The Most Protected Man in the Universe, Refused to Hover in an Isolated Bunker


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and Managed to Escape Infection for Seven Months, Suddenly Gets a Direct Hit, A Direct Quote From Pelosi, Trumps Leaving the White House Whether if He Knows It or Not, the Problem She is Face With — One Major Problem, God Says Trump Stays in the White House Another Four Years, Now What…This Evil Woman Is Trading on Dangerous Territory…

…who targeted the president?

“I always trust my gut,” begins’s Sally Zelikovsky, “litigators and trial attorneys tend to do that.”

When things don’t make sense or add up but you don’t have a smoking gun, you start nosing around with questioning and investigating to see if your hunch pans out.

Zelikovsky notes that,  obviously, she doesn’t have any proof that the recent COVID-19 infections of POTUS and FLOTUS, several Republican senators, and people working on his campaign and in his administration, are truly random events or something planned, but it doesn’t pass the “random cluster of infections” smell test.  Come on, admit it.  You are all thinking it, too.  I’m sure like me, you spent the weekend texting friends about your suspicions.

The virus appears to have targeted Republicans only and left Democrats unscathed.

Democrats are trying to characterize this as a Rose Garden or debate super spreader — even though plenty of Democrats and Biden supporters were at the debate and likely interacted with Republicans after the Amy Coney Barrett ceremony.  They argue that, as avid wearers of the mask, they are shielded from Republicans bearing COVID.  But if masks were ironclad, we’d all be immune.  People can still contract the disease in spite of masks, handwashing, and social distancing — which are only preventive measures that minimize risk. It is odd that in a town as small as Washington, D.C., only Republicans took the hit.  

The timing is a second factor.

Key Republicans fell ill after the Barrett announcement,  the debate, and Comey’s flaccid testimony, and now we are full-blown into October — the final leg of the campaign.  We have Radcliffe’s damning evidence that Obama, Comey and Brennan were aware of Hillary Clinton’s intent to frame Trump of colluding with Russia and, suddenly, Andy McCabe cannot do a Zoom appearance in the Senate under the pretext of fearing for his family’s safety from contracting COVID.  Schumer, on cue, demands the cancellation of the Barrett hearings — all or part of which can be done remotely to prevent COVID spread.  Moreover, Hidin’ Biden comes out of seclusion and hops on more planes in the last few days flying to Michigan and Florida than he has flown for most of September when he made a only few local appearances in Delaware and Pennsylvania, flew to Cleveland for the debate, called lids on half the days in September, and did a post-debate lame train tour where he interacted with few supporters. 

Yet Donald Trump who, up until contracting the WuFlu, was doing back-to-back rallies in battleground states with overwhelming support from adoring audiences in the thousands, is suddenly relegated to Biden-style videos, seclusion, and waving from cars.  This is like being in a cage for someone who is as gregarious and loves interacting with Americans  as Trump.  One would think that Biden, at his age and with his vulnerabilities, would be even more cautious and reluctant to travel and interact with voters in the last weeks of the campaign — especially after a potentially close encounter with the virus during the debates and seeing what it did to the President.  And yet, as soon as Trump is sidelined, Biden is  hopping on planes without a care in the world.

Finally, there is the fact that the most protected man in the universe, who has insisted on serving and interacting with the people despite the pandemic, refused to hover in an isolated bunker and managed to escape infection for seven months, suddenly gets a direct hit… again, in the final weeks of his campaign.  Interrupting the one thing the Biden campaign cannot generate:  a succession of popular rallies.  We know the transmission could have resulted from a lapse in procedure, after all, those who protect and interact with the President are only human.  But in an administration where enemies are constantly undermining the President, it doesn’t strain an iota of credulity to wonder if those same nefarious forces didn’t weaponize the virus and directly expose the president to it or use someone like Hope Hicks as a COVID bullet.   

They’ve tried to impeach and remove him, force him to resign, discredit him, undermine his accomplishments, embarrass and ridicule him; they’ve wished him dead umpteen times; they’ve relentlessly threatened his life; and they’ve been clear they don’t care about his family or his health.  Why not use the virus further to their advantage? While his security detail is adept at thwarting plots involving cars, guns, planes, bombs, and other visible weapons, there are myriad ways a virus can find its way to our president and other administration officials.  And, after seven months, it did.  A month before the election as he was ramping up his very successful airport hangar rallies.   It’s too perfect to be mere happenstance.

With a little contact tracing and sleuthing, I wouldn’t be surprised if we find out this was an arrow in someone’s quiver and a doozy of an October surprise.

Pelosi Says Trump Will Be Leaving ‘Whether He Knows It Yet or Not’, the Problem, She is Face With One Major Problem, God Says Trump Stays in the White House Another Four Years, Now What…

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) weighed in on whether President Donald Trump would leave the White House if he loses to presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden in November.

Trump, in an interview with Fox News aired Sunday, was asked about whether he would accept the results of the 2020 election. He declined to answer the question directly.

