Satan Soldier Bill Gates — Most Dangerous


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“EVIL” Philanthropist in Modern History…

There is a March to death and social media is leading the charge, they are withholding the truth about Satan Soldiers and the corona-virus, You are Marching lockstep into the death spiral…

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Bill Gates has been prominent during the COVID plandemic.  He has all sorts of ideas about controlling people’s lives and “solving” climate change.  However, now that his wife is leaving him, the floodgates are opening.  The Bill Gates we’re seeing isn’t the amiable, slightly weird genius.  Instead, he’s “sexual predator adjacent” — a man who befriended Jeffrey Epstein and had a questionable relationship with the Clinton Foundation.

For many people, Bill Gates was the genius behind the Microsoft empire.  For others, he was a mediocre programmer who had a nose for spotting other people’s talent and, like a mob boss, pressuring them into handing their valuable products over to him.

Bill Gates was also the billionaire reportedly with disgusting personal habits.  I’m old enough to remember the stories about how filthy he was, complete with the slimy green teeth of a man who’d never met a toothbrush.

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While philanthropy is considered noble, some philanthropists appear to be doing far more harm than good with their donated millions. Bill Gates, who co-founded Microsoft in 1975, is perhaps one of the most dangerous philanthropists in modern history, having poured billions of dollars into global health initiatives that stand on shaky scientific and moral ground.

The Nazi Eugenicist Gates Foundation , Bilderberg Billy Gates! Pushing deadly vaccines instead of food Gates foundation ? Jeez, you just lost all credibility there…

And on and on it goes. So is Bill Gates really a Monsanto-owning, eugenics-loving, anti-education monster who wants to cull the population through poisoned vaccines. Or is he a wealthy man trying to use his fortune do some good in the world in a way that angers people who see conspiracy around every corner?…

Gates’ answers to the problems of the world are consistently focused on building corporate profits through highly toxic methods, be it chemical agriculture and GMOs, or pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines.1 Rarely, if ever, do we find Gates promoting clean living or inexpensive holistic health strategies.

Bill Gates

 Bill’s longstanding relationship with the Clinton Foundation.  This is disturbing news if you believe, as I do, that the Clinton Foundation is a fraudulent, pay-for-play enterprise.  It’s a shame that Trump’s DOJ didn’t investigate it, but there’s enough evidence to show that the Clintons skimmed money from the Foundation.  They certainly didn’t pass much of it on to the Haitians.  But you already knew all that.

What you may not have know is that, whether through direct contributions or indirect contributions via other charities, Bill Gates was the single largest contributor to the Clinton Foundation.  Maybe it was completely innocent.  But still, we’re left with a nexus of sleazy, awful people: Bill (Clinton) and Hillary and Bill (Gates) and Jeffrey, all of them revolving around grift, graft, and sleazy sex.

There’s no getting away from a point I’ve often made to my children: when people have too much money and power, and these attributes are not offset by a God-centered morality, they’re likely to feel that the ordinary rules that constrain our worst instincts no longer apply to them.  Bill was smart to have entered into a generous settlement with Melinda because I bet she has tales to tell.

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A March 17, 2020, article2 in The Nation titled, “Bill Gates’ Charity Paradox,” details “the moral hazards surrounding the Gates Foundation’s $50 billion charitable enterprise, whose sprawling activities over the last two decades have been subject to remarkably little government oversight or public scrutiny.

In reality, Bill and Melinda Gates should be given federal prison sentences, and while not directly spelled out, I believe that’s really the point of The Nation’s article. Using nonprofit money to advance research for companies you’re invested in is illegal.

While many have been questioning whether the Microsoft co-founder is in fact a doctor or not, his critics say the bizarre search result is actually because Gates’ priorities have become the WHO’s.

Over the past decade, the world’s richest man has become the World Health Organization’s second largest donor.

According to Insider Paper, the Google result is based on a 2017 article outlining Bill Gates’ ‘sway’ over the World Health Organization.

As noted in this article, Gates discovered an easy way to gain political power — “one that allows unelected billionaires to shape public policy” — namely charity. Gates has described his charity strategy as “catalytic philanthropy,” one in which the “tools of capitalism” are leveraged to benefit the poor.

The only problem is that the true beneficiaries of Gates’ philanthropic endeavors tend to be those who are already rich beyond comprehension, including Gates’ own charitable foundation. The poor, on the other hand, end up with costly solutions like patented GMO seeds and vaccines that in some instances have done far more harm than good. (For a few examples, see the following references.3,4,5) The Nation reports:6

“Through an investigation of more than 19,000 charitable grants the Gates Foundation has made over the last two decades, The Nation has uncovered close to $2 billion in tax-deductible charitable donations to private companies … which are tasked with developing new drugs, improving sanitation in the developing world, developing financial products for Muslim consumers, and spreading the good news about this work.

The Gates Foundation even gave $2 million to Participant Media to promote Davis Guggenheim’s previous documentary film ‘Waiting for Superman,‘ which pushes one of the foundation’s signature charity efforts, charter schools — privately managed public schools. This charitable donation is a small part of the $250 million the foundation has given to media companies and other groups to influence the news.

‘It’s been a quite unprecedented development, the amount that the Gates Foundation is gifting to corporations … I find that flabbergasting, frankly,’ says Linsey McGoey, a professor of sociology at the University of Essex and author of the book ‘No Such Thing as a Free Gift.’

‘They’ve created one of the most problematic precedents in the history of foundation giving by essentially opening the door for corporations to see themselves as deserving charity claimants at a time when corporate profits are at an all-time high.’”

