The MSM labeled anyone that voted for President Trump everything from misogynists to racists, Xenophobes, sexists, now they dying…

## The ‘Bloodbath’ Commences At Liberal Mainstream Media Publications – ‘They Lied Themselves To Death’ By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine What do the NYT, Huffington Post, ESPN, Guardian, NBC, Vocativ, Time, and NBC have in common? Two things actually: 1) They are liberal publications, and; 2) They are all laying off workers, offering buy-outs or “restructuring” or moving assets from print copy to digital, or whatever “excuse” they are offering for the “bloodbath” being seen across the board. The one thing absolutely none of them are even considering is that their declaration of war against half of America and outright “fake news” they have been caught publishing of late, could have anything to do with the fact that publications like Breitbart are expanding their operations (which caused many in the MSM to meltdown back in January), and sites…

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FAKEBOOK: AKA Facebook sponsoring hoax advertisement, again, again and again.

With false stories becoming easier to spread across social media, Facebook has sworn to tackle the problem the head on. Despite this, fake adverts plastered with famous public figures continue to proliferate the site, with one egregious case inviting users to read on the [supposed death of Queen Elizabeth II]( The enduring prevalence of such adverts have brought on accusations of hypocrisy, as Facebook earns money from the very same paid-for hoax ads they’ve promised to crack down on. According to the, hoaxers can pay as little as 13 Pence Sterling (or 17 American cents) a click for fake ads under the “sponsored” column. Ads on this part of the site are difficult to block or flag as false since Facebook users need to hover their cursors over the post to remove it. “The Queen Has Died” hoax was…

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Google : ‘tougher stance’ on videos and content including religious content.

LONDON (AP) — Britain’s prime minister has pledged to take a tougher stance on extremism, revealing controversial plans to confront what he called “poisonous Islamist extremist ideology.” David Cameron says that for too long, Britain has been “passively tolerant” and that has helped foster extremism. Cameron on Wednesday set out his intention to introduce a new counter-terrorism bill. Full details of the plans have not yet been unveiled, but they are expected to include new orders to ban extremist organizations that publicly use hate speech. Police are also expected to get powers to seize the passports of those suspected of plotting to travel abroad to fight. The plans were immediately criticized by opposition leaders and rights groups, who say that the measures are authoritarian and an attack on free speech. Support HNewsWire to help build a global news network that…

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Google is going to stop reading your Gmail in search of opportunities to sell ads….

  SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Google is going to stop reading your Gmail in search of opportunities to sell ads. The change announced Friday will end a practice that Google has embraced since the company introduced Gmail in 2004. The practice has raised concerns among privacy watchdogs and creeped out some users. To help finance the free service, Google has been scanning through what Gmail users were discussing and then showing ads connected to some of the topics. Someone writing about running, for instance, might see ads for Nike or Asics shoes. Google still plans to show ads within Gmail. But instead of scanning through email content, the company’s software will rely on other signals to determine which ads are most likely to appeal to each of its 1.2 billion Gmail users. The Mountain View, California, company said it would…

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“Radical,violent leftist environmentalists or speech suppressing thugs, like the rioting ‘antifa’ movement – receive no mention from the SPLC.

Commentary by StevieRay Hansen ** Radical, violent leftist environmentalists ,antifa movement** YouTube has splurged their search database for anything relating to antifa movement, racial violence left us environmentalists, social justice warrior’s. It didn’t take Google, who owns YouTube long to get on board with censoring, conservatives, Christians and fair-minded people. I’m putting them on notice now that if the blood flows in the streets there personally responsible, that would include Twitter, Facebook and any other social media platform that censors the truth. Our colleges in this country are having classes on the social justice warrior’s these colleges and professors are giving our young people a license to riot, destroy all in the name of the liberal agenda. Support HNewsWire to help build a global news network that provides a credible source for world news We believe Christians need and deserve…

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Google promises YouTube crackdown on online extremism, also Faith Base Groups that contain inflammatory religious or supremacist content.

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Google is promising to be more vigilant about preventing terrorist propaganda and other extremist videos from appearing on its YouTube site amid intensifying criticism about the internet’s role in mass violence. Its crackdown will involve both computer programs and an expanded group of people dedicated to identifying videos promoting terrorism so they can be blocked from appearing on YouTube or quickly removed.  Google is making the commitment in the wake of violent attacks in the U.S. and elsewhere. A van struck a crowd of people outside a London mosque Sunday, the second time an automobile was used as a weapon in that city this month, and less than a week after a gunman attacked GOP lawmakers on a baseball field. And earlier this month, British Prime Minister [Theresa May]( called on governments to form international agreements…

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Fakebook’s rules didn’t apply to James T. Hodgkinson or ugly left, Fraud Book…

### **Commentary from OneNewsNow** “Hate” – it’s an abstract word in the ongoing culture war, where you are branded as a “hater” by declaring that marriage is one man and one woman, or suggesting that illegal aliens are in the U.S. illegally. But after the near-massacre of Republican congressmen on a baseball field, can we agree that the shooter opened fire on them from a heart filled with hate? That his hatred for those with whom he disagreed could have resulted in a barrel-shooting slaughter of conservative lawmakers? OneNewsNow is familiar with the “hate” brand, since our parent organization is the American Family Association. AFA has been designated a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the same left-wing organization that was implicated when a shooter attempted to murder employees at the Family Research Council in 2012. That shooter…

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HNewsWire blames violent rhetoric, “Terminate the Republican Party FakeBook Post.” “The Ugly Left”

The shooter, who has since died from gun battle with police, has been identified as James T. Hodgkinson. His Facebook page featured a photo of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders at the top, and was filled with left-wing political posts throughout. His entries were highly critical of President Trump and supported Sanders’ socialist political philosophy. The 66-year-old man was a member of a Facebook group called “Terminate the Republican Party.” And according to authorities, Hodgkinson came to the ball field with enough firepower to terminate many Republican lawmakers. During an appearance on the Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich addressed the increasing intensity of hostility on the Left. “Whether it is a so-called comedian holding up the president’s head in blood, or it’s right here in New York City a play that shows the president being assassinated, or…

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Fakebook is either the savior or destroyer of journalism in our time.

Illustration by Jim Cooke Depending on whom you ask, Facebook is either the savior or destroyer of journalism in our time. An estimated 600 million people see a news story on Facebook every week, and the social network’s founder Mark Zuckerberg has been transparent about his goal to monopolize digital news distribution. “When news is as fast as everything else on Facebook, people will naturally read a lot more news,” he said in a Q&A last year , adding that he wants Facebook Instant Articles to be the “primary news experience people have.” Facebook’s stranglehold over the traffic pipe has pushed digital publishers into an uneasy alliance with the $350 billion behemoth, and the news business has been caught up in a jittery debate about what, precisely, the company’s intentions are. Will it swallow the business whole , or does…

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