Watchman:They Satan Soldiers, AKA [Elites], Go Against Family Values. They Go Against Natural Foods. They Go Against Freedom. The WEF Crowd Are Inhuman Parasites


As farmer protests rage across Europe, Dutch MP Rob Roos sits down with The HighWire's Del Bigtree to discuss the climate scam pushed by radical globalist elites in the Western world to seize more power and control.

"They [elites] go against family values. They go against natural food. They go against freedom - because if you have to buy an electric car. They're almost twice as expensive - and people cannot buy that - it's not about the car - it's about you can't go anywhere and must depend on public transportation," Roos explained.

He said, "It's also digitalization - what we see is the digital identity and central bank digital currency - this is all about a new form of communism."

"If you want to control the people, you have to control the CO2 - because everything we do in life, breathing, living, traveling, eating, and everything we do in life leads to CO2 emissions. And if you can control the CO2, you can control the people," Roos said.

He further explained that the ultimate control comes when globalists connect people's digital identities to the central bank's digital currency.

Bigtree responded: "So much of this [globalist takeover of the West] was really fast-tracked during Covid." He pointed out that WEF branded the Covid era as the "Great Reset."

We have cited 1,600 scientists, including two Nobel laureates, who have stated in a letter: "There is no climate emergency." But under the guise of an imminent climate disaster, globalist elites, NGOs, governments, politicians, mega-corporations, and, of course, legacy media outlets push climate fear to usher in a reset of society.

The most critical line to remember from Roos' interview is: "If you can control the CO2, you can control the people. "

So, the next time you find yourself concerned about radical progressive politicians and rogue billionaires, like Bill Gates, advocating for 'green' policies, consider asking yourself: Are these new policies resulting in any loss of freedoms?

*   *   *

Watch the full interview on Rumble: 

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