Psaki Refuses To Denounce Left Wing Protests At The Homes Of Public Figures.


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The White House supported the right of left-wing pro-abortion demonstrators to demonstrate outside the residences of six conservative Supreme Court Justices on May 5, avoiding the term “extreme,” instead asking for “peaceful protest.” Outgoing press secretary Jen Psaki called for “peaceful protest.”

Rallies erupted Monday in response to the release of a draft Supreme Court judgment that might overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 ruling that made abortion legal across the United States. Psaki termed the protests as “outrageous.”

The Supreme Court was surrounded by barricades, and security around the Justices was increased.

Furthermore, the left-wing group Ruth Sent Us published the alleged addresses of six conservative Justices and called for a May 11 “walk-by” demonstration.

“At the houses of the six radical judges, three of them are from Virginia and three from Maryland.” “Let us know if you’d like to participate or organize a nonviolent protest,” the group’s website says.

Muralists and chalk painters are also invited to participate in the protests, and the organization offers to compensate them.

Psaki expressed President Joe Biden’s desire for peaceful protests, but she avoided labeling them as radical. This comes after Biden described a segment of the GOP, dubbed the “MAGA mob,” as the “most extremist political group” in modern American history on May 4.

“The president, for all those women, men, and others who are upset, terrified, and concerned, he hears them. She told reporters, “He shares that fear and sorrow at what he read in that draft opinion,” stressing that it wasn’t a final conclusion.

According to Psaki, Biden’s direct advice to anyone who is dissatisfied by the Supreme Court’s draft judgment is to engage in nonviolent protest.

“Make sure it’s calm. Make your voice quietly heard. In whatever manner, shape, or form, we should avoid turning to violence. “That’s exactly what he’d be saying,” she stated.

Psaki would not clarify whether Biden thought the left-wing activists planned protests outside the Justices’ residences were likewise “extreme.”

“Peaceful demonstration? No. Psaki stated that peaceful protest is not excessive.

“In our opinion, nonviolent protest has a long history in the United States, and in the country.” “And we obviously advise people to keep it calm and avoid resorting to any kind of violence,” she continued, alluding to the demonstration on the street.

The democratic party has come to a point in which they don’t even put effort into covering up their extremist ideations. Psaki claims that this is considered “peaceful protest”, and it has happened in our country for a long time. It’s almost comical how she just throws a peaceful protest blanket over the whole situation. Not even acknowledging that demonstrations at the homes of public figures is obviously considered malpractice in American politics. Make no mistake this was intended to be the case. She knows that it’s wrong, but she wont admit it because it serves the democratic parties narrative.

The mainstream media has nothing to say about the questionable things going on in our world as usual. All the pawns are being put in place to asphyxiate followers of Christ. The world has lost its morals after this pandemic. Christian teachings are a threat to secularism, centralized governmental power and the valueless entertainment industry; Which funds all the wrong people. Not to mention The World Economic Forum is casting its shadow on America; Budging the democratic party to adhere to a globalist agenda. This is foreshadowing of persecution and tribulation yet to come. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been chastised for claiming that Australia is “globally recognized” for its present sexual and reproductive health laws, which allow late-term abortions with no safeguards for babies delivered alive as a result of the operation.

Former Australian House of Representatives member George Christensen disclosed a letter from Morrison to him in March 2021 on Christensen’s proposal for a Human Rights (Children Born Alive Protection) Bill on Saturday.

South Australia has recently become the country’s final state to partially decriminalise abortion, making it lawful in late-term pregnancies if physicians think certain circumstances are satisfied, such as inability to support further children or domestic abuse.

The Children Delivered Alive Protection Bill seeks to oblige medical practitioners to take steps to preserve such newborns or face large financial penalties and even deregistration, citing 237 occurrences of babies being born alive following late-term abortions in Queensland and Victoria.

In response to Christensen’s bill, Morrison replied that he understood the seriousness of the issue, but that abortion access “is the responsibility of states and territories and subject to their own legislation.”

“This access is a vital part of the reproductive and sexual health services that the Commonwealth Government supports for Australian women, and we continue to work with states and territories to ensure that safe and legal abortion is available throughout Australia,” the letter stated.

Morrison went on to say that his administration is “dedicated to preserving and promoting the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls,” but he didn’t mention that dying newborns have the right to life-saving medical treatment.

“It is a vital aspect of our foreign policy and aid program, and we advocate on these problems at international fora,” she says.

Morrison, who identifies as a Pentecostal Christian, has already distanced himself from the contentious topic. Morrison proclaimed his conservative views on abortion during the 2019 election, however he declined to participate in the discussion in New South Wales regarding decriminalizing abortions.

Morrison’s support for “the murdering of unborn kids,” according to political activist and former managing director of the Australian Christian Lobby Lyle Shelton, is “incompatible with the Christian belief that persons are made in the image and likeness of God.”

On Sunday, he remarked on Twitter, “This is why Christians have struggled for the voiceless and the right to life from conception to natural death.”

It comes after a pro-life demonstration in Brisbane on Saturday that drew approximately 2,000 people, including Senators Amanda Stoker and Matt Canavan of the Liberal National Party, One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts, and Christensen.

According to Stoker, many women are coerced into having abortions due to frightening messaging and a lack of alternative readily available choices for assistance.

“We should provide care and support for those ladies so that they understand that terminating their pregnancy is not their only option,” she added.

“It’s simply wrong that our culture is more willing to condemn cruelty to a dog or a cat than it is to a human kid, even one who is old enough to live outside the womb.”

In terms of safeguards to protect the rights of the unborn, the opposition Australian Labor Party (ALP) did not offer much of a point of difference on its abortion policies, revealing in early April that its health policies “will not be the same as those taken to the election in 2019,” when it backed a plan to make taxpayer-funded abortion services available across the country.

Labor, on the other hand, stated at its Special Platform meeting in 2021 that it is “committed to extending access” to contraception and abortion, and that it “recognizes that there are particular hurdles” to these services.

“Labor will seek to enhance sexual and reproductive health for all Australians and supports people’ rights to make reproductive health decisions, including the freedom to select suitable contraception and whether or not to terminate or prolong a pregnancy.”

Albanese’s office was approached for comment by the Epoch Times, but no answer was received in time for publishing.

The One Nation Party, led by Pauline Hanson, advocates for pro-life policies such as limiting abortions to a certain gestational age, prohibiting sex-selective abortion, providing counseling and other safeguards to women considering abortion, prohibiting the use of aborted baby organs, and requiring medical care for babies born alive during an abortion.

The conservative party declared on its website that it “acknowledges the scientific truth that a human being’s existence begins in the womb” and that it was “horrified” when state governments introduced legislation allowing abortion up until birth for any reason.

“This is one of the most draconian laws in the Western world,” it continued.

All jurisdictions in Australia have decriminalized abortion, with NSW and South Australia legalizing the procedure in 2019 and 2021, respectively.

Abortion is legal in NSW and SA up to 22 weeks, and after 22 weeks if a qualified medical practitioner is consulted in specific circumstances. Tasmania restricts on-demand abortions to women who are 16 weeks pregnant.

In Victoria, a woman can get an abortion on demand up to the 24-week gestational limit. After the first 24 weeks, two medical professionals must agree that the surgery is suitable under the circumstances.

The safeguarding and praise that these abortion clinics receive from the radical left is inarguably evil, and without regard for human life. These are historic times in our society in which we have to fight on the behalf of those who haven’t even been born yet. Psalm 139:13-16 says: “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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