While providing extremely broad protections for LGBT rights, the Equality Act provides no protections for God fearing Christians


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The Southern Baptist Convention and the Roman Catholic Church are among others that oppose the measure.

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Protections for LGBT

So-Called “Equality Act” is DANGEROUS & DEMONIC,Democrat members of both Chambers of Congress have introduced bills that threaten the free exercise of religion, freedom of conscience and freedom of speech. The badly misnamed “Equality Act” broadly imposes the LGBT agenda on Americans and does not exempt churches or religious employers, organizations or colleges. Further, it specifically forbids raising religious free exercise as a claim or defense to the LGBT agenda. The “Equality Act” amends the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by striking the word “sex,” and inserting “sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity” as protected classes throughout the federal code. This amendment applies to employment, housing, facility rental, public accommodations and much more. + + This severely flawed legislation threatens all of us!

• Church leadership and nonprofit faith-based organizations and schools would be forced to hire gender-confused individuals and allow men access to female (or vice versa) restrooms, showers, locker rooms, dressing rooms, shelters, dormitories and sports. • Churches that provide weddings or baby showers would be forced to provide the same facilities to LGBT events and “same-sex weddings.” Church tax-exemption and college accreditation (including federal student loans) would be affected. • LGBT indoctrination would be required in school curricula and in workplaces, and Christian teachers in public schools would be forced to not only listen to such presentations but also to make them for students. Private Christian schools will also be affected.

• Faith-based adoption agencies would be forced to go against their religious beliefs and convictions and would be required to place children in homes with same-sex couples. The bill also demands that religious families accept practicing LGBT minors in their home as a prerequisite for being approved as foster parents. State social services could also remove children from their home if the parents oppose the child’s “right to transition to a person of the other sex” or enter homosexual relationships. • Christian business professionals (photographers, artists, bakers, wedding planners, printers, etc.) would be forced to use their creative expression to promote the LGBT agenda or face fines and imprisonment. Home-based businesses would be forced to hire and welcome LGBT people into their privately-owned homes. Under the Equality Act, property owners would be forced to accept renters whose actions violate their religious beliefs, including renting out a room in their home or their private vacation home. • This bill also gags counselors from giving professional help to those minors and adults facing unwanted same-sex desires or actions. It even punishes counselors who share their own story of finding freedom in Christ from homosexuality.

This bill literally sets the stage for setting up the Bible as prohibited material wherever it addresses homosexual actions. In brief, we will see an increase of instances where Christians and others are being punished unless they violate their beliefs in order to comply with such a law. And that is just the beginning of the lawless chaos that would afflict America. The House bill’s sponsor, Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI), who is openly homosexual, dared to assert, “we cannot allow claims of religious freedom to be used to discriminate against an LGBT individual.” In other words, their preferred lifestyle trumps our religious liberty. The Equality Act is not about equality. It eviscerates religious freedom and targets churches with an LGBT wrecking ball. It pushes the LGBT agenda on all people and targets Christianity in every area of life—including the church. + + We must unite and stand against the cynically misnamed “Equality Act.” Source

Political correctness (PC) is defined as “a term that describes language, ideas, policies, and behavior seen as seeking to minimize social and institutional offense in occupational, gender, racial, cultural, sexual orientation, religious belief, disability, and age-related contexts.” The key word here is offense. No individual or group is to be offended in the PC world. Certainly, as Christians, we are not to go out of our way to offend anyone personally, but the truth is that Christianity itself is offensive.

The apostle Paul references the “offense of the cross” in Galatians 5:11. The cross was an offense to the Jews because their idea of salvation was to “work the works of God” (John 6:28–29), meaning keeping the numerous burdensome Old Testament laws and rules. When Jesus came preaching salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, they were shattered. He made it plain that “by works of the law, no human being will be justified in his sight” (Romans 3:20) and that all their law-keeping was of no value to them whatsoever. Especially repugnant to them was the idea that, without Jesus, they who prided themselves on their meticulous adherence to the letter, if not the spirit, of the law, could do nothing of spiritual value (John 15:5).

