The Horrifying Stories of Transgender Ideology, Birth Pains


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HNewsWire-(T)he numerous valid objections to transgender ideology, perhaps the most emotionally compelling is this one: It is increasingly a ruiner of people and a devastator of family happiness.

The College Fix this week gives a perfect example of this, detailing numerous mothers who have found themselves “in shock as [their] daughters come home from college with mustaches [and with their] breasts removed.” That sounds bad enough; the details are worse. One young woman arrived home clearly not well, looking disheveled and having sprouted facial hair; she subsequently cut off contact with her family after returning to school, having “obtained testosterone in the student clinic.” Another came home to declare that she had “socially transitioned” and was now seeking to start taking hormones and begin prepping for “top surgery” (a euphemism for cutting off her own breasts to approximate a male’s chest). Another young woman went through with that surgery and is now on hormones; as her mother put it, “If she continues to take the testosterone, after some years her internal female organs will deteriorate to a point that they, too, will have to be surgically removed.”

The horror of it all is matched by the realization that these young women’s campuses are arguably more or less complicit in these terrible transformations. American universities have become snake pits of gender ideology; students themselves are obsessed with it, and more and more campus organizations and services are dedicated to promoting it. Were this merely a fad,  a passing craze to little effect, that would be one thing. But you can’t get your breasts back after you’ve cut them off. Once your reproductive organs have died and been removed, they’re not coming back either. And you can’t get back the years of your life that you gave to a fraudulent belief.

Image result for The Beast (Revelation)

Once the other shoe drops and the craze passes, you can be certain that the people who promoted and enabled this behavior will feel ashamed and embarrassed about it. But it’s also likely the case that they will escape any culpability for it. It will be a lose-lose for everyone. As one mother put it: “I…wish none of this were true.” Unfortunately, it is, and it’s not going any for a while.


Children are confused about their gender identity

Doctors and mental health professionals are speaking out against the promotion of sex changes as a legitimate therapy for children confused about their gender identity, while states are making it illegal for them to seek help with a talk therapist.

Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians(ACP), who has seen the effects of transgender ideology firsthand. Cretella says “the transition-affirming protocol is child abuse.”

She says it is “devastating” to learn that increasing numbers of young women are already detransitioning from a sex change they had in their teens, and they only now realize that each of them “is a woman with a scarred chest who is most likely sterile and facing a host of unknown physical and psychological risks from taking almost 10 years of daily testosterone.”

The ACP published “Gender Ideology Harms Children,” urging a rejection of  “all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex.”

“Facts — not ideology — determine reality,” it asserts.

The idea that ‘feminized’ or ‘masculinized’ brains can be trapped in the wrong body from before birth is a myth that has no basis in science and a fact biblically, it’s called sin, and perverts, sexually devious individuals should seek God’s plan for mankind…

StevieRay Hansen
HNewsWire Editor

Jesus come quick, there is nothing left in society that’s sacred….



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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