Satan Soldiers Have Found Another Way to Silence Truth ,Twitter Unveils
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Satan Soldiers Have Found Another Way to Silence Truth ,Twitter Unveils

“Birdwatch,” a New Platform Where Users Fact-Check Tweets…

Twitter has finally found a way to appease the leftist mob that has long been dictating policy on the app, while absolving itself of all responsibility.

According to a story published by NBC News’s Ben Collins and Brandy Zadrozny, Twitter is launching a crowd-sourced feature intended to combat slander and misinformation in a similar way that Wikipedia flags potentially misleading tweets.

The new system will allow users to “discuss” and “provide context” to tweets that “they believe to be misleading or false.”

Per NBC, the new project, called “Birdwatch,” is a standalone section of Twitter that will at first only be available to a small set of users, largely on a first-come, first-served basis. Instead of giving priority to real fact-checkers, users will be required to use an account tied to a real phone number and email address.

“Birdwatch allows people to identify information in Tweets they believe is misleading or false, and write notes that provide informative context,” Twitter Vice President of Product Keith Coleman wrote in a press release. “We believe this approach has the potential to respond quickly when misleading information spreads, adding context that people trust and find valuable.”

Although Birdwatch will initially be cordoned off to a separate section of Twitter, the company says it “eventually” aims to make notes more visible directly for Twitter’s global audience.

Initially, participants will label tweets as accurate or inaccurate. Those ratings are then assembled into a Birdwatch profile, which will be separate from a Twitter profile, not unlike Reddit’s user-rating system. Twitter said it hopes to build a community of “Birdwatchers” that can eventually help moderate and label tweets, though initially labels created through Birdwatch will be private.

Growing pressure demanding that Twitter do something about the “rampant misinformation” on the platform recently led to Twitter (and, unrelatedly, Facebook) banning former President Trump and many of his allies from the platform.

Twitter told NBC News (which first reported on the program months ago) that it had been encouraged by early trials of the program.

“We know there are a number of challenges toward building a community-driven system like this – from making it resistant to manipulation attempts to ensuring it isn’t dominated by a simple majority or biased based on its distribution of contributors. We’ll be focused on these things throughout the pilot,” Coleman said.

It added that the Birdwatch product is intended to stop malicious actors from spreading misinformation on Twitter, although the company also acknowledged there are “challenges” to building a system like this.

Conservatives who still use the platform were unsurprisingly less than pleased by the product description, with some warning that it would transform Twitter into “a SJW playground” where “no speech that opposes the left wing narrative is allowed. Twatter

This is the initiative that will turn Twitter into the new Myspace. @Jack needs to seriously reconsider this path. It’ll truly turn Twitter into a SJW playground where no speech that opposes the left wing narrative is allowed. Truly awful idea.— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) January 25, 2021

Others made more weighty comparisons.

So they’re introducing Brownshirts— GreekFire23 (@GreekFire23) January 25, 2021

Tweeter— Michael DeLauzon (@MichaelDeLauzon) January 25, 2021

Before now, aside from the bans, Twitter has relied on labeling tweets, or including criticial “context”, below tweets that spread misinformation. In March, facing a deluge of misinformation about the pandemic, the company began removing “misleading and potentially harmful content” about COVID.

Before that, in February, Twitter rolled out a new “manipulated media” label, affixing it first to a tweet from then-President Trump. In the following months, the company would label many more tweets for misinformation about the pandemic and the election. And in just the final two weeks before the election, Twitter said it had labeled some 300K tweets for “disputed and potentially misleading” content.

Once Parler has been stricken from the Internet, along with every other social media network catering to conservatives, we can’t help but wonder: Where will all the conservatives fleeing Twitter go?

Gab SRH…

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Has Been Permanently Banned From Twitter

Authored by Mimi Nguyen Ly via The Epoch Times, ZeroHedge

Twitter late Monday suspended the account of MyPillow founder and CEO Mike Lindell on its platform.

Users were faced with an error message, “You’re trying to follow user that doesn’t exist,” before the account page simply said that Lindell’s account has been suspended for having violated Twitter rules.

Lindell’s personal Twitter account had over half a million followers before being suspended.