“I have to see. Look, you—I have to see,” he said. “No, I’m not going to just say yes. I’m not going to say no.” It came after he said that proposed mail-in voting measures would “rig the election.”

When she was asked in a televised interview on Monday about Trump’s comments, Pelosi responded, “The fact is whether he knows it yet or not, he will be leaving.”

“Just because he might not want to move out of the White House doesn’t mean we won’t have an inauguration ceremony to inaugurate a duly elected president of the United States. And you know, I’m second in line to the presidency and just last week I had my regular continuation of government briefing. This might interest you because I say to them, ‘This is never going to happen, God willing it never will.’ But there is a process,” Pelosi said.

The House speaker added that “it has nothing to do with a certain occupant of the White House doesn’t feel like moving and has to be fumigated out of there because the presidency is the presidency … I wouldn’t spend so much time on it, that’s a victory for him because then we’re not talking about your first, more important subject, which is, what are we going to do to stop this vicious virus that is making an assault on our health, again, our lives, our livelihood, and life of our democracy.”

pelosi and schumer
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) walks through Statuary Hall to the House Chamber for President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address in the Capitol in Washington on Feb. 4, 2020. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

Trump for months has attacked the prospect of mail-in voting, saying that the results would be tainted by fraud. He wrote on June 22: “RIGGED 2020 ELECTION: MILLIONS OF MAIL-IN BALLOTS WILL BE PRINTED BY FOREIGN COUNTRIES, AND OTHERS. IT WILL BE THE SCANDAL OF OUR TIMES!”

Attorney General William Barr earlier in June echoed Trump’s concerns.

“The thing we have going for us, especially when there’s intense division in the country, is that we have peaceful transfers of power and a way of resolving it is to have an election,” Barr told Fox News at the time, adding that “when state governments start adopting these practices like mail-in ballots, that open the floodgates of potential fraud, then people’s confidence in the outcome of the election is going to be undermined.”

Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, California, and Connecticut are all sending voters absentee ballot applications, while New Hampshire and Massachusetts have eased requirements.

The Deep State”: Intel Traitors Admit They Want To “Take Out” Trump

It’s coup folk….

And the full-court press is on in this coup for your sanity and to radicalize you into violence. They are daring us to strike back here so then they can be justified in going on full lockdown and cancel future elections.

They have to do this. Their financial markets are in the early stages of collapse. The dollar liquidity crisis has started which will drain Europe of its lifeblood.

I’ve lived through a few coups. They’re insane, random, and terrifying, like watching sports, except your political future depends on the score.

The kickoff begins when a key official decides to buck the executive. From that moment, the government becomes a high-speed head-counting exercise. Who’s got the power plant, the airport, the police in the capital? How many department chiefs are answering their phones? Who’s writing tonight’s newscast?

When the KGB in 1991 tried to reassume control of the crumbling Soviet Union by placing Mikhail Gorbachev under arrest and attempting to seize Moscow, logistics ruled. Boris Yeltsin’s crew drove to the Russian White House in ordinary cars, beating KGB coup plotters who were trying to reach the seat of the Russian government in armored vehicles. A key moment came when one of Yeltsin’s men, Alexander Rutskoi – who two years later would himself lead a coup against Yeltsin – prevailed upon a Major in a tank unit to defy KGB orders and turn on the “criminals.”

We have long been spared this madness in America. Our head-counting ceremony was Election Day. We did it once every four years.

That’s all over, in the Trump era.

On Thursday, news broke that two businessmen said to have “peddled supposedly explosive information about corruption involving Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden” were arrested at Dulles airport on “campaign finance violations.” The two figures are alleged to be bagmen bearing “dirt” on Democrats, solicited by Trump and his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani.

Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman will be asked to give depositions to impeachment investigators. They’re reportedly going to refuse. Their lawyer John Dowd also says they will “refuse to appear before House Committees investigating President Donald Trump.” Fruman and Parnas meanwhile claim they had real derogatory information about Biden and other politicians, but “the U.S. government had shown little interest in receiving it through official channels.”

For Americans not familiar with the language of the Third World, that’s two contrasting denials of political legitimacy.

The men who are the proxies for Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani in this story are asserting that “official channels” have been corrupted. The forces backing impeachment, meanwhile, are telling us those same defendants are obstructing a lawful impeachment inquiry.

These are people who are doing their duty or responding to a higher call.”

Two former intelligence heads bragged about how the deep state is engaged in a coup to remove President Trump Thursday, with one even praising God for the existence of the deep state.

During an interview with Margaret Brennan of CSPAN, former CIA head John McLaughlin along with his successor John Brennan both basically admitted that there is a secretive cabal of people within US intelligence who are trying to ‘take Trump out’.

