Watchman: The Suffering Is Immeasurable, and Those Harmed Tend Not to Understand Why. There Is No Peace Without Him

By SRH,  The pain is indescribable, and individuals affected frequently don’t comprehend why. Without him, there can be no peace. US regulatory organizations frequently assert that vaccination lowers the risk of long-term COVID, while the reverse is actually true. If we want to be healthy, we should do the opposite of everything they tell us about COVID and MRSA. Researchers found spike protein in the bloodstream of patients with long-term COVID-19 two months after vaccination and infection, indicating that spike protein may stay in the body for a lot longer than previously thought and may not stay at the injection site. The study, which came out on December 27 in the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, looked at 81 people with long COVID syndrome. It found viral spike protein in one person who had already recovered from infection…

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Pestilence is Wreaking Havoc in China, with Reports of Suffering, Death, and Starvation Piling Up in Lock-Down Shanghai

Pestilence In Godless China HNewsWire: A guy in his 30s from Shanghai’s Yangpu district phoned the police after four days of attempting to purchase meals online and getting no response. He wanted to know whether he’d become fed up if he tried to breach quarantine regulations and was caught by the authorities. Because his food order, ordered six days earlier via the local community council, had not yet been delivered, he claimed that the lack of food was causing him stomach problems. “I was advised to ‘endure’ by the neighborhood committee.” At this point, it’s been four days. The only thing left is water, he informed the authorities in a phone conversation that he eventually made public. Whenever I turn on the television at 7 p.m. to watch the news, everything always seems to be calm and secure. “I’m not…

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