12 mins read


By Edward O’Hara, In what universe could Easter, supposedly the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus, be celebrated almost a month apart from Passover? Why would anyone think it proper to separate the two events, this year by almost a month? I must admit that I had not really considered this before. But, somehow this year it hit me that it just didn’t make any sense to have these events separated like this. As I had never before separated them in my own heart. How can Jesus’ death and resurrection be separated by weeks? When the Bible plainly says they are separated by 3 days and nights? And are actually a memorial of the same events. But, for some reason the world does this even though the 2 are linked in the Bible as happening within this 3 day and […]


6 mins read

“He Is Not Here; He Has Risen, Just as He Said.” the Women Were Invited in to See for Themselves, as if the Words of the Angel Were Not Sufficient. The Grave Could Not Hold Jesus

Matthew 28:5-7 5 The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.” Matthew 28:5 and 6. And the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid; the resurrection of Christ, which is the terror and confusion of his enemies, is the joy and consolation of his friends; it is the foundation of their faith and hope, and the source of their comfort and happiness for all eternity.” For I am aware that you seek […]


15 mins read


Edward O’Hara: While so many are out there at this Passover time of year spreading the falsehoods of Augustine’s doctrines of original sin and sin nature and it’s atonement that is the worship of Moloch. I thought you might like to hear what God’s word says Jesus’ sacrifice was really for. The true message of what God’s love has really done for mankind. A love that brought Jesus into the world for the sole purpose of joining with mankind in our mortality and death to accomplish the plan God made for us before He even made the world. A plan devised by love that would bring the deliverance Adam was in need of from the time he was first made. A deliverance from his own mortality to give to him and his progeny eternal life. A deliverance that if as so […]


2 mins read


Pagans worship Easter or Ishtar, also known by her Scriptural name Semiramis and later called the “Queen of heaven” was the widow of Nimrod and mother of Tammuz. Easter is the bare breasted pagan fertility goddess of the east. Legend has it that she came out of heaven in a giant egg, landing in the Euphrates river at sunrise on the first Sunday after the vernal equinox, busted out, and turned a bird into an egg laying rabbit. To honor this event, pagan sun-worshippers would go out early in the morning and face to the east to watch their sun-god arise over the horizon before having a mass (sacrifice) in which the priest of Easter would sacrifice three month old human infants and take the eggs of Easter and die them in the blood of the sacrificed infants. The blood-red […]


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