The World Is In Big Trouble, for Those That Believe We Will Go Back to Some Sense of Normal Life Here on Earth, You Will Be Sadly Disappointed, Seven Years of Hell on Earth Which Began January 1, 2020

“Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed” (Isa. 59:14, NLT)…We Turned Our Backs On GOD, Now We Have Been Left To Our Own Devices, Enjoy…

While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Has Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil…

Source: HNewsWire ZeroHedge HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

In police-state fashion, Big Tech took the list of accused (including this site), declared all those named guilty and promptly shadow-banned, de-platformed or de-monetized us all without coming clean about how they engineered the crushing of dissent, Now more than ever big Tech has exposed there hand engaging in devious underhanded tactics to make the sinister look saintly, one of Satan’s greatest weapons happens to be deceit…

The accumulating death toll from Covid-19 can be seen minute-by-minute on cable news channels. But there’s another death toll few seem to care much about: the number of poverty-related deaths being set in motion by deliberately plunging millions of Americans into poverty and despair.

American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly.

All the official reassurances won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. The Globals are behind the CoronaVirus, It Is a Man-Made Bioweapon.

A virus is not a disease. Only a very small percentage of those exposed to the virus itself – SARS-CoV-2 – show any kind of acute respiratory symptoms, or what we can call “coronavirus disease.” 

The only meaningful statistics show the incidence of serious illness, hospitalizations, and deaths. The single most important statistic among these is the infection fatality rate (IFR). Data collected through July shows that the IFR for those under age forty-five is actually lower than that of the common flu. The covid-19 IFR rises for those over fifty, but it is hardly a death sentence. And the data does not segregate those with preexisting health issues caused by obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. If we could see data only for reasonably healthy people under fifty, the numbers would be even more reassuring. 

Mild or asymptomatic covid cases are effectively meaningless. The world is full of bacteria and viruses, and sometimes they make us a bit sick for a few days. There are millions of them in the world all around us, on our skin, in our nose and respiratory tract, in our organs. We are meant to live with them, which is why we all have immune systems designed to help us coexist and adapt to ever-changing organisms. We develop antibodies naturally, or we attempt to stimulate them through vaccines, but ultimately our own immune systems have to deal with covid-19. The virus will always be out there waiting, on the other side of any lockdown or mask—so we might as well get on with it. 

From day one the focus should have been on boosting immunity through exercise, fresh air, sunlight, proper dietary supplementation, and the promotion of general well-being. Instead our politicians, bureaucrats, and media insisted on business lockdowns, school closures, distancing, isolation, masks, and the mirage of a fast, effective vaccine. As with almost everything in life, state intervention made the situation worse. We can only hope many governors are removed from office, either by impeachment or at the next election. Several, including Andrew Cuomo in New York and Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan, should face criminal charges for their lawless edicts. There is no due process exception for “public health.”

Lockdowns were never justified, either in terms of the covid-19 risk or the staggering economic tradeoffs, which will be felt for decades. They certainly are not justified now, given seven months of additional data showing that the transmission and lethality of covid-19 are not particularly worse than previous SARS, swine flu, or Ebola pandemics. We still don’t know how many of the reported two hundred thousand US covid-19 deaths were actually caused by the SARS-CoV-2 respiratory disease, or simply reflect people who died of other causes after exposure to covid-19. We do know that the harms caused by the lockdowns far outweigh the harms posed by the covid-19 virus.

Amos 5:16-17  Therefore this is what the Lord, the LORD God Almighty, says: “There will be wailing in all the streets and cries of anguish in every public square. The farmers will be summoned to weep and the mourners to wail. 17 There will be wailing in all the vineyards, for I will pass through your midst,” says the LORD.

Evil men plot against the godly and viciously attack them.  The Lord laughs in disgust at them, for he knows that their day is coming.  Evil men draw their swords and prepare their bows, to bring down the oppressed and needy, and to slaughter those who are godly.  Their swords will pierce their own hearts, and their bows will be broken.  The little bit that a godly man owns is better than the wealth of many evil men,  for evil men will lose their power, but the LORD sustains the godly.  The LORD watches over the innocent day by day and they possess a permanent inheritance.  They will not be ashamed when hard times come; when famine comes they will have enough to eat.  But evil men will die; the LORD’s enemies will be incinerated– they will go up in smoke.  Evil men borrow but do not repay their debt, but the godly show compassion and are generous.  Surely those favored by the LORD will possess the land, but those rejected by him will be wiped out.  

The godly speak wise words and promote justice.  The law of their God controls their thinking; their feet do not slip.  Evil men set an ambush for the godly and try to kill them.  But the LORD does not surrender the godly or allow them to be condemned in a court of law.  Rely on the LORD! Obey his commands! Then he will permit you to possess the land; you will see the demise of evil men.  I have seen ruthless evil men growing in influence like a green tree grows in its native soil.  But then one passes by, and suddenly they have disappeared! I looked for them, but they could not be found.  Take note of the one who has integrity! Observe the godly! For the one who promotes peace has a future.  Sinful rebels are totally destroyed; evil men have no future.  But the LORD delivers the godly; he protects them in times of trouble.  The LORD helps them and rescues them; he rescues them from evil men and delivers them, for they seek his protection.   (Psalms 37:1-40 



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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