Be Warned, Experimentation with God’s Design Can Be Deadly


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Is it a sin to be transgendered, transsexual, or gender-queer? What does the Bible have to say about a person changing their sexual identity or affiliation? Is it okay for a man or woman to have sex-change surgery or to cross-dress? What if a man feels like a woman or vice versa?

The term transgender or transsexual generally means that a person feels as if he or she identifies with a different gender than their assigned (born) sex, or desires to be a different gender. Transgender or transsexual behavior can include sex-change surgery, cross-dressing (drag queen or king), acting like the opposite sex, and more. Some other related terms of sexual or gender confusion include gender identity disorder (GID), androgyne, bigender, pangender, third gender, and gender-neutral.

The Bible does address this issue in a few passages. However, I should note that this article is not going to address the issue of a person being born with both sexual parts (also called hermaphrodites), as this is a different issue altogether. Rather, this article is dealing with the following:

  • What the Bible says about transgender or transsexual behavior.
  • How society is being brainwashed to experiment with or accept transsexualism.
  • How to turn away from this sin and trust in Christ for salvation.

What does the Bible Say About Transgender or Transsexual Behavior?

The first reference to human sexuality in all of the Bible occurs in the book of Genesis. Here, we see that God created the first man from the dust (elements) of the earth, and He created woman from man:

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them” (Genesis 1:27).

The Bible clearly teaches that God is the one who assigned the sexes. Notice what God didn’t do in Genesis:

  1. He never asked Adam or Eve if they were “comfortable” or “happy” with their assigned sex.
  2. He never created multiple wives for Adam or multiple husbands for Eve.
  3. He never asked Adam or Eve about their “sexual orientation” or sexual preferences.

Instead, God created only two sexes (male and female), and He created the first marriage institution (one man and one woman). God did it that way because that’s how God wanted His creation to operate. Anything outside of God’s plan for sexuality is a perversion, orchestrated by the greatest pervert in the universe: Satan.

Next, we see that the Mosaic Law clearly prevented cross-dressing:

“The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God” (Deuteronomy 22:5).

God’s Word clearly and boldly condemns cross-dressing and the desire to change a person’s God-given sex. To do so is an abomination to God, and it is sheer rebellion against the design God put forth at the beginning of creation. It’s like saying, “You made me this way, God. But I don’t care about your will for my life. Instead, I want to do what I want to do.”

That’s a shame because God clearly puts forth special consideration and effort when creating any of us, as He indicated to the prophet Jeremiah:

“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5).

In addition, we see that acting “effeminate” is listed as a serious category of sin that, unless a person repents and believes on the Lord Jesus, they will not inherit the kingdom of God:

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10; emphasis mine).

The Greek word used for “effeminate” literally means for a man to act feminine or “soft.” God’s word says that acting in such a way that is contrary to our assigned sex is a wicked sin. Source

The ethics of administering puberty blockers to transgender children is being questioned in the United Kingdom. Dr. Michael Biggs, an Oxford sociologist, says that the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) has been prescribing them without robust evidence on the long-term effects.

Whether or not the commencement of puberty blockers is a major step is a controversial question. GIDS’s position is that it is “reversible”. Yet Dr. Biggs, using GIDS documents accessed with a Freedom of Information request, says that this is not true. One of these documents says: ‘It is not clear what the long term effects of early suppression may be on bone development, height, sex organ development, and body shape and their reversibility if treatment is stopped during pubertal development.”

He writes in a blog, Transgender Trend, that:

there is unpublished evidence that after a year on GnRHa children reported greater self-harm, and that girls experienced more behavioural and emotional problems and expressed greater dissatisfaction with their body—so puberty blockers exacerbated gender dysphoria. Yet the study has been used to justify rolling out this drug regime to several hundred children aged under 16. 

The number of children enrolled in gender transition programs is soaring in the UK. In 2018 around 2,000 transgender or gender questioning children (a 300% increase in three years) were seen by GIDS. About 15% were approved for puberty blockers. But neither the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) or their manufacturers have certified that they are safe or effective for the treatment of gender dysphoria. Their use is effectively experimental even though some 300 new prescriptions are issued each year.Source

Transgender ax attacker says voices told her to ‘kill and maim’ and ‘start the rise of hell on earth’ before horrific onslaught that seriously injured two shoppers

  • Evie Amati, 26, says she heard voices in her head before going on ax rampage 
  • The transgender woman also told her Tinder date that she would ‘kill a lot of people’ 
  • Amati has pleaded not guilty to wounding with intent to murder three people
  • Shocking video footage shows her attacking two convenience store customers
  • Amati can then be seen crossing the road and swinging the axe at a pedestrian 


A transgender woman who attacked two people with an ax at a 7-Eleven store says she was hearing inaudible whispers before a voice told her to ‘kill and maim’ and ‘start the rise of hell on earth’, a jury has heard.

Evie Amati has pleaded not guilty to wounding with intent to murder two store customers and attempting to wound a pedestrian with intent to murder in Enmore, inner-western Sydney early on January 7 in 2017.

The 26-year-old, who gave evidence at her own trial in the District Court on Thursday, said: ‘I recall everything going quiet and feeling that voice come inside and I remember that smile … a sinister smile that plastered my face that I couldn’t control and then I black(ed) out.’   

Amati also sent a message to a new acquaintance she met on a dating app just hours before the savage attack took place.

The message read: ‘One day I will kill a lot of people and it will be your fault’, a Sydney jury was told.

Scroll down for video  

A transgender woman (pictured) who attacked two people with an axe at a 7-Eleven says she was hearing inaudible whispers before a voice told her to 'kill and maim' and 'start the rise of hell on earth', a jury has heard

A transgender woman (pictured) who attacked two people with an ax at a 7-Eleven says she was hearing inaudible whispers before a voice told her to ‘kill and maim’ and ‘start the rise of hell on earth’, a jury has heard

Video of Amati using an axe to strike two customers to the ground in a 7-Eleven convenience store was played to the jury on Tuesday

Video of Amati using an ax to strike two customers to the ground in a 7-Eleven convenience store was played to the jury on TuesdayShocking moment woman with an ax attacks customers in 7-ElevenLoaded: 0%Progress: 0%0:00PreviousPlaySkipMuteCurrent Time0:00/Duration Time2:00Fullscreen

Mickila Jahnsen said she met Evie Amati, 26, via Tinder hours before the attack and had drinks with her and friends before three of them each took a capsule they believed was ecstasy.

She said she ‘freaked out’ when Amati later sent her the Facebook message and also called Ms Jahnsen a ‘psychopath’.

Ms. Jahnsen was giving evidence from the United States via AVL at Amati’s District Court trial.

Amati has pleaded not guilty to wounding with intent to murder two convenience store customers and attempting to wound a pedestrian with intent to murder in the early hours of January 7, 2017.Source

StevieRay Hansen


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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. Ghell on June 23, 2022 at 10:38 pm

    Wrong I believe the true was taken from an actual woman, and was used to give life to the man unknowingly until she realized it and was never actually loved, just continuously used for the wrong reasons as well as being lied to constantly. When all she wanted was for the love she had given to him and the world be returned in the same manor

  2. Alisa on July 17, 2019 at 11:56 pm

    This article is ridiculous. The fact that she was transgender has zero connection to the mental issue and murderous intent. It feels so forced into the article, and I don’t blame you. The article without that bit really cannot stand on it’s own two legs… not like the bit about the ax murderer helps that.

    If you’re going to write a hilariously flawed article at least keep it consistent. Who knows, a few more articles like this and you could start a pretty good satirical news site.

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