The Twitter account of MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell just moments after it was suspended. (Twitter/realMikeLindell/Screenshot)

The Twitter account of MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell just moments after it was suspended. (Twitter/realMikeLindell/Screenshot)

Lindell repeatedly violated the company’s civic integrity policy, due to which he was suspended, according to a Twitter spokesperson. The policy says, in part: “You may not use Twitter’s services for the purpose of manipulating or interfering in elections or other civic processes. This includes posting or sharing content that may suppress participation or mislead people about when, where, or how to participate in a civic process. In addition, we may label and reduce the visibility of Tweets containing false or misleading information about civic processes in order to provide additional context.”

“The public conversation occurring on Twitter is never more important than during elections and other civic events. Any attempts to undermine the integrity of our service is antithetical to our fundamental rights and undermines the core tenets of freedom of expression, the value upon which our company is based.”

Lindell did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Epoch Times.

A supporter of former President Donald Trump, Lindell was advocating for election integrity amid allegations of widespread voting irregularities and election fraud in the aftermath of the November 2020 general election, which put him under the media spotlight. Lindell frequently posted political commentary that sometimes questioned the results of the election.

The suspension of Lindell’s Twitter account is the latest in actions taken against Trump and his supporters since the Jan. 6 riots at the U.S. Capitol that resulted violence and a breach of the building.

Trump had repeatedly called for peace and condemned the violence that took place. Despite this, he was banned from Twitter and other social media platforms, including Twitter, and cut off by some banks, while some of his supporters have also been banned by Twitter and have been fired by employers.

Lindell recently made media headlines after having visited the White House to meet with Trump and was spotted holding some mysterious notes that, in part, appeared to refer to “martial law.” It was unclear what the notes were about. Lindell told The Epoch Times that the notes were not official and he was helping deliver them from a lawyer who said it was a suggestion for Trump.

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell waits outside the West Wing of the White House before entering in Washington, on Jan. 15, 2021. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

Lindell is known for his American dream story of an ex-cocaine addict turning his life around and running a successful business, MyPillow.

Bed Bath & Beyond, Kohl’s, and Wayfair announced they would no longer carry products from MyPillow. Lindell said the actions came after groups such as Sleeping Giants pushed companies to stop doing business with him.

Bed Bath & Beyond told The Epoch Times via email that their decision to stop carrying MyPillow was “data-driven and customer-inspired.”

Sleeping Giants, a leftist activist group, shared the news on Twitter about the companies’ decision to discontinue stocking Lindell’s products. The group accused Lindell of having encouraged the breach of the Capitol by calling for election integrity. Sleeping Giants has ongoing campaigns to pressure companies to shun conservative and right-leaning entities. It also shared the news of Lindell’s suspension from Twitter late on Monday.

“These are groups that were hired to attack and crush my companies to cancel MyPillow out. And they’re attacking these people, like Bed Bath & Beyond,” Lindell told NTD News last week. “They succumb to the pressure. And you know, that’s their choice. But you know what, this is the time we all have to stand up against this.”

“This is the time we have to make a stand. We have to make a stand and not back down to media and cancel culture,” he said. “We can’t live in fear this time. We got to all stand together. And I’m not talking politics. I’m talking people.”

Lindell is also facing possible litigation from Dominion Voting Systems over his accusations that their machines and software contributed to election fraud in the general election. According to reports, Dominion sent a letter to Lindell last month warning of an “imminent” defamation lawsuit and telling Lindell to stop “making defamatory claims against Dominion.”

Lindell said he hopes Dominion will sue him so that he can present evidence.

Twitter Leading Censorship ‘War On Christian Conservatives

HNewsWire-Censorship by social media giants is the new front in the “war” on Christian conservative thought — and conservatives are badly losing it, according to a comprehensive study released Monday by a media watchdog group.

Twitter using their enormous power to diminish Christian and conservatives, but pedophiles are welcome.

“Voices are being silenced, opinions are being censored, and conservative media are being suppressed. These tech companies claim they provide platforms to connect people and share ideas…

“However, when the only ideas permitted are from one side, any prospect of intellectual discourse dies. If these platforms merely serve as an echo chamber of liberal talking points, everyone loses. Our country is divided, and limiting free speech only makes matters worse.” Full Story

Source: HNewsWire ZeroHedge HNewsWire


StevieRay Hansen

[email protected]

Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…


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