4 mins read

Watchman:They Satan Soldiers, AKA [Elites], Go Against Family Values. They Go Against Natural Foods. They Go Against Freedom. The WEF Crowd Are Inhuman Parasites

HNewsWire: by Tyler Durden As farmer protests rage across Europe, Dutch MP Rob Roos sits down with The HighWire’s Del Bigtree to discuss the climate scam pushed by radical globalist elites in the Western world to seize more power and control. “They [elites] go against family values. They go against natural food. They go against freedom – because if you have to buy an electric car. They’re almost twice as expensive – and people cannot buy that – it’s not about the car – it’s about you can’t go anywhere and must depend on public transportation,” Roos explained. He said, “It’s also digitalization – what we see is the digital identity and central bank digital currency – this is all about a new form of communism.” “If you want to control the people, you have to control the CO2 – because everything we do […]


4 mins read

Watchman: Bill Gates, a Billionaire and Renegade Globalist, Is Urging Governments To Impose His “Global Digital ID” System Over the Interests of Their Citizens

By SRH, The billionaire globalist Bill Gates wants countries to mandate his “global digital ID” scheme above the best interests of their citizens. The UNDP launched “50-in-5” last October to “help” 50 countries “design, launch, and scale components of their digital public infrastructure.”The Gates Foundation is a partner in this endeavor to introduce “safe, inclusive, and interoperable DPI” in those nations. India was called a DPI “success story” when the campaign was announced. Africa was targeted for “greater development of DPI.”Gates celebrated after India launched his massive digital ID system that keeps away non-users. In India, citizens must digitize their identities to use online services, receive healthcare, access their bank accounts, or buy food. Due to significant restrictions on non-compliant users, the technology has spread quickly, which Gates calls a “great success.” Gates argues that his digital ID is “changing […]


2 mins read

Finally, the Domestic and Global Elites’ Global Warming, Climate Change and Carbon Imprint proponent’s Hoax has been exposed !

Dinesh Kaushiva November 22 , 2023   A new report has now exposed the fact that “ these World Elites who are only 1 % of the World Population are actually themselves guilty of producing more Carbon than 66 % of Humanity’s Carbon Imprint .” In reality, they have been using the above mentioned ‘Mantra’  for long time only to hide their true agenda to implement their TRUE HIDDEN AGENDA AND GOALS ; mRNA Gene-Therapy Injections, Medicines, Food, Drinks through Nano Particles with Artificial Intelligence and Synthetic Biology to ‘TRANSFORM HUMANITY INTO ‘CYBORGS’ One World Government. Control over every Human Being- take everyone’s property, assets, treasures, children. Digital ID. Digital Currency. 5G Microwave Radiation Impulses and Signals. One World Religion. 24/ 7 SURVEILLANCE AND MONITORING.                ——————– World’s richest 1% emit as much carbon […]


3 mins read

HAVE YOU HEARD ? – What a Small Town In Northern Michigan Did in This Week’s Elections ?

Dinesh Kaushiva November 10 , 2023 Frustrated Patriot Americans took matters in their own hands and ousted the Whole Township Council Members Cabal that made a deal with a Communist Chinese Firm about a proposed Electric Battery Plant despite the objections of the majority of the residents. Summary of the citizens’ Objections that the ousted council members ignored about a Chinese Electric Battery Plant : Loss of American Ownership to The Chinese Communist Party Control. Loss of Farms and AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRY AND JOBS. Loss of employment for local citizens replaced by Chinese and Foreign workers. Tax Increases – Direct and Long Term through the GRANTED Tax Abatement , City, State and Federal Subsidies. Creating of Communist Based Indoctrination Education System and Organizations. CONCERNED ABOUT CHINESE SPIES IN THEIR COMMUNITIES. Increase in their Utility Bills. ————————- THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS COMPILED […]


18 mins read


Dinesh Kaushiva August 30, 2023 After reviewing many of their reports and analysis on the internet of the Global Warming and Climate Change Theory Alarmist Advocates’ , their Agendas and Contentions basically end up reporting the following common source and affects status almost in concert – Government and Private sources, Global Warming and Climate Alleged Crisis.; Earth is over populated and Humans are the main cause of Global Warming and Climate Change. Use of Fossil Fuels is causing the Earth’s Temperatures to rise. The Percentage of CO2 is seriously increasing and are up 42 percent now. The Ozone Layer around the Earth is being destroyed. Methane Gas from COW FARTS is contributing to the rise in Earth’s Temperatures. Use of Coal and Natural Gas is also contributing to the rise in Earth’s Temperatures. Industrial Production facilities are polluting the atmosphere […]


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