Primed for tyranny, society would inevitably become hell on earth.

It looks like a communist administration because it is one; Why is society paralyzed? Find your courage in the word, Matthew 5:44 says: “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Satan is building his own army just like God. In Matthew chapter 10, Jesus tells his apostles they have been given power over unclean spirits, and sends them out to spread the word. We hold power over unclean spirits and our prayer can move mountains. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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