Staged Corona-virus Plandemic: An International Criminal Conspiracy of Epic Proportions, Staged Hoax Blended With


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SOTN Editor’s Note:  The following critical exposés flesh out the skeleton
of the complex conspiratorial plot known as the OPERATION COVID-19.  This “staged hoax blended with reality” ought to be well understood by every resident on planet Earth. It may appear that some of the most transparent objectives of this fabricated pandemic are mutually exclusive or working at cross purposes; they are not. In reality, this ongoing and fastidiously-run bioterrorist operation / 5G experiment is an extremely complicated, convoluted and covert plan for world domination.  It also represents an overt scheme to exert total command and control over the entire planetary civilization. The articles below reveal the hidden agendas and obvious goals, various facets and multiple targets of OPERATION COVID-19.

People, the gravity of this swiftly developing predicament whereby proof of a COVID-19 vaccination will soon be required to “buy and sell’ anything cannot be overstated.  Just consider where the Coviteers are ultimately taking this: A Covid immunity certificate will soon be required to enter any establishment; attend any event; matriculate in any program; fly, train or bus to any destination; be treated by any hospital, clinic, physician or other healthcare practitioner, etc. 

They named it Operation Warp Speed for a reason; they want all 50 states operating in strict COVID-19 vaccine compliance as a precursor to legislating mandatory vaccines for every citizen and non-citizen alike.  The sheer speed and intensity with which the perpetrators of OPERATION COVID-19 are rolling over the American people with their Covid juggernaut is as incomprehensible as it is staggering.  Hence, every individual needs to be on guard like never before. 

Blindly complying with all of the illicit orders and other Covid dictates ought to be vigilantly avoided.  The more folks bend to the will of the Plandemic tyrants, the more easily it will be for them to implement their pre-planned compulsory COVID-19 vaccination programs that will inject the dreaded MOTB.  Most importantly, this insidious vaccination scheme will be ever-so-gradually carried out so that very few even understand that it will eventually be necessary to live your life.  That’s how they always introduce destructive, dangerous and deadly programs into society.

This is exactly why the authorities are demanding masks and social distancing with such a vengeance: so they can eventually offer relief from these terribly oppressive measures after everyone has been ‘properly’ vaccinated.

5G WEAPONRY: Microwave Radiation Technology Being Deployed as Depopulation Warfare, Full Spectrum Dominance & Total Human Control (Video)

WUHAN CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC BIOENGINEERED: Who’s behind it, why now and why China?

BIOWARFARE: Wuhan Coronavirus is likely another race-targeting bioweapon strategically unleashed throughout China by U.S. military labs

‘The Father of the Coronavirus Virus is the CDC’, Planted in China by the C.I.A.

CORONAVIRUS BIOWEAPON UPDATE: Unique HIV-1 Signatures Confirmed by Team of Indian Scientists

CORONAVIRUS: A Globalist Bioweapon Created by DARPA, Big Pharma and Its British Overlords

CORONAVIRUS BIOENGINEERED! Hard Scientific Evidence Proves HIV Virus-like Insertions Were Made

CORONAVIRUS BIOENGINEERED! Hard Scientific Evidence Proves HIV Virus-like Insertions Were Made

Here’s How Everyone Can Avoid Getting The Coronavirus

Wuhan Coronavirus Bioterrorist Attack Is China’s 9/11, Same Perps

The Hidden Link Between the Coronavirus and 5G Testing

STAGED CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: An International Criminal Conspiracy of Epic Proportions

Is the coronavirus really a sterilization bioweapon unleashed to reverse the population explosion?

OPERATION CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: 16 Reasons for the Deployment of this Devastating Bioweapon in 2020


CORONAVIRUS: Alternative Treatments, Holistic Protocols and Natural Cures for Viral Infections


Coronavirus Bioweapon Is Now Being Launched Against Any Nation Targeted by The Powers That Be

There’s a [DIRECT] Connection between Coronavirus and 5G


CORONA CRASH 2020: The Real Conspiracy Behind the Globalist Takeover Plot

Wuhan coronavirus outbreak was not triggered by just one bioterroist attack…

CORONAVIRUS BOMBSHELL: This proves it should be named “5G COVID-19”

Do the extraordinary coronavirus re-infection rates reflect 5G Flu or 5G Syndrome?

