The Fourth Wave of COVID-19 Coming It’s Odd That Somehow Most of Us Missed


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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the First, Second, and Third Waves?…

COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines

The world is growing increasingly sinful, depraved, irrational and antichrist. Truth is being stood on its head. The world is turning against any truth given through divine and general revelation. And no wonder, those that reject God follow the father of lies. You do not see many conversions to Christ of the rich and powerful running the world because they are of the Devil. Most of the people who are running this satanic world system were put their by Satan to carry out his antichrist agenda.

This news is not being widely reported on, but you can bet you’ll be hearing all about the fourth wave, the new variants, and the need to get “vaccinated” against this deadly (99.98% survival rate) disease. SRH…

The Biden Administration is now working to launch “vaccine passports” so Americans can prove they’ve been inoculated.

The vaccine passports will be the key to returning to normalcy and may actually control who is allowed to participate in the workforce.

Leftists aren’t even hiding it anymore. They are openly admitting they will discriminate against people who don’t get the Covid vaccine.’

All this is happening as the Deep State and their medial tyrants are completely uncloaking and revealing just how much they think that you belong to them, that you are their slaves.

Just listen to what the former head of Planned Parenthood revealed about how they view our rights … they don’t come from God, they come from th government.  Worse yet, they see these rights as a means to control you:

They think you belong to them. Period.

 Satan is permitted, for a time, to rule over the majority in this world. At the time when Jesus began His public ministry, He faced a series of tests from Satan, one of which was an offer to receive the kingdoms of the world without going to the cross. Satan told Jesus, “I will give You all this domain and its glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish” (Luke 4:6). Satan took possession of “this domain and its glory” by God’s permission and man’s sin, presumably,

     As Christians, we have victory in Christ. At the moment we trusted Christ as Savior…

We are doomed as a nation if we continue to obey Satan Soldiers .

Despite the fact that the Deep State (Satan Soldiers) controls all the venues of power, they don’t control the hearts, minds and souls of the good people of this country.

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The mainstream media has officially declared that we are now going through the fourth wave of COVID-19. Is it odd that somehow most of us missed the first, second, and third waves?

Fear and panic and living a life terrified because the media told you to do not account for a “wave” of infections of a disease with only a 99.98% survival rate. And yet, the MSM is still pushing the “fourth wave” narrative, even though allegedly 146 million doses of the experimental gene therapies have been injected into people in the United States. Just because people are scared and the government goes full dictatorship does not mean there were any waves of anything.

The Science of Fear: How The Elitists Use it to Control Us & How to Break Free

The United States has reported an average of 65,000 new cases in the last seven days, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), up about 10,000 cases per day since the most recent low point two weeks ago, according to a report from The Hill. Of course, these numbers are likely completely made up. No one trusts these numbers anymore. and the rulers know it.

Apparently, we all missed the third wave. It was in January, according to the ruling class’ propaganda outlets:

Those figures are well below the January apex of the third wave of infections when a quarter-million people a day were testing positive for the virus. – The Hill

They actually want us to believe that even though the current “numbers” are well below the high of the third wave, we are somehow magically in the “fourth wave.”  It’s astonishing that so many are still falling for this, but it is also, at the same time, refreshing to see so many figuring it out.

“Our work is far from over. The war against COVID-19 is far from won. This is deadly serious,” President Joe Biden said Monday at the White House, hours after CDC Director Rochelle Walensky pleaded for the public to keep up mitigation strategies. “If we let our guard down now, we could see a virus getting worse, not better.”

Both of the aforementioned psychopaths will do anything to maintain their grip on power. It isn’t about wealth, considering they can create as much money as they want and steal from the peasants at their leisure. This is now about control.  They want it all.

Oh, and don’t forget to get your “vaccine.” The one that isn’t really a vaccine. The propaganda around this experimental gene therapy and the push to get as many injected with it as possible is unbelievable:

After a year of errors and missteps in handling the pandemic, the vaccination campaign stands out as a distinct bright spot.

The number of Americans who have received a vaccine against the coronavirus is growing by more than 2 million a day, according to CDC data. The United States is vaccinating a larger share of its population than any nation other than Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Chile, and the United Kingdom. – The Hill

There are 2 million Americans per day getting jabbed with this shot? Or are these just more false numbers and lies to try to coerce even more into taking this thing? You decide.

