UK Microchip Implant Firm Now Providing Credit/Debit Payments. Technology Can Only Go So Far Before Prophecy Intervenes.


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Hand swipe payments have been taken to the next level by a British microchip implant business, raising concerns about end times prophesies.

Human implantable microchips have gone a long way since the first one was implanted in 1998. The technology became commercially accessible in the recent decade, allowing enabling hand swipe credit card payments. Anyone with a microchip implant may use their credit card to pay for anything by just placing their hand with the chip close to the scanner, and the payment will be completed.

According to the BBC, Walletmor, a British-Polish company, made this technology accessible for purchase in 2021. The microchip implant may be used to pay for any transaction “anywhere contactless payments are accepted,” according to Wojtek Paprota, the company’s founder and CEO.

The microchip implant developed by Walletmor is so small and light that it weighs less than a gram and is just slightly larger than a grain of rice. It has a small microprocessor and an antenna that are enclosed in a biopolymer, which is a naturally generated plastic-like substance.

The microchip implant that now permits credit card payments is “completely safe, has regulatory approval, functions immediately after being inserted, and will stay securely in place,” according to Paprota. It also works without the need of a battery or other power source. More than 500 of these small chips have already been sold, according to the UK microchip implant company.

Walletmor’s microchip implant employs near-field communication, or NFC, which is the same contactless payment method used in many smartphones today. Other payment implants currently employ radio-frequency identification (RFID), which is comparable to the technology used in many debit and credit cards.

Despite the fact that roughly 51% of people in the UK and the European Union appear to be in favor of microchip implants, detractors have voiced privacy and security concerns. However, according to Walletmor, the microchip implant will not allow tracking because it was not created for that purpose.

During the mass delivery of COVID vaccinations in 2021, a video promoting a Swedish company’s microchip implant attempts featuring a vaccine passport went popular on the Internet, according to CBN News. Fears and indignation over probable government control arose as a result of this technology. Since 2014, almost 6,000 individuals in Sweden have had the microchip implant implanted into their hands, and citizens have stopped carrying train tickets, ID cards, and keys due to the simplicity of the microchip implant.

“There is a dark side to the technology that has a potential for misuse,” Nada Kakabadse, a professor of policy, governance, and ethics at Reading University’s Henley Business School, told the BBC in April.

Meanwhile, Christians think that the microchip implant technology is exactly what the Bible warns about in the New Testament, where the “Mark of the Beast” is seen as a sign that the End Times are approaching. In a YouTube video, evangelist Ray Comfort, the founder of Living Waters Publications and the organization The Way of the Master, expressed worry about how the technology may be used to regulate who can purchase and sell, similar to how vaccination passports were utilized.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a way of describing the blurring of boundaries between the physical, digital, and biological worlds. It’s a fusion of advances in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing, genetic engineering, quantum computing, and other technologies. It’s the collective force behind many products and services that are fast becoming indispensable to modern life. Things like GPS systems that suggest the fastest route to a destination, voice-activated virtual assistants such as Apple’s Siri, personalized Netflix recommendations, and Facebook’s ability to recognize your face and tag you in a friend’s photo.

The person who labeled today’s advances as a new revolution was Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum and author of the book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution. In a 2016 article, Schwab wrote that “like the revolutions that preceded it, the Fourth Industrial Revolution has the potential to raise global income levels and improve the quality of life for populations around the world.”

Let’s not forget that Klaus was also the author of ‘COVID-19: The Great Reset‘. Directing his attention to a post pandemic paradigm shift. In which the very driving force behind our economic growth comes from advancements in technological cultivation of nature. Once Klaus got his message across, the royal family posted a two minute video displaying their support in the World Economic Fourm’s intentions. The end of the video displays the photo below, i’ll let those with keen eyes find what’s hidden here.

What most fail to grasp is that when all of the leading technologies of our civilization are combined, we’ve entered dangerous territory. If you combine advanced robotics, and artificial intelligence alone you’ll have a soulless person. There are kids playing around with AI code in their rooms nightly. This isn’t some far off threat, it’s a golden ticket for the less fortunate who want to make it big. Learning just two programming languages is enough to make six figures if you’ve got an extensive portfolio.

Why are tech companies paying so much for programmers? They’re in a rush to find the pinnacle of efficiency and innovation. But they never ask, what’s on the other side of that door? Once society reaches peak efficiency, Christians will already be subject to persecution. Because why would they bow to Jesus when they’ve got all the tricks up their sleeves? They will be taught to believe that we haven’t looked at life from their point of view. Everyone will paint the Christian man as evil for simply detesting human nature.

The technology comes with a price, if you don’t play by the same rules as the UNWEFLucis Trust, etc. you’re going to be a second class citizen. The elite have cast their shadows on civilization to make their mark during each and every industrial revolution. Today we see Elon Musk trying to influence the crypto market by entertaining careless young traders. While at the same time, trying to make a breakaway civilization to get to mars.