Seven NWO Goals Driving the Manufactured Coronavirus Pandemic

CORONAVIRUS HOAX: Fake Virus Pandemic Fabricated to Cover-Up Global Outbreak of 5G Syndrome

CORONAVIRUSES: History and Scientific Classification

Do the extraordinary coronavirus re-infection rates reflect 5G Flu or 5G Syndrome?

CORONAVIRUS SPECIAL REPORT: Worldwide Outbreaks of 5G Syndrome and 5G Flu Driving Pandemic

OPERATION CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: Another False Flag, Mass Casualty Event Staged By All The Usual Suspects

MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW: Is this how they plan to lock down planet Earth?

Look at where the coronavirus is exploding the most—countries that have the most 5G Hotspots!

CORONAVIRUS BIOWEAPON: ‘A “hybrid virus” which is far more deadly, and can’t be vaccinated against’

GLADIO BIOTERROR: Wuhan ‘Biological Attack’ Planned in 1970s Against China — UK Military Officer & Whistleblower

Coronavirus Bioweapon Launched as Economic Sabotage Operation to Disrupt Italian-Chinese Port Arrangement

PLANDEMIC! A Painstakingly Planned Pandemic & Perfectly Perpetrated Panic


Really, we want to know why the CDC posted job notices across the USA for a Quarantine Program Public Health Advisor on 11/15/2019—2 months before the Wuhan outbreak?!

Of the 100+ US coronavirus fatalities, why were 50 Deaths confirmed in Washington State alone? Because Kirkland, Washington is one of the most 5G-intensive locales in the nation—that’s why!

CORONAVIRUS SYNDROME: The Ultimate Genocidal Bioweapon System

FLASHBACK: COVID-19 Re-Infections Triggered by 5G, Wireless Devices and WiFi Environments — The Coronavirus Coach

Dates of first COVID-19 infection and chain of transmission point to 3 separate bioterrorist attacks against China, Italy and South Korea

They’re calling every case of influenza and flu death—COVID-19.

PLANDEMIC! Forensic and Circumstantial Evidence Proves Multiple Acts of Bioterrorism…
… to Manufacture an Apocalyptic Pandemic and to Stage an Unparalleled Panic

QUATERNARY WEAPON SYSTEM Activated Before Each Coronavirus Cluster Explosion

COVID-19 is also an ELECTRICAL DISEASE, but that does not mean it’s ‘not contagious’

Electrical Engineer Whistleblower Exposes 5G Health Hazards, Explains 5G Propagation Into Every Orifice of the Head – Part 1

Welcome to the COVID-19 AI Simulation! Brought to you by your AI ‘friends’ at DARPA.

OPERATION COVID-19: Pandemic Blueprint Exposed, Stealth Weapon System Launched in Stages

OPERATION COVID-19: Desperate Attempt to Deploy 5G Under Cover of Bioterrorism to Activate Global Control Matrix

OPERATION COVID-19: Much More Than a Militarized and AI-driven World Takeover Scheme

OPERATION COVID-19: How 4G is also being used to trigger Coronavirus Syndrome

COVID-1984: ‘A Global 9/11’ to Inaugurate a Global Security Superstate

BILL GATES: A Menace to Society Who Must Be Arrested and Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity

Here’s the NWO Scheme to Enforce Mandatory Vaccinations

NWO Globalists Using Highly Advanced AI Platforms to Generate Ever-Changing Fear Programs Worldwide

Study Shows Direct Correlation Between 5G Networks and “Coronavirus” Outbreaks

OPERATION BEACH CLOSURE: A Pivotal Piece of the Perfidious COVID-19 Plot

FUNVAX: Globalist Plot to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine Exposes Shocking Satanic Conspiracy

People, take off your masks before you really make yourself sick!

