Update: The Illuminati’s Satanic Council, Soros Moving His Pawns on Behalf of the Illuminati, Obama on Board of Directors Our Demonic Leaders

HNewsWire: There are only two perspectives on history: one that everything happens by chance, and the other that everything happens on purpose. The uninformed, stupid, and liar have the first viewpoint, whereas the wise hold the second. History is created on purpose, rather than by chance. This was realized by two public people separated by time. “Nothing in politics ever occurs by accident,” stated Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945), the 32nd President of the United States. You can guarantee it was planned that way if it occurs.” “The world is ruled by persons very different from those expected by the public,” observed British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881). These two simple statements illustrate the fundamental premise that underpins the substantive and proper study of History: that every major event in politics, economics, finance, and international relations is the result of calculated…

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Dinesh Kaushiva August 30, 2023 After reviewing many of their reports and analysis on the internet of the Global Warming and Climate Change Theory Alarmist Advocates’ , their Agendas and Contentions basically end up reporting the following common source and affects status almost in concert – Government and Private sources, Global Warming and Climate Alleged Crisis.; Earth is over populated and Humans are the main cause of Global Warming and Climate Change. Use of Fossil Fuels is causing the Earth’s Temperatures to rise. The Percentage of CO2 is seriously increasing and are up 42 percent now. The Ozone Layer around the Earth is being destroyed. Methane Gas from COW FARTS is contributing to the rise in Earth’s Temperatures. Use of Coal and Natural Gas is also contributing to the rise in Earth’s Temperatures. Industrial Production facilities are polluting the atmosphere…

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