What does this have to do with religious liberty? It is not as if there is widespread discrimination against LGBT people in public accommodations. No restaurant or business is hanging a sign that says “straights and cisgender only.” So that is not the intent of the “Equality Act.” Rather, the intent of the bill is to target the last hold-outs to the LGBT revolution — religious people. How do we know this? Because the bill takes explicit aim at religious people. From the AP report:

A provision in the bill forbids any employer or retailer from using the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, passed in 1993, to justify withholding services based on gender or sexual orientation. The law, which received bipartisan support, barred the government from interfering with the rights of religious practitioners. But more recently the law has been used to protect the rights of business owners to refuse service based on religious beliefs. In one 2014 case, the Supreme Court found that chain craft store Hobby Lobby, founded by religious evangelicals, didn’t have to provide its employees with contraception coverage for religious reasons.

The Religious Freedom Restoration Act — which used to enjoy bipartisan support — has now become the boogey man of the left. The left wants to destroy this federal law and force religious people to violate their sincerely held religious beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

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For example, if this bill were to become law, Christian business owners in the wedding industry would be forced to participate in gay weddings. Christian colleges would be forced to house students according to their gender identity. The list of religious liberty violations would be virtually endless.

Seeking Total Subjugation

The truth of the matter is that Democrats have very little chance of getting such a bill passed in the Senate, much less of getting the current president to sign it if they did. Nevertheless, this bill signals that one side of the culture war wishes the total subjugation of the other. They will run roughshod over the religious consciences of their fellow citizens. And because public opinion has shifted dramatically in favor of LGBT rights over the years, eventually this bill (or one like it) will become law.

Some years ago, Ross Douthat observed:

Unless something dramatic changes in the drift of public opinion, the future of religious liberty on these issues is going to depend in part on the magnanimity of gay marriage supporters. There is very little evidence of “magnanimity” on the part of those who support the “Equality Act.”

Yet there is very little evidence of “magnanimity” on the part of those who support the “Equality Act.” On the contrary, there is evidence that many of them would like to see traditional marriage supporters get their comeuppance. A scorched-earth policy may very well be in the offing with traditional marriage supporters getting the biggest burn. Will there be room for compromise?

Prophetic Warning

About six years ago, Robert George wrote something that has proven to be prophetic.

There is, in my opinion, no chance—no chance—of persuading champions of sexual liberation (and it should be clear by now that this is the cause they serve), that they should respect, or permit the law to respect, the conscience rights of those with whom they disagree. Look at it from their point of view: Why should we permit “full equality” to be trumped by bigotry? Why should we respect religions and religious institutions that are “incubators of homophobia”? Bigotry, religiously based or not, must be smashed and eradicated. The law should certainly not give it recognition or lend it any standing or dignity.

Can we really expect the sexual revolutionaries to be magnanimous toward those they regard as bigoted? The reintroduction of the “Equality Act” tells us that the answer is no. Why would the sexual revolutionaries make accommodations for the consciences of those they regard as bigots?

What This Means for Believers

What does all of this mean? It means that Christians and other conjugal marriage supporters need to direct great energy to obtaining every religious liberty accommodation possible while there is still time. It may be that the moment is passing us by, and that makes the matter all the more urgent.

It also means for Christians that we need to be ready for a new reality. We need to be ready to love our neighbors and our enemies and to bear witness in a culture that is increasingly hostile toward us. Private citizens may someday face fines and other penalties for their biblical beliefs about homosexuality and transgenderism. Our churches may eventually lose tax exempt status. Any number of negative outcomes are possible in the approaching conflagration.

Ours will likely be a costly love and a costly witness. But this is precisely the kind of discipleship that Jesus has called all of us to, and it will be worth it in the end (Matt. 16:25). Source

StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com

It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated.

Evil Exists So Spiritual Warfare Becomes Necessary!


Evil men don’t understand the importance of justice, but those who follow the Lord are much concerned about it. ~ Proverbs 28:5

Jesus come quick, there is nothing left in society that’s sacred….

#spiritualwarfare #evil #christian #truth #bible #lawlessness



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

One thought on “While providing extremely broad protections for LGBT rights, the Equality Act provides no protections for God fearing Christians

  1. The Bible says that every man DID RIGHT; but he decided what was right in his own eyes. The abortionists have decided that they are doing the right thing. Planned Parenthood has decided that abortion is right. The U.S. Supreme Court has decided that abortion is right. Over 50,000,000 women in the United States have decided that abortion is right. But God says they are doing evil (Exodus 20:13).
    They are all doing what is right in their own eyes. Eve decided it was right to eat the forbidden fruit. The people in the book of Judges decided for themselves what is right. But they were doing evil. God’s Law is right!

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