“The Fourth Industrial Revolution, finally, will change not only what we do but also who we are. It will affect our identity and all the issues associated with it: our sense of privacy, our notions of ownership, our consumption patterns, the time we devote to work and leisure, and how we develop our careers, cultivate our skills, meet people, and nurture relationships”

Klaus Schwab

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is reshaping every sphere of human life — from government to commerce; from education to healthcare. It is even impacting human values, opportunities, relationships and identities by modifying virtual as well as physical worlds of human beings. It is in my firm belief that Christians won’t get access to much of the technologies to come. By choice of course, because that is the nature of the puzzle God has laid out for us. We’ve been given free will to live for the world and repent there after. But to be born again, solidifies your role in this world. We’ve identified ourselves based on the values the bible emphasizes, and used them for the foundation of our very identities. To walk away from that is the unthinkable. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

We’re already experiencing the 4th industrial revolution, and we have no idea what the implications of this will be. But we’ve already seen what scifi novels have depicted what role the “metaverse” will play in the day to day lives of the sleeping masses. It would be a whole lot easier to control the public if you gave them a bunch of toys and let them enter a non existent universe where their imaginations run free. Meanwhile, poverty and death will plague society. Make no mistake, this is a dystopian future we’re headed towards. John 15:20 says this: “Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master. ’If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.” Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

In an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19, the Chinese capital Beijing closed dozens of metro stations and bus lines on Wednesday.

According to the latest projections and statistics, the Chinese regime’s unrelenting struggle against the coronavirus, which is thought to have arisen in Wuhan city in late 2019, is weakening its growth and affecting multinational enterprises investing there.

Late on Tuesday, the central city of Zhengzhou, home to 12.6 million people and a Foxconn factory, declared work-from-home and other COVID-19 restrictions for the following week, joining dozens of other major towns under some sort of lockdown.

According to service providers, the capital shut down more than 60 metro stations, or around 15% of the network, as well as 158 bus lines. The Chaoyang area, the heart of Beijing’s outbreak, has the majority of the stopped stations and routes.

With scores of new cases being reported every day, the Chinese government is hoping that widespread testing can identify and isolate the virus before it spreads.

COVID-19 data from China is difficult to verify since the Chinese state habitually suppresses or modifies data.

Schools, restaurants, gyms, and entertainment facilities, as well as several businesses and residential structures in high-risk locations, have been shuttered in the city of 22 million people.

Workers in safety gear were observed erecting a two-meter high blue metal wall around a residential complex, with a sign at the gate stating “Entry only.” This is a disturbing indication for Beijing residents. No way out.”

After three screenings last week, 12 of the 16 Beijing districts underwent the second of three sets of examinations this week.

The lockdown in Shanghai appears to have no end in sight.

Most residents of mainland China’s largest metropolis are still unable to leave their housing compounds after more than a month.

Since Sunday, some people have benefitted from a gradual lessening of safeguards, with often only one member of a home being permitted out for a brief stroll and food shopping.

The severe seclusion has driven sporadic outbreaks of rage, with social media users playing a cat-and-mouse game with censors to keep proof of the misery flowing.

Some have turned to blockchain technology to prevent the erasure of recordings, images, and artwork related to the issue.

In a critical year in which Chinese President Xi Jinping is poised to win a third term, such acts of dissent are embarrassing for the ruling Communist Party.

The regime’s zero-COVID policy is affecting domestic spending and manufacturing production, disrupting vital global supply chains and reducing sales for some of the world’s most well-known companies, like Apple, Kering’s Gucci, and Taco Bell.

COVID-19, according to Capital Economics, has extended to areas that produce 40% of China’s output and 80% of its exports.

“Recent mobility trends show that China’s development momentum worsened sharply in April,” Fitch Ratings wrote in a note, “with traffic congestion, subway passenger volume, and other high-frequency indicators at their worst since… early 2020.”

Fitch downgraded China’s GDP prediction for 2022 from 4.8 percent to 4.3 percent, considerably below the stated 5.5 percent objective.

Starbucks Corp. reported a 23 percent drop in sales in China, where the company has aggressively expanded in recent years, overshadowing a 12 percent increase in North America.

Foxconn confirmed on Wednesday that production in Zhengzhou will continue.

After Shanghai went into lockdown in March, several factories were forced to close. While some businesses have begun to reopen, rehiring personnel and coping with clogged supply networks has been tough.

International commerce has also been disrupted.

A quarter of the worldwide container ship fleet is stranded in ports, according to Royal Bank of Canada analysts.

344 ships were awaiting berth at Shanghai’s port, up 34% over the previous month. They claim that shipping goods from a Chinese warehouse to one in the United States takes 74 days longer than usual.

There is a correlation that can be made between the Chinese Communist Party and the Centers For Disease Control. And that is the CCP underreports its numbers to hide the fact that there is obvious falsification of statistics used solely as an excuse to exercise the incomprehensible power that they hold over their people. Not long ago there was civil unrest running rampant through China, conveniently enough ‘Zero COVID’ policy seems to have quieted down all dissidents. 

As far as the CDC goes, they have to play at a different game; By over-reporting COVID-19 contraction and death statistics, they’re able to coerce citizens into believing that the situation is much more dire than it actually is. Why you might ask? Because we live in a free democratic society that doesn’t require us to cater to our governments every whim. We’re being lied to, it’s as simple as that. Once you come to terms with it, you may have a shot at seeing the next steps being taken by Klaus Schwab and his many neo-communist constituents.

The CCP’s bellicose behavior is at an all time high trending upward, and most people are completely unaware of their crimes against humanity all together. They’re too busy distracting themselves from the despotic globalist elite manufactured society around them. Who knows, perhaps in the coming months Fauci and his constituents will be brought to justice and the truth will prevail. I’d only say that now because the omicron variant being less virulent and more transmissible inevitably means COVID is endemic in the eyes of the government. This still gives politicians and the CDC the ability to wiggle into our lives for the coming years.

One thing is for certain, and it’s that Xi will not stop his human rights violations without direct confrontation. Whoever conducts business with China are either inexcusably misinformed, or are actively showing support for the Chinese regimes crimes against humanity. Hosea 4:6 says: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.” Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.


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