8 mins read

The Rebuilding of the Third Temple, the Bear of the North—Russia Coming Very Soon

SRH: Subsequently over a time, there was a great temple that had fallen into destruction. The people longed for its restoration, for it held great significance in their hearts. They believed that its rebuilding would bring them hope and prosperity. In a distant land, there lived a mighty bear, known as the Bear of the North. This bear was strong and powerful, commanding respect from all who encountered it. It possessed great influence and had the ability to shape the destiny of nations. But as the bear roamed the land, a series of calamities and natural disasters began to unfold. It seemed as though the world was being shaken to its core. The people were filled with fear and uncertainty, wondering if these events were a sign of something greater. Little did they know, these events were intricately connected. The […]


11 mins read

Watchman: The World Stage Is Now Home to False Prophets NYC Mayor Honors “Chocolate” Employees and Draws Parallels With Jesus,But Worships The Freemason,Demonic Times!

Unlike in the days of the Old Covenant, when Ezekiel and Jeremiah were sent out by the Lord to warn the “House of Israel,” modern-day “watchmen” are not being summoned in the same way. No, modern-day watchmen are being summoned to sound the alarm about the “Household of God,” the vast majority of whom are actually corporate church members, Freemasons and fake believers. By SRH, How Demonic, New York City Eric Adams defended himself against critics by comparing himself to Jesus Christ. He also praised the diversity of his “chocolate” staff. Mayor Adams named ‘Master Mason’ in secret Freemason ceremony at Gracie Mansion. Mayor Eric Adams and city Police Commissioner Edward Caban were inducted Master Masons in a secret ceremony at Gracie Mansion Saturday that was left off hizzoner’s public schedule. Freemasonry lures good people into wickedness. Freemasonry attempts to corrupt Christians gradually. […]


9 mins read


By Edward O’HARA When God placed Adam in the garden did He tell him he was to live only in the garden? Were there boundaries for the garden that he was not to pass? Is there any place in the Bible that says Adam had to stay in the garden when God placed him there? Or was Adam able to go anywhere in the earth he chose? Is there in the Genesis account, or anywhere else in the Bible, anything that tells us that Adam had access to the whole earth? The answer is yes. Because in Gen.1:29 God told Adam and Eve they were to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. He said, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl […]


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