Ukraine Has Shown That the Right to Carry Weapons is Critical in Defending a Nation’s Sovereignty Against Any Hostile Foreign Authority— There Are People All Over the Globe Who Lack Such Rights and Cannot Defend Themselves Against ANY Oppressive Government

HNewsWire-As the world watches the Ukrainian people heroically struggle for their sovereignty in the face of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of their nation, I am reminded of the significance of the Second Amendment, which is entrenched in the United States Constitution. The right to keep and bear weapons has been severely assaulted in recent decades as a relic of a bygone age. However, as many Ukrainians pick up guns for the first time, it serves as a sharp reminder of why our Second Amendment rights at home are crucial to our nation’s existence. Many Americans are acquainted with the Second Amendment and how, as defined by our nation’s Founding Fathers, its premise was to provide individuals the freedom to protect themselves against a tyrannical government. Typically, this notion is used primarily in the event of a tyrannical US government;…

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