Companies that have received large donations from the Gates Foundation include GlaxoSmithKline, Unilever, IBM, Vodafone, Scholastic Inc. and NBC Universal Media.

“We have been encouraged to sacrifice our liberty for a false sense of security, being conditioned more and more each day to rely on the state for protection and now many of us find ourselves relying on the state to pay our bills,” Skouras says.9

“Some are beginning to see that there may be more to the official story than what we are led to believe. The very few may have seen this coming and are waiting for the next phase of what very well could be another step closer to global governance.

The exact same individuals and government agencies, in addition to global institutions who stand to benefit the most, are the ones calling the shots.”

Gates, surely, fits the description of someone who is both calling the shots and stands to gain handsomely from the COVID-19 pandemic. How? First, by investing in the same industries he’s giving charitable donations to and, second, by promoting a global public health agenda that benefits the companies he’s invested in and supports.

How Gates’ Foundation Benefits From Its Own Donations

For example, in 2014, a Mastercard affiliate, MasterCard Labs for Financial Inclusion, received a $19 million donation10,11 “to ‘increase usage of digital financial products by poor adults’ in Kenya,” The Nation reports, adding:12

“The credit card giant had already articulated its keen business interest in cultivating new clients from the developing world’s 2.5 billion unbanked people, McGoey says, so why did it need a wealthy philanthropist to subsidize its work? And why are Bill and Melinda Gates getting a tax break for this donation?”

Indeed, those are sensible questions that need serious review. The Mastercard donation also appears to have benefited the Gates Foundation, making an investigation into Gates’ “philanthropy” all the more necessary.

As explained by The Nation, at the time of that donation, the Gates Foundation had “substantial financial investments in Mastercard through its holdings in Warren Buffett’s investment company, Berkshire Hathaway.”

That’s not the only questionable donation on record. The Nation found “close to $250 million in charitable grants from the Gates Foundation to companies in which the foundation holds corporate stocks and bonds.” In other words, the Gates Foundation is giving money to companies that it owns stocks in and will benefit financially from.

As a result, the Foundation and Gates himself continue to increase their wealth. Part of this growth in wealth also appears to be due to the tax breaks given for charitable donations. In short, it’s a perfect money-shuffling scheme that limits taxes while maximizing income generation.

Companies that have received donations that in turn made money for the Gates Foundation include Merck, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline, Vodafone, Sanofi, Ericsson, LG, Medtronic, Teva and “numerous startups,” The Nation writes, adding:

“A foundation giving a charitable grant to a company that it partly owns — and stands to benefit from financially — would seem like an obvious conflict of interest …

Tax scholars like Ray Madoff, a law professor at Boston College, indicate that multibillionaires see tax savings of at least 40 percent — which, for Bill Gates, would amount to $14 billion …

Madoff, like many tax experts, stresses that these billions of dollars in tax savings have to be seen as a public subsidy — money that otherwise would have gone to the U.S. Treasury to help build bridges, do medical research, or close the funding gap at the IRS …

If Bill and Melinda Gates don’t pay their full freight in taxes, the public has to make up the difference or simply live in a world where governments do less and less (educating, vaccinating, and researching) and superrich philanthropists do more and more.

‘I think people often confuse what wealthy people are doing on their own dime and what [they’re] doing on our dime, and that’s one of the big problems about this debate,’ Madoff notes.

‘People say, ‘It’s the rich person’s money [to spend as they wish].’ But when they get significant tax benefits, it’s also our money. And so that’s why we need to have rules about how they spend our money.’”

Take Action — Demand an Investigation

If donating to for-profit companies sounds oddly illegal to you, you’d be right. Gates is a tax evader for doing so — he’s simply getting away with it. The nonprofit foundation is a disguise to avoid taxes while funding the research arms of for-profit organizations that his foundation is invested in.

In reality, Bill and Melinda Gates should be given federal prison sentences, and while not directly spelled out, I believe that’s really the point of The Nation’s article. Using nonprofit money to advance research for companies you’re invested in is illegal.

If you are as repulsed by the fact that Gates is getting away with this illegal behavior as much as I am, then I encourage you to contact the IRS Whistleblower Office and ask them to investigate Gates’ tax evasion. You can also file a consumer complaint with the Washington State Attorney General’s office.

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“A shocking meeting was organized by Bill Gates and David Rockefeller at the New York home of the president of the Rockefeller University in 2009. Other guests of this meeting of billionaires were: Warren Buffet, George Soros, Ted Turner, and Oprah Winfrey. None of them expressed opposition to the stated purposes of this meeting, which were: to perform massive abortions in the third world, and massive eugenics methods (electronic warfare, chemical warfare, and biological warfare) in the first world. This was agreed upon to reduce the world population from 7 billion to 1 billion, such that the consequences would far exceed the lifetimes of the participants and stand as their “legacy” to the world. Whoever may have to die in the process was (and is) not their concern.”

Source: HNewsWire HNewsWire americanthinker HNewsWire lewrockwell

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It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated.

StevieRay Hansen
[email protected]

“My job is protecting children. It has taken me from big cities to rural outposts, from ghettos to penthouses, and from courtrooms into demonic battlefields. But whatever the venue, the truth remains constant: Some humans intentionally hurt children. They commit unspeakable acts—for their pleasure, their profit, or both.” ~ StevieRay Hansen, CEO The 127 Faith Foundation

The 127 Faith Foundation: We do not solicit donations from “those on disability, on a fixed income, or those who cannot afford to give.” Please Pray!



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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