HNewsWire: A “Blue Wave” Will Not Come, Most Conscience Democrats Realize Their

Party Has Been Hijacked by Satan Soldiers…  “A worthless [בְּלִיָּעַל belial] person or Groups AKA Satan Soldiers, is those who walks with a perverse mouth, who winks with there eyes, who signals with there feet, who points with there fingers; who with perversity in there heart continually devises evil, who spreads strife” (Prov. 6:12-14).  The worthless person or Groups employs all forms of communication using his “mouth,” “eyes,” “feet,” and “fingers” to advance there evil agenda. Pelosi and Schumer companions understand there various forms of language and consent to do there bidding.  Solomon describes them as person’s “who with perversity in there heart continually devises evil.” That is, they revels in the natural inclinations of there own depravity (Jer. 17:9; Mark 7:21-22), and in his activities The Progressives “spreads strife” among men. Harvard professor Michael Klarman attacked the foundations of Congress before attacking the foundations of the…

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During the tribulation, the Antichrist “will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie” (2 Thessalonians 2:9). These miracles are explicitly said to be empowered by Satan. Jesus warned that the end times will be characterized by the treachery of counterfeit prophets who “will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive” (Matthew 24:24). THE SATANIC TEMPLE HAS EVOLVED INTO AN ANTI-TRUMP MOVEMENT, AND LEFTISTS ARE FLOCKING TO IT The Satanic Temple is the perfect religion for progressives.  You can believe anything you want, as long as you hate what Donald Trump, Christians and conservatives believe.  Unlike the Church of Satan, the Satanic Temple doesn’t even believe in a supernatural entity called Satan.  Instead, they celebrate Satan as “the ultimate rebel”, and they relish in using the symbol of Satan to greatly…

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