Edward O’Hara… Is the whole world experiencing peace and safety? Or is there turmoil and insecurity? No doubt there is the latter. But, Paul gives us great hope in these last days. He gives instruction in 1Thes.5:3 that says the world will be saying peace and safety just before sudden destruction. So what is really going on?  Jesus said in Mt.24:37 that as it was in the days of Noah so it shall be at the time of the coming of the Son of man. Jesus also made a similar statement regarding the days of Lot in Luke17:28. This means that what happened then will happen at the time just before Jesus’ revealing. The Apocalypse. What do we see from the Bible that happened then that Jesus is telling us in Mt.24 will happen just before His return?  We read that…

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To begin I would like to list a few things we know about Adam from what the word of God says. And afterward show what these mean in regard to the question asked by those at Rome who Paul wrote to. Is God the author of sin for grace to abound? Or the author of free will? 1. Contrary to popular belief Paul said Adam was not a spiritual being when God made him. He was natural. 1Cor.15:45-48.  2. Paul also says that the natural man can not perceive the things of the Spirit of God. 1Cor.2:14.  3. God said he had no knowledge of good and evil until after he ate the fruit. Gen.3:22.  4. And again contrary to popular belief Paul said there was no law in the garden. Rom.5:13. 5. His sin was not imputed to him…

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Put.2- Augustinian ism; A Strong Delusion

Edward O’Hara As I said in my last article I will show here more details on the need for the atonement from the events in the garden… and more. One thing we must do as Christians are we must believe what the Bible plainly says so we can know God and what it is that God has done for us in salvation. Because when we believe what we have been told without confirming its truthfulness, as Paul commended the Bereans for doing in Acts17.11, from the plain teaching from the plain language in our Bible, we will set ourselves up for being deceived. So I won’t continue through the plain language in the Genesis account along with some other scriptures to see if that has happened. And how knowing the truth from what the Bible plainly says can fix that if…

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The Justice Of God

Edward O’HaraWed 1/8/2020 6:02 PM In Passover messages, I read I saw God’s justice referred to like this. “God is good and because God is good—he must punish sinners for their guilt. This is demanded by the justice of God” This is an actual quote from one of them. Well, all I have to say about that is that they did not get that from the Bible. But, from man. And if you have believed that God’s justice is you getting what you deserve as punishment for what you have done as these have, then this message is for you.  Did you know that God has a very different view from this of what justice is? Let me show you what God says about His kind of justice. He says, “Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul…

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LOVING YOUR ENEMIES It is always easier to submit to Christ when he tells us to love our spouse, family, and friends. But when Jesus commands us to love even our enemies, how can we be counter-cultural and obey his teachings? The truth is all of us are sinners, while we were still enemies of God, He has chosen to redeem us, love us and forgive us. Since God made everyone in His image (including our enemies) and extended this undeserved love to us, we should also forgive our enemies and love them like how we love God. When we reconcile a relationship with our enemies, there will surely be peace in our hearts and that’s the reward from God. Below are some bible quotes about loving our enemies and we can use them to pray and seek God. But I tell you, love your enemies…

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