Satan Soldiers: We in Governments Will Introduce Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccines For Healthcare


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Workers – Vaccine Passports Were Always The Plan...

It appears as though there is a coordinated effort to introduce the idea of making the Covid-19 vaccines mandatory for the masses, as just last night French Prime Minister Macron announced that Covid vaccinations will become compulsory for all healthcare workers from July 21st.

governments introduce mandatory covid 19 vaccines for healthcare workers – vaccine passports were always the plan

Last night, Greece and France announced that Covid-19 vaccines will be mandatory for all healthcare workers and care home employees. / Image source: UW Medicine.

The new rules mean that all healthcare workers must be fully vaccinated by September 15th otherwise, they will not be allowed to go to work and will not be paid.

In a televised address to the nation, Macron said:

We need to strive for having vaccination levels at near 100% across France because that is the only way that we will have a sound future. This is why for those health workers, those working in hospitals, clinics, retirement homes, people working in disabled care home facilities, anyone who works in a professional capacity or volunteer capacity working with the elderly, or the most fragile people at home; they will have to be vaccinated without waiting. It is compulsory for them. It is thanks to your sense of duty that you will do so. All of those people who will have to be vaccinated have until the 15th September to do so, and we need to start now.

Macron warned that checks will be carried out from the 15th September and any healthcare workers who are not vaccinated will potentially face fines, and sanctions will be carried out.

The Prime Minister said that he has not ruled out making vaccines mandatory for the whole of France, adding that “we will probably have to think about the mandatory vaccination of all French citizens at some point.”

Along with this announcement comes new Covid rules for the French public, as vaccine passports are set to become compulsory for bars, cafes, restaurants, transport, and other large events. Macron said that these tough new measures had to be introduced to curb the spread of the Delta variant.

From August 1st, the French citizens must prove that they are vaccinated or have tested negative for Covid via a vaccine passport before they can access most public spaces.

Macron said: “From the beginning of August, the health pass will apply to cafes, restaurants, hospitals, retirement homes, and long-distance transport: planes, trains, and coaches for long journeys.”

However, from July 21st the health pass will be required for places of leisure and culture, as Macron stated that:

“For all of our compatriots over 12 years old, it will be necessary to have been vaccinated or have a negative test to access a show, an amusement park, a concert or a festival.”

It seemed that France was not the only country to make Covid jabs compulsory for healthcare workers last night, as Greece introduced similar measures for their health staff.

Greece’s Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced that Covid-19 vaccines will become mandatory for all health workers and care home employees, as advised by the country’s Bioethics Committee. Those who fail to get vaccinated will be suspended from August 16th.

From September 1st, Covid vaccines will also be made mandatory for health professionals in the public and private sectors.

Mitsotakis said: “It is unthinkable, for example, for an unvaccinated nurse to care for an immunosuppressed cancer patient. I am sure that a large part of society agrees with this decision. I ask all parties to support it without any reservations.”

Mitsotakis also announced that the Armed Forces will not have to be vaccinated, but there will be incentives to get the jab.

Similar to France, Greece has adopted new rules for their citizens regarding the vaccine, as from Friday, July 16th until the end of August, indoor entertainment venues will operate strictly for vaccinated people.

This applies to the catering industry as unvaccinated people will not be permitted to eat at restaurants or cafes, therefore citizens must provide proof of vaccination via a digital passport before gaining entry.

The Prime Minister said: “Freedoms will be gradually restored with the vaccine passport and fixed basic rules: mask when we are with others, even outside, personal hygiene and many tests. The aim is for the end of the pandemic not to become a prelude to a new ordeal in the fall. We can, therefore, close the last chapter of the health crisis from today, and quickly. It is enough to have the Freedom vaccine in one arm.”

Disturbingly, these mandatory measures are set to be introduced in Australia and New Zealand too, showing that this appears to be a well-organised move to usher in Covid vaccines for all along with the vaccine passports.

In New Zealand, it was announced yesterday that all airport and port workers will be required to be vaccinated, or lose their jobs. This announcement follows the government’s move to force all border, isolation, and quarantine staff to be jabbed or face unemployment.

The country’s Covid-19 Response Minister, Chris Hipkins, said:

“I am extending the mandatory order to cover a further 1800 currently unvaccinated active border workers. This is necessary to lift the uptake of the vaccine among the wider border workforce and strengthen our ongoing response to Covid-19. All government employees covered by the order must have received their first dose of the Covid jab by August 26th.

“Border workers who remain unvaccinated after the requirements come into effect will need to discuss options with their employer. They will not be able to continue working in a high-risk border environment until they are vaccinated.”

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In April, a health order mandated border workers to have had at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, although this did not cover “wider border workforce” such as airline staff and port workers.

The new order now covers those working in the airside area of affected airports and some other high0risk work at airports, ports, and accommodation services where specified aircrew members were self-isolating.

In Australia, the government made the decision on the 28th of June to make the Covid-19 vaccines mandatory for aged care home staff, and measures to make the jab compulsory for all healthcare staff are currently under review.

The Minister for Health and Aged Care, Greg Hunt, said at a press conference on 5th July:

“I know there will be some who don’t support that. And we’ve done this because after having sought the medical advice on a number of occasions, that medical advice came back that endorsed the position which the Prime Minister had flagged sometime earlier.”

Unfortunately, it appears as though the UK is set to follow suit, as today – the 13th July – parliament will discuss and vote on whether Covid Vaccines should be made mandatory for all care home staff.

In June, the UK government announced that all care home workers will be required by law to be fully vaccinated to “protect residents.”

The new legislation is set to come into effect from October and will allow a period of time for staff to get vaccinated – excluding those who are medically exempt – before they face being suspended or losing their job.

It is interesting to see that these new requirements are being brought in all around the same time. Is it just a coincidence?

It appears as though the next stage of the Covid agenda has begun as there is a global effort to move towards introducing domestic vaccine passports to further restrict the freedoms of the masses.

Considering that the UK 19th July Freedom Day is just around the corner, it doesn’t seem too far-fetched to expect some form of vaccine passport to be introduced or other measures that isolate and restrict the freedoms of the unvaccinated. It is only a matter of time before a domestic vaccine passport hits UK soil and life for the unvaccinated becomes incredibly difficult, even harder than it already is.


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When are the mask wearing, side skipping, empty headed, doubled-jabbed dead eyed zombies/Politicians realize,wish that none of this will ever end. They’re living the new normal promised to us by Klaus `Anal’ Schwab, Bill Gates and Prince Charles, Joe Biden – who, incidentally, behaves more and more like the yappy little dog he sounds as if he should be. A Prince Charles Spaniel, perhaps.

It’s a new normal managed and controlled by some of the worst people(Politicians)the world has ever seen. Right from March 2020 I have believed that Fauci,Trump in the United States, and Whitty in the UK have been operating not on behalf of the people they are paid to care for but by the cabal now intent on the sort of world domination previously associated with villains in James Bond films.

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Luciferian Death Cult

Mr.Evil, a.k.a Dr.Death ( Dr.Fauci ) agrees with the White House and Biden himself,saying vaccination mandates should be the next step.

Who is to blame? Corrupt politicians or the stupid people who vote for them

Source: HNewsWire humansarefree HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen

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French Prime Minister Macron

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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