131 mins read

Update: 9/18/2021 San Francisco CA Get Ready for the Death Angel, Fire Tornado

Scorched Earth House Cleaning WOKE. One of Satan Soldiers AKA California Gov. Newsom Apparently Is Lost, Either Can’t Make Good Decisions or Refuses To, It’s the Progressive Liberal Way… When looking at Scripture, it appears angels do have a hand in death and destruction. In Revelation, God gives one of the angels the power to cause death, and the four horsemen have the power to wipe out one-fourth of the earth’s population (Revelation 6:8). Although, one could argue that the four horsemen may not necessarily be angels or demons, but rather, symbolize rulers and authorities on earth. However, it appears demons may also try to have a hand in death. Jesus encounters a demon-possessed boy whose demon tries to kill him. The demon often throws him into fire and water to burn or drown him (Mark 9:22). Does this mean that angels […]


12 mins read

Death Angel Closes Down a Godless City — San Francisco: Sales Tax

Revenue Plunge “Worst in the State” Amid COVID Exodus… Every un-godly city on earth will feel the sting of death Angel. San Francisco Rents Plunge 35% As Exodus Continues  The median rent for a studio apartment in San Francisco plunged 35% in November from a year earlier, to $2,100, while costs for one-bedrooms slumped 27% to $2,716, according to Bloomberg, citing a new report from Realtor.com.  Declining rents is more confirmation of the exodus from the Bay Area (as we’ve noted: here & here) as remote working allows city dwellers to leave the metro area for suburbs, Lake Tahoe, and elsewhere.  Danielle Hale, Realtor.com’s chief economist, said San Francisco-based technology “companies have been among the most flexible with allowing people to work remotely, and a lot of workers are taking advantage of that.”  Hale expects rents in the Bay Area to eventually recover, though it depends on how quickly […]


4 mins read

Death Angel Message: San Francisco Sky Turns Orange Because of Rebellion Against

God ,Satan Soldier AKA California Gov. Newsom Says It’s Climate Change… Eerie, dark orange clouds enveloped San Francisco and the Bay Area on Wednesday as a result of nearby wildfire smoke entering the atmosphere. Stunning photos were posted by SF Gate on Wednesday showing what looks like a Martian sky, which was yellow on Tuesday, but darkened in color overnight to orange as a result of smoke being pushed inland off the Pacific Ocean.  According to the, at 10:45 AM local time, “it looked as if it were dawn”. UCLA climate scientist Daniel Swain said on Twitter: “Extremely dense & tall smoke plumes from numerous large wildfires, some of which have been generating nocturnal pyrocumulunimbus clouds (‘fire thunderstorms), are almost completely blocking out the sun across some portions of Northern California this morning.” Another user responded: “I don’t remember orange skies growing up in […]


1 min read

Watchman: Satan Soldier Soros Agenda Is Death and Destruction in the Name of Open Borders and the Abolition of Western Civilization–Alex Soros Vows To Eradicate Conservatives From the Internet

HNewsWire: Alex Soros has threatened to censor conservatives and independent journalists on the internet “100 times more aggressively” than his father, George Soros. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Alex laid out his despotic vision for the future of the internet in the aftermath of news that far-left billionaire George Soros handed full control of his $25 billion empire to his son. “I’m way more political,” Alex Soros said, referring to his radical father. “As much as I would like to get out of politics,” he admitted, “as long as the other side is doing it, we will have to do it as well.” According to Slaynews.com, Soros-funded political action committees have become a major factor in American elections. Political action committees funded by Soros have become a major factor in American elections. In recent U.S. elections, George…...

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31 mins read

Watchman: Ungodly Franklin Graham Urges Evangelicals to Get Vaccinated A.K.A Kill Shot Before It’s ‘Too Late’—It May Be To Late For Mr. Graham—Also The Magazine, Which Was Begun by Billy Graham but Has Changed Significantly Over the Years, Wrote, “I Used CHATGPT

SRH: All Believers Should Avoid Mr. Billy Graham and His Self-Proclaimed Prophet Sister HNewsWire: Wake Up ! Christianity Today Has Started Endorsing Pastors “That Use AI for Sermons,” and the HNW Is Wondering Why. Evil: “I Used ChatGPT for Six Months to Help My Pastoral Ministry,” stated the magazine, which was founded by Billy Graham but has transformed substantially over the years. This is what worked: “Since ChatGPT became publicly accessible last year, we’ve heard reports that artificial intelligence (AI) will replace jobs and disrupt other aspects of our lives,” Yu-Li Lin explains. Individual Taiwanese churches may not be aware of such developments at this time. However, in recent months, a number of Christian intellectuals have discussed how AI could either help or replace humans in pastoral care and preaching.” “Several pastors have pointed out that AI lacks physical, emotional, […]


