The Democrats Are Trying To Impeach The President In Secret Hearings, Our Elected Officials Have Become Demonic

If we are to take the scriptures seriously, then we must believe that demons are at work amongst us. We are in a war, whether we believe in it or not or whether we like it or not. In the last passage, Eph. 6:11-12, we see a reference to rulers, powers and world forces. These are all references to demonic rulers, demonic powers and demonic world forces. We see this most clearly in Daniel 10, where the angel Gabriel is delayed 21 days in bringing an answer to Daniel’s prayers because he is intercepted by and engaged in battle with the “Prince of Persia.” Clearly this was not a human prince Gabriel was fighting with. Nations have human rulers, but they also have demonic rulers that govern certain regions and work havoc in the territory allotted to them. A group…

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