WHO Served as Propagandists for Beijing by Repeating The Lie

That Coronavirus “Chinese virus” Wasn’t “Contagious” … As of this writing, the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), which originated in the Chinese city by the same name, has spread to some 220,000 people and killed 9,000, but once upon a time, the global health agency charged with responding to such outbreaks in an honest, responsible manner…did not. That’s because the World Health Organization’s leaders were too busy parroting Chinese lies about the virus’s infection rate. In a ‘flashback’ moment reported by The Daily Caller, the WHO attempted to ‘calm fears’ of a potential pandemic as far back as January 14 when it reiterated the Chinese government’s obvious bogus claim that COVID-19 was not contagious. “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China,” the WHO tweeted. World Health Organization (WHO)✔@WHO…

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We Have a Disease for Which We Have No Vaccine, No Treatment, We Don’t Fully Understand Transmission

Up-Date: 4/8/2020, Executive Director of the World Health Organization’s Health Emergencies Programme Dr. Michael Ryan announced last week that world governments need to act now by removing those infected with COVID-19 from their very own homes and take them to an undisclosed location where they are to be isolated. (i.e. FEMA camps)… “Most of the transmission that is actually happening in many countries now is happening in the household at a family level,” Ryan explained. “In some senses, the transmission has actually been taken off the streets and pushed back into family units… now we need to go into families and find those people who are sick and remove them and isolate them.” Fox News host Tucker Carlson was not very happy with the plan telling viewers on Monday that this is not something which officials typically casually drop during normal circumstances.…

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Outbreak Will Overwhelm US Health-Care System

The Pestilence, the hospitals will fail–there’s no other word for it. Docs and nurses won’t show up. It’s not their friends or family or kid’s teacher or pastor at risk. While we wouldn’t have liked it, we would’ve risked our health for our community. These professionals are not going to risk their life for a job. The senior management will try to keep it together for the sake of their careers, but the next tier will quickly bag it. Again, it’s just a job. The corporate supply chain is so fragile, and there are now so few community resources that the hospital as a care system will quickly break down. .. The Entire Healthcare System In The US Is About, To Collapse, Doctors & Nurses Warn In yet more dire outbreak-induced medical supplies shortage news, the federal government’s own emergency…

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Official Warns U.S. Hospitals: Be Ready for “Surge” of Coronavirus Patients in America

The masses have figure out they’ve been lying all along… This Is Not The Flu”: Medical Worker Describes Terrifying Lung Failure From COVID-19… Even In Young Patients As of Friday, Louisiana was reporting 479 confirmed cases of COVID-19, one of the highest numbers in the country. Ten people had died. The majority of cases are in New Orleans, which now has one confirmed case for every 1,000 residents. New Orleans had held Mardi Gras celebrations just two weeks before its first patient, with more than a million revelers on its streets. I spoke to a respiratory therapist there, whose job is to ensure that patients are breathing well. He works in a medium-sized city hospital’s intensive care unit. (We are withholding his name and employer, as he fears retaliation.) Before the virus came to New Orleans, his days were pretty…

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Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards Announces the Closing of All Schools for a Month to Help Prevent

The spread of the Coronavirus. 8 hours later…Bourbon Street.”… This now Godless Nation, or this now nearly Godless nation, has built, upon the provably false foundations of MEME, Darwinism, Freudianism, and Marxism, a “new” house, made out of falsehood piled upon falsehood, stacked up and leaning on supports of falsehood. It is a house of cards. This newly Godless nation is a virtual insane asylum built and run by lunatics. The lies and falsehoods never end. The brazen disregard for what’s happening all around them is perhaps driven by a widespread perception and media reports that younger and healthier individuals are much less likely to get seriously ill by Covid-19. But given the rising rates of infection and even hospitalization among young adults in places like Italy, this is far from confirmed at this point, and of course, misses the…

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Says up to 214 Million

Americans Could Get Sick, While 1.7 Million Could Die… The Coronavirus Was Most Certainly Produced by Crazy (Un-Godly) Men in Laboratories, the CDC and WHO Knew All Along That the Coronavirus Was a Bioweapon, There’re in Charge? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says up to 214 million Americans could get sick, while 1.7 million could die if the current status of the coronavirus pandemic continues to worsen. The CDC made the announcement during a closed-door meeting held last month among CDC officials and dozens of health experts and epidemiologists from around the world, according to the New York Times, which first broke the story. During the meeting, one of the CDC’s leading epidemiologists presented four scenarios that showed the possible trajectories the virus could take, as well as the effects of its spread throughout the United States. For the absolute worst-case scenario, the CDC said…

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Lazarus and the Rich Man – Repentance, Forgiveness, Thankfulness

Steven Meyers Thu 3/14/2020 3:48 PM… “There was a certain rich man who was splendidly clothed in purple and fine linen, and who lived each day in luxury. At his gate lay a poor man namedLazarus, who was covered with sores. As Lazarus lay there longing for scraps from the rich man’s table, the dogs would come and lick his sores. Finally, the poor man died and was carried by the angels to be with Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried, and his soul went to the place of thedead. There, in torment, he saw Abraham in the far distance with Lazarus at his side. The rich man shouted, ‘Father Abraham, have some pity! Send Lazarus over here to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue. I am in anguish in these flames.’…

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President Trump Declares National Emergency Over Coronavirus Pandemic

U.S. President Donald Trump has declared a national emergency amid the novel coronavirus pandemic, now a global pestilence has erupted, and in Luke 21 we were specifically warned… Update (3/13/2020 @ 2:55 PM): President Trump has just proved that he doesn’t need the Democrats and is taking charge by declaring a national emergency giving him access to $40 billion in funding, plus much more capacity to act. Instead of partnering with the Democrats, who have erected hurdles for from the beginning by turning the debate over virus relief into a political hot potato, Trump and the federal government will partner with the private sector to provide millions of tests, cover the cost of care for millions of Americans, and facilitate the government’s containment effort – all without the involvement of Congress. The declaration will allow FEMA to tap into some $40 billion in funding and mobilize…

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Entering The “Pestilence” Phase, Us Surpassed 500 Infections and 21 Deaths

“America is China on Steroids” Set Down and SHUT-UP There is a March to death, and MSM, Social Media, Google are leading the charge, Mr.Trump is following the pack, they are withholding the truth about the coronavirus, You are Marching lockstep into the death spiral, Thousands of People Are Basically Trapped in a Petri Dish of Disease… America has become China on Steroids Social media companies have made the decision to partner with “health authorities” (government officials like those who work for the CDC) to combat “misinformation” about the coronavirus. We all know what this means. Under the mainstream media’s seemingly innocent words lies a rash of new censorship coming down the pipes. Only the official narrative from those in the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will soon be allowed on social media. Last week, the social media…

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Coronavirus Death Toll in Us Now at 11, and Counting

In police-state fashion, Big Tech took the list of accused (including this site), declared all those named guilty and promptly shadow-banned, de-platformed or de-monetized us all without coming clean about how they engineered the crushing of dissent… Attempts by administration officials to tamp down coronavirus fears dwindle on Tuesday as the United States coronavirus death toll rises to nine with other states confirming additional cases of infection. The development caused lawmakers to express doubts about how the government plans to ramp up their virus testing fast enough to deal with the ongoing crisis. All of the people who died are from Washington state, with a majority of them being residents of a nursing home in suburban Seattle. As of writing, Pandemic.news reports the total infection count in the United States has shot past 100, with cases spread out across 13 states.  (Related: CDC finally reports “possible”…

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