29 mins read

Interview With the Great Watchman: John Macarthur on Fair-Weather Friends, Criminalizing Evangelism, and Defying Caesar

Jesus, the Christian’s ultimate model, was alone at his death because of his unwillingness to compromise truth. “He was deserted, forgotten, betrayed, and alone At my first defense no one came to stand by me, but all deserted me. May it not be charged against them! But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. So I was rescued from the lion’s mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed and bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. “The cost of standing for truth is so high, so precious, so all-consuming that almost no one will meet it Newsletter Name Please enter your name. Email Address Please enter a valid email address. Subscribe! […]


1 min read

Watchman: The Vaccinated Are Dying, That Should Tell You Everything You Need to Know About the Kill Shot–Death

It Sounds Like Someone Has a Crystal Ball, Wonder How That May Be? Orchestrated? Designed? Plandemic? Satan Soldier Bill Gates? and EVIL WEF Both Seem to Have Obtained Psychic Abilities HNewsWire: Remember, why does the media report what the CCP says? NONE of it is ever true. Its existence as a psychopathic entity is predicated on deception and cannot exist without it. People are shown dropping dead in the streets like zombies at a bad sci-fi film festival. All this is meant to instigate panic and fear in the intellectually challenged and ignorant, like those still wearing  Face Diapers alone in their cars.  and we thought the vax WAS the problem? Foreign specialists have warned that the tsunami-like COVID outbreak would pose a significant challenge to China’s health care system and might kill millions of people. Chinese experts believe the crisis…...

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1 min read

Watchman Reporting Excess Kill Shot “Vaccines” Death — Gates Is The Most Successful COVID Kill Shot Expert In The World — More Death Coming

“When elected officials begin to feel the heat, they suddenly begin to see the light,” meaning that growing public pressure on elected officials really works. You just need to have the courage (and faith in God) to take a stand, and hold that stand. Even a solitary stand, if need be. Say hello to Granite Ridge Soapworks! Use our handmade soaps to take good care of your skin. Our premium natural ingredients work together to create a silky, creamy lather that hydrates your skin. Chemicals, such as sodium lauryl sulfate, phthalates, parabens, or detergents, are never used by us. To ensure quality, we make all of our soaps in modest quantities. Visit our Etsy store right away to give them a try and the attention your skin deserves. GraniteRidgeSoapworks: Because only the best will do for your skin. Use the…...

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20 mins read

Update: The Death Angel Will Be Relentless With Renegade Politicians and Ungodly Individuals—Welcome To The New Norm—DEATH—Pestilence Via Kill Shots AKA Vaccines

Pledged to “Shut Down” the Coronavirus When Campaigning in 2020, but Nearly a Year After His First Day in Office, the U.S. Is Set to Surpass Record Coronavirus Hospitalizations This Week, Pestilence Can’t Be Stop Most of the trouble in the world is caused by people wanting to be important (Trump)…(Bill Gates)…(Soros) Manslaughter by government decree. Pestilence has arrived via Vaccines Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has tested positive for the coronavirus after returning from the holiday break In a statement on Sunday, the congresswoman’s office announced that she tested positive for the coronavirus after receiving two vaccine doses and a booster shot. The statement did not specify if AOC’s symptoms were mild. “Representative Ocasio-Cortez has received a positive test result for COVID-19,” said the statement. “She is experiencing symptoms and recovering at home. The Congresswoman received her booster shot this […]


18 mins read

Watchman: Many Americans Openly Despise the Gospel. They Believe Churches and Their Members Are “Evangelists of Hatred.”

Watchman: Husband Stabs Wife 20 Times in Front of Bible Study Group and Family After Whispering Something in Her Ear: Suspect Had Eight Previous Felony Convictions, One of Which Was For Assault HNewsWire: Despite being legally married, the couple was experiencing marital issues and had not been living together previous to the stabbing. A husband stabbed his wife to death in front of family members during a bible study group after whispering something in her ear. Robert Castillo, 40, of St. Paul, Minnesota, has been charged with second-degree murder for allegedly stabbing his wife Corinna Woodhull, 41, during bible study at his sister’s home on Maryland Avenue. Prior to the stabbing, Castillo’s sister said the pair had been ‘acting normally’ and that he was holding her hand and kissing her, according to the Pioneer Press. His sister and brother, who were […]


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