FAUCIgate: OPERATION COVID-19 Point Man Tony Fauci Must Be Arrested and Prosecuted for Genocide

Over a Century of Biowarfare Culminates with the Launch of the COVID-19 Bioweapon, Manmade Coronavirus Pandemic and Staged Global Panic

Bill Gates Offered $10 Million Bribe For Forced Vaccination In Nigeria

How the “Conspiracy Theory” meme is being used to cover up OPERATION COVID-19 and advance COVID-1984

STAGED RACE WAR! Globalists Inflaming Racial Tensions After Heinous COVID-19 Crimes Exposed

GERIATRIC GENOCIDE: All of These People Should Be in Prison! (Video)

COVID-19 Plandemic & Staged Race Riots—How are these deadly assaults against the American people even happening?


THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC: Biggest and Deadliest Fraud Ever Perpetrated on the Human Race


COVID-19 CURE PROTOCOL: Physician Treats Coronavirus Patients with 100% Success Rate

An Open Letter to Every Medical Doctor in America

Home stretch to Election Day will see one October Surprise after another—COVID-19 and Race Riots were only the ‘first punch’

PLANDEMIC: The Permanent Pandemic & 2020 POTUS Election

An Unholy ‘Pandemic’ Alliance has Perpetrated the Greatest Fraud Ever on Humanity

Hundreds of doctors sign open letter to Trump warning of adverse health consequences stemming from the coronavirus shutdowns. (Read Letter)

OPERATION COVID-19: The 3 Central Pillars of the Plandemic Platform Have Been Cracked

Florida Under Withering Bio-Attack—WHO & WHY?

Super-Secret Globalist Scheme to Terminate the American Republic Exposed

#HCQCodeRed: A National Medical Emergency of Epic Proportions Perpetrated on Purpose

Anonymous D.C. Insider Exposes Ultra-Secret Covid Conspiracy Inside the Beltway

COVID-19 CURE PROTOCOL: Must View Video for Every Physician in America


HCQgate: Deep State-Big Pharma Conspiracy Blown Wide Open, Hydroxychloroquine Truth Explodes Across the Internet

HUGE COVID SCANDAL AT THE NIH: Why has no one investigated Fauci’s boss?

MUST READ Open Letter to Medical Martial Law KIngpin Tony Fauci

COVID-19 Vaccine: It’s all about an annual mandatory vaccination and biometric health passport

COVID-19 VACCINE MANDATE: The Horrifying Hidden Agenda


COVID-19: The Most Amazing Virus—EVER ! ! !

Why do World Bank documents list the COVID-19 program ENDING IN MARCH 2025?!

Covid Vaccine Patent Warned of “Deliberate Coronavirus Release” 9 Months Before COVID-19 (Video)

Plandemic Explained by a Primary OPERATION COVID-19 Perp (Video)

Multiple Wars Being Waged Against the American Republic—Who & Why?

This is the real COVIDgate!

How They Pulled Off The ‘Pandemic’ (Video)

Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned to Usher in the New World Order

THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC: How it has triggered ‘the biggest tort case in world history’


Source: HNewsWire stateofthenation HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

The Plandemic Has Been Designed to Make Society Suffer. They Know If They Crush Society, They Will Be Able to Implement the New World Order. The Alternative Would Be FEMA Food Lines, Satan Soldiers, and Billionaire Financier George Soros in Full Stride.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. Patrick Galasso on December 18, 2020 at 5:01 pm

    The pandemic has led to a massive expansion in the size and scope of the federal government through government bailouts of multinational corporations and social programs explode to pacify the masses. Coronavirus relief legislation in the U.S. has added trillions of dollars to the national debt and similar measures are taking place elsewhere. $1,200 stimulus checks for all, guaranteed unemployment benefits with a $600 bonus for those not working, and $billons for multi-national corporations.

    While some see this expansion of federal government as evidence of an increasing Socialist state, there is a far more dangerous dynamic at work here. The United States functions under a Constitutional Republic that limits federal government over-reach into the private lives of it’s population. To get around that challenge, we are seeing more private/public partnerships being formed that suggests fascism, not socialism. Fascism merges centralized government with private industry (public/private partnership) forcibly suppressing opposition and the strong regimentation of society and of the economy.

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