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merica’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) spoke to former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer Dr. Mike Yeadon about his views on the COVID-19 vaccinehydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, the regulatory authorities, and more.

At the outset, Dr. Yeadon said “I’m well aware of the global crimes against humanity being perpetrated against a large proportion of the worlds population.

ex pfizer vp says experimental mrna vaccines could be 'used for massive scale depopulation'

“I feel great fear, but I’m not deterred from giving expert testimony to multiple groups of able lawyers like Rocco Galati in Canada and Reiner Fuellmich in Germany.

“I have absolutely no doubt that we are in the presence of evil (not a determination I’ve ever made before in a 40-year research career) and dangerous products.

“In the U.K., it’s abundantly clear that the authorities are bent on a course which will result in administering ‘vaccines’ to as many of the population as they can. This is madness, because even if these agents were legitimate, protection is needed only by those at notably elevated risk of death from the virus. In those people, there might even be an argument that the risks are worth bearing. And there definitely are risks which are what I call ‘mechanistic’: inbuilt in the way they work.

“But all the other people, those in good health and younger than 60 years, perhaps a little older, they don’t perish from the virus. In this large group, it’s wholly unethical to administer something novel and for which the potential for unwanted effects after a few months is completely uncharacteristic.

“In no other era would it be wise to do what is stated as the intention.

“Since I know this with certainty, and I know those driving it know this too, we have to enquire: What is their motive?

“While I don’t know, I have strong theoretical answers, only one of which relates to money and that motive doesn’t work, because the same quantum can be arrived at by doubling the unit cost and giving the agent to half as many people. Dilemma solved. So it’s something else.

“Appreciating that, by entire population, it is also intended that minor children and eventually babies are to be included in the net, and that’s what I interpret to be an evil act.

“There is no medical rationale for it. Knowing as I do that the design of these ‘vaccines’ results, in the expression in the bodies of recipients, expression of the spike protein, which has adverse biological effects of its own which, in some people, are harmful (initiating blood coagulation and activating the immune ‘complement system’), I’m determined to point out that those not at risk from this virus should not be exposed to the risk of unwanted effects from these agents.”

AFLDS: The Israel Supreme Court decision last week cancelling COVID flight restrictions said: “In the future, any new restrictions on travel into or out of Israel need, in legal terms, a comprehensive, factual, data-based foundation.”

In a talk you gave four months ago, you said

“The most likely duration of immunity to a respiratory virus like SARS CoV-2 is multiple years. Why do I say that? We actually have the data for a virus that swept through parts of the world seventeen years ago called SARS, and remember SARS CoV-2 is 80% similar to SARS, so I think that’s the best comparison that anyone can provide.

“The evidence is clear: These very clever cellular immunologists studied all the people they could get hold of who had survived SARS 17 years ago. They took a blood sample, and they tested whether they responded or not to the original SARS and they all did; they all had perfectly normal, robust T cell memory. They were actually also protected against SARS CoV-2, because they’re so similar; it’s cross immunity.

“So, I would say the best data that exists is that immunity should be robust for at least 17 years. I think it’s entirely possible that it is lifelong. The style of the responses of these people’s T cells were the same as if you’ve been vaccinated and then you come back years later to see if that immunity has been retained. So I think the evidence is really strong that the duration of immunity will be multiple years, and possibly lifelong.”

In other words, previous exposure to SARS – that is, a variant similar to SARS CoV-2 – bestowed SARS CoV-2 immunity.

The Israel government cites new variants to justify lockdowns, flight closures, restrictions, and Green Passport issuance. Given the Supreme Court verdict, do you think it may be possible to preempt future government measures with accurate information about variants, immunity, herd immunity, etc. that could be provided to the lawyers who will be challenging those future measures?

Yeadon: “What I outlined in relation to immunity to SARS is precisely what we’re seeing with SARS-CoV-2.
The study is from one of the best labs in their field.

“So, theoretically, people could test their T-cell immunity by measuring the responses of cells in a small sample of their blood. There are such tests, they are not “high throughput” and they are likely to cost a few hundred USD each on scale. But not thousands. The test I’m aware of is not yet commercially available, but research only in U.K.

The Watchman does not confuse truth with consensus. The Watchman does not confuse God’s Word with the word of those in power…



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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