9 mins read

Red Horse In Play: Riots Are Coming. Food Shortages Are Here Complement of Biden and Company That Would Include Obama, George Soros and the Other Satan Soldiers Pukes That Have Implemented the Plandemic on Your Behalf, It’s About to Get Real Ugly

HNewsWire: According to the logistics company Freight-waves, major trucking fleets located throughout the eastern half of the United States are now making preparations for a “imminent” fuel shortage. According to Craig Fuller, founder and CEO of Freight-waves, “3 very significant fleets” are making preparations for the possibility that diesel pumps at gasoline stations could run empty. These fleets’ drivers have been notified about the potential for fuel shortages in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast areas in the coming weeks. These shortages are expected to affect both regions. Fuller shared on Twitter a number of texts that had been sent to drivers by fleet companies. The alerts raised serious concerns. He also tweeted what appears to be an unnamed industry insider explaining that the historic mess that is affecting markets in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast is a combination of crude being diverted […]


13 mins read

It’s Like No-One Saw It Coming, Many Americans Chose to Keep Quiet. Can We Expect Bad Changes if We Stay Silent? Silence Equals Agreement. We Americans Are Notorious for Waiting Until It Is Too Late to Act

HNewsWire: There are already signs that the stock and housing markets are feeling the effects of the Federal Reserve’s recent interest rate increases, which many believe to be a series of downturns that will lead to job losses. A new wave of price rises is making its way through the food supply chain and is anticipated to reach customers this autumn, even as Americans grow sick of record high gas and supermarket costs. Lynn “Bugsy” Allen, a Texas farmer, stated, “People don’t comprehend what’s about to strike them.” “They say it’s terrible now, but just wait till October,” said one observer. Food costs will more than double in the near future. Americans have already witnessed an 8.8% rise in food prices, but this doesn’t take into consideration farmers’ far greater expenditures. This is due to the fact that farmers pay […]


15 mins read

Winter Is Coming! The Planned Energy Crisis Will Kill Millions — Satan Soldiers Are Evil

The Energy Crisis Turns Into Hunger And Then Camps As the plandemic enters its third year, many small businesses across the United States are besieged on three fronts: deepening supply chain issues; periodic staffing shortages; and fewer customers showing up in some areas, fearing the Omicron spike in COVID-19 cases, “All Planned To Destroy” (((They))) Are Subhuman Garbage, but Wow, They Are Incredible Manipulators. It’s Almost Deserving of a Slow Clap, Despite How Disgusting It Is Natural gas is THE critical input into making fertilizer. Urea is essentially ammonia in solid state, the process of which entails reacting ammonia with CO2. And we all now know — thanks to the climate nazis — that CO2 is currently the devil. The problem of course is that with no natural gas there is no urea, and with no urea there is no […]


12 mins read

Diesel Shortage Squeezes Farmers and Homeowners One National Supplier Declares a “Code Red.” Its Gonna be Painful

HNewsWire: While the world’s attention has been focused on crude oil and gasoline in recent weeks, we have been warning readers about a much more serious crisis brewing in diesel, a source of energy that is critical to keeping the “just in time” world running smoothly. Today, the presidents of one of the world’s largest commodities trading businesses and the world’s largest independent oil trader talked at the FT Commodities Global Summit in Lausanne, Switzerland. According to the corporate leaders, up to 3 million barrels of oil and its products could be lost from Russia as a result of sanctions, which is consistent with previous estimates, and warned that global markets are facing a diesel squeeze, with Europe facing the greatest risk of a “systemic” shortage that could lead to fuel rationing. “For everyone, the biggest difficulty will be gasoline supply.” […]


13 mins read

Biden Obama’s Band of Satan Soldiers Are Very Successful,Plandemic Working: Inflation Storm Devastates U.S. Households as Fuel, Power, and Food “Become Unaffordable”

HNewsWire: Gasoline has jumped to $5 a gallon on the national average, groceries have risen in price, and utility bills have skyrocketed. Some people in the United States are experiencing what it’s like to live in a developing nation. More and more families are struggling to make ends meet as the cost of living rises. In late April and early May, a Census Bureau study indicated that 31 percent of families found it either very or extremely difficult to pay for their typical household costs, compared to 25 percent at the same time previous year. The poll indicated that nine percent of families occasionally or often did not have enough food, up to seven percent a year earlier. Low-income Americans have the greatest obstacles, since they spend a larger percentage of their income on basics. Low-income families’ monthly budgets now […]


4 mins read

German Retail Chains to Increase Food Prices by 20-50% ,With Rumors of Shortages Swirling Around, However, Supermarket Owners Have Been Complaining of the Sort of Panic-Buying Not Seen Since the First Months of Plandemic a.k.a Pandemic

HNewsWire-It was only days before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine shattered the few remaining supply chains and sent prices even higher into the stratosphere that Germany reported the highest inflation in generation (with February headline CPI rising at a 7.6 percent annual pace and blowing away all expectations)… Consumers should brace themselves for a new wave of price increases on daily products and foodstuffs, according to the German Retail Association (HDE), with Reuters reporting that prices at German retail chains would rise between 20 and 50 percent: A 20- to 50-percent price hike on food will take effect on Monday at German retail chains HDE President Josef Sanktjohanser told the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung on Friday that even before the commencement of conflict in Ukraine, prices had risen by around 5% “over the product spectrum” due to increasing energy costs. It is […]


18 mins read

EU Policymakers Have Concluded That the Price Risks of Suspending Russian Petroleum Exports Are Too High, and Have Backed Away From the Idea for the Time Being. However, Satan Solder Biden Has Halted the Flow of Russian Oil, Causing America to Enter a Planned Recession

HNewsWire-They wouldn’t need to steal elections to accomplish the Great Reset if it was a good concept. Our “leaders” have sold us off to EVIL. The WEF scumbags have invaded every aspect for our lives. The prophets of the new world order sowed the wind and they will soon reap the whirlwind of an angry public worn out by elite incompetence, arrogance, and ignorance.It’s Coming!   HNewsWire-Biden thinks the Ukraine conflict will usher in a “new global order.” Klaus Schwab and global elites proposed a “grand reset” in the midst of the COVID global epidemic. As a result, the world’s states would have to cede sovereignty to an international body of experts. They would educate us about taxation, diversity, and environmental issues. The ungodly NWO planners insist on “Hell on Earth” with no oil, no God, and no guns… The […]


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