Satan Soldiers A.K.A Scientists Are Working On


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Self-Spreading Vaccines…

If you’re complying with a government whose objective is Genocide, you’re going along with your own execution.

As scientists ramp up efforts in developing a cure for the flu, a.k.a COVID-19, a group of researchers has proposed a kind of vaccine that could be transmitted.

Coronavirus cure: Scientists plan bizarre 'self-spreading ...

HNewsWire reports researchers have proposed developing a kind of vaccine that could be transmitted from person to person. Called “self-disseminating vaccines,” they explain that this kind of COVID-19 cure could potentially prevent transmission of corona-viruses between animals and humans. However, this unusual method also comes with risks, such as the possibility of an accidental mutation that could have a negative or fatal effect on humans and wildlife. This risk comes despite the method being economical.

Researchers said “self-disseminating vaccines” could stop corona-viruses passing from animals to humans – but there are concerns of harmful unintended consequences. The unusual proposal could be a cost-effective way to halting deadly pathogens jumping from animal reservoirs and infecting human populations. However there are fears the genetically-engineered viruses could evolve mutations that make them harmful to human and wildlife populations.

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Whether you are for or against vaccines of any kind, it is hard to ignore the “Satanic” changes that have affected how vaccines have been developed, licensed and regulated during the COVID-19 plandemic.  Some researchers are taking the next step, hoping to develop a new type of vaccine that self-spreads through the environment. What could possible go wrong?

Since the plandemic was declared by Satan Soldiers run World Health Organization in early 2020, federal and state lawmakers have been persuaded to build a plandemic response around a single experimental biological product, which has generated billions of dollars in profit for liability-free drug companies.

Yet, as soon as pharmaceutical companies announced they were developing the vaccine, doctors, scientists, researchers and other experts began raising warnings  about the historical problems of creating a corona-virus vaccine and the propensity it has to produce antibody-dependent enhancement, which made vaccinated individuals more susceptible to infection by the virus or a variant.

Subsequently, one study found the South African variant of SARS-CoV-2, which accounted for 1% of all cases of COVID-19 in Israel in April 2021, caused greater illness in people vaccinated with Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine than in unvaccinated people. To ensure more are vaccinated, no matter the cost, vaccine passports are being rolled out across the world, including the U.S.

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You’ll find plague(s) in the old testament 94 times, but in the new testament, you’ll only find it fourteen times.  I want you to pay attention where they’re used:  twice in Mark 3:10 and Luke 7:31 with a different definition than what we’re looking at.  (Here they are the word “mastix” which means “a whip, or figuratively a disease”.)  The other twelve times plague is used in the New Testament with the definition we’re talking about are in the book of Revelation.

One more:  Pestilence can be found in the Old Testament 47 times (minus one for a variant translated the same).  It is found in the New Testament once:  Luke 21:11 .  (plus a second time in Acts 24:5 when Paul is called a pestilent)

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As reported by former U.S. Rep. and physician Ron Paul in his Liberty Report12,13 that streamed live March 29, 2021, the Biden Administration is “seriously looking into establishing some kind of federal vaccine passport system, where Americans who cannot (or will not) prove to the government they have been jabbed with the experimental vaccine will be legally treated as second-class citizens.”

Paul warns that this system “will quickly morph into a copy of China’s ‘social credit’ system, where undesirable behaviors are severely punished.” I’ve been saying the same thing for many months now, and there’s every reason to suspect that this is indeed where we’re headed.

The newest Frankenstein iterations of vaccine development are those that self-disseminate through humans and wildlife. Using this technology, which researchers say already exists,14 the government wants to strip away one more layer of your civil rights.

We are on a slippery slope. Unless researchers, pharmaceutical companies and governmental agencies are held accountable and watched closely we will continue to lose more and more of our civil rights until they have completely eroded.

Shaming people for what they believe, what they think, or what they do has never been easier, or more popular. Soon, those who don’t participate in the shame game will be overwhelmed by those who do.

The more we read, hear, and see regarding this entire situation confirms our worst fears.

COVID 19 was engineered
The solution to the problem was just as hurtful as the problem The contradictions from government have been staggering. The vaccine solution reads like a Frankenstein Novel
Insiders confirm the reasons these things are happening now, we are in fact witnessing mass extinction and huge food shortages are forthcoming.The vaccines contents are very suspicious and not normal, the nano tech, gene therapies which have no place in a free society. Monkey viruses, fetal stem cell DNA are known ingredients of some vector vaccines.

One international patent carries a number 606060, while a bill before congress regarding contact tracing was labeled 6666, and the name of the nano biofilm is Luciferase.
mRNA is a patented synthetic molecule and if it becomes part of your DNA technically your DNA is then owned by the patent holders. LOOK IT UP!
What do we do? Well, Forced vaccinations are in direct violation of Nuremburg Code which is International Law.

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Anyone participating in forced COVID vaccinations, either through supplying the injections or actually doing the injections, you are hereby put on notice…

That you are participating in homicide and mass murder, and justice will catch up to you at some point.

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The Land of the Free doesn’t give a rat’s-arse how they are perceived anymore.

2 Corinthians 4:8-11 – New King James Version (NKJV)
8 We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— 10 always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. 11 For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.

The technocracy leaders need to eliminate the thinkers and intellectuals so the sheeple go along with the planned “emic.”

The Watchman does not confuse truth with consensus. The Watchman does not confuse God’s Word with the word of those in power…

What Dr.Fauci Did to This Country and Helped Implement Around the World is Unfathomable and They Should All Be Dealt With as War Criminals , Crimes Against Humanity

Source: HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire

Please do not post HNewsWire articles on Parler, Facebook, Reddit or Twatter social media platforms. We are not comfortable with their anti-Christian — anti-American Nazi philosophy.

It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated.

StevieRay Hansen
[email protected]

“My job is protecting children. It has taken me from big cities to rural outposts, from ghettos to penthouses, and from courtrooms into demonic battlefields. But whatever the venue, the truth remains constant: Some humans intentionally hurt children. They commit unspeakable acts—for their pleasure, their profit, or both.” ~ StevieRay Hansen, CEO The 127 Faith Foundation

The 127 Faith Foundation: We do not solicit donations from “those on disability, on a fixed income, or those who cannot afford to give.” Please Pray!



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

1 Comment

  1. Edwitness on May 26, 2021 at 1:02 am

    According to Dr.s like Sherri Tenpenny the current jabs are transmissible from jabbed to unjabbed people.

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