Satan Dark Princess Michigan Gov. Whitmer Bans Masks/Vaxx Mandates As Polls Crash, Re-Election Fight Looks Grim —


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Gretchen Whitmer, the governor of Michigan, early on distinguished herself as a plandemic hypocrite, demanding severe lock-downs of her citizens subjects while exempting her family and herself.  Her husband was caught boating when she had forbidden ordinary Michiganders to do the same, and she was caught traveling to Florida, violating her own proclamations.

Now that some states – most notably Florida, though Texas has begun to mirror the pro-freedom approach of Governor Ron DeSantis – refuse to do the Biden administration’s bidding on COVID policy, the federal bureaucracy steps in as an unconstitutional super-legislature. On the school masks mandate issue, in particular, the Democrat-Fauciite position has become: We will find a way to have it our way.

People are, understandably, very angry in America about what the country has gone through. We have lost more than 650,000 Americans to the novel coronavirus, and we’ve also lost a tremendous amount of freedom, spent trillions of dollars of public money, and continue to suffer through a period of tremendous anxiety.

But instead of trying to unite and heal the country, the most powerful voices in the government and bureaucracy have decided to scapegoat disfavored political groups. 

And that, in essence, is where we find ourselves now: the fight over total controlThe national response to COVID in America has been an abject failure, based on the promises the experts made and the concessions they demanded of us. Perhaps it was never going to be any different in this country, regardless of the collective response to a highly contagious virus. But we will never be allowed to figure that out, or even have the discussion. There’s too much government power and intellectual vanity at stake for the elites.

And so we are forced to get the shot, mask up, “social distance,” and suffer whatever ineffective indignities our government overlords can conjure to pretend they are protecting us from COVID. It will not be enough for them to silence dissent – they will demand everyone participate in and celebrate their new authoritarian health regime.

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Resentment has grown, and not even an FBI informant–led bogus kidnapping plot has been enough to keep her polls strong as she faces re-election in November 2022.  Mary Chastain of Legal Insurrection spotted Whitmer signing legislation that specifically banned the state from enforcing mask mandates and vaccine passports:

Whitmer and the Michigan state legislature agreed on a budget. This is no ordinary budget because it bans mask mandates and vaccine passports:

Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and the state legislature have agreed on a budget proposal that includes language banning health officials from enforcing mask mandates in schools and preventing state public agencies from enforcing vaccines on employees or customers.

“The director or local health officer shall not issue or enforce any orders or other directives that require an individual in this state who is under the age of 18 to wear a face mask or face covering,” the 1,000-page budget states in one section.

Chastain notes that school districts are still free to enforce mask mandates.

The reason for Whitmer’s reversal is not hard to figure out.  Her polls stink. The Hill reports on a Trafalgar Group poll that shows her six points behind former Detroit police chief James Craig (who notably kept the peace there as Minneapolis and other cities were burning):

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Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) trails former Detroit Police Chief James Craig by 6 points in a hypothetical general election match-up, according to a poll released this week. 

The survey from the GOP-leaning Trafalgar Group shows Craig, a Republican, leading Whitmer 50.4 percent to 44.4 percent among likely general election voters. Another 5.2 percent of respondents remain undecided. 

Craig, who retired as Detroit police chief in June after nearly eight years on the job, announced his campaign for governor earlier this month at the urging of top Michigan Republicans. 

Trafalgar may be right-leaning, but other polls also indicate trouble.  The Detroit News:

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s job approval has fallen to a point where Michigan voters are nearly split about how she is doing, according to a new poll released Monday, marking a large decline from prior surveys.

The decrease has occurred as the Aug. 31-Sept. 3 survey by the Glengariff Group found that a majority of 600 registered voters said the state is on the wrong track and that they disapprove by a wide margin of the job that President Joe Biden is doing. 

About 48% of voters approve of the Democratic governor’s performance and 46% disapprove, according to the poll commissioned by the Detroit Regional Chamber, whose political action committee in 2018 endorsed Whitmer over Republican Bill Schuette for governor.

The latest numbers are a marked shift from September 2020, when 59% of voters approved of Whitmer’s performance and 38% disapproved (snip)

Much of Whitmer’s approval decline has occurred among independent voters, 39% of whom approved of her performance and 51% of whom disapproved, according to the poll, which has a margin of error of plus or minus four percentage points.

“Michigan elections are decided by independent voters and how she does with these independent voters moving forward will really dictate” her performance in the 2022  election, said Richard Czuba, a pollster with the Lansing-based Glengariff Group. 

It looks as though, worldwide, resentment and rebellion against lock-downs and other severe restrictions are on the rise.  The fact that so many politicians exempt themselves and their families from the masking and other restrictions they place on those they regard as inferiors isn’t helping.

Source: HNewsWire HNewsWire ZeroHedge

StevieRay Hansen

TrustWHO — TrustGOD Only

Who Rose to the Top of America’s Foul-Smelling Stew of Corruption, a Hard Rain’s a-gonna fall…

“Joe Biden has gone full authoritarian with his illegal, unconstitutional & tyrannical federal vaccine mandate. Over 165 million Americans – myself included – now face this harrowing choice: the jab or Scorn. Biden’s regime has now become a NWO Demonic dictatorship.” Tribulation



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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