Satan Soldiers–Gov. Gruesome Insists California’s Pending COVID-19 Verification System Not a ‘Vaccine Passport’


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California Governor Gavin Newsom speaks at a press conference to discuss the state reopening at Universal Studios in Hollywood, Calif., on June 15, 2021. (Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty Images)

California is developing a COVID-19 vaccine verification system that will enable people who have gotten a jab to show proof of the shot to businesses, Gov. Gavin Newsom says.

“We’ll be doing something that provides you the opportunity, and we’ll announce this later this week, to have an electronic version of your paper version of vaccination,” the Democrat told reporters on Monday.

“It’s not a passport. It’s not a requirement. It’s just the ability now to have an electronic version of that paper version,” he said. “You’ll hear more about that in the next couple days.”

The state transitioned to an updated mask mandate on June 15. Masks are still required in some settings, such as in schools. Additionally, unvaccinated people must wear masks in restaurants and other public indoor settings.

Business operators were told that they can provide information to customers and nothing further, implement “vaccine verification” to determine which people must wear a mask, or require all patrons to wear a mask.

Newsom confirmed last week that there are efforts supported by the California Department of Public Health that entail enabling people to present proof of vaccination.

“As it relates to technology and the tools of technology, there are opportunities to make available, different strategies to provide more secure, safe, and transparent form of verification. But again, this is voluntary. So I want to make this crystal clear before folks run with it—it’s become so politicized, almost everything in the state, nation—that there’s no mandates, no requirement, no passports in that respect,” the first-term governor said.

“But if a business, a private enterprise, with the freedom of choice and decision, that’s what free enterprise is about, makes a decision as it relates to a choice … we would look to help support those efforts, and modernize the opportunities. And we’ll be making some announcements very shortly in that space,” he added.

vaccine passport
This illustration photo taken in Los Angeles on April 6, 2021, shows a person looking at the app for the New York State Excelsior Pass, which provides digital proof of a COVID-19 vaccination, in front of a screen showing the New York skyline. (Chris Delmas/AFP via Getty Images)

Matthew Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, told The Epoch Times that what Newsom described amounts to a vaccine passport.

“It’s violating federal law but this governor doesn’t seem to mind violating any law. He just does what he wants to until he’s held accountable,” Staver said.

Liberty Counsel won a case last month against California’s church restrictions.

“If we have to we will certainly be back in court to challenge this governor,” Staver added.

Over half of U.S. states have banned so-called vaccine passports, but virtually all are governed by Republicans. GOP leaders have generally favored looser restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, while Democrats have kept harsh rules in place for much longer.

California and New York both lifted most pandemic-fueled restrictions on Tuesday, months after other large states like Texas and Florida. The restrictions did not lead to a more successful battle against COVID-19, data show.

California is still requiring masks despite over 55 percent of the population being fully vaccinated and another 10 percent getting at least one shot.

Health officials said that “risk for COVID-19 exposure and infection will remain until we reach full community immunity.” Some health experts believe that the combination of vaccinated and people who have recovered from COVID-19—gaining natural immunity—means the United States, or parts of the country, has reached herd immunity.

COVID-19 is the disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.

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“Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed,” is particularly apt in the Covid era.

Our government’s duty is to warn the public of a possible pandemic and recommend precautions.

However, the initial Covid tactic was to strike fear into our hearts and minds.

Americans Are Fleeing California and New York for Florida and Texas: Study

A new study revealed that Americans are continuing to flee New York and California for places like Texas and Florida in recent months.

“Despite the 2020 pandemic, this year Americans are following similar moving trends as prior years. Millions of Americans are moving either to start a new job or to move home,” said a report (pdf) from North American Van Lines, a trucking and moving company.

Specifically, it noted that Americans “are fleeing” California to Texas and Idaho, although New York, New Jersey, and Illinois “are the three states with the most outbound moves.” Other states that have seen a mass exodus of people, the report said, are Michigan and Pennsylvania.

“The top five inbound states in 2020 are Idaho, Arizona, Tennessee, South Carolina, and North Carolina, with Tennessee overtaking South Carolina from the 2019 results,” the report found.

North American Van Lines did not make mention of the widespread protests and riots last year, or the pandemic. Crime rates in some cities have also spiked amid the “defund the police” movement that became popular in the summer of 2020. In major cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia, New York City, and Chicago, shootings and homicides saw upticks in 2020 and during the first six months of 2021.

But the report speculated that people might be leaving northeastern states due to the “harsh winters,” job availability as many firms “are avoiding the region” for now, and that many northeastern cities have a high cost of living that makes housing affordability more challenging.

The city that is most popular as a moving destination is now Phoenix, according to the report. The next on the list are Houston, Dallas, Atlanta, and Denver.

“With Texas’ warm climate and low taxes it’s not surprising that three of the top ten MSA [Metropolitan Statistical Area] destinations are in Texas,” the report noted.

Another report released this week from real estate website Zillow confirmed that there has been a significant shift in where people are living now, saying that Americans are “reshuffling” to “larger” and “more-affordable homes.”

“The average long-distance mover relocated to a ZIP code with home values nearly $27,000 lower than where they came from last year,” its report said. “U.S. movers in 2020 relocated to ZIP codes with homes 33 square feet larger than where they came from, on average.”

Zillow used data from North American Van Lines to find that “movers that changed states in 2020 moved to areas with homes that were, on average, both larger and less-pricey than in the areas they moved from.” That finding, according to the analysis, is a “notable reversal” of previous years’ trends.

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For those of you who care, Google and your favorite social media platforms have misled you, and now we all pay a heavy price for trusting the ungodly, Google and company, They knew exactly what they were doing, removing our history while preparing you to accept the New World Order playbook, Enjoy.

There is a huge gap between rhetoric and reality

Source: HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire theepochtimes

StevieRay Hansen
[email protected]

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In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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